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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Erigeron concinnus, Erigeron concinnus var. concinnus (Erigeron pumilus subsp. concinnoides, Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus, Erigeron pumilus var. euconcinnoides, Distasis concinna, Erigeron brandegeei, Erigeron pumilus var. concinnoides, Erigeron setulosus), Erigeron concinnus var. subglaber (Erig... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 3477

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244269Sherel Goodrich   185801983-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, 28 mi 172¡ S of Garrison Mtn, Home Range., 2637m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244268Sherel Goodrich   111941978-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Wah Wah Mountains; Pine Grove Canyon.

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BRYV0242635Kent Ostler   17761978-05-28
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, 4 mi S of Manilla., 2012m

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BRYV0242632Kent Ostler   2001977-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, 2 mi S of Sheep Creek junction with Utah 44., 2134m

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BRYV0242631E. Neese   138261983-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Hwy 44, ca 5 airmi SSE of Manilla, milepost 55., 2000m

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BRYV0242630E. Neese   54011978-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, 5 mi S of Manila on Hwy 44, just S of Flaming Gorge Rec Area Boundary., 2103m

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BRYV0242629Noel H. Holmgren   50471971-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Utah Highway 44, 4.5 mi S of Manila., 2057m

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BRYV0242628Sherel Goodrich   57881976-06-09
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Flaming Gorge Nat. Recreation area. Adjacent to south shore of Lindwood Bay of Flaming Gorge Reservoir., 1859m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0242627C. H. Refsdal   34131995-05-31
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Southwestern Wyoming and Adjacent Utah: Browns Park: ca 15.3 air mi E of Dutch John., 1829 - 1859m

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BRYV0242645Elizabeth Neese   49471978-05-25
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Between Currant Canyon and PeteÕs Canyon., 2103m

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BRYV0242644Elizabeth Neese   52391978-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 6 mi S of Roosevelt.

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BRYV0244382Larry C. Higgins   33071970-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Near Cisco Utah, along hwy 6-50.

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BRYV0244381Stanley L. Welsh   69761968-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Bluffs along Colorado River, about 10 miles south of US Highway 50-6, along Utah Highway 128.

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BRYV0242643Elizabeth Neese   49301978-05-25
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Between leers and wood canyons, ca 25 mi due NE of Price., 2316m

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BRYV0244380T. E. Northstrom   891968-06-16
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Sego Canyon, five miles north of Thompson.

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BRYV0244379Stanley L. Welsh   69191968-05-01
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Vicinity of Sego, Sego Canyon, ca 5 miles north of Thompson.

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BRYV0242642Jack Brotherson   8741965-06-19
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Moon Lake road ca 1 mi N of Mountain Home.

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BRYV0244378A. H. Holmgren   162091976-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, S of the campground near the confluence of the Little Dolores and Colorado Rivers.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A.Gray
BRYV0244377Bryan   6-161938-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, 6 miles up Colorado River from Moab Bridge at bend of river. Region 2, District 6.

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BRYV0244376Elizabeth Neese   80121979-07-06
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, On winter ridge, E Tavaputs plateau, 50 mi SSE of Ouray., 2377m

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BRYV0244375Elizabeth Neese   13345a1983-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, 2 mi SE of Cisco., 38.95066 -109.28621, 1372m

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BRYV0242639Elizabeth Neese   57481978-06-20
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 5-mile Canyon, 3.9 mi SW of Wells Draw, ca 20 mi SW of Myton., 2103m

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BRYV0244373B. Franklin   31651986-05-21
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Ca 5 mi due ESE of Moab. Between N Frk. Mill Crk. & Rill Creek., 1561m

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BRYV0244372B. Franklin   27381986-04-20
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, SE of Moab. Kane Springs Canyon drainage., 38.4107 -109.43247, 1661m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A.Gray
BRYV0244371D. H. Wilken   139461983-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Bluffs above Thompson Wash ca 1.5 miles SW of Thompson., 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0242638N. D. Atwood   312032005-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 2.5 mi N of Nine Mile Canyon on Myton Nine Mile Canyon Rd., 39.8335 -110.25333, 1884m

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BRYV0244370B. Franklin   14771985-05-09
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, La Sal Mts. SW slope. .5 miles along Pack Crk. Rd. from junct with La Sal Loop Rd., 1780m

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BRYV0244369B. Franklin   13781985-05-05
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, W of Dewey, 0.5 mi., 1280m

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BRYV0244368B. Franklin   15381985-05-15
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Colorado River Canyon below Mat Martin Point. 3/10 mi S of Salt Wash confluence., 38.67364 -109.49549, 1244 - 1341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244367Noel H. Holmgren   117231992-06-02
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, East Tavaputs Plateau, Book Cliffs road from Floy Canyon to Thompson Canyon., 39.01178 -109.83815, 1675m

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BRYV0244365R. Foster   40951977-06-09
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, SC Escalante, 1 mi N of Escalante., 1789m

