Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Wislizenia refracta (Wislizenia refracta subsp. refracta, Wislizenia refracta var. melilotoides, Wislizenia refracta var. refracta, Wislizenia costellata, Wislizenia melilotoides, Wislizenia scabrida), Wislizenia refracta refracta
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 1006

University of Arizona Herbarium

48870J. J. Thornber   22511905-08-28
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Suplhur Spring Valley, Col. Hookers Ranch

154367Chester F. Deaver   65101963-08-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Hwy 89, 12 miles N. of Cameron, 36 -111.4167, 1524m

13209J. J. Thornber   91361913-06-15
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Rillito Valley, Wrights Station, 32.41472 -111.15556

48860C. E. Oakley   3781934-07-25
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, 5 miles N. of Leupp, 35.2981 -111.0063, 1585m

48871M. French Gilman   270
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Sacaton, 33.0767 -111.7393

95584E. G. Smith   120121935-05-31
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Falls, 35.4275 -111.2007

15223Mrs. Rose E. Collom   11271941-09-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Hwy 89, 1067m

48864No Collector   s.n.
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, House Rock Valley, 36.6739 -111.7418

48866M. French Gilman   252
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Sacaton, 33.0767 -111.7393

48865Marcus E. Jones, A. M.   41131884-09-01
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Holbrook, 34.9022 -110.1587

95581G. J. Harrison   16471926-04-14
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Devils Canyon above Superior, 33.3086 -111.0347

84610K. F. Parker   61911946-08-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Moenkopi Wash, 5 miles N. of Tuba City, 36.10587 -111.24359, 1432m

29782No Collector   5691935-10-14
United States, Arizona, Graham County, 3 miles S. of Solomonville, 32.768966 -109.63333, 932m

387551Joan Tedford   5412007-10-05
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains. Sabino Canyon Reacreational Area, beside main road about 10 yards before the old entrance station island., 32.3157 -110.819017, 842m

395890R. F. Thorne   590151977-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Approximately 3 mi. W of Wilcox at jct. I-10 / Business Loop 10.

398460R. Gutierrez   4432003-08-13
United States, Texas, El Paso County, Texas, El Paso; 4.1 miles northeast of I-10 along FM 1989 (Fabens Exit 49).

402272Scott D. White   101072004-04-13
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Central Mojave Desert: South of Coyote Lake. Ca. 7 road miles along Coyote Lake Rd. between powerline crossing and Coyote Well. (Harvard Hill, Alvord Mtn. West, Coyote Lk), 35 -116.75, 533 - 549m

406929James S. Henrickson   57561971-08-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Samalayuca Municipio, ½ mile N of Samalayuca., 31.35 -106.466667, 1021m

219355T. R. Van Devender   1978-08-31
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument; roadside 9.9 miles east of Quitobaquito on Puerto Blanco Drive.

408807Benjamin T. Wilder   10-1952010-03-21
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada Municipio, Canyon SW of the old Mision de Calamuje, 29.405556 -114.205278, 300m

415101Benjamin T. Wilder   10-052010-03-13
Mexico, Sonora, San Luis Río Colorado, Sonoran Desert, Gran Desierto: Laguna Prieta, c. 25 km southeast of San Luis Rio Colorado., 32.304361 -114.556611, 53m

419837Duncan S. Bell   33072012-04-05
United States, California, Riverside County, Palen sand dunes on the southwest side of the Palen mountains at the south end of Palen Valley. Approx. 6.75 air miles directly north of hell, 33.78235 -115.25596, 131m

D. Anderson   s.n.1935-06-29
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Vicinity Tank # 14, Artesia CCC Camp., 32.683333 -109.7

R. S. Felger   157701967-04-29
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Guaymas; 5 km by road north of Empalme.

R. S. Felger   152771966-12-19
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Hermosillo; 3.1 miles by road northwest of village of Bahia Kino.

R. S. Felger   167721967-12-27
Mexico, Sonora, Caborca, Municipio de Caborca; Desemboque Rio de la Concepcion., 30.55 -113

Robert L. Bezy   s.n.1962-08-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, 2.6 miles by road (Ariz. 186) southeast of Willcox., 32.25278 -109.83139, 1249m

R. S. Felger   98391964-01-29
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Hermosillo; 8 miles by road east of Bahia Kino (village).

