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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Bacopa rotundifolia (Macuillamia rotundifolia, Hydranthelium rotundifolium, Bramia rotundifolia, Bacopa nobsiana, Bacopa simulans, Herpestis obovata, Macuillamia limosa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1416

Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
CHRB0045775S.B. Mead   1844
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Augusta

Saint Edward's University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SEU00006370Daniel Lynch   78211988-08-18
United States, Texas, Burnet, Granite Mt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEU00006372B. C. Tharp   s.n.1923-00-00
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin Pond.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SEU00008558W. R. Carr   88051987-10-10
United States, Texas, Lee, Exposed along Cedar Creek arm of Lake Somerville, ca. 3000 ft. SE of HQ at Nails Creek State Park. Flag Pond Quadrangle.

Sam Houston State University, S. R. Warner Herbarium

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
007942R. Dale Thomas   674241979-09-14
United States, Texas, Madison, Edge of rice field just south of I-20 south of Tendal.

San Juan College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SJNM-V-0046784John Taylor   255551977-10-01
USA, Oklahoma, Marshall, along the edge of Lake Iuannah Parker in the Wichita Mts. Wildlife Refuge, 33.88353 -96.80866

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SJNM-V-0046786R. Dale Thomas   213131970-09-22
USA, Louisiana, Morehouse, Aquatic small pond beside La. 590 at Chemin-a-Haut Bayou. Sec. 13, T23N, R6E, 32.98307 -91.80689

Southeast Missouri State University Travis Brooks Herbarium

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Ohmart & Koehler   20241977-09-23
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Trail of Tears State Park, shores of Lake Boutin.

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
R. Dale Thomas   158,0341998-09-18
United States, Arkansas, Drew, Weed in the edge of a rice field south side of Ark. 35 east of Bayou Bartholomew east of Baxter. Sec. 35.

Southeastern Louisiana University, Glen N. Montz Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SELU0008729R. Dale Thomas with E. Sundell & C. Amason   158,0341998-09-18
United States, Arkansas, Drew, on south side of Ark. 35 east of Bayou Bartholomew east of Baxter; Sec. 35.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SELU0008730Glen N. Montz   35091975-08-20
United States, Louisiana, Saint Mary, Atchafalaya bay near buoy 53 about 3 miles south of lands end

Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. and C. Taylor   230411976-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, McSpadden Falls; in the area of McSpadden Falls, 35.9066204053022 -94.9996713963538

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. and C. Taylor   230411976-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, McSpadden Falls; in the area of McSpadden Falls, 35.9066204053022 -94.9996713963538

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
R. C. Green   321969-07-09
United States, Oklahoma, Hwy jct; 1.5 mi N off Silo Road from Hwy 70, Tory Stone place [verbatim]

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
R. J. Tyrl   11331976-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, Lake Texoma; 400 meters W of SH 99, 0.3 mi N of Willis Bridge over Lake Texoma, 33.8893519120682 -96.8392410198499

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
W. T. Penfound   P-2601949-07-05
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita Mountains; Crater Lake, Wichita Mountains, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. Wooten, J. and C. Taylor   279461979-08-18
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Wapanucka; near the jct of SH 99 and 7 about 12 mi W of Wapanucka, 34.3164922898777 -96.6606631417879

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. and C. Taylor   139571973-07-19
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee, Muskogee; along US 69 about 9 mi SW of Muskogee, 35.6160945403203 -95.3794872670309

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. Taylor   255551977-10-01
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge; from and along the edge of Quannah Parker Lake in the Wichita Mountains WR, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
J. and C. Taylor   247301977-06-30
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita National Wildlife Refuge; Quannah Parker Lake, Wichita Mountains WR, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

Southern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072928Giedeman, C.   s.n.1992-08-20
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072922Bailey, W. M.   15711951-07-14
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072940Vasey, G. R.   s.n.
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072938Neill, J. O.   110641959-08-11
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072956DePoe, C. E.   6024-21966-08-03
United States, Louisiana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072921Bailey, W. M.   30181952-09-17
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072926Schuyler, A. E.   71251988-08-18
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072919Bell, R. Q.   s.n.1953-10-00
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072917Mead, S. B.   s.n.1844-07-10
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072933Tracy, N.   s.n.1969-08-03
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072918Mead, S. B.   s.n.1844-07-10
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072932Bagdonas   s.n.1973-07-25
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072955Haefner, R.   H-77-461977-09-22
United States, Missouri

