Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Castilleja sessiliflora (Euchroma grandiflora)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 2120

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
212869Steve Stephens   776231974-06-12
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Sundance, 15 mi S, 44.18913 -104.37578

Image Associated With the Occurence
212883Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   235601968-06-28
United States, Montana, Richland, Sidney, 18 mi W, 47.70964 -104.53214

Image Associated With the Occurence
319812Craig C Freeman   108281998-05-28
United States, Kansas, Mitchell, Glen Elder, 3 mi S, 1 mi W; SE side of Waconda Lake, Walnut Creek Public Access Area, 39.461618 -98.33033, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212934Steve Stephens   472291971-05-17
United States, South Dakota, McCook, Bridgewater, 17.5 mi E, 43.55112 -97.15781

Image Associated With the Occurence
212879Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   122351967-06-25
United States, South Dakota, Ziebach, Eagle Butte, 7.5 mi S (Eagle Butte in Dewey County), 44.85748 -101.21876

Image Associated With the Occurence
212884Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   392531970-06-07
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, Interior, 23 mi S, 1.5 mi E (Interior in Jackson County); Rattlesnake Butte, 43.435189 -101.901269

Image Associated With the Occurence
212979Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   237261968-06-29
United States, Montana, Custer, Miles City, 8 mi NE, 46.490173 -105.721782

Image Associated With the Occurence
212971Steve Stephens   378831970-05-13
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, Gretna, 6 mi S, 2 mi W, 41.05471 -96.28818

Image Associated With the Occurence
212970Steve Stephens   379821970-05-16
United States, Nebraska, Gosper, Elwood, 7 mi N, 2.5 mi E, 40.69311 -99.81333

Image Associated With the Occurence
212983Steve Stephens   380831970-05-17
United States, Nebraska, Deuel, Big Springs, 2 mi N, 0.5 mi W, 41.09036 -102.08396

Image Associated With the Occurence
212866Steve Stephens   774671974-06-10
United States, Wyoming, Niobrara, Manville, 1.5 mi E, 42.77913 -104.58813

Image Associated With the Occurence
212927Steve Stephens   473341971-05-19
United States, South Dakota, Hutchinson, Olivet, 1 mi S, 2 mi W, 43.22633 -97.71511

Image Associated With the Occurence
212907Roys Willenbring   6301970-06-11
United States, North Dakota, Pembina, Cavalier, 5 mi W, S of Icelandic State Park, 48.776485 -97.739549

Image Associated With the Occurence
332169Craig C Freeman; Hillary J Loring   168462001-04-24
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Cheyenne, 1.5 mi S, 0.5 mi W, 35.5769463 -99.6855545, 661m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212910Steve Stephens   214311968-05-28
United States, South Dakota, Roberts, Sisseton, 7 mi N, 5 mi W, 45.76599 -97.15359

Image Associated With the Occurence
212953Steve Stephens   61771966-06-29
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Buffalo Gap, 8 mi N, 43.60753 -103.31298

Image Associated With the Occurence
212920Ralph E Brooks; Carol Kuhn; Craig C Freeman   186781987-05-07
United States, Missouri, Holt, Mound City, 4 mi S; Jamerson C McCormack Wildlife Area, 40.049553 -95.23448

Image Associated With the Occurence
212975Steve Stephens   381911970-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Harrisburg, 1 mi S, 8 mi E, 41.54177 -103.58368

Image Associated With the Occurence
212900Steve Stephens   657101973-06-13
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Meriden, 3.5 mi S (20 mi N Burns), 41.492895 -104.31861

Image Associated With the Occurence
212993Gary E Larson; James R Johnson   103861991-06-06
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Wind Cave National Park, 43.5967 -103.2667

Image Associated With the Occurence
212982Steve Stephens   380751970-05-17
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Lewellen, 2 mi S, 1 mi E, 41.30241 -102.12404

Image Associated With the Occurence
212963Charles H Perino; Janice Perino   4661969-05-10
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, Vici, 13.5 mi W on US 60, 13.1 mi S on gravel road, 35.95948 -99.540259

Image Associated With the Occurence
345481Caleb A Morse; Jeff Elliott   77582002-05-13
United States, Kansas, Russell, Fairport, 1.25 mi S, 3.5 mi E, 39.0286111 -98.9619444, 515 - 540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212864Steve Stephens   779851974-06-16
United States, Montana, Richland, Lambert, 14 mi W, 47.68323 -104.92179

Image Associated With the Occurence
212885Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   389521970-06-05
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine, 10 mi N, 2 mi W, 42.68126 -99.73969

Image Associated With the Occurence
212870Steve Stephens   784571974-06-21
United States, Montana, McCone, Circle, 23 mi N, 47.7496 -105.59222