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BRYV0244363Elizabeth Neese   17971976-05-30
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mts; SE of Mt. Hillers; jct. between Starr Spring road and Utah Hwy 276., 37.81185 -110.63553, 1585m

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BRYV0244362Elizabeth Neese   17671976-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mountains; 2 miles south of McMillan Springs along Willow Creek; west side of Mt. Ellen., 2377m

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BRYV0244361Elizabeth Neese   18311976-05-30
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mts; NW of Bull Mtn. along Sawmill Basin Road., 2073m

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BRYV0244360Elizabeth Neese   17931976-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mts; Squaw Spring., 2042m

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BRYV0244359Elizabeth Neese   50961978-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Tarantula Mesa, W of Mt Pennell, Henry Mtns., 1951m

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BRYV0244358B. F. Harrison   117111951-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Ten miles SW of Mt. Ellsworth in Little Rockies.

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BRYV0244357Richard Loosli   151971-05-08
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, 6.7 mi north of Lizard Rock & Flint Trail Rd. jct.

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BRYV0244355B. F. Harrison   114951950-05-15
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, 10 miles south of Sandy Ranch., 1638m

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BRYV0244353Stanley L. Welsh   211991982-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Capitol Reef National Park, Better Cr. Divide., 1676m

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BRYV0244342James L. Reveal   7541967-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, 1.3 miles south of the junction of the Cottonwood Wash Road with Utah 54 at Cannonville in upper Cottonwood Wash., 1768m

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BRYV0244340E. S. Nixon   102121980-06-10
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, About 11 miles east of Escalante, along Highway 54 toward Boulder., 1707m

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BRYV0244339M. Madsen   3502000-05-19
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Entrance to N Fork of Linmekiln canyon near Forest Boundry just off the road., 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. condensatus (D.C.Eaton) Cronquist
BRYV0244338M. Madsen   16632004-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Dixie National Forest, Powell Ranger District; Coyote Hollow about 2 mi due E of Wilson Peak., 2408m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244337Mark Madsen   39712008-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Teasdale Ranger District/Dixie Natl. Forest. E. slope of Boulder Mt. Near Aspen Point ca 1 mi. s. of Lower Bowns Reservoir., 38.11571 -111.27008, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0244334Kim Despain   7791980-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell. Molen turn off of I-70. Found within the area encircled by the scenic look out road of the Molen turn off of I-70., 38.85897 -110.91745, 2134m

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BRYV0244333J. Harris   2851979-06-02
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell, 8 mi E of Hwy 10 on Woodside-Castle Dale Road., 39.21397 -110.86031, 1737m

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BRYV0244332J. Harris   2591979-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell, Castle Valley., 39.22824 -110.93516, 1737m

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BRYV0244331J. Harris   4471979-06-20
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell, 3 mi N of I-70 on Ranch Exit Road., 38.9315 -110.59112, 1951m

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BRYV0244330Elizabeth Neese   73591979-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, 5 mi SW of Muddy Creek, 3 mi N of Emery., 38.9613 -111.23392, 1951m

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BRYV0244329J. G. Harris   9651980-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell, Hondu Country, Penitentiary Canyon., 1707m

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BRYV0244328Stanley L. Welsh   204441981-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Muddy Creek Canyon mouth., 38.98392 -111.24275, 2042m

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BRYV0244326Mont E. Lewis   66721981-05-22
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Lower Huntington Canyon., 1951m

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BRYV0244325Mont E. Lewis   47271977-06-23
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, South end of South Horn. Manti-LaSal N.F., 2530m

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BRYV0244324Ron Kass   29791989-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Secret Mesa, San Rafael Swell, ca 1 mi N of I-70., 38.87352 -110.86186, 2134m

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BRYV0244323Mont E. Lewis   70791982-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Below Ferron Canyon Road Dugway., 39.10914 -111.28969, 2377m

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BRYV0244322Mont E. Lewis   70901982-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, So. of Forks, Ferron Res.-Flagstaff Rd., 2530m

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BRYV0244321N. Duane Atwood   149031991-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, 10.4 miles e of Green River bridge along I-70., 38.92747 -109.97643, 1354m

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BRYV0244320N. Duane Atwood   147491991-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, 7.6 miles SE of Cleveland., 39.2594 -110.82061, 1800m

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BRYV0244319N. Duane Atwood   72051979-05-23
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Ca 25 mi E of jct of Hwy 101 and I-70, along I-70.

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BRYV0244318Mont E. Lewis   53671978-06-05
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal National Forest: Lower Muddy Muddy Canyon (The Hole)., 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0244317Mont E. Lewis   75381983-07-13
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal, by Relay Tower, S Horn., 2652m

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BRYV0244316S. Clark   24711977-06-09
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Cc Price-Ferron. 10 mi up Ferron Canyon., 2377m

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BRYV0244315B. F. Harrison   81481936-05-09
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Mouth of Huntington Canyon.

