UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029070 M. Schiebout 8225 2005-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Harding, Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 21 air miles ESE of Mosquero., 35.7075 -103.6494, 1300m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029096 M. Schiebout 7001 2005-06-30
United States, New Mexico, Quay, Ute Lake State Park; on south side of lake 2.8 miles west of the dam., 35.3368883 -103.4939167, 1163m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029069 M. Schiebout 4492 2005-05-26
United States, New Mexico, Quay, Ute Lake State Park; west access; collected on canyon rim, to the lake, and along road leading to lake., 35.3361667 -103.4929167, 1150m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029157 G.R. Rink 6006 2007-05-26
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, El Morro National Monument, NW corner, north of HWY., 35.044481 -108.320346, 2182m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029095 P. Durkin 94PD013-F11 1994-06-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Ladder Ranch: At the big bend of the Lower Palomas near the E boundary of the ranch. Accessed hiking upstream from the end of the road N of San Miguel Church., 33.213831 -107.469443, 1517m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029135 Y. Chauvin 07GC001F9 2007-08-07
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Parkinson Ranch; Milnesand, NM - Grazing Control, 33.64288 -103.33967, 1249m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029134 A. Cully 101 2002-06-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Aztec Ruins National Monument, in cobbles along Animas River., 36.835803 -108.00014
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029133 R.C. Sivinski 6884 2008-07-31
United States, New Mexico, Lea, 23 miles N of Jal on Hwy 18., 32.43048 -103.12414, 1024m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029093 R.C. Sivinski 7016 2008-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Harding, Ca 2.6 miles E of Ute Creek on State Road 65., 35.83348 -103.59907, 1365m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029092 W.C. Martin 64-148 1964-06-25
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, East of Loco Hills., 32.8199 -103.97504, 1036m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029091 E.F. Castetter 4603 1941-06-06
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Sandy bottom of Rio Grande, mouth of Frijoles Canyon.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029068 J.E. Nellessen 86 2007-04-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Elephant Butte Reservoir (west side) near South Monticello Point., 33.298756 -107.199849
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029078 J.L. Carter 3625 2003-04-16
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Adjacent to road to Tres Lomitas Ranch., 32.15273 -107.60035
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029050 Nelson, B. 69524 2006-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: along Forest Road 556 TG, ca 1.5 air mi SW of Cerro Azul, ca 7.5 air mi SE of Ojo Caliente., 36.2657 -105.9242, 2060 - 2067m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131327 Jacobs, Brian F. 4049 1988-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Frijoles Canyon at mouth, White Rock Canyon (Frijoles Spring, riparian areas upstream on DOE) White Rock Canyon, vicinity site of Frijoles Spring., 35.75313095 -106.255159
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131328 Foxx, Terry s.n. 20 1975-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Lummis and Alamo Canyons at Rio Grande, Lower White Rock Canyon White Rock Canyon, vicinity mouth of Alamo Canyon., 35.72035643 -106.2830422
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131329 Foxx, Terry s.n. 57 1975-07-29
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Lummis and Alamo Canyons at Rio Grande, Lower White Rock Canyon White Rock Canyon, on trail along Rio Grande to S boundary., 35.72035643 -106.2830422
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131330 Foxx, Terry s.n. 58 1975-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Lummis and Alamo Canyons at Rio Grande, Lower White Rock Canyon White Rock Canyon, vicinity mouth of Alamo Canyon., 35.72035643 -106.2830422
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029049 Yvonne Chauvin 10YC011-F7 2010-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Albuquerque West Quad, SE Corner in wash, 35.11551 -106.73845, 1605m
UNM:Vascular Plants
Robert C. Sivinski 8698 2014-04-02
