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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Mimosa aculeaticarpa (Mimosopsis moreliensis, Mimosopsis orizabensis), Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. biuncifera (Mimosa biuncifera var. glabrescens, Mimosa biuncifera var. lindheimeri, Mimosopsis biuncifera, Mimosa biuncifera, Mimosa lindheimeri, Mimosa warnockii, Mimosa biuncifera var. biuncifera), Mim... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 2500

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
550430R. M. King   26371960-06-04
Mexico, Puebla, Puebla Mun., Along route 150, about 17 miles east of Puebla., 18.98544 -97.88783

550697P. A. Fryxell   38131982-07-18
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi Mun., ca. 21 km NW of San Luis Potosí on road Zacatecas at turnoff to microwave relay tower, 22.27206 -101.11408, 2070m

550447M. López   3271988-02-25
Mexico, Chiapas, Gloria, 3 km al S de la cabecera municipal de Amatenango, Chis., 16.51331 -92.43692, 1560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452985D. S. Correll   350701967-10-12
United States of America, Texas, Stephens Co., About 10 miles west of Breckenridge, 32.755442 -99.074493

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452918R. D. Worthington   133271985-06-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Sierra Co., Black Range, picnic area on E side of town of Kingston along Percha Creek and two springs, 32.9144 -107.7078, 1890m

550449W. Clark   M82-0081987-08-28
Mexico, Chiapas, 4 km NW of Laguna Larga, Chis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452894R. T. Schuh   1021983-06-11
United States of America, Arizona, Pima Co., 4 miles north of Coronado National Forest boundary on Mt. Lemmon Road, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452886J. G. Lemmon   26911882-06-00
United States of America, Arizona, Huachuca Mts., 31.488895 -110.40823

550400A. E. Estrada C.   15921989-07-13
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., Ejido El Orito, Mpio Galeana, N. L., 24.93442 -100.2389, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2498F. J. Lindheimer   3831847-00-00
United States of America, Texas, New Braunfels, 29.703002 -98.124453

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01452949L. C. Hinckley   33001944-09-23
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., At water tank on north side, Sam Burton Ranch, 2-3 mi N. house, 30.4811733 -103.775125

551590K. Torke   1681975-07-21
Mexico, Durango, Rodeo Mun., Along Hwy. 45, 17.6 mi S of the Río Nazas Bridge, 25.10019 -104.5208, 1676m

550445D. E. Breedlove   547861981-11-05
Mexico, Chiapas, Marsh near Teopisca, Chiapas., 16.53942 -92.47358, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452962J. T. Rothrock   2721874-00-00
United States of America, Arizona, Rocky Canon

550421C. G. Pringle   82651899-09-07
Mexico, Hidalgo, Hills above Pachuca, Hidalgo., 20.1225 -98.73608, 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452911A. L. Reina G.   99-2681999-06-24
United States of America, Arizona, Yavapai Co., Black Hills, near Camp Verde, Verde Valley, Prescott National Forest, 34.5583 -111.8992, 1070m

Image Associated With the Occurence
550695J. G. Schaffner   6001877-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí Mun., Ex Convalli San Luis Potosi, 22.15108 -100.97608

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01452981H. R. Reed   3551947-11-08
United States of America, Texas, Sutton Co., 8 miles west of Sonora, 30.5666 -100.777934

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452976R. S. Ferris   33691921-08-22
United States of America, Texas, Floyd Co., Near Quitaque escarpment of Stacked Plains, 34.367559 -101.053636

Image Associated With the Occurence
550691E. Palmer   2681906-06-04
Mexico, Durango, Tepehuanes Mun., Tepehuanes, Dgo., 25.3433 -105.7231

550440J. C. Soto Núñez   67881984-10-26
Mexico, Guerrero, Aprox. a 19 km al SE de Chilapa carretera a Tlapa, Guerrero., 17.59631 -99.09136, 2090m

550401A. E. Estrada C.   15921989-07-13
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., Ejido El Orito, Mpio Galeana, N. L., 24.93442 -100.2389, 2400m

550713F. Chiang Cabrera   78621972-06-16
Mexico, Zacatecas, 6 km SE of Apisolaya, at the South end of Cerro Europa, 24.78 -102.23, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452907R. E. Collom   275
United States of America, Arizona, Gila Co., Mesa near Rock & Rye Creeks, 34.130033 -111.407367, 1050m

550423C. A. Purpus   51801911-06-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Minas de San Rafael.