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BRYV0244314Stanley L. Welsh   27891964-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Big Springs Wash, along Hwy 6-50, ca. .25 miles southof Carbon Co, line., 1524m

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BRYV0244313N. Duane Atwood   13411968-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Ca. 5 mi NW of Temple Mtn., 2134m

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BRYV0244311Kim Despain   7781980-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell. Molen turn off of I-70. Found within the area encircled by the scenic look out road of the Molen turn off of I-70., 38.85897 -110.91745, 2134m

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BRYV0244310B. F. Harrison   96081940-05-11
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, 5 mi. south of San Raphael River, San Raphael Swell., 1676m

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BRYV0244309Mont E. Lewis   53681978-06-05
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal National Forest: Lower Muddy Muddy Canyon (The Hole)., 1981m

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BRYV0244308Mont E. Lewis   39711976-06-15
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal National Forest; The Hole, lower Muddy Creek Canyon., 1829m

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BRYV0244307Mont E. Lewis   57841979-06-08
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Dixie NF; Oak Creek, drainage., 2225m

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BRYV0244306Mont E. Lewis   54001978-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal. Lower Muddy Cr. Can, above N.F., 2073m

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BRYV0244305Mont E. Lewis   4028b1976-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal NF; Ferron Canyon road above dugway., 2377m

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BRYV0244304John Allen   5651975-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Flat top hills. East of North Emery Power Plant site. Southeast of Castle Dale.

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BRYV0244461J. S. Allan   8891978-05-19
U.S.A., New Mexico, San Juan, On road to Pinyon Mesa, ca 1 mi E of road; LaPlata & San Juan river drainage areas; W slope, 1676m

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BRYV0244460Stanley L. Welsh   71531968-05-28
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Terraces and along drainage, in White Canyon, ca 1 mile east of Sipapu Bridges National Monument.

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BRYV0244458NoAttribution   s.n.1916-07-13
U.S.A., Utah, Grayson Mesa.

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BRYV0244457Cottam   25541927-07-02
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Bluff. West of town., 1219m

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BRYV0244456B. F. Harrison   103691941-06-14
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Comb Wash, ten miles west of Bluff.

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BRYV0244454L. M. Shultz   18991976-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Ruin Canyon., 1859m

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BRYV0244453Stanley L. Welsh   29201964-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Chesler Park., 38.112 -109.85573, 1707m

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BRYV0244452J. S. Tuhy   38101997-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Gorge of Mill Creek, ca 12 mi SE of Moab., 1860m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244449Arnold Clifford   95-3471995-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Flora of the Navajo Indian Reservation. N. of Navajo Mt.; Cha Canyon, Navajo Mt. area; 1 mi down from trailhead., 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron pumilus var. concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Dorn
BRYV0244448Arnold Clifford   95-3711995-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, N of Navajo Mt.; SW of Navajo Begay; Head E fork of Cha Canyon.

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BRYV0244447Stanley L. Welsh   88931969-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Ca 2 miles west of Dugout Rock.

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BRYV0244446Stanley L. Welsh   99761970-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Bottom of Comb Wash, along Utah Hwy 47, west of Bluff.

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BRYV0244445B. Franklin   32601986-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, SE of Moab. Brumley Ridge., 38.44716 -109.27246, 2054m

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BRYV0244444N. Duane Atwood   223491997-05-30
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Hideout Mesa at top of Dugway and vicinity., 2195m

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BRYV0244443N. Duane Atwood   99321970-06-05
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Road along Brumley Ridge. La Sal Mts., 38.44716 -109.27246

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BRYV0244436N. Duane Atwood   13741968-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Piute, Hwy 22, mi post 3, E of Hwy 89.

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BRYV0244435Elizabeth Neese   104311981-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, 29 mi WSW of Delta, E side of Long Ridge., 1530m

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BRYV0244434Sherel Goodrich   124131979-06-02
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, 52 mi 324¼ from Milford, near King Top, Confusion Range., 38.98642 -113.53668, 2316 - 2438m

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BRYV0244433Stanley L. Welsh   169581978-06-13
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Ca 8 mi NW of Aurora, Pavant Mts., 38.98117 -112.06571, 2134m

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BRYV0244432R. C. Holmgren   2621963-06-23
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Road Canyon, Overflow Unit, DER., 1768m

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BRYV0244431Max G. Barlow   381964-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Desert ExptÕl Range: allot. 4., 1768m

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BRYV0244430Max G. Barlow   81964-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Desert ExpÕl. Range: allot. 4., 1676m

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BRYV0244429Mont E. Lewis   11631966-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, 1/2 mile north and 2.5 miles east of Holden., 1615m

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BRYV0244428Stanley L. Welsh   67931968-04-05
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, East slope of Cricket Mts, vicinity of microwave station, ca 33 miles north of Milford and 10 miles north of Black Rock.

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BRYV0244426Sam F. Brewster Jr.   431965-06-09
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Northwest of Experimental pastures in Halfway Hills., 1798m

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BRYV0244425John Guidinger   9821983-06-19
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Red Knolls., 1494m

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