Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Centaurea diffusa (Acosta diffusa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-949 of 949

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

301807Cindy Roche   13641987-09-04
United States, Washington, Chelan, 4 miles east of Stevens Pass (Hwy 2)., 47.746358 -120.998617

302530J. Rodriguez   s.n.1986-06-13
United States, Washington, Chelan, 7 miles north of Wenatchee, on lower Sunnyslope Road, near Sleepy Hollow Bridge., 47.524936 -120.30917

300457Cindy Talbott   12461986-06-12
United States, Washington, Chelan, Entiat., 47.67611 -120.20722

300472Cindy Talbott   13301986-11-06
United States, Washington, Yakima, Nile., 46.82083 -120.93833

284232Joy Mastrogiuseppe   27211980-09-12
United States, Washington, Yakima, Priest Rapids, S of Vantage along Columbia River, SW shore of river above Priest Rapdis Dam. 1.3 mi. S of Corral Canyon., 46.69201 -119.97278

138791Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   59831907-00-00
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333

300471Cindy Talbott   12771986-07-28
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Cle Elum Ranger District., 47.51667 -121.11667

300463Cindy Talbott   13261986-10-31
United States, Washington, Pierce, Union Pacific RR Yards, Milwaukee Way & Lincoln Ave, Tacoma., 47.25306 -122.44306

301804Cindy Roche   13621987-09-04
United States, Washington, King, 7 miles west of Stephens Pass. Chainup area Hwy 2., 47.746291 -121.235401

300474Cindy Talbott   13251986-10-31
United States, Washington, Pierce, Union Pacific RR Yards, Milwaukee Way and Lincoln Ave, Tacoma., 47.25306 -122.44306

372419Don Knoke   12012006-09-06
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Across highway from Locust Grove Farm. 15021 N. Thorp Highway., 47.0985 -120.6983

377101Peter F. Zika   230702007-06-26
United States, Washington, King, Near Alaska Way S. and S Jackson Street, Seattle., 47.59833333 -122.335

377715Peter F. Zika   234152007-08-12
United States, Washington, San Juan, Circa 0.7km south of Rosler Road on Cattle Point Road, San Juan Island, Puget Sound., 48.47666667 -123.0316667

379543Doug Williams   2006-112006-07-09
United States, Washington, Chelan, Wenatchee National Forest. 5 miles from U.S. Highway 97 on Forest Road 7200 about 2 miles south of Camas Meadows. (Camas Land)., 47.44978333 -120.5878667

Image Associated With the Occurence
410702G. Baird   12091984-07-06
United States, Washington, Benton, Hanford Works (DOE), Columbia River shoreline, just E of 100-K. T14N R26E S31, 46.650611 -119.60492, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
400968Walter Fertig   339972019-07-17
United States, Washington, Asotin, Blue Mountains: banks of Grande Ronde River, 1.5 miles SW of confluence with Snake River at Rogersburg, 0.6 air miles south of bridge, along Joseph Creek Road, ca 2 air miles W of Lime Hill, 4.2 miles N of the Oregon state line. T7N R46E S26 NE4 NW4 NE4, 46.059133 -117.00305, 280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
402955Walter Fertig   358432023-07-30
United States, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades Ecoregion: Wenatchee Mountains, Blewett Pass (Swauk Pass) on Hwy 97, south of USFS Road NF-7324, ca 15.5 air miles south of junction with US Hwy 2, just W of Chelan line, ca 23 air miles N of Ellensburg. T21N R18E S3 SW4 SW4. Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest., 47.335436 -120.580123, 1244m

402856Walter Fertig   342442019-08-14
United States, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades: Cle Elum Ridge, ca 0.2 miles south of FS Road 3352, west of Cedar Creek meadows, ca 4 air miles south of Cle Elum. T19N R15E S14 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.136667 -120.92305, 1231m