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452904J. F. James   35s.n.1880-06-22
United States of America, Arizona, Tombstone, 31.712868 -110.067576

550714C. E. O. Kuntze   234181904-07-00
Mexico, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, 22.771669 -102.5753

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452927L. C. Higgins   172931987-07-06
United States of America, Texas, Culberson Co., Pine Springs Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains Nat. Park, ca. 3/4 mile due west of the campground, 31.890488 -104.858973, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452928L. C. Higgins   103351977-07-12
United States of America, Texas, Martin Co., 18 miles north of Midland on Hwy 349, 32.258584 -102.077915

550690E. Palmer   1441895-04-00
Mexico, Durango, Durango Mun., City of Durango and vicinity, 24.02358 -104.66969

550422E. Palmer   1981904-07-13
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Alvarez, San Luis Potosí

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452875T. E. Wilcox   s.n.1892-09-00
United States of America, Arizona, Fort Huachuca, 31.553762 -110.319424

550437M. Sousa Sánchez   26801965-10-28
Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlacolula de Matamoros Mun., Sierra de San Felipe, ladera SW, al N de Tlacolula, Oax., 2720m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452954L. C. Hinckley   4991935-08-25
United States of America, Texas, Madera Canyon. Davis Mts., 30.810015 -104.019513

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452935C. Wright   13651852-00-00
United States of America, New Mexico

550710R. McVaugh   168451958-08-09
Mexico, Jalisco, Paso de la Troje, near km. 36 SW of Ojuelos on road to Aguascalientes, near Cerro La Campana, 21.7511 -101.8933, 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452965S. Hayes   222
United States of America, Texas, El Paso and Ft. Yuma wagon road expedition

Image Associated With the Occurence
550905G. Thurber   44084451851-00-00
Mexico, Montane, Sonora and Chihuahua; Sierra Charuco, Muleto, 1800m

550413C. H. Müller   11191934-07-21
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., Sierra Madre Oriental, canyon wall & arroyo below Alamar, about 15 mi SW of Galeana, NL., 24.6365 -100.01131

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452951L. C. Hinckley   30411944-07-07
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., In Pinto Canyon Canyon below old Watts Ranch, 29.978862 -104.565925, 1372m

550712F. E. Lloyd   511908-00-00
Mexico, Zacatecas

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452877J. J. Thornber   224a1903-06-15
United States of America, Arizona, Santa Catalina Mts. Sabino Cañon, 853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452953L. C. Hinckley   4171935-07-30
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., West ridge, ent. Goat Canyon. Davis Mts., 30.606992 -104.20065, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452934C. A. Morse   91222003-04-23
United States of America, Texas, Uvalde Co., Ca. 6 mi S Sabinal. Winston Ranch, 29.2239 -99.4672, 253m

550405M. Taylor   2121936-08-24
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., Hacienda Pablillo, Galeana, Nuevo León., 24.5939 -99.9939

Image Associated With the Occurence
550698G. L. Fisher   s.n.1930-08-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo Mun., Saltillo, Coah., 25.4333 -101, 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452950L. C. Hinckley   34761945-06-00
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., Near cottonwood trees at mouth Merrill Canyon, Geo. Jones Ranch, 30.550889 -104.290976

550406R. Torres Colín   10451982-09-10
Mexico, Nuevo León, Galeana Mun., Cerro Potosí Radio Faro Potosí, 8 km al NW de ejido 18 de marzo o 23 km al NW de Galeana, Nuevo León., 24.872 -100.233, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452885J. G. Lemmon   26911882-00-00
United States of America, Arizona, Huachuca Mts., 31.488895 -110.40823

