R.A. Evers & Clara V. Evers 115475 1976-08-04
United States, Washington, Okanogan, In campground, 1 mile south of Winthrop.
Richard G. Walter 120 1982-07-11
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Near Colorado 83, 5 miles south of Frankton., 39.318902 -104.737647
Steven R. Hill 29435 1997-06-30
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Rt. M-119, ca. 2 miles northeast of Cross Village, Mackinaw State Forest; Lake Michigan. Sharp bend in road, 1.4 miles southwest jct. Sturgeon Bay Drive.
Floyd A. Swink & Noreen Hannon 9388 1989-08-25
United States, Illinois, De Kalb, Along the Milwaukee Railroad near old cattle pens at the west edge of Kirkland.
UTC00082049 Arthur Cronquist; Quentin Jones 6027 1949-07-31
United States, Idaho, Benewah, 6 miles W of St Maries
UTC00145170 A. H. Holmgren 16326 1976-08-27
United States, Utah, Grand, Castle Valley road 7.5 miles SE of hwy on Castle Valley road, 38.606966 -109.349568
UTC00146744 Sylvia Brockner 1976-07-27
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Bear Mountain at Evergreen, 2400m
UTC00151655 Arnold Tiehm; Kathy O'brien 2860 1976-08-20
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Reno; along south Virginia St near Foothill Road south of Reno., 39.52972 -119.81278
UTC00153862 Margaret J Williams; Arnold Tiehm 77-86-1 1977-08-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Foothill Road SW of Reno, 39.5297222 -119.8127778, 1372m
UTC00157298 R Hainault 6603 1973-07-17
CANADA, British Columbia, Osoyoos
UTC00157894 Arnold Tiehm 4641 1978-08-09
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge ; Duffurena Grade, 4.1 air miles NE of Range HQ Duffurnea Ranch, 41.9061111 -118.9638889, 1400m
UTC00187152 Leila M Shultz; John S Shultz; Linda Mathews 7480 1983-10-04
United States, Idaho, Blaine, 7 miles N of Ketchum Trail Creek Summit Pioneer Mts, 2408m
UTC00190740 Deborah L Petteys; Richard Chase 84-b 1982-07-21
United States, Utah, Cache, Paradise along Canyon Rd (8800 S) to E for ca. 1 mile to metal gate where road turns S; thru gate to alfalfa field and adjacent pasture., 41.5688889 -111.8372222, 1524m
UTC00194770 Steve Dewey 1986-07-16
United States, Utah, Davis, South Weber Drive
UTC00195916 Arnold Tiehm 10028 1985-07-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, Jarbidge Mts. 3.3 road miles N of the town of Jarbidge on the main road to Murphys Hot Spring, 41.9188889 -115.4238889, 1768m
UTC00199346 Ted Tibbets
United States, Utah, Grand, Road shoulder near Castleton
UTC00199347 SA Dewey 1987-08-11
United States, Utah, Davis, S. Weber along a county road
UTC00227704 A.C. Sanders; P. MacKay; G. Helmkamp S.White 15356 1994-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mtns.: Arrowbear Lake in the community of the same name E of Running Springs., 34.2113889 -117.0766667, 1890m
UTC00234256 Arnold Tiehm; Janet Bair 13708 2001-07-22
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Gardnerville, vacant lot at corner of Centerville Lane and Rubio Way, SW side of Gardnerville, 38.9175 -119.7405556, 1457m
UTC00237151 Richard R. Halse 6419 2003-08-02
United States, Oregon, Harney, Along U.S. Hwy. 20, ca. 3 miles W of the summit of Stinkingwater Pass, near milepost 158., 43.6658333 -118.59, 1427m
UTC00243629 Kim Andersen CANY V-1 2003-08-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, Canyonlands National Park; Willow Flat, along road heading to Upheaval Dome, Island in the Sky, 38.389653 -109.879048, 1870m
UTC00243631 Kim Andersen BLCA V-5 2004-08-17
