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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Atriplex prostrata (Atriplex hastata, Atriplex latifolia, Atriplex patula subsp. hastata, Atriplex patula var. triangularis, Atriplex triangularis, Atriplex patula var. hastata, Atriplex prostrata var. triangularis, Atriplex oppositifolia), Atriplex prostrata subsp. calotheca, Atriplex prostrata var... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 2222

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0044409Wilh. Freiberg   1954-08-24
Label illegible. In Europe folder.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
BRYV0044840L. C. Higgins   240832002-10-07
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Green Springs Golf Course, along Mill Creek., 823m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0047579Alsfeld   1969-08-01
Germany, Oberhessen

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0047635John A. Paine Jr.   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
BRYV0311027Kathryn Bay   4901988-07-26
U.S.A., California, San Luis Obispo, Botanical survey of El Morro Elfin Forest. Nature preserve located along the fringe of the Morro Bay salt marsh north of Santa Ysabel Ave. and west of South Bay Blvd. at the northern fringe of the Baywood Park-Los Osos residential area., 35.33366 -120.82756, 0 - 46m

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00039782John Macoun   128601896-07-29
Canada, Manitoba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Bouchér ex DC.
PBRU00057175Mary H. Dennis   272016-08-05
United States of America, Maine, Hancock County, inner harbor of Whitmore Neck, end of Oceanville Road., 44.1904917 -68.6463722

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00018237   1871-08-00
United States of America, Rhode Island, Bristol County, Shore of bay, male plant

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Bouchér ex DC.
PBRU00033437Nina Schield, Anisha Rathod   942015-10-15
United States of America, Rhode Island, Providence County, Barrington, Osamequin Nature Trails, west side of Hundred Acre Cove, 0.5 miles east of Primrose Hill Road., 41.7601528 -71.32095

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00018236   1871-08-00
United States of America, Rhode Island, Bristol County, Shore of bay, female plant

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00018235   1876-09-00
United States of America, Rhode Island, Bristol County, Near Nayatt beach

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00039781J. M. Macoun   58661898-09-00
Canada, Ontario, New E. Ainbaugh (?)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex hastata sensu Aellen, non L.
PBRU00039780G. W. Clinton   
United States of America, New York

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Bouchér ex DC.
PBRU00072796Ethan A. Paff, Melissa D. Lopez   152018-09-21
United States of America, Rhode Island, Bristol County, Jacob's Point Preserve, 0.2 miles north of Clubhouse Lane and 0.2 miles west of East Bay Bike Path., 41.7114111 -71.2908222

Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC
3756L. McIntosh   N/A1985-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, 20 mi. E of Carlsbad

Bureau of Land Management, Uinta Herbarium

UI00092Elizabeth Neese   65721978-08-16
USA, Utah, Uintah, East Tavaputs plateau, just below Tom Patterson Canyon., 39.5845 -109.2349, 1981m

Atriplex patula var. triangularis (Willd.) Thorne & Welsh
UI00095Elizabeth Neese   65681978-08-16
USA, Utah, Uintah, Sweetwater Canyon, midway between South and Tom Patterson Canyons., 39.5701 -109.2349, 2012m

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Justin M. Wood   1482008-09-22
United States, California, Riverside, SW Perris Basin: Temecula - Murrieta Creek, downstream of 1st street bridge., 33.4833333 -117.1416667, 293 - 305m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
P. A. Munz   118091930-04-10
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island., 34.04 -120.375

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. Ahart   133472006-09-26
United States, California, Colusa, South side of the Delevan National Wildlife Refuge, north side of Maxwell Road, about 3 miles west of Colusa Princeton Road, about 5.5 miles east of Maxwell., 39.2757222 -122.09025, 24m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
H. M. Pollard   s.n.1945-10-06
United States, California, Ventura, Ventura River bed, near ocean.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
E. R. Blakley   52781962-06-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Mouth of Canyon del Puerto, Prisoner’s Harbor., 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   526031979-04-25
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Prisoner’s Harbor on the north side of the island., 34.0177 -119.6828