550906C. C. Parry   311
Mexico, Chiefly in the Valley of the Rio Grande, below Doñana

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452933V. L. Cory   62301933-05-08
United States of America, Texas, Llano Co., 6 miles NW of Valley Springs, 30.920736 -98.888682

550689E. Palmer   5941896-04-00
Mexico, Durango, Durango Mun., City of Durango and vicinity, 24.02358 -104.66969

Image Associated With the Occurence
550424J. N. Rose   45491899-06-18
Mexico, Puebla, Ricardo Marquez, Puebla.

550410L. R. Stanford   24611949-07-15
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 3 mi N of Miquihuana, Tamps., 23.62003 -99.7539

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452908J. C. Blumer   12351906-11-02
United States of America, Arizona, Chiricahua Mountains. Bonita Canyon, 1829m

01452446R. S. Felger   85-5131985-03-07
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas Mun., Miramar, northwest of Guaymas, ca. 1 km southeast of Hotel Playa de Cortés

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452910E. Makings   15472003-06-04
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., San Pedro Riparian Natural Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River floodplain. Near Terrenate ruin, about 50 m west of San Pedro, 31.75 -110.20139, 1159m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452898E. Makings   13602002-09-15
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River Terrace, ca. 1 mile E of river, "Pyramids South", ca 1 km N of Charleston Rd, 31.63928 -110.16494, 1270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452944H. R. Reed   1441947-09-16
United States of America, Texas, Reeves Co., 6 miles west of Toyahvale, 30.944273 -103.890896

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01452905D. J. Pinkava   L189101975-09-19
United States of America, Arizona, Maricopa Co., US Hwy 60, 2.6 mi E of Queen Creek Tunnel, 33.230766 -111.588109, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452902C. G. Pringle   s.n.1882-06-26
United States of America, Arizona, Mesas

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01452909C. Jenkins   8751978-06-11
United States of America, Arizona, Pima Co., Saguaro National Monument East. Rincon Mountains. From Madrona Ranger Station to Chimenea Creek

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01452924O. B. Metcalfe   7321903-09-17
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant Co., Collected at Mangas Springs, 18 miles northwest of Silver City, 32.842573 -108.511718, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452948L. C. Hinckley   20091941-07-16
United States of America, Texas, Presidio Co., At bend, ZH Canyon, Espy Miller ranch. Sierra Tierra Vieja, 30.513991 -104.675818, 1515m

550686C. C. Parry   2161878-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Chiefly in the region of San Luis Potosí, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452890R. H. Peebles   79181931-07-10
United States of America, Arizona, Frenal Wash, Baboquivari Mts.

550442G. B. Hinton   76931935-05-26
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., Carboneras, Temascaltepec, Edo. Méx., 19.05608 -100.0081

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550909C. G. Pringle   63081896-00-00
Mexico, Ciudad de México, Valley of Mexico

550428G. Arsène   10601907-07-18
Mexico, Barranca de L´Alseseca, près L´hacienda Sta. Barbara, Pue., 2150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
550704W. Clark   M82-0021982-08-20
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Francisco Telixtlahuaca Mun., 17 km N of Telixtlahuacan, 17.39969 -96.92706

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452887J. W. Toumey   s.n.1891-07-26
United States of America, Arizona, Big Bug

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452901J. H. Lehr   12281974-05-18
United States of America, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Milepost 210, Rt. 87, east side

550408L. R. Stanford   7141941-08-05
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Miquihuana Mun., On mountain top 7 km SW of Miquihuana, Tamps., 23.7 -99.75, 3110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452966J. Reverchon   8021877-08-07
United States of America, Texas, Polosey