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Monument; About 1-2 miles outside park boundary, on entrance road in vacant lot, 38.5238889 -107.7205556, 2334m
UTC00258493 Noel H. Holmgren 15848 2008-08-01
United States, Utah, Rich, Monte Cristo Range of the Wasatch Range, near the back of Birch Creek Reservoir, 1.8 km (1.1 mi) from the Monte Cristo Highway (State Route 39), the turnoff for which is 12.2 km (7.6 mi) west of State Route 16, in the town of Woodruff., 41.505833 -111.318056
UTC00272243 David Keil 21084 1988-08-24
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo National Forest. Inyo Mountains. Junction of Little Cowhorn - Joshua Flats Road (Death Valley Road) [road to Eureka Valley] with Waucoba-Saline Road.; 0, 37.13716 -118.05363, 2300m
UTC00268496 Anderson, Loran C. s.n. 2014-07-28
UNITED STATES, Utah, Uinta Nat'l Forest (between Heber City and American Fork Canyon), 1949m
Trent M Draper 511 2015-10-02
United States, Utah, Weber, Liberty, along Durfee Creek Trail to Utaba Reservoir and near trailhead and road, 41.384821 -111.897884, 1757m
Trent M Draper 510 2015-10-02
United States, Utah, Weber, Liberty, along Durfee Creek Trail to Utaba Reservoir and near trailhead and road, 41.38715 -111.89731, 1775m
UTC00280785 Leila M. Shultz 16207 1996-08-14
United States, Utah, Tooele, Deep Creek Mountains and Eight-Mile Wash, below Dry Canyon, 39.985556 -113.7775, 1463m
UTC00284389 Trent M Draper 510 2015-10-02
United States, Utah, Weber, Liberty, along Durfee Creek Trail to Utaba Reservoir and near trailhead and road, 41.38715 -111.89731, 1775m
UTC00284433 Trent M. Draper 511 2015-10-02
United States, Utah, Weber, Liberty, along Durfee Creek Trail to Utaba Reservoir and near trailhead and road, 41.384821 -111.897884, 1757m
UTC00288327 A. Tiehm 18526 2019-08-17
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Valley, 0.35 road miles W of highway 229 on W side Ruby Valley on road to Ruby Valley Forest Service Station, 40.7295 -115.22475, 1951m
KHD00006931 Janet L. Wingate 465 1981-07-06
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum site, area 3C, Deer Creek stream bed near schoolhouse; growing by collection #464, 39.550164 -105.099111, 1683m
KHD00006933 Janet L. Wingate 501 1981-07-06
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum site, area 3E, north side of cement drive through of Deer Creek, 39.550278 -105.095494, 1674m
KHD00006935 Janet L. Wingate 464 1981-07-06
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum site, area 3C, Deer Creek stream bed near schoolhouse; growing by collection #465, 39.550164 -105.099111, 1683m
KHD00006934 Berta Anderson 1204 1976-08-11
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, From roadside (I-25) just south of Castle Rock, 39.368756 -104.863734, 1890m
KHD00006929 Berta Anderson 1203 1973-07-30
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, I-25 lined with it from north of Castle Rock to Monument Hill, 39.2575 -104.8896, 1798m
KHD00006936 K. Cushman 10 1986-08-27
United States of America, Colorado, Adams, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, transect 19-1, section 19, 39.827316 -104.840976
KHD00007836 Janet L. Wingate 5600 1991-07-04
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Community College of Aurora & Delaney Farm properties between Chambers Rd. & Centretech Parkway; site 2; W. of campus buildings between old & new Highline canals, 39.714042 -104.803033, 1655m
KHD00007833 Loraine Yeatts 3145 1991-09-05
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Front Range, Moraine Park, 40.356806 -105.594484, 2493m