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Pecos River on east side of river ca 5 miles SSE of Lake Arthur., 32.928449 -104.346789
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0132947 Robert C. Sivinski 8698 2014-04-02
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Pecos River on east side of river ca 5 miles SSE of Lake Arthur., 32.928449 -104.346789, 1021m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0119419 Yvonne Chauvin 10RJ001-F4 2010-05-18
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Pueblo of Santa Ana - lower Jemez River- below dam on west side, 35.373005 -106.524431, 1554m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029085 N.L. Riffle 632 1968-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Valencia, Zuni Mountains; Zuni Canyon, 0.7 miles west of Cibola national Forest boundary on FS 349; Bottom half of SE slope, 35.1068 -107.99842, 2286m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0029094 D.H. Heinze 7 2007-05-03
United States, New Mexico, Valencia, West of the Belen Highline Canal, south of the Isleta Pueblo. Disturbed area in the Plains., 1446m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0134580 S. Steele NM930N-144 2014-09-17
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, About 5 mi N of Counselor, NM., 36.2676 -107.4358
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0122128 Bro. G. Arsene 16489 1926-08-18
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Vicinity of San Ysidro., 35.563363 -106.770591, 1650m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0134628 D. Conocchioli NM930N-79 2012-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, From Cuba drive west on NM-197 for 10.0 miles and turn right (W) onto a dirt road. Take your first right at 0.2 miles, and head north on this road for 0.6 miles to the collection site., 35.965451358 -107.09684216, 2123m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0138189 Alesia Hallmark 01 2022-05-20
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, Sevilleta Field Station parking lot, eastern edge., 34.354199 -106.885781, 1472m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0140958 Michael R. Chang 06 2012-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Bosque del Apache NWR Forest, take hwy 1 south, first turnoff right, marked by railroad bridge. Canyon beyond trail that goes under bridge. In the canyon that looks like it wants to eat you. Be careful. Sand people travel in straight lines to conceal their numbers., 33.780031 -106.912892, 1412m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0138904 G. L. Clifton 25054 1991-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Curry, Melrose East Quad. Highway 267., 34.412204 -103.616144, 1329m
UNM:Vascular Plants
S. Primer NM930-147 2010-10-12
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Sandy ecological site: MLRA 42, I-10 west of Las Cruces, 7 miles, exit 127, cross to the south side and travel 2 miles to county road B005, continue about 7 miles., 1334m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0144370 Brandt Magic 23 2023-10-12
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Albuquerque, Rio Grande Valley State Park, Bosque Trail accessible from the Rio Grande Nature Center. Close to eastern levy., 35.13372 -106.68576, 1518m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00433721 Danley, David M. 2691 1987-04-12
United States, Utah, Washington, Snow Canyon St. Park, NW of St. George; 37.206091 -113.64996, 37.206091 -113.64996, 1079m
NTSC00002825 B. B. Harris s.n. 1927-10-10
United States
NTSC00002826 Albert Ruth 1245 1926-06-20
United States, Texas, Garza, in sandy soil, near Double Mt. River
NTSC00002827 B. B. Harris s.n.
[No additional locality data on sheet]
04117 Reif, Brian 9840 2004-06-02
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe County, Santa Fe National Forest: Jemez Mountains: Caja del Rio Plateau: Caja del Rio Canyion fro, County rd. 77, ca 4 air mi ESE of White Rock., 35.8056 -106.1503
08853 Vincent, Michael A. 2001-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, along railroad tracks paralleling US rt.54, 6.25 mi SW of the Canadian River bridge in Logan, 35.321193 -103.426305
10432 Snow, Neil 9726 2005-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, Ute Lake State Park, end of NM State Hwy 552., 35.34111111 -103.4441667
10478 Snow, Neil 9773 2005-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, County Road J, 1.0 road miles south of its start from County Road 72, ca. 4.9 road miles north of NM State Hwy 352., 35.29027778 -103.2111111
15101 Schiebout, Michael 4492 2005-05-26
