345154 W. E. Niles 4772 1997-04-25
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Grapevine Spring, about 2 miles southeast of Gold Butte., 1330m
812637 M. Madsen 1395 2001-04-02
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Dansill Canyon west of Andrus Canyon below Mud Spring. Parashant National Monument., 36.19 -113.31, 1200m
812636 M. Madsen 1385 2001-04-01
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Ca. 2.5 miles ESE of Paws Pocket near the road. Lake Mead National Monument, 36.201377 -113.175912, 1500 - 1500m
BRYV0292197 Gary I. Baird 2907 1988-05-16
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mts, along Apex Mine road., 37.07741 -113.7747, 1378m
BRYV0292202 Larry C. Higgins 22944 2001-05-14
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Jackson Spring., 37.27928 -113.88854, 1200m
BRYV0268200 Arnold Tiehm 7651 1983-05-11
U.S.A., Nevada, Lincoln, North end of the Meadow Valley Mts, 13.9 road miles ne of Highway 93 on road to Elgin, then 2 road miles south., 1097m
2003-16958/1 Jason A. Alexander 1396 2013-11-05
United States of America, Utah, Washington County, Beaver Dam Mountains, S of Jarvis Peak, Cedar Pockets Wash on the southeastern edge of Cedar Pockets, along an unnamed road, ca. 0.25 road miles SE of the junction with the Bulldog Pass-Apex Road, 37.0386 -113.7899, 4321m
2003-16732/1 Jason A. Alexander 1395 2015-06-05
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave County, Mud Spring vicinity, SE of BM4289-T, NE of Mud Mountain, 36.6939 -113.7669, 4199m
2005-17233/1 Jason A. Alexander 2146 2013-11-20
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave County, Shivwits Plateau, Grand Wash Cliffs, Savanic Mine vicinity, along the Jeep trail in the canyon E of the mine shafts, 36.271494 -113.801506, 4049m
2001-16912/1 Jason A. Alexander 1141 2013-11-05
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave County, W side of County Highway 141 (Hackberry Road), ca. 2.7 road miles S of the junction with Arizona Highway 66, S of BM3824, W of Hackberry Wash, in the valley between the Peacock Mountains & the Cottonwood Cliffs, 35.325203 -113.679404, 3839m
Jason A. Alexander; J.A. Alexander, A. Liston 1008 1999-05-14
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Succor Creek rd, hillside adjacent to old clay mine NE of BM2810, between Board Corral Gulch & Camp Kettle Creek., 43.5347 -117.1257, 853m
Donald H. Mansfield; D. Mansfield 3012B 2003-05-10
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Lambert Rocks Quad, Chalk Basin., 43.0916666666667 -117.74, 1036m
William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick s.n. 0000-06-00
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Snake River [probably Ballards Landing] Idaho or Oregon.
36092 F.H. Landau MM79 1992-05-25
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Mormon Mts, Toquap Wash S 6.8 mi off Carp-Elgin Rd, 1585m
55667 J.A. Alexander 1008 1999-05-14
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Succor Creek rd, hillside adjacent to old clay mine northeast of BM2810, between Board Corral Gulch & Camp Kettle Creek, 43.5347 -117.1257, 853m
54172 N.D. Atwood 25045 2000-04-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 1.0 mile northwest of Mollies Nipple, canyon bottom and slopes, 1200m
55945 J.A. Alexander 1395 2003-05-01
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Mud Spring vicinity, southeast of BM4289-T, northeast of Mud Mountain, 1280m
55946 J.A. Alexander 1396 2003-04-26
United States, Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mountains, foothills of Jarvis Peak, southeast edge of Cedar Pockets, 1317m
55947 J.A. Alexander 1141 2001-04-03
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Hackberry road, south of BM3824, washes & alluvial fans west of Hackberry Wash, between Peacock Mountains & Cottonwood Cliffs, 1170m
31410 J.D. Armstrong 1041 1968-04-13
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Virgin Mountains, east side of Lime Kiln Cyn, 1433m
37544 W.E. Niles 4772 1997-04-25
United States, Nevada, Clark, on slopes above canyon; Grapevine Spring, about 2 miles southeast of Gold Butte, 1330m