08562 Beatley J C 1969-05-22
United States, Nevada, Nye, around low light colored volcanic outcrops N of Tates Wash W extension of Yucca Mtn NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: W Crater Flat drainage, 1280m
08612 Beatley J C 1969-05-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, around volcanic boulders cyn SE of Mt Salyer NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: SW Frenchman drainage, 1219m
09045 Beatley J C 1969-06-19
United States, Nevada, Nye, cyn E of Gold Ace Mine SE face of central Bare Mtn NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: Amargosa drainage, 1219m
10214 Beatley J C; Reveal J L 1970-04-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, volcanic cliffs along Beatty Wash 3 mi E of US Hwy 95 N side of Yucca Mtn NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: Amargosa drainage, 1097m
11655 Beatley J C 1970-09-09
United States, Nevada, Nye, base of volcanic cliffs Beatty Wash ca 3 mi E of Oasis Valley & US Hwy 95 NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: Amargosa drainage, 1036m
11846 Beatley J C 1970-09-29
United States, Nevada, Nye, base of volcanic cliffs below Fang Ridge NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: central Reveille Range E face W Railroad drainage, 1768m
11847 Beatley J C 1970-09-29
United States, Nevada, Nye, at base of volcanic cliffs US Hwy 6 W of Warm Springs NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: S Hot Creek drainage, 1768m
12584 Beatley J C; Reveal J L 1971-05-06
United States, Nevada, Nye, on talus slopes below cliffs E end of Fang Ridge NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: central Reveille Range E slope Railroad Valley drainage, 1829m
13135 Beatley J C; Smith D M 1971-07-26
United States, Nevada, Nye, around volcanic cliff bases & boulder talus cyn with ""ruins"" on NE side of Stonewall Mtn NTS Herbarium coll. Drainage area: Stonewall Flat drainage, 1981m
16412 Cochrane S A 772 1977-09-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, 6.8 mi N of Airport Rd on Buckboard Mesa Rd ca 2.0 mi S of Summit of Pahute Mesa. Drainage area: Forty Mile Canyon, 1737m
16419 Cochrane S A 760 1977-09-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, 0.6 mi S of GAte 30-2C Forty Mile Canyon Rd 0.9 mi S of jtn Cat Canyon Rd. Drainage area: Jachass Flat, 1402m
16420 Cochrane S A 797 1977-10-02
United States, Nevada, Nye, W-facing slope canyon of Banded Mtn. Canyon SW of 5336 ft peak. Drainage area: Yucca Flat, 1524m
16635 Cochrane S A 756 1977-09-15
United States, Nevada, Nye, NE end of Syncline Ridge .25 mi S of Pahute Mesa Rd. Drainage area: Yucca Flat, 1463m
16937 Cochrane S A 902a 1977-09-22
United States, Nevada, Nye, Cactus Range 4.5 mi W of Cactus Flat CP Sw of Cactus Peak, 1890m
17358 Cochrane S A; et al 1407 1978-09-16
United States, Nevada, Nye, E Bare Mountain NW of Secret Pass, 1353m
17888 Peterson P M 1418 1983-08-25
United States, Nevada, Nye, Nevada Test Site south of Camera Station Butte limestone rock outcrop. Drainage area: Halfpint Range, 1402m
18081 Ostler W K 253 1997-09-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, Sugar Loaf Peaks
NMMNH:Herb:2327 Collector(s): Judy Dain; Preparator(s): Judy Dain JD 289 1999-10-03
United States, New Mexico, Guadalupe County, N end of Santa Rosa Lake, 1456 - 1456m
50528 R.W. Spellenberg 4876 1977-09-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 15 mi. S of Fruitland, 15 mi. NNE of Buruham Trading Post, in Cottonwood Arroyo, ca. 1 mi. E of Cottonwood Springs, 1737m
53771 R.W. Spellenberg and D.E. Ward 6093 1981-08-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 10 air mi. SE of Shiprock, E side of Hogback near the middle of the first ridge S of San Juan Rv.
