ASU0118556 S. Boyd 11310 2004-05-18
USA, California, Los Angeles, Tranverse Ranges; Liebre Mts region: Atmore MEadows area, 34.692377 -118.605441
ASU0118557 T. Hensel 266 1973-07-10
united states, California, San Mateo, Pigeon Point Lighthouse, 8.5 mi N of San Mateo-Santa Cruz Co. line
ASU0118558 P. Rubtzoff 9781 1987-06-03
United States, California, San Francisco, McLaren Park, near N boundary in corner of park formed by Oxford and Bacon Sts., 37.72194 -122.41917
ASU0118559 D.Z. Damrel 16 1997-05-27
USA, California, Marin, Approx. 450 ft S from corner of Balboa and Portola
UTC00073546 A. A. Heller 15028 1938-04-14
United States, California, Butte, Table Mountain, 305m
BRYV0189708 David Keil 34086 2016-04-27
U.S.A., California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Rita Road northeast of Cayucos., 35.47639 -120.83167, 150m
BRYV0123015 A. H. Barnum 1486 1963-07-26
U.S.A., Oregon, Coos, Sunset Bay near Charleston., 152m
BRYV0222095 David Keil 34611 2017-05-05
U.S.A., California, San Luis Obispo, Calle Joaquiun in southern outskirts of San Luis Obispo., 35.24221 -120.68375, 30m
BRYV0048904 Adam T. Yankee 11 2013-08-11
U.S.A., Oregon, Coos, Charleston, near Bastendorf beach found in small cove between Coos Head and the base of South Jetty., 43.34956 -124.33797, 5m
BRYV0123250 A. A. Heller 7433 1904-05-20
U.S.A., California, Santa Clara, Along the Mt. Hamilton road, 14 miles from San Jose.
1439656 John R. Stone 2917 2000-04-08
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo. Off Hwy. 101, ca. 5 km north of San Luis Obispo. Roadside and stream bottoms., 35.3277778 -120.6194445, 330m
94857 G.B. Grant 789 6135 1904-04-21
USA, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, Pacific Ocean, off Southern California., 33.379271 -118.426245
94805 A.A. Heller 7433 1904-05-20
USA, California, Santa Clara, Along the Mount Hamilton road, 14 miles from San Jose., 37.341883 -121.643002
94806 A.A. Heller 8376 1906-06-08
USA, California, San Mateo, Near Ocean View, San Francisco (on the Lake Merced side of the Ocean Shore tracks)., 37.704159 -122.484922
123395 R. R. Halse 11346 2023-06-28
USA, Oregon, Lincoln, Yachats, Yachats Ocean Road State Natural Area., 44.307104 -124.103537, 3m
DAV398609 Mary M. Hektner 226-A 1975-08-14
United States, California, Sonoma, Sonoma County: Unit 24 Owner's Map, Sea Ranch, near State Highway 1., 38.71519 -123.454453
DAV398605 P. B. Kennedy s.n. 1927-07-13
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County: Oceano, California., 35.0989 -120.6124
DAV398606 Alan T. Whittemore s.n. 1976-05-29
United States, California, San Mateo, San Mateo County: San Francisco Fish and Game Refuge. East side of Lower Crystal Springs Lake, on Sawyer's Camp Road, between L. San Andreas and Crystal Springs Lake., 37.5666666666667 -122.4, 101m
DAV243652 Dean Wm. Taylor 22078 2017-05-18
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Highway 1 vicinity Greyhound Rock; seepage area on the eastern margin of the northbound highway lanes (situate ca. 0.5 road miles southbound of the parking area)., 37.075003 -122.26139, 61m
DAV398610 Gordon J. Pilone 267 1963-05-03
United States, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County: 2 miles east of Gorman on Hwy 138 on Tejon Ranch. Mt. Range: San Emigdio. Drainage Area: Pacific Slope., 1219m
AHUC103215 Beecher Crampton 413 1946-08-14
United States, California, Marin, Marin County: along an inlet between Hamlet and Tomales., 6m
DAV398608 D.J. Doo s.n. 1995-05-06
United States, California, Santa Clara, Santa Clara County: Along Chaboya Rd (county road), in field. West of Joseph Grant County Park., 37 -122, 367m
DAV398607 Dan Ray 43 1974-05-11
United States, California, Solano, Solano County: Gully Canyon on Bodega Head. 3/4 of a mile North of the University of California Research Center turn-off, next to creek., 6m
Edmund P. Sheldon; E.P. Sheldon 10393 1903-01-01
United States, California, [needs research], near San Francisco.
