BRIT616513 Daniel E. Atha 4733 2004-07-12
Viet Nam, Bac Kan, Ba Be, Nam Mau, Ba Be National Park, northern part of lake at small land-locked lake called 'Fairy Lake', 22.447083 105.617133, 155m
CM353107 Lobdell, E.Y. 721 1989-12-05
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Phipps Conservatory, Fern Room, 40.439124 -79.947622
202204 Luke R. Tembrock 17-108 2017-05-14
United States, Colorado, Denver, Located in the North part of the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory at Denver Botanic Gardens, beneath the 'concrete tree', 39.73255 -104.96097, 1643m
9002 Mark A. Garland, 1089 2003-01-22
United States, Florida, Orange, Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses #6, 3931 Hogshead Road. Recently potted cuttings. Leaves dark green above, almost black on veins, pale green beneath. Sold as Polynesian ivy. T 21 S, R 27 E, NW 1/4 Sec 1. 28 41 45 N, 81 34 30 W.
13450 Marc S. Frank 692 2005-06-25
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, The Kampong of the Nat'l Tropical Bot. Gard, 4013 S Douglas Rd. Plot K-10. On screen patio behind Barbour Cottage. Herb, cultivated as groundcover to 8" high, rooting at nodes. Leaves gray-green to red-purple. Young leaves oval. Flws pink.
B142377 M. J. Kolodzyk MKOL-1149-77 1977-12-20
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee
100792812 J. Richard Abbott 10230 1997-05-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, University of Florida campus, southeast of the junction of Museum Road and Center Drive, Botany Department Greenhouse (western end of row)., 29.6442 -82.3467
101047387 Mónica Carlsen 3035 2017-09-26
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden, Climatron. Source: Museum of Life & Science (Cultivated). MOBOT LCMS Accession # 1998-1415-1., 38.6141111 -90.2588889
3829045 W. H. Welch 7324 1941-11-02
United States of America, Indiana, Putnam Co., In terrarium in laboratory, Botany Dept, DePauw U.
Edward L. McWilliams 816 1963-11-16
United States, Iowa
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, SERNEC - locality unknown
United States of America, Florida, Palm Beach County, SERNEC - locality unknown
184469 R.A. & E.S. Howard 20896 1994-01-03
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, The Kampong, 4013 Douglas Rd, Coconut Grove.
216973 Marc S. Frank 601 2005-01-21
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Coconut Grove: The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S. Douglas Road.
236094 J. Richard Abbott 10230 1997-05-10
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville, University of Florida campus, southeast of the junction of Museum Road and Center Drive, Botany Department Greenhouse (western end of row)., 29.6441667 -82.3466667
263125 Marc S. Frank 692 2005-06-25
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Coconut Grove: The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S. Douglas Road. Plot K-10. On screened-in patio behind Barbour Cottage.
263126 Marc S. Frank 692 2005-06-25
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Coconut Grove: The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S. Douglas Road. Plot K-10. On screened-in patio behind Barbour Cottage.
NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, North Carolina, Randolph