Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Centaurea diffusa (Acosta diffusa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 949

University of Michigan Herbarium

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1252531Warren H. Wagner, Jr.   84861959-08-21
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, 2.5 mi. E. of Boyne City.

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Centaurea diffusa × maculosa
1474879Edward G. Voss   8261950-07-25
United States, Michigan, Emmet, sec. 36, T35N, Bear Creek Tp., 45.38205 -84.88724

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1475891Edward G. Voss   9041951-06-28
United States, Michigan, Emmet, NW1/4, sec. 36, Springvale Tp.

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1474880Edward G. Voss   8261950-07-25
United States, Michigan, Emmet, sec. 36, T35N, Bear Creek Tp., 45.38205 -84.88724

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1252532Edward G. Voss   27081955-07-12
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, center E1/2 sec. 34, Wilmot Tp, ca. 5 mi. SW of Wolverine (1/2 mi. N of co. line)., 45.20889 -84.656799

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1482884Bradford S. Slaughter | Erin Victory   13462014-09-02
United States, Michigan, Osceola, Osceola-Missaukee Grasslands State Game Area, Unit 1. E of 20th Ave., 44.162627 -85.126149

University of Minnesota Herbarium

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421595Schimpf, D.   DJS7332013-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth.;;049N;14W;18, 46.7279082 -92.2908439

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473272Schimpf, D.   7272012-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth.;;049N;14W;18, 46.7231944 -92.1598611

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447864Schimpf, D.   7322013-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth. ;;049N;14W;18, 46.7231944 -92.1598611

University of Mississippi, Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium

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MISS0069407Thomas M. Pullen   s.n.
USA, Georgia, Polk, Pullen farm pasture

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MISS0069408H. E. Ahles   810411975-08-03
USA, Massachusetts, Suffolk, RR yards in vicinity of Summer St, S Boston

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MISS0069409S. L. Welsh & G. Moore   61931966-08-06
Canada, British Columbia, Hwy 3, ca 10 mi E of Princeton

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

303897Robert Bruce Kaul   67961990-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Pierce, Roadside ditch and adjacent pasture near Willow Creek, ca 1 mi SW of Pierce. Flowers whitish.

286442Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   69461990-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Pierce, Locally abundant in overgrazed pasture and adjacent roadside along Willow Cr, 1/2 mi. Sw 1/4 mi. S of Pierce; also seen in sandy ground on S side of Willow Creek Reservoir.

316215Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   197942009-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Ainsworth, 12 mi N, 0.4 mi E. Niobrara River Breaks/Nebraska Sandhills mosaic: E side Old Nebr. hwy 7. T32N R22W SEC25 mid W side NW╝. 42.72027 N, 99.85384 W, WGS84 (det GPS). Elev 2370-2380 ft (det topo map). Edge of scraped/graded portion of roadside ditch adjacent to grazed Schizachyrium scoparium - Hesperostipa comata prairie between Plum & Dutch Creeks (Niobrara River drainage). Gently sloping. Full sun. Soil fine sand from Tertiary sandstone. Bushy herb 0.75 m tall, 0.75 m wide; corolla white. 4-5 large plants scattered along 0.25 mi section of road., 42.72027 -99.85384

University of Nevada Herbarium

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20591S. Vautier   s.n.2007-08-13
USA, Oregon, Josephine, Near Selma on the Illinois River Road, ca 400 feet from Hwy 199., 42.279257 -123.617371

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20592N. Otting   11712005-07-22
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, W slope of Winnemuca Mountain. 3.1 miles from Highway 95., 41.02078 -117.77293, 1722m

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20593M.J. Williams   77-86-11977-08-23
USA, Nevada, Washoe, [Sierra Nevada, Carson Range,] Foothill Road, SE of Reno., 39.437734 -119.771592, 1372m

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20594R.R. Halse   64192003-08-02
USA, Oregon, Harney, Along US Hwy 20, ca 3 miles W of the summit of Stinkingwater Pass, near milepost 158, 43.665833 -118.59, 1427m

