01000263 J. H. Christ 14328 1944-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., DeLamar, in Owyhee Mountains. Along Jordan Creek, 42.925367 -116.863381
01000239 N. H. Holmgren 1686 1964-08-19
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Pine Forest Range, Leonard Creek drainage, 1951m
01155703 C. A. M. Prentice 2831 1979-07-26
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., S. F. Payette River, 44.0597 -115.8908
01112409 A. Tiehm 15921 2009-07-10
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Jackson Mountains, ridge on west side of the upper end of the North Fork of Jackson Creek, 41.33103 -118.45878, 2286m
231263 W. N. Suksdorf 2254 1893-09-00
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., W. Klickitat County., 45.86667 -120.76667
00199286 L. Ahart 11287 2004-07-20
United States of America, California, Butte Co., T17N, R4E, southeast 1/4 Section 4. On the north side of a deep wash, about 200 yards north o fthe home, Peter Ahart Ranch, about 1 1/2 miles north and 1 mile east of Honcut, about 12 miles (air) south of Oroville., 39.358319 -121.530231, 30 - 30m
01000271 D. H. Mansfield 01-274 2001-07-13
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., At Three Forks of the Owyhee River. North Fork Owyhee River on the gravel bar at confluence with main Owyhee River, 42.55 -117.15, 1158m
231269 T. Nuttall s.n.
United States of America, Oregon
01000272 D. H. Mansfield 91-181 1991-07-20
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., At Rock Creek Reservoir, 42.76 -118.74, 1902m
231268 T. Nuttall s.n.
United States of America, Oregon
02698256 J. F. Macbride 3826 1916-08-15
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Corral, Camas Prairie, 43.320456 -114.809228, 1737 - 1737m
02698255 J. F. Macbride 483 1910-07-28
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Twilight Gulch, 1676m
02698348 B. Bartholomew 4971 1989-07-14
United States of America, California, Modoc Co., Ca. 1 km E of Happy Camp Ranger Station., 41.45092 -121.129325
02698253 A. Cronquist 7758 1953-08-07
United States of America, Oregon, Crook Co., In the Big Summit Prairie; Ochoco Mts. between Prineville and Mitchell., 44.3563 -120.192, 1524m
02632701 A. Tiehm 17177 2015-07-25
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Mosquito Mountains, 6.0 road miles N of road summit on Barrel Springs road from Mosquito Lake to Ft. Bidwell., 41.90889 -119.93294, 1737m
02698254 L. A. Dillon 924 1937-08-10
United States of America, Oregon, Crook Co., Along the edge of McKay creek, four miles north of Prineville.
02632703 A. Tiehm 17157 2015-07-25
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Mosquito Mountains, 1.5 road mile N of road summit on Barrel Springs road from Mosquito Lake to Ft. Bidwell., 41.88519 -119.86319, 1920m
02781256 A. Tiehm 17624 2016-08-10
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Mosquito Mountains, Coleman Valley Ranch, 3.1 air miles SW of the ranch house., 41.93719 -119.84267, 2103m
02698252 M. J. Williams 85-66-3 1985-08-13
United States of America, California, Modoc Co., Big Sage Reservoir. Northwest of Alturas., 41.580748 -120.687934, 1524m
02698251 A. A. Heller 15296 1938-07-28
United States of America, California, Lassen Co., About a mile east of Westwood., 40.305998 -120.986788, 1524m
02698250 W. J. Thompson 12180 1935-07-18
United States of America, Oregon, Lake Co., West of Lakeview
02698258 V. T. Heidenreich 11 1960-00-00
United States of America, Idaho, Washington Co., Midvale. Keithley Creek.
02698257 R. J. Davis 4171 1941-08-17
United States of America, Idaho, Washington Co., 2 miles E. of Midvale, 44.471267 -116.694016
3296504 J. H. Christ 11762 1940-08-15
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., 3 miles north of Harpster. On banks of Clearwater River., 46.025604 -115.96708
3296427 J. H. Christ 8478 1937-08-04
United States of America, Idaho, Benewah Co., 4 miles west of Tensed, on Tekoa road. On banks of creek.
