27601 Kelly W. Allred 9461 2006-09-09
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Gallinas Mts, Lackey Point, 4.2 miles up road from picnic area on Forest Road 99, N34°13.521 W105°45.530, rocky ridge/hilltop adjacent to burned area, probably seeded, ponderosa forest, brushy-weedy understory, with oak and douglas fir, 2475m
29429 Rob Strahan 75 2006-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Entrance to Blackhills Prairie Preserve. On west side of Highway 206. 3.5 - 4 ft tall grass. Large patch. Hard, compact soil with caliche rock, lots of litter. N33 41.206 W103 20.417
29430 Rob Strahan 868 2006-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; CPR field on south side of county rd. 34. Sandy loam. Glandularia bipinnatifida, Sorghastrum nutans, Botriochloa laguroides associated. N33 45.560 W103 23.652
29431 Rob Strahan 647 2006-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Along hwy 206. Ca 1.5 miles north of Milnesand, west side of road. Compact gravely loam. N33 40.215 W103 20.400
29432 Rob Strahan 399 2006-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; South east corner of CRP field. In fenced exclosure. Compact sandy soil. Eragrostis curvula dominant grass, Eragrostis intermedia present. N33 45.123 W103 23.263
29433 Rob Strahan 401 2006-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; South east corner of CRP field. In fenced exclosure. Compact sandy soil. Eragrostis curvula dominant grass, Eragrostis intermedia present. N33 45.123 W103 23.263
29434 Rob Strahan 479 2006-08-26
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; West side of Highway pasture near natural gas well. Grass dominated area, swale present dominated by Eleocharis sp. Paronychia jamesii, Bouteoua hirsuta, B. curtipendula, Linum berlandieri, Polygala alba associated. N33 40.654 W103 21.921
29435 Rob Strahan 280 2006-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Weaver ranch. N33 44.667 W103 06.895
29436 Rob Strahan 1187 2007-06-24
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Roys home pasture. Shizachyrium scoparium dominated plain. Compact sandy soil. Hedyotis nigricans, Thelesperma megapotamicum associated. N33 40.468 W103 22.922, 1296m
02065139 P. F. Zika 25756 2011-08-30
United States of America, Washington, Whitman Co., E side of Snake River, 100 m NW of mouth of Steptoe Canyon, Rt. 193., 46.4533 -117.2083, 230m
42338 J. B. Nelson 16490 1995-05-05
United States of America, South Carolina, Richland Co., Fort Jackson Army Installation, S side of Johnson Rifle Rd, 1.5km E of junction w/ Dixie Rd, 34.05 -80.82, 150m
02281027 W. D. Longbottom 15322 2011-06-25
United States of America, Delaware, Sussex Co., Town of Georgetown, along Piglet Path (Road 522), Ellendale/Redden State Forest, betweeen DE Rt. 18-404, Seashore Highway, and Wilson Hill Road (Road 527), growing along access road along creek), 38.710103 -75.423953
1682534 W. D. Longbottom 13659 2010-06-20
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Federalsburg, Idylwild Wildlife Management Area, Marshy Hope Ponds., 38.759611 -75.72275
1682488 L. C. Higgins 6267 1972-09-02
United States of America, Texas, Just west of Quail on hwy 203; Oak community., 34.914635 -100.533626
1682469 S. M. Tracy 9314 1907-10-19
United States of America, Mississippi, Biloxi., 30.396032 -88.885308
1682474 R. D. Burr 503 1948-07-00
United States of America, Texas, U.S. Soil conservation Service Nursery. San Antonio.
1682483 L. C. Higgins 7311 1973-06-19
United States of America, New Mexico, Eddy Co., Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Lincoln Natl. Forest., 32.18531 -104.567291
1682524 J. M. Rominger 1951 1979-10-04
United States of America, Arizona, Gila Co., 7 mi. S. of Pine on Hwy 87, Sycamore Creek, Tonto Nat'l Forest., 34.312 -111.3878
1682468 R. D. Thomas 98957 1986-10-31
United States of America, Louisiana, Bossier Parish, Median of I-20 west of U.S. 80 overpass and east of La. 157 exit at Haughton.
1682508 L. C. Higgins 26780 2005-06-23
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Beaver Dam., 36.8968 -113.931, 579m
1682537 B. Schrumpf s.n. 1990-10-10
United States of America, Oregon, Union Co., Island City., 45.4054 -118.0046
1682478 R. Athey 1095 1970-07-05
United States of America, Kentucky, Livingston Co., Overlooking the Dari-King drivein. Smithland.