Albert E. Grable   106271985-08-01
United States, Washington, Chelan, US Highway 2 at milepost 76, 5 miles west of Nason Creek Rest Area. T26N R16E S6 NE4 NE4, 47.775338 -120.966017, 549m

Image Associated With the Occurence
401619Walter Fertig   331772018-07-26
United States, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades foothills, Swakane State Wildlife Area, cliffs on W side of WA Hwy 97A, W of Columbia River, ca 5 miles N of Wenatchee, 1 mile SW of Rocky Reach Dam. T23N R20E S3 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.5182 -120.307724, 244m

Image Associated With the Occurence
408188Walter Fertig   190061999-08-29
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Casper Arch: east base of "Broken Horn" ridge along Lone Bear Road, ca 1.2 mi SE of South Fork Bear Creek; ca 11 air mi NNW of Merino., 43.362169 -106.714467, 1628m

A.E. Grable   10823a1986-07-15
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Klipchuck Campground area near Early Winters Creek, Okanogan National Forest. T36N R19E S29 SW4 NW4, 48.59649 -120.51211, 930m

West Texas A&M University Herbarium

WTS0011617Arnold Tiehm   100281985-07-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, Jarbidge Mts, 3.3 road miles north of the town of Jarbidge on the main road to Murphy's Hot Spring; T47N, R58E, S33, 1768m

WTS0011618B. Franklin   21891985-08-19
United States, Utah, Grand, T25S, R24E, NW ¼ S34; La Sal Mts.; Upper Castle Creek, 2164m

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

MWI00025585Koblitz, Bonnie   4172000-07-10
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Northwest of Virginia Dale, United States highway 287, about 0.1 mile south of Wyoming State line, disturbed area roadside beside bridge embunkment on east side of highway, 42.64167 -103.91389, 690m

MWI00059174Halse, Richard R.   64202003-08-02
USA, Oregon, Harney, Stinkingwater Pass, 3 miles west of the summit, near milepost 158, along U.S. Highway 20., 43.80833 -117.35, 1427m

Zion, Bryce, and Cedar Breaks Herbaria

ZION 16228Paulsen, C.   2001-05-15
United States, Kolob Terrace Rd, vicinity of Firepit Knoll

ZION 16276Paulsen, C.   2000-08-03
United States, Kolob Canyons Rd, before right bend into canyon, Kolob Canyons

General Research Observations

M. Licher   16712006-10-06
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Red Rock State Park, just downstream of Blackhawk Crossing, 34.813083 -111.831833, 1180m

MaryBeth Garmoe   2011-592011-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Desert View, intersection of Desert View visitor center road and gas station road, 36.039776 -111.828899, 2273m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kirstin Olmon   2632011-07-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 11.1 km south of Desert View on west side of Highway 64, 113 m S on Forest Road 2814., 35.958833 -111.784472, 1979m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kirstin Olmon   4482012-06-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 35 km W on Highway 64, 4 km NE on Highway 64A in Lee Canyon., 35.934154 -111.73239, 1826m

Rich Crawford   5952012-09-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Little Colorado River Gorge, South Rim, river mile 37 from the confluence., 35.940413 -111.660628, 1669m

Leila M Shultz   22,3592015-08-12
United States, Utah, Utah, Camp Williams Oak Springs training area, Traverse Mountains, 1737m

Walter Fertig   310672015-09-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Northeast end of San Francisco Mountains, off FS Road 0.25 miles SE of Lost Tank, 1 mile W of US Hwy 89, ca 12 air miles N of Flagstaff, 3.5 miles west of Sunset Crater. T23N R7E S13 NE4 SE4 NE4, 35.377694 -111.597517, 2289m

Lucas C. Majure   62732016-10-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino, off of Willard Rd. Exit from Hwy. 17 S, just S of Flagstaff, 34.97807 -111.68632, 2063m

