ASU0307518 J.M. Andre 35240 2016-04-20
USA, Nevada, Nye, Bare Mountains; upper Perlite Canyon, 3.3 mi ESE of Hwy 95, about 5 mi. east of Beatty., 36.899517 -116.69305, 1269m
ASU0307888 T.F. Daniel 6479 1992-05-04
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Black Mis, along road from old U.S. 66 to radio towers above Oatman., 975 - 1189m
RSA0192783 Barry Prigge 1040 1973-05-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mt Range, 1 mile S of Mesquite Pass, 11 miles NNW of Mt Pass., 35.1 -115.0833333, 1189m
14913 W.E. Niles 3073 1979-04-21
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ash Meadows; E of Jackrabbit Spring, 695m
35918 P.J. Leary 4535 1992-06-09
United States, Nevada, Nye, Pahute Mesa, upper Grass Spring Canyon, Site C-3, Nevada Test Site, 2100m
46822 C.M. Heyne 32 1995-03-25
United States, Nevada, Clark, Gale Hills, ca 50 m from the south mouth of "The Narrows," Lovell Wash, 585m
66831 J.S. Holland 2019-100 2019-05-07
United States, Nevada, Clark, 3 miles east of U.S. Highway 95 and just south of State Route 163, Newberry Mountains, 35.180114 -114.751374, 876m
DES00094243 Andrew Salywon 2353 2021-06-22
United States, Utah, San Juan County, Just S of Spanish Valley and ca. 400m SSE of Hwy 191 on Pole Canyon Rd/Strike Ravine Safari Route, 38.417011 -109.433316, 1690m
Wendy C. Hodgson 20670 2005-09-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument and Wilderness Area, 36.7247 -111.8996, 1614m
ENLC04847 G. Gust 4247 2017-09-12
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Basin and Range National Monument. Golden Gate Range. Just North of Water Gap, ~0.2 miles by air due South of Nye County line., 38.048345 -115.371326, 1599m
UTC00293595 Andrew Salywon 2353 2021-06-22
United States, Utah, San Juan County, Just S of Spanish Valley and ca. 400m SSE of Hwy 191 on Pole Canyon Rd/Strike Ravine Safari Route, 38.417011 -109.433316, 1690m
USA, California, Kern
SD00073668 Wayne P. Armstrong s.n. 1982-06-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Highway 2 ca. 1.0 mile east of Wrightwood., 34.35585 -117.61736, 1770m
SDSU24121 Linda Allen 1975-06-15
United States, California, Los Angeles, Malibu, 2 miles north of Malibu Yacht Club, adjacent to Pacific Coast Hwy, 34.024986 -118.781809
SDSU24122 John W. Brown 1979-06-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Keystone Canyon, New York Mountains, 35.2733 -115.28177
Mietty, Wayne 2144 1987-09-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Pinyon Hills Golf Course, W of San Juanllege, 36.766031 -108.174487
SJNM-V-0023537 Vermillion, Leo 31
United States, Utah, Grand, Arches National Park, Ca halfway along the trail to delicate arch view point., 38.73516 -109.50491
United States, California, Kern
111870 J.S. Holland 2019-100 2019-05-07
USA, Nevada, Clark, 3 miles east of U.S. Highway 95 and just south of State Route 163, Newberry Mountains, 35.180114 -114.751374, 876m
152642 R. F. Thorne, Larry DeBuhr, John Dourley 44783 1974-07-11
United States, California, Inyo Co., Death Valley National Monument, Panamint Mountains; at mouth of Wildrose Canyon, 36.1167 -117.083, 1219m
234274 S. R. Hill, K. Kramer 33595 2001-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino Co., Rabbit Springs; Rabbit Springs Road, 0.9 mi. W of CA 247 (Barstow Road), 1 mi. N of Lucerne Valley town center, N of road; edge of pastured land owned by the Roy Rodgers Estate., 34.4586 -116.963, 876m