02680665 Z. Wang 8 2015-09-23
United States of America, New York, Kings Co., Plumb Beach, on maritime dune near bike path along shore parkway, 40.584033 -73.9159
1682529 R. D. Thomas 111561 1989-07-28
United States of America, Louisiana, Natchitoches Parish, Beside Government Road (Natch. 104) 6.4 miles west of La. 9 and 4.1 miles east of Ashland and La. 115., 30.642762 -90.034276
1683787 L. H. Harvey 8781 1971-08-05
Mexico, Michoacán, 14 miles northwest of Zacapu on Mex 15., 2042m
1682510 P. F. Zika 13454 1998-07-04
United States of America, Massachusetts, Barnstable Co., By strand of Cotuit Bay, west of Handy Point. Cotuit, near Yacht Club, Barnstable., 2m
1682465 L. C. Higgins 21953 2000-11-04
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Beaverdam., 36.8968 -113.913, 600m
1682487 V. L. Cory 53702 1947-05-18
United States of America, Texas, Denton Co., Texas Substation No. 6, 4 3/4 miles W.N.W. of Denton., 33.241194 -97.209182
1682530 Collector unspecified BN-8144
United States of America, At Beltsville., 39.037432 -76.925069
1682535 L. C. Higgins 16525 1986-05-15
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Castle Cliffs., 37.0624 -113.8912, 1100m
1682521 R. D. Thomas 54883 1977-08-28
United States of America, Louisiana, Claiborne Parish, Roadbank of La. 2, 0.3 miles west of La. 518 and west of Lisbon.
1683788 V. W. Steinmann 5478 2002-05-25
Mexico, Puebla, Guadalupe Victoria Mun., Along MEX 140, ca. 2 km northeast of the road to Guadalupe Victoria., 19.364722 -97.4475, 2400m
1682466 L. C. Higgins 21751 2000-10-04
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Beaver Dam, 36.912306 -113.940722, 600m
1682499 L. C. Higgins 25140 2003-12-14
United States of America, Arizona, Pima Co., Silver Bell Rd. 5 mi. w. of Cortaro., 32.356156 -111.174333, 625m
1682516 R. Athey 2158 1972-09-21
United States of America, Kentucky, Carlisle Co., On the old Columbus-Wickliffe Road off US 51.
1682533 W. D. Longbottom 13621 2010-06-17
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Federalsburg, along MD Rt. 318, Federalsburg Highway, west of Wright Road., 38.691806 -75.754472
1682525 E. Sundell 6290 1984-05-09
United States of America, Arkansas, Drew Co., Hwy 81 roadside, Monticello., 33.625704 -91.802576
1682527 S. L. Hatch 2360 1976-09-20
United States of America, New Mexico, Doña Ana Co., Jornada Experimental Range, N of Las Cruces.
1682476 H. E. Ahles 53701 1960-06-18
United States of America, Maryland, Prince George's Co., 3.4 miles southwest of junction Md. 4 & 3 (east of Washington).
1682462 D. M. Moore 57-230 1957-06-07
United States of America, Arkansas, Pope Co., Along R.E.A. right-of-way; northern section of county., 35.450892 -93.059794, 335m
1682514 T. Elias 8380 1984-05-25
United States of America, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Ca 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch near Elgin. Just North of Lyle Canyon., 1524m
1682532 W. D. Longbottom 14239 2010-08-30
United States of America, Delaware, Sussex Co., Deer Forest Road (Road 565) and Gravelly Branch., 38.736889 -75.482056
1682518 L. C. Higgins 20756 1999-08-07
United States of America, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Along Hwy 87; 5 mi SO of Sunflower NCai Sycamore Creek, 33.795944 -111.492011
1682528 L. R. Landrum 9544 1999-06-25
United States of America, Arizona, Gila Co., Tonto National Forest. Road from Hwy 87 to Mt. Ord. Ca. 3.5 mi up road., 33.93 -111.42, 762m
1682481 L. C. Higgins 8909 1974-06-28
United States of America, Texas, Hartley Co., 1 mile East of Texas-New Mexico state line on hwy 54., 32.726669 -103.04719
02594986 W. R. Carr 34820 2015-05-12
United States of America, Texas, Burleson Co., along fenceline bordering county road on W edge of Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.5 airmiles WSW of jct. of St. Rt. 304 and St. Rt. 713 at Delhi, 29.80294 -97.46553, 174m
1682512 D. S. Seigler DS-9864 1976-05-18
United States of America, Oklahoma, Bryan Co., 4 m N of Durant., 33.994022 -96.370824
1682477 H. E. Ahles 25342 1957-05-18
United States of America, South Carolina, Orangeburg Co., 1.6 miles southwest of jct. SC 394-3 on SC. 394 (west-southwest of North).