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, Ute Lake State Park; west access; collected on canyon rim, to the lake, and along road leading to lake., 35.33616667 -103.4929167
15564 Schiebout, Michael 4948 2005-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Harding County, Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 12 miles north on Salt Lakes Road from NM Hwy 39., 35.74638889 -103.6018889
15597 Schiebout, Michael 4980 2005-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Harding County, Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 12 miles north on Salt Lakes Road from NM Hwy 39., 35.73333333 -103.6
15623 Schiebout, Michael 5006 2005-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Harding County, Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 12 miles north on Salt Lakes Road from NM Hwy 39., 35.71727778 -103.6565833
15705 Schiebout, Michael 5088 2005-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Harding County, Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 22 air miles ESE of Mosquero., 35.74505556 -103.5907222
17647 Schiebout, Michael 7001 2005-06-30
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, Ute Lake State Park; on south side of lake 2.8 miles west of the dam., 35.33688889 -103.4939167
18860 Schiebout, Michael 8203 2005-07-26
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel County, Ute Lake State Park, at southeast end of dam., 35.34188889 -103.4423333
18882 Schiebout, Michael 8225 2005-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Harding County; Roy Mitchell's Ranch; 21 air mi. ESE of Mosquero., 35.70758333 -103.6494167
41767 Snow, N. 9726 2005-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Quay County, Ute Lake State Park, end of NM State Hwy 552, 35.34111111 -103.4441667
42008 1938-03-18
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, Country Club
42009 Fernandez, Ed 1938-03-25
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, Organ Mountains, 32.3167 -106.55
42010 Harmon, W.E. 7411 1973-03-06
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, 1.8 mi E of Laguna on US-40, 35.036706 -107.350933
42011 Hershey, A. L. 1936-03-19
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, Near Organ, 32.425646 -106.596665
42012 Hershey, A. L. 2685 1941-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt County, Near Portales, 34.186192 -103.334398
42013 Schaffner, E. Ray 1939-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, 4 mi. W of Organ, 32.425794 -106.669222
42014 1935-03-16
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, West of Las Cruces, 32.320959 -106.779728
42015 Hershey, A. L. 1 1935-03-16
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana County, W of Las Cruces, 32.320668 -106.779728
105287 D. Keil 6152 1970-05-03
United States, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Salt River Bridge., 33.7333 -110.217
98590 D. Demaree 40182 1958-05-17
United States, Arizona, Navajo Co., Holbrook., 34.9022 -110.158, 1570m
90216 U. T. Waterfall 17470 1969-06-21
United States, Oklahoma, Greer Co., Quartz Mt. State Park.
87948 J. L. Reveal, J. L. Gentry Jr., G. Davidse 816 1967-06-06
United States, Utah, Kane Co., Cottonwood Wash Canyon, 24 mi. SE of the junction of the Cottonwood Wash Road and UT-54 at Cannonville; 2.5 mi. N of the Cottonwood Wash Spring; T40S, R1W, section 12., 37.5669 -112.054, 1615m
84827 R. Lubke 513 1964-04-24
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana Co., 29.7 mi. NE of Las Cruces.
288282 S. R. Hill 31069 1998-09-24
United States, Arizona, Navajo Co., N side AZ-40, exit 303, Adamann Road at Lithodendron Wash; T19N, R23E; ca. 14 mi. E of Holbrook at rock shop., 35 -109.917
46740 F. S. Crosswhite 7 1960-02-11
United States, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Salt River (formerly Rio Salado), 7-8 mi. NE Mesa., 33.4223 -111.823
162041 R.P. Sauleda & D.K. Sauleda 6427 1981-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., Along NM-22, 0.5 mi. S of junction with I-25, 12 mi. S of Santa Fe., 35.3654 -105.97
44636 N. H. Russell 10876 1960-02-06
United States, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Base of Tempe Butte, N edge of Tempe., 33.4148 -111.909
United States, Utah, San Juan
United States, Texas, Howard
United States, Texas, Howard
United States, Texas, Hardeman
TEX00028717 Reed C. Collins|Kathryn W. Rollins 9324 1993-03-16
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Off IH-10, 3 mi. SE of McNary., 31.217386 -105.760339
TEX00028718 Reed C. Rollins|Donovan S. Correll 61128 1961-04-24
United States, Texas, Culberson, 18 mi. N of Van Horn., 31.301134 -104.83077
TEX00028720 Barton H. Warnock 20690 1940-03-20
United States, Texas, Brewster, Persimmon Gap.