Walter Fertig   328272018-06-20
USA, Washington, Grant, Columbia Plateau Ecoregion, dunes at base of Sentinel Bluffs at west end of Saddle Mountain, east of WA Hwy 243 and the Columbia River, ca 2 miles SSE of Beverly. T15N R23E S10 NE4 SE4, 46.8026 -119.9221, 169m

Jason W. Baker   8122018-08-07
USA, Utah, Summit, Collected in the Park City Ski Resort directly east of the Alpine Coaster in a Bigtooth Maple and Quaking Aspen community., 40.647817 -111.503489, 2189m

Walter Fertig   331772018-07-26
USA, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades foothills, Swakane State Wildlife Area, cliffs on W side of WA Hwy 97A, W of Columbia River, ca 5 miles N of Wenatchee, 1 mile SW of Rocky Reach Dam. T23N R20E S3 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.5182 -120.307724, 244m

Walter Fertig   333962018-08-23
USA, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades: Camas Meadows Natural Area Preserve, Camas Land, trailhead pullout off Camas Meadows Road, 12 miles WNW of Wenatchee. T23N R18E S21 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.471897 -120.585954, 858m

Heidi M. Simper   842019-07-20
USA, Idaho, Blaine, Along Smith Creek in Rock Creek Ranch. Turn North on Rock Creek Road from Hwy 20. Drive about 4.3 miles, you will see a barn on the left, take the first right almost directly across from the barn., 43.389608 -114.385972, 1545m

G. Rink   163532019-10-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Vastco property on old Route 66, west of Flagstaff, 35.192487 -111.710577, 2164m

Walter Fertig   339312019-07-08
USA, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades: north bank of Tieton River, south of Hwy 12, 0.3 miles east of Windy Point Campground, 6 air miles SW of junction of Hwy 12 and WA Hwy 410. 10.5 miles WSW of Naches. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF inholding within WA DFW. T14N R15E S23 NW4 NE4 NE4., 46.693861 -120.912167, 610m

Walter Fertig   339972019-07-17
USA, Washington, Asotin, Blue Mountains: banks of Grande Ronde River, 1.5 miles SW of confluence with Snake River at Rogersburg, 0.6 air miles south of bridge, along Joseph Creek Road, ca 2 air miles W of Lime Hill, 4.2 miles N of the Oregon state line. T7N R46E S26 NE4 NW4 NE4, 46.059133 -117.00305, 280m

Walter Fertig   340992019-07-31
USA, Washington, Douglas, Columbia Plateau: Spiva Butte Preserve, Chelan Douglas Land Trust, spring 0.2 miles south of Crosetto Lake, 0.7 miles northeast of Spiva Butte, ca 3 air miles southwest of Leahy and junction of highways 17 and 174. T28N R27E S29 NW4 SE4 NE4., 47.897617 -119.452417, 619m

Walter Fertig   342442019-08-14
USA, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades: Cle Elum Ridge, ca 0.2 miles south of FS Road 3352, west of Cedar Creek meadows, ca 4 air miles south of Cle Elum. T19N R15E S14 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.136667 -120.92305, 1231m

Leila M. Shultz   22,7522021-06-24
United States, Utah, Cache, confluence of the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers, Rendezvous Park, Cache Valley, 41.707719 -111.848227, 1366m

Walter Fertig   357992023-07-12
United States, Washington, Grant, Columbia Plateau Ecoregion: flats south of Saddle Mountain, 0.75 miles north of WA Hwy 24 and 2 miles north of the Columbia River. T15N R27E S32 NW4 NW4. Hanford Reach National Monument., 46.749 -119.473, 732m

Walter Fertig   358432023-07-30
United States, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades Ecoregion: Wenatchee Mountains, Blewett Pass (Swauk Pass) on Hwy 97, south of USFS Road NF-7324, ca 15.5 air miles south of junction with US Hwy 2, just W of Chelan line, ca 23 air miles N of Ellensburg. T21N R18E S3 SW4 SW4. Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest., 47.335436 -120.580123, 1244m

Page 10, records 901-949 of 949


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