3296438 C. L. Hitchcock 9940 1944-07-15
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., Edge of marsh 20 miles south of Idaho City on Boise Road.
3296429 J. B. Leiberg 1528 1895-08-13
United States of America, Idaho, Region of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains, northern Idaho. Valley of N. Fork of Coeur d’Alene River., 950m
3296520 J. H. Christ 11712 1940-08-14
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., 2 miles west of Horeshoe Bend. On banks of Payette River.
3296470 W. H. Baker 14403 1956-07-13
United States of America, Idaho, Latah Co., Along moist seepage area in a field on the west slope of Tomer’s Butte, 4 miles southeast of Moscow.
3296465 A. A. Heller 11564 1914-07-13
United States of America, California, Butte Co., Mt. Ida Ranch, 10 miles east of Oroville, 39.513624 -121.368469
3296363 A. Eastwood 1682 1912-08-08
United States of America, California, Mendocino Co., from Fort Bragg to Glen Blair
3296532 A. Cronquist 7614 1953-07-25
United States of America, Oregon, Grant Co., along small tributary to the South Fork of the John Day River, 8 miles south of Dayville, 44.383936 -119.544233, 823m
3296534 A. Cronquist 7573 1953-07-22
United States of America, Oregon, Wheeler Co., near summit of Wolf Mt.; Ochoco Mts. northeast of Paulina, 44.329215 -119.72645, 1920m
3296535 C. A. Wellner 3033 1983-08-13
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Along trail within proposed Emery Cr. RNA, Payette NF., 44.867954 -116.749155, 1768m
3296435 W. N. Suksdorf s.n. 1892-08-11
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., 45.714842 -121.464517
3296437 W. N. Suksdorf 343(556) 1885-07-30
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., Falcon Valley
3296531 R. Dorn 10176 2006-07-01
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Ca. 3.5 mi. N of Washington Co. line along Hwy. 95., 44.5983 -116.4667, 884m
3296541 A. Eastwood 4536 1937-06-05
United States of America, California, Santa Clara Co., Road to Madrone Springs.
3296411 L. S. Rose 38252 1938-09-11
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Bloomfield, 30m
3296489 J. W. Thompson 11880 1935-07-06
United States of America, Oregon, Wasco Co., near pools, The Dalles, 45.5833 -121.1667
3296521 C. A. M. Prentice 2831 1979-07-26
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., S. F. Payette River, 44.057917 -115.88992, 1097m
04161560 B. Ertter 14294 1995-06-27
United States of America, Idaho, Ada Co., Indian Creek downstream from Indian Creek Reservoir. Mountain Home Desert SE of Boise, 43.393128 -116.025069, 1006m
3296467 W. W. Eggleston 7310 1911-07-19
United States of America, California, Butte Co., Lassen Forest; Sutton House; Head of Butte Creek., 1330m
3296505 J. H. Christ 8563 1937-08-07
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Council; On roadside 6 miles west of town.
3296439 J. H. Christ 9923 1938-07-31
United States of America, Idaho, Nez Perce Co., On top of Hatwai Creek Canyon, near Genesee. On plateau.