70654 R.W. Spellenberg, D.E. Ward, and L. Collyer. 6188 1981-08-12
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 4 mi. N of community of La Plata, ca. 3/4 mi. E of NM Hwy. 17, 1875m
28318 E.O. Wooton 2605 1904-08-08
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington
48033 R.W. Spellenberg, J. Reitzel, and H. McKinney 4312 1976-08-09
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, ca. 4 air mi. SW of Pueblo Pintado Trading Post; in Burning Bridge Wash., 2042m
36816 Neely, BE 4892 1987-09-20
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Middle Cyn, ca. 12 mi. N of Adamson Mine, Ute Mt. Tribal Lands, 1900m
28282 M.E. Jones sn 1880-08-29
United States, Utah, Wasatch
23648 Kelly W. Allred 8479 2002-10-04
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, Gila National Forest, along Middle Percha Creek, 0.75 miles west of Hillsboro & jct with hwy 152, N32 54.938 W107 43.072, shady ground around creek, transition zone with gambel oak, ponderosa pine, juniper, 1966m
162766 S. Watson 494 1869-08-00
United States of America, Utah, Wahsatch Mts., 1524m
44077 C. R. Annable 2573 1995-07-17
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Inyo National Forest, Buttermilk Country, W of Bishop, 37.33 -118.55
363376 R. W. Spellenberg 188 1981-08-12
Mexico, W Mexico, San Juan Co, about 4 mi. N community of La Plata, ca. 3/4 mi. E NM HWY 17, N-cent. Sec 14, 32N, R13W, 1916m
01803889 A. Tiehm 16480 2012-08-25
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., Bodie Mountains, 4.2 road miles E of highway 338 from Sweetwater on main road to Fletcher, then 0.65 road miles N, 38.43633 -119.05886, 1798m
2029100 P. B. Kennedy 1954 1912-09-26
United States of America, Nevada, Storey Co., Hermit's Canyon, 1463m
2029055 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1968-08-19
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Drainage Basin: W. Mercury. Symmetrical pis along Rt 95 roadside near NRDS turnoff. U. S. Atomic Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 945m
2029049 A. Tiehm 10256 1985-08-31
United States of America, Nevada, Pershing Co., Kamma Mountains, near the Rosebud mine just north of Rosebud Canyon; T34N, R29E, S24., 40.799444 -118.669722, 1646m
2029136 R. W. Spellenberg 4312 1976-08-09
United States of America, New Mexico, McKinley Co., ca. 4 air mi SW of Pueblo Pintado Trading Post, in Burning Bridge Wash, 35.9221 -107.6203, 2042m
2029031 M. E. Jones s.n. 1875-00-00
United States of America, Utah, Central Utah. [No specific locality provided with this specimen.]
2029189 G. I. Baird 1505 1984-09-03
United States of America, Utah, Millard Co., Pavent Butte, 39.1173 -112.5684, 1539m
2029134 R. W. Spellenberg 6093 1981-08-10
United States of America, New Mexico, San Juan Co., ca. 10 air mi. SE of Shiprock, E side of Hogback near the middle of the first ridge S of San Juan River, 36.7265 -108.5327
2029123 A. Tiehm 9255 1984-08-18
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Koegel Hills, just east of summit on road from Deadhorse Wells to Schurz., 1478m
2029096 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1970-09-12
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Drainage Basin: Ralston Valley; U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 1829m
2029172 R. J. Soreng 1367 1980-08-13
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Along US Hwy 40 ca 2 mi W of Colorado state line, slopes of ridge., 40.779106 -111.962658
2029178 D. H. Wilken 13564 1979-09-22
United States of America, Colorado, Rio Blanco Co., Mouth of Rocky Point Gulch, along Douglas Creek, ca 3 mi SE of State Highway 139., 39.7889 -108.6583, 1830m
2029036 F. A. Warren 8250 1927-05-29
United States of America, Washington, Asotin Co., rocky hillside, Buffalo Rock, T. 8N, R. 47E, Snake River Canyon
2029199 A. Tiehm 6765 1981-09-01
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Dead Camel Mts. on the east side of Lahontan Reservoir., 39.4099 -119.0702, 1341m
2029180 R. D. Dorn 4826 1987-08-28
United States of America, Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., 41.659496 -108.879431, 1859m
2029113 A. Tiehm 9338 1984-09-03
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Wassuk Range, Deadman Canyon on the east side of highway 95 at the north end of Walker Lake., 38.8016 -118.7811, 1463m
2029155 B. Franklin 2208 1985-08-20
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Ca 9 mi due NE of Moab. NW above pass between Castle Valley and Porcupine Canyon., 38.6588 -109.4245, 1402m
2029181 R. D. Dorn 3510 1980-07-03
United States of America, Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., T17N R106W S26 NW1/4 NW1/4, 41.423313 -109.339236, 2042m