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0029486Mark L. Hoefs   27481996-07-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Catalina Harbor at the Isthmus., 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
H. L. Bauer   s.n.1931-07-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Playa Del Rey.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mary DeDecker   60771989-04-11
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: Cartago near Olancha; Cabin Bar Ranch; between Highway 395 and Owens Lake., 36.3168 -118.0232, 1103m

RSA0042226Mark L. Hoefs   29971998-10-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Cherry Valley, above beach., 6m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Robert Gustafson   19121980-09-16
United States, California, Los Angeles, Ballona Wetlands, Area 1.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0114155LeRoy Gross   75952016-08-25
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Hanson/Villanueva Properties. South, southeast of Highway 126 and Briggs Road. Between Santa Paula and Saticoy. Started near 34.32102N 119.09072W, ended near 34.30517N 119.10191.; Santa Paula 7.5', 34.30517 -119.10191, 54 - 61m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Josephine Randall   s.n.1907-09-28
United States, California, Santa Clara, Near Bay, Palo Alto.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Scott D. White   122872008-06-24
United States, California, Riverside, PrivateSan Timoteo Canyon. Meadow along San Timoteo Creek.; El Casco, 33.94932 -117.06612, 640 - 671m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Barbara Ertter   79791988-10-15
United States, California, Contra Costa, Salicornia marsh west of I-580 in El Cerrito, west side along Rydin Road north of Central Avenue.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0036860Jon P. Rebman   270572013-10-01
Mexico, Baja California, Tijuana, Tijuana metro area: South of Cerro Colorado; La Presa region, along the Tijuana River north of Presa Abelardo Rodriguez., 32.4566 -116.91, 75m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. T. Howell   s.n.1927-10-29
United States, California, Orange, Bryant Ranch, near Long Beach., 33.766712 -118.175905, 15m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. C. Roos   50251950-11-21
United States, California, Kern, Monolith Lake, near Tehachapi Pass., 1189m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   s.n.1965-06-24
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. Shark Harbor, W side of Island., 33.382039 -118.473387, 8m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. M. Booth   s.n.1932-08-05
United States, California, Orange, West Newport Beach, 33.6302 -117.8857

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0104987Steven A. Junak   SCa-10571999-07-16
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. Just inland from mouth of Cottonwood Canyon, N side of creekbed., 6m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. Qiu   s.n.1992-11-27
United States, California, Los Angeles, Claremont.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   s.n.1974-09-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. E side of inner Catalina Harbor., 33.4321576 -118.502655

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mary DeDecker   60681989-04-11
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: Cartago near Olancha; Cabin Bar Ranch; between Highway 395 and Owens Lake., 36.3168 -118.0232, 1103m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   s.n.1941-08-06
United States, Massachusetts, Dukes, Elizabeth Islands, Nonamesset Island

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. R. Abrams   41651904-08-24
United States, California, Ventura, Ventura

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mitch Provance   17811999-09-14
United States, California, Riverside, Riverside: Riverbottom along Spring Brook between Lake Evans (Fairmont Park) and the Santa Ana River at the Mission Bridge, along bike path, vicinity of old Boy Scout camp.; Riverside West 7.5’ Q., 33.9916667 -117.3833333, 238m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
B. A. Prigge   67101985-10-19
United States, California, San Diego, San mateo Estuary: S of San Clemente, W side of stream and inland from Santa Fe Railway tracks., 33.4 -117.5833333, 2m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0077574Michael J. Moore   32122015-06-04
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay State Park/Morro Estuary Natural Preserve: Just E of State Park Rd/Main St, approx. 0.7 mi SW of jct w/ S Bay Blvd., 35.3473056 -120.8350556, 1m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Justin M. Wood   1452008-09-22
United States, California, Riverside, SW Perris Basin: Temecula - Murrieta Creek, downstream of 1st street bridge., 33.4833333 -117.1416667, 293 - 305m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
A. C. Sanders   316292005-09-09
United States, California, San Diego, South Coast: Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Leucadia, SW side near I-5 and La Costa Ave.; Encinitas 7.5’, 33.0858333 -117.2947222, 1 - 6m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. E. Riefner   3-3402003-08-31
United States, California, Orange, Costa Mesa, Talbert Regional Park, Discovery Walk Road and Balboa Avenue.; Newport Beach, 33.644901 -117.947559, 12m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Beecher Crampton   22751954-09-22
United States, California, Yolo, West Sacramento., 38.57783 -121.54758