Image Associated With the Occurence
212877Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   150171967-07-27
United States, North Dakota, Pierce, Orrin, 9 mi S, 6 mi E, 47.96106 -100.03309

Image Associated With the Occurence
212961Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   228931968-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Albin, 2 mi W, 41.41775 -104.13693

Image Associated With the Occurence
212952Steve Stephens   58651966-06-26
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Pringle, 14 mi S, 43.40581 -103.59381

Image Associated With the Occurence
212888Gerald Seiler   42471972-05-31
United States, North Dakota, Ransom, Lisbon, 15 mi NW, 46.59501 -97.90367

Image Associated With the Occurence
335218Aira Hazell   s.n.1993-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Keith, North Platte River, 41.21529 -101.66051

Image Associated With the Occurence
212918Steve Stephens   786301974-06-23
United States, Montana, Custer, Miles City, 12 mi NE, 46.531045 -105.662393

Image Associated With the Occurence
212976Steve Stephens   381341970-05-18
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, Kimball, 6 mi E, 41.23576 -103.54738

Image Associated With the Occurence
212980Janét E Bare; Ronald L McGregor   8401968-06-22
United States, South Dakota, Jerauld, Wessington Springs, 0.25 mi W, 44.079157 -98.574576

Image Associated With the Occurence
212880Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   125771967-06-28
United States, North Dakota, Oliver, Center, 8.5 mi E, 47.116243 -101.118781

Image Associated With the Occurence
212914Paul F Nighswonger   11381973-05-15
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Freedom, ca 12.5 mi N, 2.5 mi W, 36.950156 -99.157865

Image Associated With the Occurence
212958Steve Stephens   212841968-05-26
United States, South Dakota, Lincoln, Canton, 5 mi S, 43.2284 -96.5925

Image Associated With the Occurence
212909Roys Willenbring   2301969-06-30
United States, North Dakota, Pembina, Cavalier, 5 mi W, S of Icelandic State Park, 48.776485 -97.739549

Image Associated With the Occurence
212926Ronald L McGregor   238461971-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Cheyenne, Sunol, 1 mi S, 2 mi W, 41.14078 -102.80154

Image Associated With the Occurence
212902Steve Stephens   654361973-06-09
United States, Nebraska, Frontier, Red Willow Dam, 1 mi E, 40.357504 -100.648634

Image Associated With the Occurence
212967Janét E Bare; Ronald L McGregor   11551968-06-27
United States, North Dakota, Hettinger, Regent, 1 mi S, 8 mi W, 46.40707 -102.72325

Image Associated With the Occurence
212949Ronald L Hartman   63721978-06-08
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, Gillette, ca 20 air mi ESE, 1311m

Image Associated With the Occurence
329846Craig C Freeman   143872000-05-15
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Limon, W edge of town, 39.2708321 -103.7097244, 1646m

Image Associated With the Occurence
345523Caleb A Morse; Jeff Elliott   78002002-05-13
United States, Kansas, Ellis, Paradise, 0.25 mi S, 7 mi W (Paradise in Russell County), 39.1122222 -99.0527778, 570 - 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
343482Caleb A Morse; Jeff Elliott   78532002-05-14
United States, Kansas, Rooks, Codell, 0.75 mi S, 5.5 mi E, 39.1819444 -99.0683333, 575 - 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212895Steve Stephens   660981973-06-19
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, Hot Springs, 2 mi W, 43.43164 -103.51426

Image Associated With the Occurence
212960Steve Stephens   199911968-04-28
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Rulo, 2 mi SE, 40.03145 -95.40015

Image Associated With the Occurence
212897Steve Stephens   669681973-07-10
United States, Montana, Custer, Locate, 13 mi E, 46.42996 -105.03497

Image Associated With the Occurence
212868Steve Stephens   780921974-06-17
United States, Montana, Roosevelt, Culbertson, 1.5 mi SE, 48.12909 -104.49338

Image Associated With the Occurence
212957Steve Stephens   210481968-05-23
United States, Nebraska, Burt, Decatur, 1 mi N, 42.02199 -96.24944

Image Associated With the Occurence
212985Ralph E Brooks; Ronald L McGregor   145821980-05-06
United States, Texas, Nolan, Blackwell, 12 mi N, 32.260827 -100.31722

Image Associated With the Occurence
212896Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   660311970-06-12
United States, Wyoming, Weston, Four Corners, 6.5 mi NE, 44.147727 -104.085628

Image Associated With the Occurence
212932Steve Stephens   556931972-06-25
United States, Colorado, Sedgwick, Julesburg, 17 mi S, 3 mi W, 40.749569 -102.321444

Image Associated With the Occurence
212986Richard P Williams   9651972-06-05
United States, North Dakota, Kidder, Pettibone, 7 mi S, 47.01783 -99.51956