2029103 J. D. Morefield 3136(a) 1985-08-28
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., White Mountains. Deep Springs Valley drainage, 1.9 mile N 45° W of Antelope Springs at head of Marble Canyon in Sam’s Springs drainage., 37.354971 -118.123101, 2073m
2029105 J. C. Beatley 11655 1970-09-09
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., U.S. Atommic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity; Beatty Wash ca 3 mi e. of Oasis Valley & Rt 95; Amargosa Drainage Basin, 1036m
2029130 M. J. Williams 77-113 1977-09-17
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., SW side of Pyramid Lake, 1189m
2029054 A. Tiehm 10864 1986-08-09
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., Cortez Mountains, Cortez Canyon, .5 road mile south of the canyon entrance from the Gold Mine; T27N, R47E., 40.116944 -116.791389, 1585m
2029163 A. H. Holmgren 3787 1944-09-05
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Calf Canyon, vicinity of Bluff. Along wash., 37.293952 -109.550142
2029070 E. K. Balls 17303 1952-09-17
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Cultivated under Prop. No. 5961 at Botanic Garden, from material obtained as seed by P. A. Munz, Oct. 6, 1948, from rock crevices of canyon, 7.7 mi. e. of Laws., 2438m
2029156 B. Franklin 4217 1986-09-12
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Ca. 4.8 mi due E of Dewey Cottonwood Canyon, 38.7903 -109.2133, 1305m
2029149 P. C. Standley 7354 1911-07-28
United States of America, Arizona, Navajo Indian Reservation, about the north end of the Carrizo Mountains
2029116 A. P. Pinzl 10977 1993-09-17
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Oasis Valley, Fleur de Lis Road, almost 2 road miles north of US 95., 37.038588 -116.74295, 1158m
2029206 A. Tiehm 11543 1987-08-27
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Hot Creek Range, Tybo Canyon, .8 road mile east of the site of Tybo., 2042m
2029037 J. Torrey s.n. 1865-00-00
United States of America, Nevada, East Range of Humboldt Mountains., 40.924459 -115.120639
2029215 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1969-10-27
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Common in crevices of white tuff outcrops, lower Tates Wash. Drainage Basin: NW Crater Flat; U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 1280m
2029086 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1968-08-06
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Abundant around boulders & in crevices near head of cyn tributary to Forty-Mile, 1.6 mi no. of Area 30 turnoff from Buckboard Mesa Rd, SW of Air-strip. Drainage Basin: So. Forty-Mile; U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 1494m
2029022 A. Tiehm 11935 1988-09-05
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., South fork of the Humboldt River between Grindstone Mountain and the Elko Hills, southwest of Elko, 40.7417 -115.8417, 1524m
2029202 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1968-10-01
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Among boulders, lower limestone slopes, SW end of Spotted Range. Drainage Basin: E. Mercury. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 1219m
2029142 L. M. Shultz 7323 1983-09-06
United States of America, Utah, Wayne Co., Orange Cliffs, North Point road, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, 1829m
2029168 S. L. Welsh 9447 1969-09-20
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Uinta River Formation. Ca. 5 miles south of Ouray., 40.016662 -109.677361
2029092 L. M. Shultz 6228 1982-08-31
United States of America, Utah, Iron Co., Paradise Hills, 22 miles east of Panaca, 37.79012 -113.9833793, 2650m
02312885 R. D. Rosentreter 2374 1981-08-25
United States of America, Idaho, Off Mud Flat Rd.. S. of Grandview., 42.844 -116.2585
2029175 G. E. Osterhout 3400 1986-08-18
United States of America, Colorado, Garfield Co., Glenwood Springs., 39.548038 -107.322554
2029020 A. Tiehm 12727 1998-09-01
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Excelsior Mountains 3.4 road miles west of Marietta on road to Little Huntoon Valley., 1646m
2029091 W. E. Niles 4450 1995-10-06
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., bottom of canyon running north, ca 1 mile west of junction of Tates Wash and Joshua Hollow roads, ca 6 miles east of the town of Beatty, 36.908 -116.6701, 1250m
2029115 L. C. Anderson 1540 1958-08-16
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Ladore Formation (Cambrian) of Sheep Creek Canyon near Palisade Park, 2164m
2029188 A. H. Holmgren 16492 1977-09-07
United States of America, Utah, Juab Co., North end of Thomas Range, where road Callas passes.