Forrest Shreve   61171933-02-27
Mexico, Sonora, Saline flats between Empalme and Guaymas.

Penelope A. Graf   s.n.1964-09-20
Mexico, Baja California, Ca. 0.5 km south of San Felipe.

R. S. Felger   61501963-01-21
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Caborca; ca. 1 km north of Puerto Lobos.

Robert Curtis Wilkin   s.n.1978-04-30
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de San Luis R.C.; 0.5 km eastward from El Golfo.

R. S. Felger   100631964-05-23
Mexico, Sonora, Municipio de Puerto Penasco; ca. 1 km east of east rim of Elegante Crater, Pinacate range.

L. N. Goodding   9401911-07-18
Mexico, Sonora, La Cienega.

R. S. Felger   204501972-03-05
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto Peñasco Municipio, South end of Bahía Adair

Image Associated With the Occurence
427982Liz Makings   47612015-11-05
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Santa Cruz Road, gasline right of way; gentle slopes between southern end of Sierra Estrella and the Santa Cruz River, 33.155953 -112.142194, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
434749C.M. Roll   21672016-07-02
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Willcox Playa, ca. 10 km (by air) SE of Wilcox, Sulphur Springs Valley. Along Highway 186 at mp 331., 32.226467 -109.796467, 1265m

Image Associated With the Occurence
443116C.M. Roll   30632018-10-02
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Willcox Playa, ca. 5 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley, 32.22015 -109.87545, 1265m

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
13361Wm. F. Mahler   35411963-06-28
United States, Arizona

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385160Robert E. Preston   32442019-08-19
United States, California, Merced, Piedra Azul Mitigation Bank, 12.5 mi SW of Los Banos., 36.89645 -120.95491, 240m

Wislizenia refracta var. palmeri (A. Gray) I.M. Johnst.
Grady L. Webster   332712000-03-23
Mexico, Baja California Norte, San Felipe, Calamajue Canyon, c. 1 mi S of Mission; very common bushy herb 5-7 dm high; foliage malodorous; flowers yellow., 29.4 -114.1833333, 400m

Grady L. Webster   285931991-03-27
Mexico, Baja California Norte, Mpio. Mexicali, Mpio. Mexicali: Calamajue Canyon, near ruins of Mission Calamajue; bushy, 0.5-1.5 m high, common in streambed; flowers yellow., 29.41666667 -114.1666667, 350m

Collector Unknown   s.n.1950-09-01
United States, California, Kern, Kern County.

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385156Rimo Bacigalupi   87221962-08-13
United States, California, San Joaquin, San Joaquin County: Along base of Southern Pacific Railway embankment just south of crossing of Lathrop Road; just north of town of Lathrop., 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385157Rimo Bacigalupi   87691962-11-09
United States, California, Fresno, Fresno County: Along the White Bridge Road (State Highway 180), 4 miles E of junction with road to Tranquillity (and for 6-8 miles westward or 11.3 miles E of Whites Bridge)., 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385158W. W. Robbins   22581931-09-18
United States, California, Stanislaus, Stanislaus County: Modesto - Justine.

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385159A. C. Sanders   272582003-10-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino County: Southern Mojave Desert: Twentynine Palms, Oasis of Mara at 29 Palms Inn, near intersection of Cottonwood and Mesquite Roads., 34.13 -116.051667, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385161K. Brandegee   s.n.1907-10-01
United States, California, San Joaquin, San Joaquin County: Lathrop, San Joaquin River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385162Malcolm A. Nobs   1751948-07-19
United States, California, Merced, Merced County: Los Banos Wildlife Refuge, 2 miles north of Los Banos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385164G. Thomas Robbins   36461954-09-03
United States, California, Stanislaus, Stanislaus County: Along Vernalis-Modesto Road (Maze Road), 5.4 miles east of Vernalis and 1.8 miles east of bridge crossing the San Joaquin River., 8m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385165Ernest C. Twisselmann   116161965-09-19
United States, California, Tulare, Tulare County: San Joaquin Valley. The Pixley National Wildlife Refuge. At the south side of the Refuge., 35.906 -119.383, 69m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV385166Ernest C. Twisselmann   79731962-11-14
United States, California, Kern, Kern County: San Joaquin Valley. The Kern County East Side. Panama Road, 4 miles W of Old River., 35.2672 -119.1834, 113m

