489214 Krych, S. 2011-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Rock
947406 Serres, Terry 2014-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota
947407 Serres, Terry 2014-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota
947408 Serres, Terry 2014-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota
947409 Serres, Terry 2014-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota
945915 Smith, Welby R.; Dieterman, Daniel 2013-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue
945921 Smith, Welby R.; Dieterman, Daniel 2013-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue
952969 Smith, Welby R.
United States, Minnesota, Lac qui parle
963806 Welby R Smith; Daniel Dieterman 2015-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue
963801 Welby R Smith; Daniel Dieterman 2015-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue
963834 Welby R Smith; Daniel Dieterman 2015-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue
469791 M. L. Fernald; Bayard Long 13749 1941-09-10
United States, Virginia, Charles city, Chickahominy River, Graves Landing, north of Holdcroft
MISS0044027 Chris Havran 1197 2003-07-28
USA, Mississippi, Adams, Homochitto National Forest. N of US FS Rd 121F, 1.1 mi N of intersection with US FS Rd 121. T5N R1W S55.
MISS0044028 Thomas M. Pullen 68426 1968-08-20
USA, Mississippi, Bolivar, St Hwy 446, 5.6 mi W of Skene
MISS0044029 J. R. MacDonald with C. Sutter, C. Knight and B. Quinland 8211 1994-11-09
USA, Mississippi, Grenada, Camp McCain Area #20B, small cattail pond near firing ranges, T21N, R6E< S23 NW4
MISS0044030 E. N. Lowe s.n.
USA, Mississippi, Hinds, S Hinds Co
MISS0044031 E. N. Lowe s.n.
USA, Mississippi, Hinds, S Hinds Co
MISS0044032 C. Sartor 48 1964-11-16
USA, Mississippi, Lafayette, Hurricane Landing on Sardis Lake, 34.493957 -89.576846
MISS0044033 Charles T. Bryson 17276 1999-06-16
USA, Mississippi, Leflore, T18N R1E sec 19, MSEA Project Area, NW of Sidon, btwn Sidon cut-off and old Yazoo River run
MISS0044034 Charles T. Bryson & J. Rippee 16583 1998-07-30
USA, Mississippi, Leflore, T18N R1E sec 19, MSEA Project Area, NW of Sidon, btwn Sidon cut-off and old Yazoo River run
MISS0044035 S. B. Jones 19467 1970-07-17
USA, Mississippi, Madison, Waterfowl Refuge, 14 mi SE of Canton at Ross Barnett Reservoir
MISS0044036 S. B. Jones 19022 1970-07-13
USA, Mississippi, Rankin, T8N R4E sec 30, shore of Ross Barnett Reservoir, Hwy 43 ca 4 mi NW of Sandhill
MISS0044037 R. D. Thomas with E. Sundell & C. Amason 158034 1998-09-18
USA, Arkansas, Drew, S side of AR 35, E of Bayou Bartholomew, E of Baxter; sec 35
185752 Leola Craig s.n. 1891-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden, Nebraska.
185764 Harry Hapeman s.n. 1891-09-05
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden, Nebraska.
185755 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1907-09-04
United States, Nebraska, Custer, Callaway, Neb.
310204 Elmer Hultquist s.n. 1906-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Phelps, [none]
185753 John Mallory Bates 3623 1905-09-04
United States, Nebraska, Webster, Red Cloud, Neb.
185754 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1906-08-31
United States, Nebraska, Webster, Red Cloud, Neb.
185759 Haughamont s.n. 1891-08-04
United States, Nebraska, Fillmore, Fairmont, Neb. Fillmore county
185775 William L. Tolstead 411011 1941-07-23
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Kearney County, near Axtell. Growing in depression in Loess Plain; Scott silt loam; in ditch along road..
185772 William L. Tolstead 411012 1941-09-05
United States, Nebraska, Harlan, Northeast corner of Harlan County. Growing on shore of pond in depression on the Loess Plain.
271045 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1163 1985-07-14
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T10N R2E E2 sec 18. On exposed mud of irrigation ditch on farm 1 mi west of Goehner. Common, with Heteranthera, Eleocharis, Lindernia, Ammannia
185773 William L. Tolstead 411008 1941-07-08
United States, Nebraska, Fillmore, Fillmore Co, 2 miles northwest of Shickley. Growing in depression on the Loess Plain. Scott soils.