3296390 P. Rubtzoff 600 1951-08-05
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Pitkin Marsh, near Forestville. Western branch of the Upper Marsh., 38.477556 -122.887525
3296392 P. Rubtzoff 455 1951-07-14
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Pitkin Marsh, near Forestville. Damp, open area between the Upper and the Lower marshes., 38.477556 -122.887525
3296533 Douglas s.n. 1830-00-00
United States of America, Columbia River, North West America
NCSC00015264 Arthur Cronquist 7614 1953-07-25
United States, Oregon, Grant, along small tributary to the South Fork of the John Day River. 8 miles south of Dayville. Twp. 14 S. , R. 26 E. , S. 1., 44.496326 -119.014057, 823m
NCSC00015265 Lewis S. Rose 38252 1938-09-11
United States, California, Sonoma, Bloomfield., 38.525182 -122.92611, 30m
NDSU007795 W.N. Suksdorf 2215 1893-08-04
United States, Kansas, Johnson
NDSU013616 Wayne Savage 448 1965-07-06
United States, California, Sierra, 1501m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 24326 1947-07-20
United States, Oregon, Marion, Sidney., 44.7833 -123.1083
OSC-V-014781 William E. Lawrence; W.E. Lawrence 2078 1918-07-24
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Camas Valley., 43.0344 -123.6728, 295m
OSC-V-014767 Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell 701 1887-07-15
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Grant's Pass., 42.4392 -123.3272
OSC-V-014825 Edmund P. Sheldon; E.P. Sheldon S.11112 1902-08-11
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Mt. Scott., 45.461214 -122.554293
OSC-V-014806 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen s.n. 1926-08-22
United States, Oregon, Benton, about Corvallis., 44.5647 -123.2608
OSC-V-014811 Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 9519 1973-06-30
United States, Oregon, Lane, along the Coast Fork of the Willamette River at the base of Mt. Pisgah at Goshen, about 5 miles southeast of Eugene., 43.9956 -123.0103
OSC-V-014794 Richard W. Spellenberg; R. Spellenberg, C.L. Hitchcock 1780 1967-08-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, 1 mi. s. of Junction City, 1/4 mile e. of Highway 99., 44.1953252971464 -123.2044
Richard R. Halse 1424 1976-07-20
United States, Idaho, Boise, Boise National Forest, across the road from Twin Springs Resort, on the hillside where the hot springs are found., 43.6678561058 -115.687514461, 1061m
OSC-V-014786 Kenton L. Chambers; K.L. Chambers 4536 1978-07-29
United States, Oregon, Benton, at confluence of Frazier and Jackson Creeks, north city limits of Corvallis, E. of Hwy. 99W., 44.61435 -123.24116
OSC-V-014830 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 12876 1930-07-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou grade near Cal. line.
OSC-V-014835 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson s.n. 1880-07-20
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Hood River Valley., 45.672364 -121.539688
OSC-V-014822 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 18147 1936-07-23
United States, Oregon, Linn, north of Holley., 44.39908 -122.78485
OSC-V-014837 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson s.n. 1928-09-04
United States, Oregon, Lane, streets of Eugene., 44.0522 -123.0856
OSC-V-014763 Charles G. Hansen 381 1953-07-14
United States, Oregon, Harney, 11 mi. due ESE Frenchglen., 42.746845278 -118.7266215889, 1951m
OSC-V-014770 Duane D. Atwood; Duane Atwood 4 1996-07-17
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, head of Lick Creek, south of Lick Creek Campground., 45.14484 -117.07367, 2012m
OSC-V-014808 Douglas C. Ingram; D.C. Ingram 1047 1919-08-22
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near Takilma, Siskiyou Forest., 42.0517 -123.6183, 549m
OSC-V-014797 Grace C. Fleischman; Grace Cole Fleischman s.n. 1933-08-27
United States, Oregon, Benton, Monroe., 44.3142 -123.2956
OSC-V-014823 Virginia L. Crosby 2310 1979-07-17
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Duncan Springs, 0.5 air miles south of the south end of Antelope Flat, 42.0411 -121.0672, 1445m
Kirk Whited 570 1896-08-06
United States, Washington, [Chelan], Leavenworth, Ellensburg.
Kirk Whited; Kirk Whited, F. Whited 1449 1901-08-26
United States, Washington, [Chelan], Leavenworth.
OSC-V-014759 Abraham L. Savage; Lincoln Savage s.n. 1930-08-23
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Elk Creek on Crater Lake Highway.