1682479 S. R. Hill 15126 1984-08-12
United States of America, New Mexico, San Miguel Co., Rte. 3, vicinity of Sapello River crossing, 0.6 mi N of RIver, 35.777961 -105.251479, 2103 - 2134m
1682484 L. C. Higgins 6730 1973-05-17
United States of America, New Mexico, Eddy Co., Northeast slope of the Guadalupe Mts, 5 miles south of Sitting Bull Falls., 32.1707 -104.697356
1682480 L. C. Higgins 8666 1974-06-13
United States of America, New Mexico, Roosevelt Co., 1 mile east of Chaves-Roosevelt County line on hwy 70., 33.826824 -103.802033
1682491 L. C. Higgins 5465 1972-05-23
United States of America, New Mexico, Curry Co., Ca. 15 miles west of Clovis along hwy 60., 34.413862 -103.456967
1682472 L. C. Higgins 18573 1989-08-15
United States of America, Texas, Randall Co., Palo Duro Canyon, 34.961474 -101.706332
1682500 L. C. Higgins 19747 1998-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., St. George Hillsides., 37.1058 -113.5776, 850m
1681797 Collector unspecified s.n. 1938-08-30
United States of America, Arizona, Soil Conservation Nursery. Tucson.
1682519 R. E. Brooks 10691 1975-07-09
United States of America, Kansas, Stanton Co., 5 mi. N. Johnson., 37.643072 -101.751005
1682523 D. S. Correll 38652 1970-05-08
United States of America, Texas, Henderson Co., On road to Lake Athens, Fm. Rd. 2495, about 2 mi. east of Athens., 32.204869 -95.821218
1682520 L. C. Higgins 12038 1978-06-24
United States of America, Texas, Potter Co., About 35 miles north of Canyon on Hwy. 87 at the Canadian River bridge., 35.469242 -101.879702
1682471 L. C. Higgins 16776 1986-05-30
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Harrisburg Junction near Mile Post #1., 37.1637 -113.43, 900m
1682475 L. C. Higgins 9065 1974-08-19
United States of America, New Mexico, Curry Co., 26 miles north of Clovis on hwy 18., 34.82173 -103.218604
1682485 D. S. Correll 17038 1957-06-24
United States of America, Texas, Wheeler Co., On west edge of Wheeler., 35.443389 -100.286591
1682501 L. R. Landrum 11316 2009-09-06
United States of America, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Tonto National Forest, Road to Mt. Ord fire tower near end of accessible part of road., 33.9145 -111.402
1682463 L. R. Landrum 9323 1998-08-13
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., Coronado National Forest 6.8 mi E of Hwy. 92 on Carr Canyon road., 31.433333 -110.3, 1981m
1682515 S. R. Hill 12092 1982-08-20
United States of America, New Mexico, San Miguel Co., M. E. O'Connor Trust Ranch. Rte 104 alongside Rock Lake Pasture, 10.2 mi E of Las Vegas., 35.593796 -105.041954, 2073m
1682531 R. D. Thomas 104596 1988-05-25
United States of America, Arkansas, Union Co., On high-line right-of-way on hill beside U.S. 167; 0.8 miles south of Ark. 335 and five miles south of Calion., 33.299775 -92.593423
1682507 P. F. Nighswonger 4033 2006-10-04
United States of America, Kansas, Barber Co., Grassland west of Hardtner., 37.051101 -98.776879
1682473 J. T. Howell 30026 1954-09-05
United States of America, California, Contra Costa Co., Along road, Marsh Springs Park.