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072943Bailey, W. M.   6231948-09-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072923Bollwinkel, C. W.   172b1957-07-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072939Westmoreland, G. R.   7561981-08-09
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072930Bailey, W. M.   30181952-09-17
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072929Huston, J. S.   1561968-08-10
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072937Welch, W. B.   2311940-06-25
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072941Hall, E.   s.n.1861-00-00
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072942Westmoreland, G. R.   5961981-06-26
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072934Bollwinkel, C. W.   1721957-07-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072936Shildneck, P.   98531978-08-03
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072946Bailey, W. M.   2878 B1948-09-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072944Bailey, W. M.   6231948-09-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072925Schuyler, A. E.   71261988-08-18
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072924Bailey, W. M.   30771952-09-29
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072945Bailey, W. M.   6231948-09-16
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072931Bailey, W. M.   30181952-09-17
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
SIU072927Abney   2891959-09-16
United States, Illinois

Sul Ross University, A. Michael Powell Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis

Tarleton State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
TAC05980A. Nelson   N22062014-08-29
United States, Texas, Mills, Timberlake Ranch in the bottomland forest along the Texas Colorado River. GPS in area: 31.25725 N, 98.60069 W in NAD83., 31.25725 -98.60069

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Robert I. Lonard   2961964-09-05
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, 3 mi E of Valley Falls

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
R. Dale Thomas   213131970-09-22
United States, Louisiana, Morehouse

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
R. Dale Thomas   400811974-07-20
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Libley Lake

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Parks   1946-05-12
United States, Texas, Brazos

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
H. B. Parks   1946-07-04
United States, Texas, Brazos

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
H. B. Parks   1947-09-18
United States, Texas, Brazos

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
H. B. Parks   1946-05-17
United States, Texas, Brazos

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Harris Braley Parks   s.n.1947-09-18
United States, Texas, Brazos, Wellborn

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Mrs. Moe Higinbotham   671943-08-17
United States, Texas, Jefferson

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Robert G. Whistler   24671987-07-13
United States, Texas, Kleberg, N. Beach Rd, Padre Island National Seashore.

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Diane Coston   3032001-10-11
United States, Texas, Lee, Nails Creek State Park, W side of Flag Pond. From Fm 1697 turn E on Co RD 125, then turn NE on CO RD 140, proceed about 1 mi and turn SE on Unimproved park orad, proceed to pond.

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Terrence Walters   10591979-08-18
United States, Texas, Llano, Buchanan Dam

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Amanda K. Neill   21421998-07-19
United States, Texas, Madison, Senator Ranch

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Terrence Walters   10021979-08-18
United States, Texas, Mason, Camp Air

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Sharon Jasper   MI0-41992-06-20
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Mad Island Marsh Texas Nature Conservancy Preserve

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
John Bacon   4771968-08-06
United States, Texas, Reagan

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Steven R. Hill   81161978-11-04
United States, Texas, Refugio

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Steven R. Hill   105321981-08-17
United States, Texas, Refugio

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Tom Starbuck   10181981-10-03
United States, Texas, Robertson

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Tom J. Starbuck   10181981-10-03
United States, Texas, Robertson, Mitchell Lake

Joe C. Johnson   13811953-11-11
United States, Texas, Karnes

Texas Lutheran University Herbarium

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
Evan J. Basha   1572014-07-05
United States, Texas, Wilson, Friesenhahn Ranch, North of County Road 209, Southwest of Falls City, 28.9471 -98.13546667, - 109m

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
0000263MORLace, E   s.n.1972-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Grundy, At Goose Lake Prairie State Park, on east side of Jugtown Road, about 200 yards east of the temporary parking lot.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
0000262MORSchulenberg, RF   s.n.1972-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Grundy, Goose Lake Prairie State Park, along path leading east from temporary parking lot on east side of Jugtown Road. In shallow temporary pond in soy-bean field. Goose Lake Twp.