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20595A. Tiehm   137082001-07-22
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Gardnerville, vacant lot at corner of Centerville Lane and Rubio Way, SW side of Gardnerville., 38.910723 -119.755347, 1457m

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20596C.W. Baker   s.n.1961-08-20
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Van Vliet Ranch, Gardnerville., 38.939694 -119.779491

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20597A. Tiehm   46411978-08-09
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, along Hwy 140, Duffurena Grade, 4.1 air miles NE of Range HQ Duffurena Ranch., 41.912688 -118.967777, 1402m

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20598L.C. Higgins   246812003-06-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument., 36.693191 -111.847758, 1570m

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20599L.C. Higgins   257032004-06-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, Emmett Wash., 36.695264 -111.872439, 1500m

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20600A. Tiehm   28601976-08-20
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Reno, along S Virginia Street, near Foothill Road, S of Reno., 39.448628 -119.775608

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20601R.R. Halse   34951987-07-21
USA, Washington, Klickitat, In a small weedy field along WA Hwy 14, on the E edge of Bingen., 45.709753 -121.455422, 36m

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54864D. Williams   2006-112006-07-09
USA, Washington, Chelan, Wenatchee NF, 5 miles from US Hwy 97 on FR 7200, ca 2 miles S of Camas Meadows (Camas Land)., 47.449783 -120.587867, 1012m

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17353R.R. Halse   101662017-07-30
USA, Oregon, Gilliam, Off I-84 at exit 129 (Blalock Canyon), towards Columbia River., 45.6944 -120.38099, 87m

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104804A. Tiehm   185262019-08-17
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Valley, 0.35 road mile W of Hwy 229 on W side Ruby Valley, on road to Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.7295 -115.22475, 1951m

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107029A. Tiehm   188392020-08-18
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Valley, 0.3 road mile S of Krenka Creek trailhead road, on Hwy 229 from Secret Pass., 40.74643 -115.28254, 1920m

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111080W. Fertig   310672015-09-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Northeast end of San Francisco Mountains, off FS Road 0.25 miles SE of Lost Tank, 1 mile W of US Hwy 89, ca 12 air miles N of Flagstaff, 3.5 miles west of Sunset Crater. T23N R7E S13 NE4 SE4 NE4, 35.377694 -111.597517, 2289m

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113463A. Howald   47782018-08-14
USA, California, Mono, E of Sierra Nevada, Bridgeport Valley, Hwy 395, ca 0.3 mile N of Middle Brach Buckeye Creek crossing., 38.266556 -119.279833, 1986m

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0008371C.R. Hutchins   130861991-07-18
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Hwy 64, 2 mi. east of I-25 near Raton., 36.87892032 -104.39633553, 1981m

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0008393R.F. Peters   2311958-08-31
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Weigand's Bay on Lake Wisconsin.

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0133796Robert C. Sivinski   89822015-07-26
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, East side of I-25 R-O-W at Tecolote., 35.46476 -105.276367, 1935m

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0067727Ken Heil   334682011-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Questa Mine. Tailings area. Ca 1/3 mile north of northern most settling pond. Roadside., 36.7169333 -105.6178667, 2312m

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0140756R.C. Sivinski   95942022-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Sangre de Cristo Mts, trail along Little Tesuque Creek 1 km below the trailhead at the first bridge on Ski Basin Road., 35.726867 -105.897545, 2252m

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0138404Heil, Kenneth D.   135251999-07-05
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Navajo Nation. US Hwy. 89 north of Flagstaff. Ca .75 mi south of Gray Mountain., 35.7211389 -111.4841111, 1676m

UNM:Vascular Plants
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UNM0144775Robert C. Sivinski   96972023-07-24
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Chimayo, south end of town along Santa Cruz River., 35.98593 -105.92793, 1875m

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
United States, Tennessee, Davidson

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00750Koblitz, B   4172000-07-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Colorado: Larimer County: US Hwy 287, ca. 0.1 mi S of Wyoming state line; in disturbed area roadside beside bridge emban, 40.99499893 -105.4116669