OSC-V-031384 Christine C. Johnson; Christine C. Lorain 145 1979-05-29
United States, Oregon, Polk, along road just west and parallel to 99W going N out of Monmouth at bridge over North Fork Ash Creek., 44.86132 -123.24532, 61m
OSC-V-031365 O. R. O'Neal; O'Neal 43 1940-07-20
United States, Oregon, Coos, Coos Head., 43.3511 -124.3367
OSC-V-031385 Helen M. Gilkey none 1948-08-18
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, 4 mi. south of Newport., 44.5526809556615 -124.0522
OSC-V-031382 Fred G. Evenden; Fred G. Evenden, Jr. s.n. 1947-06-15
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Yaquina Head, S Side, near Agate Beach., 44.6753 -124.0753
OSC-V-031366 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen 64 1926-06-00
United States, Oregon, Coos, Charlston; 2 miles south; Bassendorf Beach., 43.3456 -124.3472
Ward Prescott s.n. 1957-09-00
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, western Lincoln Co.
OSC-V-031360 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 7371 1926-06-22
United States, Oregon, Curry, Brookings., 42.0528 -124.2828
OSC-V-266297 David M. Danley 1293 1980-06-29
United States, Oregon, Lane, W. of Honeyman State Park, Near sea level
Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson s.n. 1886-07-30
United States, Washington, [needs research], near the ocean; Sea View.
OSC-V-031361 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 6310 1945-06-19
United States, Oregon, Curry, Brookings., 42.04615 -124.28541, 8m
OSC-V-031369 Orlin L. Ireland 535 1935-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lane, pond east of the crusher, Willamette River, Eugene., 44.05095 -123.0669
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 21549 1942-08-27
United States, Oregon, Lane, 3 mi. S. of Cape Perpetua., 44.243533785 -124.1139
OSC-V-031372 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 16712 1934-07-06
United States, Oregon, Lane, mouth of Sift Coos Lake, near Ocean., 43.88156 -124.11315
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 24228 1947-07-05
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, 1 mi. E of Gearhart., 46.0244 -123.875973055128
OSC-V-266291 David M. Danley 614 1978-06-24
United States, Oregon, Douglas, N. spit of the Umpqua.
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 20206a 1939-06-19
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Winchester Bay., 43.6772 -124.1736
OSC-V-266298 Mary Ann Beauchemin 54 1980-06-00
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Oregon Dunes National Rec. Area; Winchester Bay - Between 2nd & 3rd lots
OSC-V-031375 John A. Christy; John Christy none 1978-07-20
United States, Oregon, Lane, Sisulaw National Forest; Heceta Beach Dunes, 1.6 km NE of Heceta Beach., 44.04818 -124.12794, 12m
OSC-V-031373 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 4951 1941-07-07
United States, Oregon, Lane, Crow., 43.9902 -123.3195, 137m
OSC-V-031383 Daisy R. Overlander; Daisy Overlander s.n. 1927-08-04
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Waldport., 44.4269 -124.0675
OSC-V-031378 Joan Torok s.n. 1980-07-26
United States, Oregon, Lane, near Sutton Creek river mouth., 44.06419 -124.11575
OSC-V-031359 Lilla R. Leach; Lilla Leach 1925 0000-06-12
United States, Oregon, Curry, Gold Beach., 42.4075 -124.4206
OSC-V-031367 Christine C. Johnson; Christine C. Lorain 229 1981-05-29
United States, Oregon, Coos, Beach rocks near Shore Acres State Park., 43.3178 -124.38, 3m
George B. Grant; George B. Grant, Walter Wheeler 789 6135 1904-04-21
United States, California, [needs research], on Santa Catalina Island, Pacific Ocean, off southern California.