KHD00006930 Stanley Smookler GGC #411 1995-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Golden Gate Canyon State Park, 39.8543 -105.3498, 2384m
KHD00033034 B. Koblitz 417 2000-07-10
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, US Highway 287, ca. 0.1 miles south of Wyoming State line; in area beside bridge embankment on the east side of the highway., 40.995 -105.411667, 2286m
KHD00025431 Chloe Andersen 41A 2008-09-17
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, Denver, Bluff Lake Nature Center; section 16; garden area near main path., 39.758252 -104.856853, 1628m
KHD00022978 Carol Winther 188 2004-08-05
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Meyer Ranch Park, Jefferson County Open Space, west of the intersection of HWY 285 and Turkey Creek Road., 39.54061 -105.274401, 2430m
KHD00006932 E.H. Brunquist B-153 1961-08-26
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, roadside ditch, east side of Colo. Hwy. 177, cir, 0.45 mi. east & south from a point opposite the stone shelter house for Daniels Park, 39.476723 -104.923112, 1829m
KHD00007832 Jim Ratzloff 1976-07-31
United States of America, Colorado, Adams, Adams County Nature Preserve, 39.931579 -104.872292, 1524m
KHD00007834 E.H. Brunquist 1943-09-04
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, State Hy. 67, between Sedalia and Woodbine Lodge (Jarre Canyon road), 39.404996 -104.997201, 1865m
KHD00007835 Loraine Yeatts 801 1983-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, S. Table Mt.; on mesatop near old road, 39.756254 -105.196861
KHD00006928 Loraine Yeatts 801 1983-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, S. Table Mt.; on mesatop near old road, 39.747056 -105.185588, 1861m
KHD00012790 Tom Grant 2000-07-11
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum Site, located at junction of Highway75 and Deer Creek Road., 39.547801 -105.096378, 1655 - 1664m
KHD00012789 Tom Grant 2000-07-11
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum Site, located at junction of Highway75 and Deer Creek Road., 39.547801 -105.096378, 1655 - 1664m
KHD00023993 Pam Regensberg 842 2012-07-09
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Cherokee Ranch & Castle property. Ca. 2.6 miles NE of Sedalia and .6 miles due east of N. Daniels Park Road. Sedalia quad., 39.46236 -104.92622, 1970m
KHD00024939 Janet L. Wingate 9289B 2012-06-09
United States of America, Colorado, Elbert, 1250 Stage Run Trail, Chisholm subdivision, ca. 4 miles S of town of Elizabeth, 39.317058 -104.638857, 2050m
KHD00041072 Melissa Islam 12-302 2012-08-09
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Cherokee Ranch & Castle property, N of US 85 and Sedalia, and W of Daniels Park Rd. Just west of Daniels Park Road and north of private property on top of sandstone ridge., 39.465899 -104.916478, 1962m
KHD00053560 Ann Bonnell 10 1999-09-27
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Audubon Nature Center - Traffic Circle, ROMO., 39.493453 -105.092723, 1659m
KHD00056476 Marsha Sutton 101415 1995-10-14
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, Cherry Creek east of Auraria, 39.733333 -105
KHD00056475 Karen K. McShea 0020 2006-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky flats, northwestern Buffer Zone. Just south of the road that connects the Present landfill and the new landfill. On top of the pediment east of the road that crossed the stream., 39.891097 -105.231933
KHD00056474 unknown. s.n.