1682464 L. C. Higgins 20919 1999-10-30
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., St. George, 37.105552 -113.563537, 820m
1682522 S. L. Welsh 23039 1984-08-23
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Beaverdam Mts, summit along U.S. hwy 91., 37.0913 -113.8543, 1341m
1682496 W. D. Longbottom 13565 2010-06-08
United States of America, Maryland, Dorchester Co., MD Rt. 392, Harrison Ferry Road at North Tara Road., 38.632167 -75.806278
1682482 L. C. Higgins 7032 1973-06-01
United States of America, New Mexico, Chaves Co., 15 miles east of Jct. 285-70 on Hwy 70, 33.602412 -104.312934
1682498 P. F. Zika 24758 2009-10-28
United States of America, Washington, Cowlitz Co., I-5 median near Lewis River bridge and Exit 21 for Woodland., 45.893333 -122.735, 12m
1682486 D. S. Correll 283324 1963-07-07
United States of America, Texas, Hemphill Co., Route #2266 near Canadian river, 7 miles east of Canadian., 35.898906 -100.260222
1682461 L. C. Higgins 27013a 2005-11-03
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Castle Cliffs., 37.0624 -113.8912, 1124m
1682493 A. H. Holmgren 7043 1947-07-24
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Along highway near natural bridge south of Moab.
1682536 Collector unspecified 2928b 1985-07-27
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Elden Mountain, Flagstaff. On east slope 0.6 mile N25deg W of Oak Springs., 35.2447 -111.5867, 2402m
1682490 L. S. Rose s.n. 1967-06-11
United States of America, California, Yolo Co., 2 mi nw. of Woodland Road side ditch., 6m
1682509 C. W. McLellan 1871 1941-07-27
United States of America, Arizona, Jones Well, 23 mi N.E. of Globe on U.S. 60.
1682492 L. C. Higgins 5711 1972-07-03
United States of America, New Mexico, Harding Co., 20 miles northwest of Logan along hwy 39, 35.570577 -103.649443
1682467 M. A. Franklin 5501 1987-09-08
United States of America, Arizona, Santa Catalina Mts, NE of Tucson, Molino Basin., 32.3312 -110.6951, 1317m
1682504 G. I. Baird 2424 1986-05-21
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Beaver Dam Slope, old Hwy 91, ca 1/2 mi S of Castle Cliff., 37.0624 -113.8912, 1097m
1682503 R. D. Thomas 139436 1994-05-22
United States of America, Arkansas, Perry Co., Beside Ark. 7 from Hilltop Church and USFS 146 south to Caney Creek at base of hill; Ouachita National Forest north of Hollis; NE corner of Sec. 8., 34.924621 -93.101395
1682511 E. Makings 1441 2002-10-18
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area Upper San Pedro River floodplain. Charleston Hills west, approx 1.5 miles north of Charleston Rd. approx 20 m west of San Pedro., 31.644583 -110.174567, 1222m
1682505 L. C. Higgins 16525 1986-05-15
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Castle Cliffs., 37.0624 -113.8912, 1100m
1682506 K. S. Kliewer 370 1978-08-30
United States of America, Oklahoma, Garvin Co., 1.7 mi W of jct of hwys 29 & 76, 0.5 mi N, & 0.7 mi W & N on dirt road, 34.644969 -97.536854
1682489 L. C. Higgins 4852 1971-09-04
United States of America, Texas, Randall Co., Ceta Canyon 13 miles southeast of Canyon, 34.846879 -101.756055
1682502 L. H. Harvey 8985 1972-08-30
United States of America, Arizona, Cochise Co., 6 miles N of Bisbee on US 80., 31.535242 -109.928408, 1768m
1682497 T. Price 331 2005-09-24
United States of America, Arizona, Gila. Mt. Ord. Approx. 3.7 miles from Highway 87, just before (west of) intersection of FS 626 and FS 27 on FS 626., 33.926585 -111.408417, 1780m
1682470 S. M. Tracy 9314a 1907-10-19
United States of America, Mississippi, Biloxi., 30.396032 -88.885308
1682517 R. Athey 1191 1970-08-26
United States of America, Kentucky, Lyon Co., Roadside banks of Grand Rivers Boat Dock. Turn S on Ky. 453 off US 62.
02920893 D. E. Atha 15893 2016-10-29
United States of America, New York, Kings Co., Brooklyn. Marine Park, southwest of the Salt Marsh Nature Center and Avenue U, 40.5981212575 -73.9273011033
1682526 R. D. Thomas 159305 1999-05-10
United States of America, Arkansas, Ouachita Co., Rights-of-way of U.S. 278 (Ark. 4) and U.S. 79 and 79B northeast of Camden, 33.613125 -92.774868
United States, South Carolina, Pickens
United States, South Carolina, Pickens
United States, South Carolina, Newberry
United States, South Carolina, Spartanburg
United States, South Carolina, Lexington
United States, South Carolina, Abbeville
United States, South Carolina, Newberry
United States, South Carolina, Chester