OSC-V-031371 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 2921 1938-06-15
United States, Oregon, Lane, Heceta Head., 44.1389 -124.1264, 8m
OSC-V-031358 Lilla R. Leach; Lilla Leach 2543 1929-06-10
United States, Oregon, Curry, Agate Beach near Wedderburn., 42.473 -124.4244
OSC-V-031370 Barbara L. Wilson; Barbara Wilson, Don Zobel 5369 1992-09-25
United States, Oregon, Lane, North of the mouth of Sutton Creek, in Sutton Creek Recreation Area, Siuslaw National Forest, about 4 mile north of Florence., 44.0631 -124.1167
OSC-V-031374 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 5020 1941-07-18
United States, Oregon, Lane, Cape Cove., 44.13433 -124.1131, 3m
OSC-V-031362 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 6162 1947-07-18
United States, Oregon, Coos, Yokam Point, near Charleston., 43.3414 -124.34452
OSC-V-031379 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 13750 1931-05-29
United States, Oregon, Coos, Life Saving Station; Coos Bay., 43.4294 -124.2286
OSC-V-031363 Marshall M. Ross; Marshall Ross s.n. 1941-07-14
United States, Oregon, Coos, Bassendorf Bog., 43.3456 -124.3472
OSC-V-031377 Orlin L. Ireland 969 1937-07-04
United States, Oregon, Lane, Coast highway; Heceta Head., 44.1389 -124.1264
OSC-V-031364 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen s.n. 1926-06-16
United States, Oregon, Coos, Charleston; 1 mile S., 43.325744595 -124.3289
United States, Oregon
OSC-V-031368 Francis W. Pennell 15664 1931-07-19
United States, Oregon, Curry, Port Orford., 42.7458 -124.4961, 30m
OSC-V-031380 Helen M. Gilkey none 1951-05-30
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Waldport-Yachats.
OSC-V-031381 Leslie N. Goodding; L.N. Goodding none 1923-06-24
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Newport., 44.6369 -124.0522
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 13564 1924-08-24
United States, Oregon, Curry, 4 mi. above mouth of Rogue R.
OSC-V-031386 Albert R. Sweetser; A.R. Sweetser none 1909-08-27
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Yachats., 44.3114 -124.1036
OSC-V-031376 Virginia L. Crosby; V.L. Crosby 1205 1977-05-21
United States, Oregon, Lane, Hwy. 101, 16 miles north of Florence, just north of Rock Creek., 44.19144 -124.10849
Kristen M. Nelson 57 2019-05-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Roadside seep/ditch adjacent to dirt ranch road on Miossi property; 325 feet south of the railroad and 0.4 mile west of U.S. Highway 101., 35.3195822 -120.6282835, 299m
OBI138213 H.E. McMinn 5609 1949-06-07
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Harriston Grade
OBI138442 David Keil 34060 2016-04-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Picachio Road northwest of intersection with Cayucos Creek Road, north of Cayucos, 35.484167 -120.934167, 65m
OBI138439 A. Ahmad 50 1963-05-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Poly canian, 35.314474 -120.648805
OBI138417 A. Kay Ketcham 12 1967-10-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, In a cyn near Hazard Beach
OBI138422 Aart C. DeVos 81 1963-04-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along ege of Reservoir N of Cal Poly airport
OBI138431 Allison Berry 92 1984-04-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Camp San Luis Shooting Facility 6.5 mi N of San Luis Obispo on hwy 1, 35.34395 -120.696536
OBI138444 Arthur W. Hazebrook 157 1992-10-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Dunes Complex, Big Coreopsis hill, base of hill along riparian corridor and extending into dune slack around Little Oso Flaco Lake, 35.03 -120.6175
OBI138445 Arthur W. Hazebrook 185 1993-01-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Dunes Complex, Big Coreopsis Hill, Oso Flaco Lake and crk areas, and adj pioneer dunes. In Oso Flaco crk, 35.03 -120.6175
OBI177563 Dean Wm. Taylor 22078 2017-05-18
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Highway 1 vicinity Greyhound Rock; seepage area on the eastern margin of the northbound highway lanes (situate ca. 0.5 road miles southbound of the parking area); USGS Quadrangle: Point Ano Nuevo CA 7.5', 37.075003 -122.26139, 61m
OBI138412 B. A. Smith 77 1966-05-11