2029058 A. Tiehm 10252 1985-08-31
United States of America, Nevada, Pershing Co., Foothills of the Nightingale Mountains on the east side of Winnemucca Lake, 11 air miles south of Mt. Limbo., 40.1662 -119.2736, 1219m
2029213 A. Tiehm 8404 1983-09-15
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., White Pine Range, Currant Creek, 5.6 road miles west of Currant on highway 6., 38.8016 -115.4011, 1829m
2029167 S. L. Welsh 6752 1967-09-03
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., With shadscale, on red, silty Uinta Formation, ca. 4 miles west of Maeser, along Utah Highway #245., 40.477156 -109.663017
2029173 B. Franklin 2471 1985-08-29
United States of America, Colorado, Mesa Co., 5.5 mi due SSE of Gateway. Dolores River Canyon., 38.61318 -108.93295, 1414m
02632537 A. Tiehm 17200 2015-08-20
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Stillwater Range, White Cloud Canyon east of the site of Coppereid., 39.84878 -118.21253, 1372m
2029162 W. Fertig 22392 2005-10-09
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Grand Staircase: canyon below Seaman Spring in Seaman Wash Canyon, ca 5.5 air miles N of US Hwy 89, 15 air miles ENE of Kanab., 37.1156 -112.2409, 1737m
2029032 W. A. Archer 6868 1938-09-01
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., 1-3 mi. from mouth and up Cory Creek Wassuk Range., 1829m
2029079 B. Franklin 5580 1987-10-16
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., ZNP, along Clear Crk. at mouth of Gifford Canyon. Sand soil of wash bottom., 37.2078 -112.9339, 1585m
2029076 A. Tiehm 15367 2006-09-11
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Huntoon Mountains, 2.0 road miles SW of Montgomery Pass on highway 6 then 0.6 road miles N, 37.966111 -118.349194, 2073m
2029135 A. Eastwood 6779 1938-09-17
United States of America, New Mexico, San Juan Co., Near Red Rock, 35.454328 -108.756483
2029068 A. Tiehm 2863 1976-08-21
United States of America, California, Nevada Co., One mile west of the Sierra Co./Nevada Co, line along I-80 in Nevada Co
2029041 D. Griffiths 529 1902-08-00
United States of America, Nevada, Black Rock Desert.
2029141 D. Buchanan 8445 1994-07-07
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., On west side and near entrance of Ruin Canyon, in Beef Basin, northeast of Dark Canyon, 37.93 -109.8792, 1890m
2029144 S. L. Welsh 21397 1982-09-25
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Zion Natl. Park, Clear Cr. Cyn., 37.2078 -112.9339, 1600m
2029126 A. P. Pinzl 7588 1986-08-18
United States of America, Nevada, Douglas Co., Wellington Hills, Desert Creek, 1.1 road miles south of Desert Creek Ranch turnoff., 38.641538 -119.338742, 1829m
2029101 B. Ertter 559/3 1973-10-06
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., US Hwy. 95 above Squaw Creek near historical marker, roadcut, sand and clay below cliffs.
2029048 A. P. Pinzl 10908 1993-09-13
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., Singatse Range, Mason Pass Road, almost 4 road miles north of Delphi Road junction., 38.961822 -119.245975, 1455m
2029154 B. Franklin 2564 1985-09-21
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., SW end Professor Valley. Porcupine Canyon, 38.6731 -109.4245, 1268m
2029190 K. H. Thorne 3598 1984-10-04
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., The Knolls, ca 4 mi. W of Castle Cliffs., 37.0769 -113.9281, 1150m
2029108 A. P. Pinzl 8873 1989-09-15
United States of America, Nevada, Storey Co., Virginia Range, Sixmile Canyon, about 1½ road miles downhill and east of Virginia City (C Street)., 39.309625 -119.630272, 1646m
2029153 A. Tiehm 15081 2005-09-06
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Pancake Range, E side Big Fault Mesa, 8.4 road miles NNW of Buttes Well on main road to Chuck Wagon Flat., 38.30214 -116.00181, 1707m
2029182 R. D. Dorn 3707 1981-08-17
United States of America, Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., 41.659496 -108.879431, 2042m
2029087 J. L. Reveal 2135 1968-09-16
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., light-colored volcanic hills, so. extension of Shoshone Mtn, SW of jnct of Topopah Spr & Shoshone Mtn Rds; No. Topopah Drainage Basin, 1494m
2029205 A. Tiehm 8360 1983-09-12
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., Panaca Warm Spring just north of Panaca., 37.8026 -114.381, 1451m
2029212 A. Tiehm 8353 1983-09-12
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., South Pahroc Range, south side of highway 93 at Pahroc summit., 37.6142 -115.0002, 1585m
2029042 N. D. Atwood 27844 2001-09-21
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Bull Point Wash @ re-entry e. of Whitmore Canyon, 36.3163 -113.2443
2029024 S. L. Welsh 25232 1992-09-26
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Benchland and drainage cut in Carmel Fma, Long Canyon, east of Cockscomb, and West Clark Bench., 37.0868 -111.9331, 1402m
2029118 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1969-10-11
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Cyn at base of w. face of cent. Bare Mtn, e. of Gold Ace Mine. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity. Drainage Basin: Amargosa., 1219m
2029021 P. Train s.n. 1935-08-27
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Crevices in lava rimrocks in mountain canyons. N. Humboldt County., 1524m