Troy University Herbarium

TROY000023758Athey, Raymond   28101974-06-22
United States, Kentucky, Crittenden, Frances. Kenneth Guess farm on Brown Mine Rd., 37.211323 -88.165502

TROY000023759MacDonald, John R.   72751994-07-01
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, Camp McCain. Area 20B. T21N, R6E, NW/4 Sec. 23., 33.675814 -89.642944

TROY000040745Keener, Brian R.   66082011-07-23
United States, Alabama, Marengo, 2.6 air mi. SW of Demopolis. Back water impoundment area of river just N of Norfolk Southern Railway., 32.50552 -87.87849

Image Associated With the Occurence
TROY000042952Diamond, Alvin R.   267552015-08-20
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, Montgomery. Powder Magazine Park on the S side of the Alabama River. At the boat ramp., 32.38495 -86.33305

TROY000046146Keener, Brian R.   66672011-08-26
United States, Alabama, Greene, 2.6 air mi. NW of Demopolis. In unamed slough W of and partially impounded by the Black Warrior River., 32.54961 -87.85921

TROY000049873Diamond, Alvin R.   293342020-06-17
United States, Alabama, Lowndes, E bank of Alabama River S of Alabama River Parkway., 32.42757 -86.31434

TROY000051900Phillippe, Loy R.   432042012-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Clay, Eckhardt Lagoon National Wildlife Management Area. 7.4 mi. NNE of Edgar, NE. Rainwater Basin. T6N, R5W, NE/4 NE/4 Sec. 29., 40.46558 -97.90108

University of Alabama Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00041571Robert R. Haynes   Robert R. Haynes 68781978-08-05
United States, Alabama, Autauga, Jones Bluff Reservoir of Alabama River, ca. 5 1/2 mi. S of Prattville; center sec. 4, T16N, R16N, 32.38 -86.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00070175David Webb   David Webb 74402010-08-12
United States, Alabama, Colbert, Pickwick Reservoir in Little Bear Creek embayment (TRM 249.5L) at LBCM 1.1R; ca. 3.5 mi WSW of Tuscumbia, 34.71 -87.76

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00041576John H. Wiersema   John H. Wiersema 4541978-08-19
United States, Alabama, Dallas, mile 178.5 of Alabama River in Millers Ferry Reservoir, adjacent pond T15N, R9E, W1/2 Sec 22, 32.26 -87.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00069910David Webb   David Webb 67872008-08-06
United States, Alabama, Jackson, Guntersville Reservoir in upstream portion of South Sauty Creek embayment (TRM 374L); ca. 0.3 mi NE of boat launch ramp in Morgan Cove and ca. 6.5 miles SSw of Langston.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00041573Robert R. Haynes   Robert R. Haynes 63761977-09-04
United States, Alabama, Lowndes, Alabama River ca. 7 1/2 mi. due NW of Lowndesboro, 32.38 -86.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00041572L. J. Davenport   L. J. Davenport 7461978-08-17
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, North bank of Alabama River at mile 286.4, across from Montgomery, 32.4 -86.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UNA00041575L. J. Davenport   L. J. Davenport 8531978-09-17
United States, Alabama, Pickens, On hwy 17 ca. 0.5 mi NE of Tombigbee River, 5.8 mi SW of Aliceville; Sec 7, T24N R16W, 33.08 -88.23

University of Arizona Herbarium

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
C. E. Jenkins   24731979-09-30
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Hooker Cienega, SW of Bonita along Sunset School Road, Suphur Springs Valley, 32.5651 -110.0673, 1350m

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
W. L. Pinney   s.n.1912-11-09
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Between Phoenix and Maricopa, 8 mi W of Ari-East R.R. bridge, 33.51667 -112.01667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
428675C.M. Roll   15802015-10-28
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 31.95585 -109.5758, 1377m

University of Arkansas at Monticello

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021829R. Dale Thomas   927861985-06-26
United States, Arkansas, Ashley, Flooded rice field north of Ark. 52, 0.9 mile east of U.S. 165 and Wilmont. T19S R4W S7

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021830Eric Sundell   86321988-08-12
United States, Arkansas, Desha, Banks of Morgan Point Cut-Off, 16 mi NE of Dumas. Arkansas River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021832Eric Sundell   124871998-09-19
United States, Arkansas, Drew, 6 mi E of Collins on Hwy 35.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021831Eric Sundell   90761989-08-09
United States, Arkansas, Desha, 2 mi E of Halley on Hwy 208.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021834R. Dale Thomas   1679012000-10-08
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita, Along north shore of Bragg Lake west of Ark 24 southeast of Bragg City and Chidester. T12S R18W S30

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst.
UAM021833Eric Sundell   150462000-09-15
United States, Arkansas, Lincoln, 3 mi N of Gould, Ark Hwy 114., 34.011173 -91.534674

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1416


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