Image Associated With the Occurence
AHUC27513Beecher Crampton   57741960-08-09
United States, California, San Joaquin, San Joaquin County: 7.5 miles W of Ripon, along Durham Ferry Road., 37.66718 -121.35611

DAV385163Robert E. Preston   14422000-09-22
United States, California, Madera, Madera County: Madera Ranch, ca. 6.5 miles SW of Madera., 62m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

John C. Roos   11931937-08-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3 miles west of Windmill Station, 35.42056 -115.74, 1159m

Barbara Ertter   74341987-09-07
United States, California, Kern, west of Bakersfield, junction of Hwy I-5 and Stockdale Hwy, 35.35511 -119.33625, 92m

Jon M. Stewart   86--181986-03-03
United States, California, Riverside, Chuckwalla Valley, east of Desert Center, Palen Sand Dunes, 33.70833 -115.17361, 131m

George K. Helmkamp   41311998-07-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Twentynine palms, about 200 ft. west of Twentynine Palms Inn; Mojave Desert, 34.12933 -116.05133, 598m

Mark A. Elvin   11101998-06-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Surprise Spring, Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Sandhill Training Range; Mojave Desert, 34.3 -116.21667, 700m

David Charlton   24571988-11-05
United States, Arizona, Pima, along the Mexican border, southern Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. About 10 miles west of Lukeville, along Puerto Blanco Road, 4 miles east of Quitobaquito Springs; Sonoran Desert, 31.93194 -112.97194, 366m

George K. Helmkamp   71672001-09-16
United States, Arizona, Cochise, East edge of Willcox Playa. Blue Sky Road, southeast of Willcox, 0.2 mile northeast of AZ-186, 32.215 -109.78183, 1296m

Mark A. Elvin   11121998-07-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twenynine Palms. Surprise Spring south of old cabin site, 34.29583 -116.22306, 686m

Mark A. Elvin   11151998-07-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Twentynine Palms. south of Hwy 62 between Adobe Road and Utah Trail at the Twentynine Palms Inn, 73950 Inn Avenue., 34.13 -116.04806, 604m

T.L. Ackerman   s.n.1978-09-22
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Desert National Wildlife Range, Old Corn Creek Road, east of Desert Lake; near second dune north, 976m

A. Pinzl   14731977-09-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Nyala turnoff on Route 25, 38.15381 -116.1105, 1532m

R.D. Worthington   216131992-10-03
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, West Potrillo Mtns, Guzmans Lookout Mtn, 31.82139 -107.22611, 1400m

George K. Helmkamp   s.n.1982-08-27
United States, Arizona, Cochise, golf course at Willcox, 32.23722 -109.82472, 1270m

E.R. Blakley   14971952-06-26
United States, Arizona, Graham, 5 miles south of Safford, 32.73244 -109.7155, 917m

E.R. Blakley   18691953-09-27
United States, Arizona, Navajo, 1 mile west of Holbrook, 34.91111 -110.16894, 1576m

John C. Roos   7921937-04-29
United States, California, Riverside, northeast of Desert Center, 33.78667 -115.23417

Wislizenia refracta var. mammillata
Jon P. Rebman   33811996-09-14
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, NW side of La Paz in abandoned lot within the city, 24.13944 -110.33861, 15m

Heidi A. Haid   20037.0--351968-03-00
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, Arroyo de Calamajue, 16 miles south of Las Arrastras de Arriola [Las Arrastras is on Hwy 5 at c. 29°32'54"N, 114°20'23"W -- ACS], 29.41667 -114.2, 305m

Barry A. Prigge   80001988-03-06
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, 2.3 km north of Puertecitos, 30.365 -114.64, 20m

A.C. Sanders   12201980-03-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, c. 25 mi west of Viscaino Junction, 27.50444 -113.74944, 30m

Roy Kniffen   s.n.1970-03-27
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, Between San Felipe and Puertecitos, 30.55833 -114.68333, 265m