TEX00199570 Billie Lee Turner|Martin Terry 25-4 2005-03-02
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Westernmost part of Co, ca. 10.5 mi. S along FR 2017 from Hwy 90, dirt road to Rio Grande.
TEX00300247 Billie Lee Turner 21-217 2001-04-06
United States, Texas, Culberson, Northeasternmost part of county where highway 285 crosses into Reeves County; roadside., 32 -104.01667
TEX00300248 Billie Lee Turner 21-251 2001-04-06
United States, Texas, Reeves, Northernmost part of county where highway 285 crosses into Culberson County; roadside., 32 -104.01667
TEX00355386 L. C. Hinckley 967 1937-01-01
United States, Texas, Culberson, Van Horn.
TEX00355387 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1937-01-01
United States, Texas, Culberson, Van Horn.
TEX00355388 Reginald Rose-Innes|Barton H. Warnock 484 1941-03-18
United States, Texas, Culberson, 2 miles south of Van Horn., 31.010825 -104.83077
TEX00355389 Barbara Ertter|Jeffrey L. Strachan 4698 1983-03-21
United States, Texas, Culberson, Route 54 several miles S of junction with US 62/180, roadside.
TEX00355391 Barton H. Warnock 5642 1947-05-18
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along Rio Grande at Porvenir.
TEX00355392 Rogers McVaugh 796 1947-04-17
United States, Texas, Presidio, 11 miles north of Porvenir.
TEX00355393 Victor L. Cory 43958 1944-03-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Dog Gap.
TEX00355395 Reginald Rose-Innes|Barton H. Warnock 558 1941-03-20
United States, Texas, Brewster, At mouth of Dog Canyon, Big Bend National Park.
TEX00355398 Barton H. Warnock T382 1938-05-08
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along highway near Sierra Blanca.
TEX00355399 Mary L. Butterwick|Steve Osburn 2437 1976-04-20
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, At Suicide Flat, ca. 5 miles northwest of Indian Hot Springs in the southern Quitman Mountains.
TEX00355400 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 43-587 1943-07-30
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Hudspeth County., 31.456141 -105.386456
TEX00355402 Albert Michael Powell 2410 1972-06-29
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, West of El Capitan of the Guadalupe Mountains.
TEX00355404 Margaret C. Ferguson|Alice M. Ottley 4499 1934-03-28
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, 46 miles from Van Horn, southwest of Finlay.
TEX00355405 Barton H. Warnock 5907 1947-05-31
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along highway, Arroyo Diabalo 1 mile east of McNary.
TEX00355406 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 46134 1946-07-26
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, 32 miles west of Sierra Blanca Highway 62 on Pipeline road.
TEX00355407 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-09-14
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Near the mountains, Salt Basin.
TEX00355408 Barton H. Warnock 5779 1947-05-30
United States, Texas, El Paso, Along highway to Carlsbad, 12 miles east of El Paso.
TEX00355409 Addison Lee|Anton Helmer Berkman|Benjamin Carroll Tharp 46125 1946-07-20
United States, Texas, El Paso, Hueco Tanks.
TEX00355411 Herbert C. Hanson s.n. 1919-04-01
United States, Texas, El Paso, NE El Paso.
TEX00355413 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1932-05-29
United States, Texas, El Paso, Hueco Pass.
TEX00355414 Bohumil Shimek s.n. 1904-08-28
United States, Texas, El Paso, Ft. Bliss.
TEX00355415 Mary L. Butterwick|Steve Osburn 2645 1976-04-27
United States, Texas, El Paso, Along Horizon Boulevard, just west of the southern Hueco Mountains, ca. 30 miles east of El Paso.
TEX00355416 Billie Lee Turner|Gayle Turner 98-20
United States, Texas, El Paso, 1 mile north of Fabens along road to IH-10.
TEX00355417 Michael D. Whalen 247 1975-11-05
United States, Texas, El Paso, 0.5 miles north of Fabens interchange on I-10, east of El Paso, along roadside.