OSC-V-014804 Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 10333 1975-09-30
United States, Oregon, Lane, back of Valley River Mall, Eugene., 44.0683 -123.1042
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 17802 1927-07-21
United States, Oregon, Jefferson, canyon of Deschutes R. near Madras., 44.6336 -121.1283
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 11002 1922-08-28
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Falcon Valley., 46.0191666666667 -121.288055555556
OSC-V-014838 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 8874 1927-07-19
United States, Oregon, Malheur, along the bottoms of a moist dried creek-bed, Jordan Valley., 42.9675 -117.2214
OSC-V-014818 Richard R. Halse 2015 1979-07-22
United States, Oregon, Benton, N.E. Corvallis, west of Canterbury Circle, area around Frazier Creek., 44.60008 -123.24113
OSC-V-014814 [unknown]; [none] 1105 1979-06-26
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Columbia Gorge Plateau, 10 K. west of The Dalles., 45.6853 -121.30588, 122m
OSC-V-014755 Georgia S. Mason; Georgia Mason 8368 1970-08-02
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa Mountains; Target Springs Area., 45.2428 -117.0744, 1768m
OSC-V-014775 Orlin L. Ireland 230 1934-07-22
United States, Oregon, Lane, Willamette River, Eugene., 44.05095 -123.0669
James W. Thompson; J. William Thompson 12 180 1935-07-18
United States, Oregon, Lake, in moist meadow west of Lakeview., 42.19156 -120.41706
OSC-V-014831 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen s.n. 1926-07-21
United States, Oregon, Douglas, roadside 5 miles north of Roseburg., 43.3141304229934 -123.3406
OSC-V-014773 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 13062 1930-08-23
United States, Oregon, Jackson, on same flat and about same place where I collected 12970, flat above Rogue Elk Hotel.
OSC-V-014754 Berta A. Youtie; Berta Youtie B116 1975-07-14
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Lawrence Memorial Grassland Preserve., 44.97517 -120.84383, 1036m
OSC-V-014809 Scott Sundberg 4101 1997-06-30
United States, Oregon, Benton, Camp Adair Rifle Range; north of Corvallis; next to ditch along main road, 100 meters east of entrance., 44.7145 -123.26598, 230m
OSC-V-014820 Christine C. Johnson; Chris Johnson 298 1981-07-04
United States, Oregon, Benton, edges of rock quarry on E side of Coffin Butte some 8 miles N. of Corvallis off Highway 99E; across from Old Camp Adair., 44.70395 -123.23108, 76m
OSC-V-014819 D. W. Hatch; D.W. Hatch s.n. 1915-06-00
United States, Oregon, Linn, Crabtree., 44.6353 -122.8969
OSC-V-014840 Ethel I. Sanborn; E.I. Sanborn s.n. 1914-07-03
United States, Oregon, Lane, roadsides, Eugene., 44.0522 -123.0856
OSC-V-057070 Thomas J. Howell s.n. 1881-08-00
United States, Oregon, Unknown, none.
OSC-V-014826 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 16662 1934-07-05
United States, Oregon, Lane, about Eugene., 44.0522 -123.0856
John B. Leiberg 1528 1895-08-13
United States, Idaho, Unknown, valley N. Forks l.d' A. Riv., 950m
OSC-V-014764 Richard R. Halse 3500 1987-07-29
United States, Oregon, Polk, McTimmonds Valley, along Shady Lane Drive about .3 miles from its junction with State Hwy. 223; about 3 airline miles north of Pedee., 44.80107390902 -123.40681554713, 106m
OSC-V-014758 Ruth E. Hopson s.n. 1944-06-04
United States, Oregon, Lane, Lower Mohwak., 137m
OSC-V-014779 Emil E. Zivney; Emil Zivney 8 1939-00-00
United States, Oregon, Wasco, The Dalles., 45.5947 -121.1775
OSC-V-014824 Albert R. Sweetser; A.R. Sweetser s.n. 1911-09-00
United States, Oregon, Lane, Spencer Creek Road, Eugene., 44.0522 -123.0856
OSC-V-014790 Helen M. Gilkey; H.M. Gilkey s.n. 1918-07-19
United States, Oregon, Benton, west of Mt. View.
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3106 1910-07-17
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Pale Cr. Canon, Brogan., 44.2464 -117.5161
OSC-V-014796 Richard M. Straw s.n. 1996-07-30
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Fredenberg Butte, SE of peak on road from south side., 42.2343950706 -122.789491085, 1219m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3109 1911-08-00
United States, Oregon, Marion, Salem., 44.9431 -123.0339