BRYV0258126 B. E. Nelson 57007 2002-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Weston, Thundar Basin National Grassland and Vicinity: Sixmile Bassin off Forest Road 918, about 8.5 air mi SSE of Osage; about 9 air mi W of Newcastle., 1219 - 1250m
CSCN-V-0011142 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 17003 2003-06-26
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Farmingdale, 4.25 mi S, 2 mi E. Buffalo Gap National Grassland: Railroad Buttes., 43.897222 -102.848611, 887 - 890m
CSCN-V-0011137 Joyce Phillips Hardy 4068 1995-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Oglala National Grasslands badlands vegetational survey., 42.935983 -103.493552
CSCN-V-0011138 Joyce Phillips Hardy 4207 1995-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Oglala National Grasslands badlands vegetational survey., 42.797376 -103.4180215
CSCN-V-0011139 Joyce Phillips Hardy 4386 1995-08-01
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Oglala National Grasslands badlands vegetational study., 42.823586 -103.477578
CSCN-V-0011141 Joyce D. Stotts 228 1975-06-02
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Oglala National Grassland, 23.6 mi NW of Crawford on Hwy #2/71, SW side of highway. Research Natural Area., 42.975366 -103.575268
CSCN-V-0011140 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 18119 2005-09-26
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Harrison, 21 mi N, 2 mi W. Missouri Plateau: Oglala National Grasslands, Pasture 6N., 42.9944125 -103.918263, 1177 - 1183m
UAC:Vascular Plants
53896 Ian D. Macdonald E55 1994-06-18
Canada, Alberta, Suffield NWA (all)
21687 I.J. Bassett, K.F. Best 4146 1960-07-27
Canada, Saskatchewan, 1 mile north of Val Marie.