299750 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14909 1999-07-22
United States, Nebraska, Custer, T14N R21W NE4 NE4 s34. Drying impoundment on branch of Burr Oak Cr. in grazedl loess hills prairie range near 0.25 mi N, 3 mi E of Oconto. Soil clay. Elevation 2470 ft. Frequent.
302017 Robert Bruce Kaul 2737 1973-07-25
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Pawnee Lake, west shore, on muc
320618 A. B. Stephens s.n. 1891-08-10
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Pond north east from northside of Lincoln.
185761 A. B. Stephens s.n. 1891-08-10
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Pond north east from northside of Lincoln.
303502 F. G. Fricke 1253 1890-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Cass, Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, about 1890 [data in Fitzpatrick's hand] Received in March, 1938
185776 F. G. Fricke s.n. 1890-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Cass, Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, about 1890 [data in Fitzpatrick's hand] Received in March, 1938
185758 William L. Tolstead 81 1941-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Clay, Clay County, 3 miles south of Fairfield. Grow in lowland on the Loess Plain.
185777 William L. Tolstead 411009 1941-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Clay, Clay County, 3 miles south of Fairfield. Grow in lowland on the Loess Plain.
185762 William L. Tolstead 81 1941-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Clay, Clay County, 3 miles south of Fairfield. Grow in lowland on the Loess Plain.
185760 William L. Tolstead 81 1941-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Clay, Clay County, 3 miles south of Fairfield. Grow in lowland on the Loess Plain.
222073 William L. Tolstead 411005 1941-06-30
United States, Nebraska, Webster, Webster County southeast of Bladen. Growing in temporary pond on the loess plain.
185767 William L. Tolstead 411005 1941-06-30
United States, Nebraska, Webster, Webster County southeast of Bladen. Growing in temporary pond on the loess plain.
250737 Steven P. Churchill 2302 1973-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Clay, 3 miles north of Ong and 1 mile west, state wildlife refuge. Plant along inlet to small pond; with Marsilea, Heteranthera.
185751 Per Axel Rydberg s.n. 1890-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Pond, Mead Neb.
185756 Per Axel Rydberg 149 [?] 1890-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Pond, Mead Neb.
271046 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1404 1985-08-22
United States, Nebraska, York, In shallow water of ditch along Highway 34, between York and Waco, infrequent.
295727 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12941 1996-08-29
United States, Nebraska, Dawson, T10N R22W SW4 s23. Along margins and floating on surface of ephemeral pool in right-of-way between U.S. 30 and railroad tracks 5.4 mi W of U.S. 30 and 283 junction in Lexington
185770 William L. Tolstead 411006 1941-07-02
United States, Nebraska, Thayer, Thayer County, at Chester. Growing in temporary pond in mixed prairie.
185769 William L. Tolstead 411010 1941-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Perkins, Perkins Co, 2 miles east of Grant. Growing on shores of pond; Scott soils.
327685 Robert Bruce Kaul 8534 2016-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, In water-filled roadside ditch along Waverly Road, northwest of Waverly. Abundant, with abundant Sagittaria calycina, Sagittaria calycina (both also collected)., 40.928638 -96.542459
295732 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14170 1998-08-10
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, T35N R54W, NE1/4 SW1/4 s25. Occasional to locally common emergent in shallow water near nuddy silty clay shore, S end of dugout pond W of Long branch Cr, SE part of Pasture 21B, Oglala national Grasslands, ca 3 mi. SSE of Ardmore, SD
275690 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 2481 1986-07-27
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T9N R1E mid S side s31. Small pond along N side of road, 1 mi S, 1.2 mi W of Cordova; very common in shallow water.
291437 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9377 1991-07-31
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, T31N R49W, NE 1/4 NW1/4 s20. Rare in shallow water in "buffalo wallow," E of primitive road in upland mixed-grass prairie, 1 1/2 mi. N of Table Road, Pasture 19, Pine Ridge Unit Nebraska National Forest, 13 mi. S, 7 mi. W of Chadron; with Limosella aquatica.