KHD00056691 Caryn Scharlau s.n. 1994-09-19
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, SE of Fort Collins, 40.583333 -105
KHD00059780 Sarah Taylor 375 2014-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, Massey Draw. Adjacent to C-470, E of Wadsworth Blvd, South of West Payne Ave., 39.5605 -105.0793, 1682m
KHD00059569 Sarah Taylor 417 2014-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, Massey Draw. Adjacent to C-470, E of Wadsworth Blvd, South of West Payne Ave., 39.5593 -105.0789, 1677m
KHD00060874 Pam Regensberg 2619 2015-08-10
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Lowry Range (Colorado State Land Board, Stewardship Trust program), ca. 23 miles SE of Denver and 3 miles directly E of Aurora Reservoir. Former US military bombing and gunnery range and location of several decommissioned Titan I missile complexes., 39.56781 -104.53645, 1805m
KHD00062051 Tom Schweich 1233 2015-07-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, North Table Mountain Park, Northern portion of North Table Mountain, 205 m east of radio tower, 3.3 km north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden., 39.78460156 -105.2136464, 1984m
KHD00059779 Sarah Taylor 388 2014-08-20
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, Massey Draw. Adjacent to C-470, E of Wadsworth Blvd, South of West Payne Ave., 39.5605 -105.0793, 1682m
KHD00065815 Lisa Walsh 85 2016-07-16
United States of America, Colorado, Lincoln, Ca. 1.5 air miles south of Limon on State Hwy 71 south, then east ca. 0.5 miles on County Road 3E., 39.247056 -103.678016
KHD00063888 Bruce Bosley 16-21 2016-08-25
United States of America, Colorado, Morgan, Roadside, 15.5 mi NE of Snyder on Co Rd GG, 1/4 mi w of Rd 35, 40.466 -103.471, 397m
Katherine Fu 89 2018-05-21
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 3. 1000 meters ENE of Platte Canyon Reservoir., 39.49269 -105.076, 1693m
Meghan McGill 90 2018-06-21
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Farms, 8500 W Deer Creek Canyon Rd. North east portion of property. Deer Creek Riparian Zone., 39.55039 -105.10145, 1688m
KHD00071581 Janet L. Wingate 12387B 2018-07-05
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Lost Lake Equestrian Center, 8001 Lost Lake Dr, 1.5 air miles NE of Franktown., 39.405959 -104.737652, 1942m
KHD00070760 Christina Alba 1587 2018-06-29
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, 6.1 driving miles west of the intersection of S. Perry Park Road (County Road 105) and Dakan Road in Sedalia, Colorado; approximately 4.75 air miles northwest of Perry Park, Colorado; main structure on landowner's private property., 39.30778 -105.04623, 2303m
KHD00072601 Janet L. Wingate 13300 2019-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Sandstone Ranch. Douglas County Open Space. Front Range, West Plum Creek Drainage, Gove Creek tributary. 2038 acre property located approximately 3.25 air miles west-southwest of Larkspur, Colorado, and 3.25 air miles southeast of Perry Park, Colorado., 39.21348 -104.94222, 2020 - 2115m
KHD00072602 Janet L. Wingate 13299 2019-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Sandstone Ranch. Douglas County Open Space. Front Range, West Plum Creek Drainage, Gove Creek tributary. 2038 acre property located approximately 3.25 air miles west-southwest of Larkspur, Colorado, and 3.25 air miles southeast of Perry Park, Colorado., 39.21348 -104.94222, 2020 - 2115m
KHD00075031 Loraine Yeatts 6799 2019-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Front Range, Douglas County Open Space, Sandstone Ranch, Gove Creek, tributary to W. Plum Creek, 39.21793 -104.96014, 2007m
KHD00074785 Loraine Yeatts 6866 2019-09-12
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Front Range, Sandstone Ranch, Douglas County Open Space; E. fork of Gove Creek; 2.48mi W 260°of true N from Raspberry Butte, 39.21394 -104.95467, 2036m
KHD00074924 Christina Alba 1548 2018-06-22
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 66. 600 meters SW of intersection of Green Valley Ranch Blvd and Picadilly Rd., 39.77817612 -104.7397344, 1638m
KHD00074024 Christina Alba 1693 2018-07-11
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Unincorporated Arapahoe County west of City of Aurora. Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 46. 580 meters E of intersection of E Jewell Ave and S Parker Rd., 39.6817634 -104.8863679, 1670m
KHD00074012 Christina Alba 1705 2018-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 6. 2500 meters S of Chatfield Lake., 39.52249323 -105.062816, 1665m