550415A. E. Estrada C.   15171989-06-15
Mexico, Nuevo León, Iturbide Mun., Ejido Santa Rosa, 24.7 -99.855, 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452929L. C. Higgins   179541988-09-10
United States of America, Texas, Culberson Co., Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Mckittrick Ridge, 31.975567 -104.80413, 2286m

550434J. N. Rose   25721897-08-25
Mexico, Jalisco, Huejuquilla el Alto Mun., Near Huejuquilla, 22.6278 -103.8975

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01452881M. E. Jones   s.n.1903-08-18
United States of America, Arizona, Catalina Mts. Sabino Canyon, 914m

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01452961C. H. Müller   87211945-08-22
United States of America, Texas, Burnet Co., 13 mi. NW of Briggs, 31.022781 -98.080209

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01452941E. Whitehouse   169351946-09-20
United States of America, Texas, Culberson Co., 3 miles south of New Mexico line on Highway 62, 31.985581 -104.580188

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3142F. Müller   s.n.1853-09-00
Mexico, Veracruz, Orizaba Mun., Engenio, Campos [ or engenio, campos, indicationg area near a sugar refinery], 18.8497222 -97.1

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01452968W. W. Eggleston   174111920-09-19
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., Fort Davis, 30.587889 -103.894225, 1500m

550416R. C. West   C-51966-06-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Apan Mun., W slopes of Cerro Chulco, near Rancho Los Voladores, 5 km SW of Apan, Hidalgo., 19.68 -98.48, 2900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452931S. Hayes   221
United States of America, Texas

550433C. Feddema   741959-08-05
Mexico, Michoacán, Jiquilpan Mun., 8-10 km. southwest of Jiquilpan and 5 km northeast of Quitupan, Jalisco., 19.93606 -102.77475, 2000m

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2514E. Langlassé   541898-00-00
Mexico, Michoacán, Los Fresnos, 19.93444444 -102.25

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01452945L. C. Hinckley   5751936-07-00
United States of America, Texas, Near Bill Jones Ranch, 12 mi. N Marfa, 30.482143 -104.019072

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01452955S. E. Wolff   46991933-09-10
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., Blue Creek Canyon, above well, Chisos Mts., 29.222963 -103.339118

550403G. S. Hinton   243091994-06-05
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Mimbres - Dulces nombres, Hidalgo, Tamps., 24.0431 -99.50217, 1660m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01452982U. T. Waterfall   63661945-08-31
United States of America, Texas, Hudspeth Co., Igneous slopes of Eagle Mt. between flouride mine and Eagle Peak, 30.921321 -105.085392

550448M. Sousa Sánchez   79991977-08-20
Mexico, Michoacán, Lagunillas Mun., 1 km al NE de Lagunillas, 22 km al NE de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán., 19.5683 -101.40914, 2050m

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01452900B. Maguire   116801935-05-26
United States of America, Arizona, 4 miles n. of Dragoon, 32.0894 -110.0392

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2496F. J. Lindheimer   3831846-00-00
United States of America, Texas, New Braunfels, 29.703002 -98.124453

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01452936C. Wright   1601849-05-00
United States of America, Collected in Expedition from Western Texas to El Paso

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01452973T. L. Steiger   17511935-06-23
United States of America, Texas, Reeves Co., Toyahvale north of Davis Mts., 30.944312 -103.789306, 1036m

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2521K. T. Hartweg   69
Mexico, Guanajuato, León, 21.11861111 -101.67

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01452895J. M. Gillett   164141973-08-17
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., Turkey Creek, Chiricahua Mountains, 5 miles west of highway 181 junction. Coronado National Forest, 31.867441 -109.414752

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01452930R. C. Barneby   179691985-05-29
United States of America, Texas, Terrell Co., Waste lot in town of Marathon, 30.2069 -103.2442

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01452923O. B. Metcalfe   9991904-06-16
United States of America, New Mexico, Sierra Co., Kingston, 32.917018 -107.706144, 2012m

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01452896D. Griffiths   17951900-10-07
United States of America, Arizona, Rincon Mts., 32.167517 -110.510025

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