John C. Roos   s.n.1961-03-10
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Mexicali, 3 mi north of San Felipe, 31.91042 -116.58583, 72m

A.L. Reina G.   97--2611997-02-28
Mexico, Sonora, Caborca, Puerto Lobos, 30.27111 -112.85389

T.R. Van Devender   96--2341996-06-01
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, 11.6 km east of Kino Viejo on the road to Hermosillo, 28.82972 -111.83

Wislizenia refracta var. mammillata
George K. Helmkamp   96--1--021996-01-18
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, 10.5 miles SE of Bahia de Kino, 28.74667 -111.88167

A.C. Sanders   57081985-04-24
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto Penasco, Hwy 2, 5 miles west of Sonoyta, La Abra Plain, 31.90833 -112.91667, 350m

Barry A. Prigge   80481988-03-08
Mexico, Sonora, 7 km NW of El Golfo de Santa Clara, 31.73333 -114.55, 10m

Art Whistler   660908--021966-09-08
Mexico, Sonora, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico Hwy 2 between San Luis and Sonoyta, 32.11111 -113.7625, 30m

A.C. Sanders   272582003-10-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Twentynine Palms, Oasis of Mara at 29 Palms Inn, near intersection of Cottonwood and Mesquite Rds., 34.13 -116.05167, 610m

Marcus E. Jones   222971926-11-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, La Paz, 24.15 -110.31667

Marcus E. Jones   222961926-10-28
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Plains of Sonora; New Year’s Mine, 20 miles south of Hermosillo, 28.78333 -110.91667, 201m

George K. Helmkamp   77282002-09-19
United States, Arizona, Cochise, north end of Willcox Playa, 1.1 miles south of Willcox, 32.235 -109.81833, 1265m

Jim André   42512004-04-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cima Cinder Cones, Indian Creek, 35.35167 -115.87028, 930m

Jim André   65252005-09-12
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Wash, 37.07778 -114.52278, 729m

Jim André   78702005-09-30
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Pahranagat Valley along Hwy 93, just south of Crystal Springs, 1144m

Jim André   107012008-09-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Joshua Tree National Park, south side of intersection of National Park Drive and Cedar Ave, at the Oasis of Mara, JTNP, 34.12915 -116.04405, 598m

Benjamin T. Wilder   10--1952010-03-21
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, Canyon SW of the old Misión de Calamujé., 29.40556 -114.20528, 300m

Benjamin T. Wilder   10--57.52010-03-14
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto Peñasco, Tres Ojitos, near km 42 on the road west of Puerto Peñasco, north of Bahia Adair, 31.64483 -113.85022, 10m

Richard A. Marin   64--54M1964-11-26
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Mexicali, San Felipe, 31.02694 -114.84722, 6m

Duncan S. Bell   33072012-04-05
United States, California, Riverside, Palen sand dunes on the southwest side of the Palen Mountains at the south end of Palen Valley and the northwestern part of Chuckwalla Valley; c. 6.75 air miles directly north of Hell, 33.78236 -115.25597, 131m

John F. Emmel   15391998-03-28
United States, California, Riverside, Chuckwalla Valley, 1.2 air miles SE of extreme south end of Palen Dry Lake, 2.8 air miles east and 0.7 air mile south of Sidewinder Well, 33.71389 -115.23, 130m

Elizabeth Makings   47612015-11-05
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Santa Cruz Road, gasline right of way; gentle slopes between southern end of Sierra Estrella and the Santa Cruz River, 33.15594 -112.14219, 366m

L. Maynard Moe   26282004-09-18
United States, California, Kern, Tule Elk State Reserve, 35.32222 -119.36417, 88m

Arnold Tiehm   182772018-08-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, 2.8 road miles north of Hwy 375 at Twin Springs on the road to Blue Jay, 38.23031 -116.18297, 1585m

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
02002558Russell K. Grater   481938-10-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Boulder Dam National Recreation Area: Willow Beach; Colorado River S of Boulder Dam., 35.87024 -114.65991, 206m

Image Associated With the Occurence
02002566Lloyd H. Shinners   332761970-10-06
United States, New Mexico, Luna, 2.6 miles south of Deming.

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