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00751Koblitz, B   5852000-08-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Colorado: Larimer County: Along Larimer Co. Rd. 37 (Red Mtn. Rd.), ca. 7 mi NE of its intersection with US Hwy 287; road, 40.88166809 -105.2733307

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08734Hazlett, Don   1998-08-14
United States, Colorado, Adams County, By Big Dry Creek, near 120th Ave, just west of I-25, 39.913731 -105.025535

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20572Cooley, Carissa, Terri Hamilton   192007-10-20
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Evens/Greeley, Under bridge of County Rd. 54, 40.37747222 -104.6739222

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22337Foley, Erin   117412004-08-16
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Arapaho National Forest, Front Range, along Colorado State Hwy. 103, ca. 2.5 air mi. WSW of Idaho Springs and ca. 7 air mi. ENE of Georgetown, 39.7237 -105.5625

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Straley, Gerald   87941995-09-10
Canada, British Columbia, Locality Not Recorded, 50.48 -121.2

United States, Montana, Fallon County, Baker

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USCH0013012Seibert, C.   1471988-06-17
United States, Montana, Lewis and Clark County, East Helena

University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium

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United States, Massachusetts, Worcester

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United States, Massachusetts, Worcester

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United States, Washington, Kittitas

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

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TEX00485391George Yatskievych   19-0662019-07-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino, E side of Flagstaff, along Business Highway40/89; N access road (N Kasper Drive) ca. 0.2 mile E of junction with E Lockett Road., 35.21878 -111.59231

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TEX00565643Dora Sylvester   s.n.1983-07-25
United States, Oregon, Sherman, I - 84 - Columbia River. 10 mi. W. of The Dalles.

University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium

UTEP:Herb:58993Collector(s): Andrew C. Sanders   153561994-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Arrowbear Lake, E of Running Springs, 34.2115 -117.0768333333, 1875 - 1875m

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

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00006984Christopher Abair   73051972-08-25
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Teanaway Junction.

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

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UVMVT101217   1976-07-05
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, 42.27054 -71.80794

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UVMVT101216   1976-07-24
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, 42.27054 -71.80794

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UVMVT323682A.G. Jones   7501
United States, Washington

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UVMVT332337S. Fawcett   827
United States, California

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UVMVT331855R.R. Halse   6419
United States, Oregon

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0020298WISHarriman, Neil A.; Harriman, Bettie R.   s.n.1993-08-08
United States, Wisconsin, Manitowoc, Parking lot at the Lighthouse Inn on the shore of Lake Michigan beside Wis. Hwy. 42 at the S city limits of the Village of Two Rivers, 44.14195 -87.5699

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v0020297WISHarriman, Neil A.; Harriman, Bettie R.   s.n.1993-08-08
United States, Wisconsin, Manitowoc, Parking lot at the Lighthouse Inn on the shore of Lake Michigan beside Wis. Hwy. 42 at the S city limits of the Village of Two Rivers, 44.14195 -87.5699

US Forest Service - Tonto National Forest

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TEUI0000398Liz Makings   21722005-08-18
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Pleasant Valley airstrip near Young, 34.15842 -110.9325, 1730m

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TEUI0000397Liz Makings   21392005-08-10
United States, Arizona, Gila, Pleasant Valley; across from Pleasant Valley Inn along Hwy 288, 34.10103 -110.9525, 1570m

Valdosta State University Herbarium

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VSC0012233Joanne Gilmer   1951-07-01
United States, New York

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

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United States, Washington, Klickitat

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United States, Nevada, Elko

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United States, Tennessee, Davidson

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United States, Tennessee, Davidson

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United States, Tennessee, Davidson

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Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

370326Peter F. Zika   226012005-10-13
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Mouth of Alder Creek, N shore of Columbia River., 45.8367 -119.9283

300456Cindy Talbott   13151986-10-29
United States, Washington, Cowlitz, 25 miles up Spirit Lake Hwy 504 from I-5.