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mary DeDecker   60561988-08-24
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: border of Owens Dry Lake; Cabin Bar Ranch, Olancha., 36.3165 -118.0251, 1103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0133681R. E. Riefner, Jr.   4-4522004-10-30
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley, North Owens Lake, general vicinity of Lubken Canyon Road at Owens River delta.; Dolomite 7.5’, 36.514546 -117.962109, 1093m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0135171Steven A. Junak   SC-29151991-10-08
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Mouth of Canada de los Sauces, just inland from beach., 3m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0133643Scott D. White   117582007-07-05
United States, California, Riverside, State Parks; Chino Hills State Park: Santa Ana River floodplain just below Prado Dam.; Prado Dam., 33.8833333 -117.65, 134 - 137m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
A. C. Sanders   231811999-10-15
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Valley: Mystic (San Jacinto) Lake, 1 mile W of Jackrabbit Trail on Gilman Springs Rd, 0.4 mi. W of Quail Lake Golf C. entrance, 2 mi. WNW of Eden Hot Spr.; El Casco 7.5’, 33.9 -117.1, 436m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mark Hoefs   15621995-11-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Cherry Valley, just back from rocky beach., 33.4507791 -118.5052299, 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
D. D. Keck   13011931-10-11
United States, California, Santa Clara, Embarcadero, Palo Alto

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Scott D. White   60131997-11-05
United States, California, Los Angeles, Malibu Coast: Mouth of Trancas Cyn, north of Pacific Coast Hwy.; Point Dume, 34.0333333 -118.8416667, 8m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. C. Wheeler   44491936-09-08
United States, California, Monterey, Point Lobos Reserve: Carmelo Meadow., 9m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. C. Roos   53391951-10-24
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Ana River bottom near Pedley

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
James Henrickson   s.n.1970-10-03
United States, California, Orange, 3 miles NE of Huntington Beach just N of Bolsa Chica Salt Marsh.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. C. Roos   48751950-07-24
United States, California, Kern, Monolith Lake, 1189m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   s.n.1966-09-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, Little Harbor, 33.3849412 -118.4745883, 5m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. C. Wheeler   s.n.1969-05-17
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. Catalina Harbor (Isthmus)., 33.433232 -118.5044574, 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
J. C. Roos   47011949-11-27
United States, California, Kern, Monolith Dry Lake, 1204m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0043441Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1879-08-22
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Salt Lake City., 40.76087 -111.876624, 1311m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0059136David Charlton   56541991-10-05
United States, California, Inyo, Lower Owens River between Independence and Lone Pine, 2 miles east of Hwy. 395., 1219m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
D. Charlton   56541991-10-05
United States, California, Inyo, Lower Owens River between Independence and Lone Pine, 2 miles east of Hwy 395., 1220m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mary DeDecker   57131984-10-20
United States, California, Mono, Fish Slough: alkali flat just west of BLM Spring., 37.4804 -118.4007, 1280m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0113782LeRoy Gross   77082016-09-01
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Loughman Property; East of the Santa Paula Creek junction. South of Highway 126, off of S. Hallock Dr. Started near 34.35610N 119.03311W, ended near 34.35288N 119.03742W., 34.35288 -119.03742, 82m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. F. Thorne   584471984-05-06
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Prisoner’s Harbor Camp, 34.0155 -119.6837

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
D. Charlton   56541991-10-05
United States, California, Inyo, Lower Owens River between Independence and Lone Pine, 2 miles east of Hwy 395., 1220m

