CAN 379865 Garton, Claude E. 15816 1974-05-17
United States, Michigan (State), Leelanau Co., Miller Hill Rd, 1.7 km N of Glen Lake. 3.3 km E of Glen Arbor, Glen Arbor Twp., 44.916667 -85.966667
CAN 10051577 Shacklette, Hansford T. 2839 1948-07-06
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), At base of the bay. Northeast tip of Leith Peninsula, Great Bear Lake., 65.716667 -118.9
CAN 10051576
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), McK Riv. bet. Ft. Simpson and Slave Lake.
CAN 63624 Macoun, John 1896-07-07
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Prince Albert, 53.2 -105.766667
CAN 391176 Fowler, James s.n. 1905-06-30
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Restigouche Co. (NB)
CAN 415711 Gillett, John M. 17204 1977-05-27
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Gatineau Métropolitain, Western Lodge area.
CAN 359939 Morton, J.K. NA 4500 1971-06-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), on S. side of headland.
CAN 10051578 Shacklette, Hansford T. 2982 1948-07-14
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Northeast tip of Leith Peninsula, Great Bear Lake. 2 miles northeast of R.C.A.F. Camp., 65.716667 -118.9
CAN 10051575 Thieret, John W.; Reich, Robert J. 5043 1959-07-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Along road from Yellowknife Highway to Fort Providence.
CAN 308233 Scoggan, H.J. 16398 1964-08-18
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Peace River District between Dawson Creek and Hudson Hope., 56 -122
CAN 319384 Moore, John W.; Moore, Marjorie F. 26820 1966-05-28
United States, Minnesota (State), Blue Earth Co., North End.
CAN 10051598 Schofield, W.B.; Crum, H.A. 7339 1957-06-29
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.)
109530 B. Maguire 19217 1940-06-29
United States of America, Utah, Garfield Co., Aquarius Plateau, 2 miles N of Posey Lake, Powell National Forest., 37.966157 -111.695971, 3048 - 3048m
3153600 E. P. Bicknell 4357 1905-08-19
United States of America, New York, Thousands Island
3153561 H. H. Bartlett 155 1952-06-23
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay Distr., Near Silver Island Village, Thunder Bay Peninsula opposite Silver Islet
119343 unknown 1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.
UAC:Vascular Plants
11912 B. Boivin a. W.G. Dore 7523 1951-07-01
Canada, Saskatchewan
UAC:Vascular Plants
51316 Jerry Chmielewski a. B.M. Smith, Brian Johnson, Rama Chengalath CC3864 1989-06-22
Canada, Yukon