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, About 3 mi N on See Cyn rd from Avila Beach Rd
OBI138435 Bernard Miossi 51 1939-04-06
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Cyn 3/4 mi N of San Luis Obispo and about 1/2 mi N W of San Luis Crk, 61m
OBI138438 David Keil 34086 2016-04-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Rita Road northeast of Cayucos, 35.476389 -120.831667, 150m
OBI138425 Betty Sheehan 4 1957-10-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly campus. Feed mill
OBI138436 Christian Smith s.n. 1974-04-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along crk in Poly Cyn, 35.314474 -120.648805
OBI138404 Clifton F. Smith 1664 1946-04-23
United States, California, Santa Barbara, On Happy Cyn Rd above turnoff to De la Guerra springs, 34.6828 -119.9178, 762m
OBI138430 D. E. Montague s.n. 1958-05-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Reservoir Cyn, 3 mis NE San Luis Obispo. On hill, 35.2857 -120.6245
OBI138411 David J. Keil 14781 1981-05-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, N of San Simeon in vicinity of Arroyo de la Cruz. Near Hwy 1, 35.708335 -121.304
OBI138434 David J. Keil 15716 1982-03-13
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pennington Crk Biological reserve, W of San Luis Obispo, 35.36298 -120.70992
OBI138419 David J. Keil 24063 1993-05-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Dunes Preserve. Oso Flaco Lake Area. From Oso Flaco Parking area to beach North of Oso Flaco Creek, 35.03 -120.6175
OBI138429 David J. Keil 31932 2013-08-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay State Park. East of South Bay Blvd at northern edge of park along unpaved access road to pumphouse. Area of former campground., 35.358515 -120.825689, 5m
OBI138413 Eric Wise 791 1981-06-29
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Celery lake of Dune Lakes, 35.07057 -120.60025
OBI138427 Eric Wise 947 1981-07-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Poly Cyn, 35.313547 -120.650982
OBI138416 Eric Wise 1512 1982-06-24
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Warden lake. N of Los Osos Valley Rd
OBI138414 Eric Wise 1756 1983-08-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along the length of Black Lake Cyn with San Luis Obispo co Planning Board Et al, 35.056237 -120.564034
OBI138424 F. W. Wakefield, III 94 1964-04-11
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Reservoir Cyn, 35.2857 -120.6245
OBI138421 French H. Morgan 7 1972-05-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 1 mi off of US 101 in Reservoir Cyn, 35.291067 -120.627606, 134m
OBI138415 Greg Hassen 23 1975-07-08
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Poly Cyn, 35.313547 -120.650982
OBI138423 Jan Barber 21 1993-06-16
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, In grazed area W of Laguna Lake Park in San Luis Obispo, 35.265 -120.6813
OBI138406 Joan Coffey 17 1972-05-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, About 1 mi N on Poly Cyn rd, San Luis Obispo, 35.314474 -120.648805
OBI138440 Lori Blain 1 1982-04-04
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Calif Polytechnic State univ; near stream where Design Village branches off of Poly Cyn, 35.312403 -120.652346, 152m
OBI138441 Lynch 14 1971-05-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly campus. Leading into the E end of Drumm Lake, 35.307 -120.66042
OBI138432 Lynne Dee Althouse 77 1977-05-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Crk N of high school, San Luis Obispo, 130m
OBI138433 Lynne Dee Althouse 114 1977-05-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Crk N of high school, San Luis Obispo, 130m
OBI148228 Dylan M. Neubauer 1735 2020-06-11
United States, California, Santa Cruz, (SnFrB) Central Santa Cruz Mtns, Ben Lomond Mtn, headwaters of Big Creek, .7 air-mile south-southeast Eagle Rock, 37.13791 -122.19027, 652m
OBI138405 R. A. Oyler 601 1975-04-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Bottom of tiny cyn in permanent pasture between Poly Cyn and the Ornamental Horticulture unit, Cal Poly U at San Luis Obispo, 35.314094 -120.66133, 61m