RSA0034743David Charlton   56541991-10-05
United States, California, Inyo, Lower Owens River between Independence and Lone Pine, 2 miles east of Hwy 395., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0125366Mary DeDecker   57131984-10-20
United States, California, Mono, fish Slough NNW of Bishop; Main Spring at north end., 1280m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Edwin Kline   s.n.1924-09-00
United States, California, Ventura, Hueneme Beach.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
L. Ahart   165152009-11-12
United States, California, Mendocino, South side of the Russian River, below the high water line of Lake Mendocino, about 200 yards south of Highway 20., 39.23625 -123.1619167, 230m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
F. R. Fosberg   S-53511931-07-05
United States, California, Ventura, Flats SW Oxnard., 4m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Lyman Benson   79821936-09-04
United States, California, Santa Clara, Palo Alto Yacht Harbor. San Francisco Bay watershed., 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
H. M. Pollard   s.n.1961-11-17
United States, California, Ventura, West of Ventura River estuary.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0094745Sangeet Khalsa   s.n.2013-07-22
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island. At mouth of Soledad Canyon., 34.016023 -120.149294

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0088797Steven A. Junak   SR-8891998-09-23
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: N side of island, just W of mouth of Arlington Canyon, at inand edge of beach., 3m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
R. S. Woglum   19971938-08-22
United States, California, Del Norte, North Coast: Crescent City.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Fred M. Roberts   62822005-09-27
United States, California, Orange, San Juan Capistrano: San Juan Creek wash, east of La Novia Road bridge, 1.4km E Mission San Juan Capistrano., 33.5022222 -117.6469444, 27m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0089084Steven A. Junak   SC-41851995-10-02
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. W end of Coches Prietos Beach., 6m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0131773J. R. Bruff   s.n.1930-10-19
United States, California, Orange, Delhi Rd., 33.745133 -117.910628

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Mary DeDecker   60551988-08-24
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: border of Owens Dry Lake; Cabin Bar Ranch, Olancha., 36.3165 -118.0251, 1103m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0081742Sarah J. De Groot   75402015-08-06
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Nature Conservancy Ormond Beach property; just south of Port Hueneme and Oxnard, south of Naval CBC Port Hueneme., 34.14094 -119.17973, 2 - 3m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0043440Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1879-08-22
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Salt Lake City., 40.76087 -111.876624, 1311m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0108043Reid V. Moran   192011972-09-02
Mexico, Baja California, Descanso., 32.1833333 -116.9, 5m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
H. L. Bauer   s.n.1929-09-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, Long Beach., 30m

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0092212Sarah J. De Groot   75532015-08-06
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Nature Conservancy Ormond Beach property; just south of Port Hueneme and Oxnard, south of Naval CBC Port Hueneme., 34.13739 -119.17811, 2 - 3m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0139662Naomi Fraga   55782015-08-06
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Ormond Beach owned by The Nature Conservancy, Santa Clara River.; Oxnard, 34.1343 -119.1764

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0140909Naomi Fraga   55002015-05-27
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Totlcam I owned by The Nature Conservancy, Santa Clara River.; Oxnard, 34.1335 -119.1763

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0139701Naomi Fraga   54692015-05-27
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Ormond Beach, NE side of property owned by The Nature Conservancy.; Oxnard, 34.1409 -119.1762

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0139935Naomi Fraga   4989a2015-03-17
United States, California, Ventura, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Ormond Beach.; Oxnard 7.5' quad, 34.13937 -119.17796

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0169162Steven A. Junak   SCa-2711996-07-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. N end of Catalina Harbor., 6m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149192Barbara Ertter   108711991-10-20
United States, California, Contra Costa, Dow Wetlands Preserve, just W of Antioch marina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0173097Jon P. Rebman   343032018-05-10
United States, California, San Diego, Camp Pendleton: southern portion of Base; Training Area Lima: just north of the Base boundary and south of golf course; vicinity of Windmill Lake., 33.25232 -117.33405, 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0178068Steven A. Junak   SCa-4621997-07-18
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Back Beach area, Wells Beach, W. side of Catalina Harbor., 1m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
RSA0215384Peter J. Dixon   1012017-09-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Pacific side; Shark Harbor., 33.38285 -118.47253, 5m

Page 4, records 301-400 of 2222


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