295726 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 10799 1992-07-26
United States, Nebraska, Keith, T12N R36W, mid S side SE4 SE4 s12. Locally common in playa in fallow wheat field 4 mi S, 1.5 mi E, 3 mi S, 1 mi W from Paxton; with Sagittaria calycina, Heteranthera limosa
296980 David M. Sutherland 7049 1991-08-13
United States, Nebraska, Perkins, Perkins County: Locally abundant in shallow water at the edge of an irrigated field. 4 miles north and 1/2 west of Grant. s1/2, s23, T11N R39W
302018 Robert Bruce Kaul 5141 1985-09-07
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, South shore of Stagecoach Lake, on mud. With Sagittaria calycina, Ludwigia peploides
321645 Robert F. Steinauer 4417 2012-07-20
United States, Nebraska, Lincoln, N41.15639 W100.46428 (NAD83) T14N R27W SW ╝ NW ╝ 30 Common on muddy shore of pool formed by stock tank overflow. With Heteranthera limosa and Sagittaria calycina., 41.15639 -100.46428
310004 Robert F. Steinauer 2038 2003-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Jefferson, N 40. 05.731, W 97.03.142 (WGS 84). Ca 20 m south of Rock Glen Wildlife Management Area boundary. Shallow water of small stock pond. Rooted in mud bottom., 40.0955167 -97.0523667
268813 Craig C. Freeman 1522 1982-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Collected in the sandhills in a small pond formed by runoff from a stocktantk, ca 9.5 mi N & 2.5 mi E of Johnstown. Plants locally common in shallow water and on damp sand around the pond.
310481 Susan J. Rolfsmeier 205 2002-09-12
United States, Nebraska, Nance, Genoa, 1.5 mi X. Prairie Worlf Wildlife Management Area. Elev. 1545-1550 ft. [T& R, lat-long as given above]. Sandbar in Loup River dominated by Bidens cernua, Eragrostis pectinacea, and Piopulus deltoides seedlings. Uncommon., 41.415 -97.7338889
185774 William L. Tolstead 411007 1941-07-21
United States, Nebraska, Hamilton, Hamilton County, near Aurora. Growing in depression on the Loess Plains. Scott soils
221672 Robert J. Lemaire 2056 1962-09-29
United States, Nebraska, Hall, Small pond one-half mile northwest of Grand Island Airport. Infrequent. With Lemna, Polygonum, Heteranthera..
295729 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9589 1991-08-28
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, T34N R53W, NE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 s22. Occasional in mudy silty clay soil along inlet on NW side of small stock impoundment in grazed mid-grass prairie, Pasture 31E, Oglala National Grassland, 1/2 mi. N, 1 1/2 mi. E, 1/2 mi. N form Orella; with Limosella aquatica, Marsilea vestita, Amaranthus californicus, Bergia texana.
295728 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9558 1991-08-28
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, T34N R53W, NE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 s22. Occasional in mudy silty clay soil along inlet on NW side of small stock impoundment in grazed mid-grass prairie, Pasture 31E, Oglala National Grassland, 1/2 mi. N, 1 1/2 mi. E, 1/2 mi. N form Orella; with Limosella aquatica, Marsilea vestita, Amaranthus californicus, Bergia texana.
221737 Robert J. Lemaire 1498 1961-08-21
United States, Nebraska, Phelps, Water-filled roadside ditch about 10 miles south of Elm Creek[ which is in adjacent Buffalo County]. Fairly common. With Heteranthera.
313620 Robert F. Steinauer 3326 2008-07-16
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.90064o W103.53988o (NAD83). T34N R53W SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 23. Oglala National Grassland. Common. Stranded on muddy soils on drying margin and floating on surface of small, shallow pond., 42.90064 -103.53988
295730 Robert Klein 370 1998-07-20
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Wilderness Park, horse trail just 10 m S of gasline easement N of Saltillo Road parking lot.
302016 Robert Klein 5962 1998-07-20
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Wilderness Park, horse trail just 10 m S of gasline easement N of Saltillo Road parking lot.
310726 Michael P. Gutzmer s.n. 2005-09-23
United States, Nebraska, Platte, On sandy loam of the Loup River bottoms southeast of Columbus, near its junction with the Platte River.
185771 William L. Tolstead 411013 1941-07-23
United States, Nebraska, Phelps, Phelps County, southeast of Holdredge [sic] ten miles. Growing in ditch along road in depression on loess plan. Scott silt loam soils.