KHD00074087 Christina Alba 1762 2018-07-16
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal at estimated Mile Marker 1 (no marker present). 1200 meters SW of Platte Canyon Reservoir., 39.48389733 -105.0984781, 1686m
KHD00071797 Christina Alba 1943 2018-07-30
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 8. 4325 meters SE of Chatfield Lake., 39.51715672 -105.0364491, 1594m
KHD00071419 Christina Alba 2055 2018-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 12. 2400 meters E of Chatfield Lake., 39.54785387 -105.0416346, 1646m
KHD00071418 Christina Alba 2056 2018-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal Trail at Mile Marker 12. 2400 meters E of Chatfield Lake., 39.54785387 -105.0416346, 1646m
KHD00072383 Christina Alba 2211 2018-08-27
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Unincorporated Douglas County south of City of Littleton. Along the High Line Canal at estimated Mile Marker 0 (inception of the Canal)., 39.48362 -105.11293, 1698m
KHD00069897 Kevin Fehlberg 1995-08-11
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Pike National Forest Indian Creek campground off Hwy 67 N. of Sprucewood, 39.379291 -105.097133, 2286m
KHD00075051 Ann Bonnell 23 1999-09-27
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Audubon Nature Center - Traffic Circle, ROMO., 39.493453 -105.092723, 5443m
KHD00075050 Ann Bonnell 133 2000-07-28
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Audubon Nature Center - Hiking Trail, ROMO, 5437m
KHD00075049 Ann Bonnell 134
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Audubon Nature Center - Hiking Trail, ROMO, 5437m
KHD00075052 Ann Bonnell 10 1999-09-27
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Audubon Nature Center - Traffic Circle, ROMO., 39.493453 -105.092723, 1659m
KHD00076674 Janet L. Wingate 13903 2022-08-02
United States of America, Colorado, Elbert, CR 93, 1300 ft. N of Hwy 86, 13 miles E of Kiowa., 39.27676 -104.23478, 1881m
KHD00077422 Anna Hawkins Dulaney 128 2022-07-11
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, CommonGround Golf Course. 10300 East Golfers Way. Near intersection of East 1st Ave and Havana Street. Site: CG7?., 39.71553 -104.88139
KHD00078128 Sophia Warsh 573 2018-07-13
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder, Hall Ranch, intersection of the Button Rock Trail and Nighthawk Trail, 40.2187 -105.33465, 2033m
KHD00081429 Sue Janssen 705 2023-08-04
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, South Platte River Trail, growing along the trolley right of way., 39.753 -105.0117, 1581m
KHD00082645 Loraine Yeatts 7016 2024-10-14
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, South Table Mt, along Serpentine trail, 0.5 mi. 348° NW of true N from junction of Quaker and Golden Hills roads, 39.74815 -105.18625, 1856m
KHD00083045 Janet L. Wingate 14241 2024-07-25
United States of America, Colorado, El Paso, Paint Mines Interpretive Park, approx 1 mile se of Calhan; area adjacent to pond, 39.02103 -104.27851
58068 Cusick, Allison 1998-06-24
United States, Ohio, ERIE, ERIE, OH, US
43742 Cusick, Allison 1977-06-29
United States, Ohio, ALLEN, ALLEN, OH, US
Laura Witherspoon 1978-07-26
United States, California, Siskiyou, T40N, R4W, Sec. 28; Klamoth National Forest
Laura Witherspoon 1978-07-26
United States, California, Siskiyou, T40N, R4W, Sec. 29; Klamoth National Forest
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00066587 S. N. Stephenson s.n. 1989-08-19
United States, Colorado, Douglas, 40km SE of Denver, 1km east of Castlerock.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00066588 Lowell E. Urbatsch 6807 1990-08-20
United States, Washington, Chelan, Wenatchee National Forest; along FR 7320, 0.3 mi N of the summit of Blewett Pass S of Leavenworth and 7.5 S of the jct of US 97. Seep along steep hillside and roadside.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00066589 Lowell E. Urbatsch 6804 1990-08-20
United States, Washington, Chelan, Wenatchee National Forest; travel down US 97, 6.2 mi from its jct with US 2 to Ingalls Creek Rd, travel down this road 1.2 mi (to near where trail 1215 begins) to Hansel Creek Rd. Take this rd. 0.5 mi to the collecting site. Several plants are growing in a seep along the roadside.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00066590 Honora S. Buras 471 1993-07-14
United States, Colorado, El Paso, LSU Geology Field Camp, south from Colorado Springs and Hwy 115 past Academy Road. Across Hwy 115 from Fort Carson. Collection in meadow at entrance to camp.