197670Xerpha M. Gaines   4671950-07-15
United States, Washington, Chelan, On road grade about 6 miles south of Entiat., 47.593605 -120.247818

300475Cindy Talbott   13161986-10-29
United States, Washington, Cowlitz, 27 miles up Spirit Lake Hwy (504) from I-5.

300446Cindy Talbott   13191986-10-30
United States, Washington, Skagit, Exit 226 on I-5, Mt. Vernon., 48.4199 -122.3228

300477Cindy Talbott   12671986-07-22
United States, Washington, Benton, Bank of Columbia River, 1' above waterline. White Bluffs, Hanford Reservation., 46.66667 -119.48361

300444Cindy Talbott   13201986-10-30
United States, Washington, Skagit, Exit 226 on I-5, Mt. Vernon., 48.4199 -122.3228

301810Cindy Roche   13521987-09-01
United States, Washington, Skagit, Hwy 20; 8 miles west of Washington Pass., 48.552425 -120.765634

300445Cindy Talbott   13241986-10-30
United States, Washington, Skagit, Hwy 20 at Telegraph Slough., 48.44806 -122.485

196682Arthur Cronquist   60271949-07-13
United States, Idaho, Benewah, 6 miles west of St. Maries., 47.332 -116.6632

178561J.H. Christ   160601946-07-30
United States, Idaho, Camas, 11 miles east of Soldier., 43.370071 -114.571635

363165Richard R. Halse   64202003-08-02
United States, Oregon, Harney, Along U.S. Hwy. 20, ca. 3 miles W of the summit of Stinkingwater Pass, near milepost 158., 43.66583 -118.59

331859A.E. Grable   48301973-06-20
United States, Oregon, Morrow, Willow Creek Rd. 1 mile east of damsite east of Heppner; north facing ridge south of creek., 45.267901 -119.357564

320487A.E. Grable   23061969-08-07
United States, Oregon, Wasco, East edge of the Dalles at the Dalles S.D.A. School., 45.59472 -121.1775

349267Dirk Albach   0401997-07-09
United States, Washington, Whitman, South of McEachern Hall [Washington State University, Pullman].

270246Earle F. Layser   16601970-09-00
United States, Washington, Pend Oreille, Waste places at Newport., 48.18333 -117.04194

201075W.L. Zimmer   2171950-07-04
United States, Washington, Stevens, One mile west of Addy., 48.35611 -117.83639

333752A.E. Grable   49751973-07-10
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Hwy 20 south of Mazama; 1/8 mile south of 127-mile post., 48.59222 -120.40278

284513Joy Mastrogiuseppe   2191975-07-17
United States, Washington, Stevens, 1-½ mi. S of Summit Lake, Colville National Forest., 48.95889 -118.12611

87940Chas. B. Fiker   26811937-08-03
United States, Washington, Okanogan, 3 miles west of Hart's Pass., 48.72083 -120.66889

301791Cindy Roche   13501987-09-01
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Hwy 20; 8 miles east of Washington Pass., 48.524038 -120.478248

90600W.C. Muenscher   90651937-08-11
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Along irrigation ditch near Twisp., 48.36361 -120.12111

205328D. Malcolm   921950-08-03
United States, Washington, Chelan, 4 miles south of Wenatchee., 47.36571 -120.30917

197679Xerpha M. Gaines   4681950-07-15
United States, Washington, Chelan, On road grade about 6 miles south of Entiat., 47.593894 -120.247732

301805Cindy Roche   13641987-09-04
United States, Washington, Chelan, 4 miles east of Stevens Pass (Hwy 2)., 47.746358 -120.998617

205700R.E. Fye   591950-08-03
United States, Washington, Chelan, Approximately 4 miles south of Wenatchee., 47.36571 -120.30917

302545J. Rodriguez   s.n.1986-06-06
United States, Washington, Chelan, 1 mile south of Monitor near River County Park., 47.472465 -120.41694

301809Cindy Roche   13641987-09-04
United States, Washington, Chelan, 4 miles east of Stevens Pass (Hwy 2)., 47.746358 -120.998617

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