266824 Walter L. Kiener 25991 1950-08-11
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Utica; 1 mi N. Rainwater basin. Altitude 1580 ft.
185766 William L. Tolstead 411006 1941-07-11
United States, Nebraska, Thayer, Thayer County, 3 miles east of Bruning. Growing in depression on loess plains.
250736 Steven P. Churchill 2293 1973-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Clay, 1 mile west of Ong and 1.75 mile north. Plant afloat in small irrigation ditch in pasture; with Marsilea and Heteranthera.
308111 Robert C. Lommasson 1446 1967-07-27
United States, Nebraska, Fillmore, 4 n, 3 E of Fairmont, Fillmore Co. Drainage ditch along old railroad.
302015 Robert Bruce Kaul 5092 1985-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Abundant on muddy shore of prairie pond west of Goehner
274577 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 2087 1986-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T11N R1E N side NE4 s20, Exposed muddy soil along rainwater basin, N. Lake Basin W.M.A, 1 mi N of Utica; frequent, with Lindernia.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0065903 O.M. Clark 9426 1940-09-14
United States, Oklahoma, Lincoln, North of Wellston., 35.696859 -97.058084
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0065901 L. McIntosh 2803 1993-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Along Animas Creek, Gray Ranch., 31.51705 -108.87345, 1554m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0065900 S.L. Christy 1189 1993-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Adjacent to Animas Creek at the headquarters of Gray Ranch., 31.537 -108.879, 1554m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0133417 David Bleakly 1280 1993-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, site 2. Gray Ranch, 5.8 mi South of Howe Camp., 31.50897 -108.87409
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0134786 Yvonne Chauvin 14PL053-F7 2014-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Lea, Eastern New Mexico Playas Region., 32.654703997 -103.272199819, 1118m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239689 Demaree, Delzie 34261 1953-09-17
United States, Arkansas, Arkansas, Arkansas State Park. P.O. Gillett, 34.019725 -91.347982, 55m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239690 Demaree, Delzie 24546 1943-07-03
United States, Arkansas, Bradley, P.O Warren, 33.612609 -92.064583, 61m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239691 Demaree, Delzie 64117 1971-08-18
United States, Arkansas, Desha, P.O. Dumas, 33.887048 -91.49179, 50m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239692 Tucker, G. E. 4984 1967-06-11
United States, Arkansas, Lawrence, 1 m [mile] E of Walnut Ridge, 36.068402 -90.93801
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239693 Richards, Edward Leon 4542 1965-10-09
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Craighead Forest... Crowley's Ridge, 35.770679 -90.70531
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239694 Hamilton, D. D. 54 1969-06-16
United States, Arkansas, Yell, on Hiway 7, 0.5 mi S of Dardanelle, 35.213784 -93.160614
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239695 Keener, Brian R. 6608 2011-07-23
United States, Alabama, Marengo, 2.6 air mi SW of Demopolis. Back water impoundment area of river just N of Norfolk Southern Railway, 32.50552 -87.87849
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239696 Vincent, Karl A. 3649 1980-06-05
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson Davis, ca 1 mi E of Roanoke along gravel road 0.3 mi N off US 90, 30.236873 -92.730284
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239697 Chester, Edward W. 4181 1979-08-11
United States, Kentucky, Christian, Boatwright Sinkhole area S of Cadiz
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239698 Athey, Raymond 3778 1977-07-31
United States, Kentucky, Ballard, in Ballard Wildlife Management Area
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239699 Elmore, Harold W. 298 1968-07-23
United States, Kentucky, Warren, ca 2 mi S of Oakland, 37.012986 -86.248318
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00239700 Thomas, R. Dale 24787 1971-08-29
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell, Along western edge of Swim Lake, 3 mi NW of Columbia, 32.138209 -92.115927
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00240361 Thomas, R. Dale 21453 1970-10-03
United States, Louisiana, Catahoula, Along road from LA 8 to Lovelace Lake (Lake Louie), 31.803385 -91.691826
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00240362 Thomas, R. Dale 24579 1971-08-11
United States, Louisiana, Concordia, beside LA 566 1 mi S of Dunbarton, 31.713195 -91.665601
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00240363 Demaree, Delzie 37919 1955-08-13
United States, Arkansas, Prairie, P.O. Hazen, 34.780926 -91.580965, 72m