Image Associated With the Occurence
212941Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   397831970-06-14
United States, South Dakota, Butte, Belle Fourche, 8 mi W, 44.67126 -104.01506

Image Associated With the Occurence
212904Steven P Churchill   73741976-05-20
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Harrisburg, S off Hwy 71, S bluffs at Rocky Hollow Canyon, 41.399489 -103.663902

Image Associated With the Occurence
212989Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   400501970-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Rolette, Belcourt, 1.5 mi W, 48.83917 -99.77785

Image Associated With the Occurence
365578Dina Clark; Carolyn Crawford   8722000-05-19
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, NE of Limon along CR 3R, 39.388894 -103.639541

Image Associated With the Occurence
212946Burnell E Nelson   15131978-05-31
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Guernsey, ca 8.5 air mi N, 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
336547Gregory Kunkel; Leila M Shultz   211973-06-05
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Boulder, 7 mi S on Rocky Flats Pediment, 39.892477 -105.2035

Image Associated With the Occurence
212981Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   232571968-06-25
United States, Montana, Fallon, Baker, 28 mi S, 45.96157 -104.28466

Image Associated With the Occurence
212911Steve Stephens   211751968-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, Ponca, 1 mi S, 42.54801 -96.70559

Image Associated With the Occurence
212899Steve Stephens   657881973-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Goshen, Lingle, 0.5 mi N, 42.1436 -104.34551

Image Associated With the Occurence
212908Wade V Forster   2131970-07-04
United States, North Dakota, Stark, Richardton, 2 mi NW, 46.90436 -102.34523

Image Associated With the Occurence
212930Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   403771970-06-21
United States, North Dakota, Adams, Reeder, 2 mi W, 46.105832 -102.987207

Image Associated With the Occurence
307870Ronald L Hartman   399081993-07-04
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Southern Powder River Basin/Southeastern Plains, Southeastern Plains, Wheatland Reservoir 1, 6 air mi SW of Wheatland, 41.998761 -105.045268, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212955Steve Stephens   214231968-05-28
United States, South Dakota, Deuel, Toronto, 1.5 mi E, 44.57302 -96.61206

Image Associated With the Occurence
212886Steve Stephens   788591974-06-25
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, Gillette, 15 mi N, 44.508337 -105.502221

Image Associated With the Occurence
212950Ronald L McGregor   198801966-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Lewellen, 4 mi S, 41.27341 -102.1438

Image Associated With the Occurence
308459Burnell E Nelson   304751994-05-19
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Wheatland, ca 14 air mi NW, 1530m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212865Steve Stephens   779051974-06-15
United States, Montana, Dawson, Glendive, 18 mi E, 47.10465 -104.32964

Image Associated With the Occurence
212882Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   236141968-06-28
United States, Montana, Roosevelt, Culbertson, 3 mi SE, 48.11375 -104.47089

Image Associated With the Occurence
212987Richard P Williams   381971-05-15
United States, North Dakota, Emmons, Hazelton, 8.5 mi N, 2.5 mi E, 46.60776 -100.22687

Image Associated With the Occurence
212924Ronald L McGregor   237961971-06-20
United States, Nebraska, Chase, Enders, 3 mi S, 40.4118 -101.53378

Image Associated With the Occurence
212973Gary E Larson   51641975-06-21
United States, North Dakota, McLean, Washburn, 1 mi N, 4 mi W, 47.3036 -101.11442

Image Associated With the Occurence
212969Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   234241968-06-27
United States, North Dakota, Golden Valley, Sentinel Butte, 4 mi E, 46.91832 -103.75404

Image Associated With the Occurence
212933Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   398301970-06-15
United States, South Dakota, Butte, Belle Fourche, 11 mi E, 44.67115 -103.62814

Image Associated With the Occurence
212928Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   314751969-06-05
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, Bushnell, 8 mi SW, 1.5 mi S, 41.09454 -103.89189

Image Associated With the Occurence
311628Craig C Freeman   88091997-05-08
United States, Kansas, Smith, Cedar, 1.5 mi W along KS 9, 39.66596 -98.97267, 515m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212948Ronald L Hartman; Keith H Dueholm; Mary A Sanguinetti   71411978-06-24
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, Rockypoint, ca 11 air mi W, 44.9241 -105.3231, 1097m

Image Associated With the Occurence
311542Craig C Freeman   87231997-05-07
United States, Kansas, Osborne, Bloomington, 1 mi N, 1.5 mi W; Bloomington Cemetery, 39.467489 -98.812052, 506m

Image Associated With the Occurence
212892Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   115631967-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Lewellen, 2.5 mi S, 41.29515 -102.1438

395012Dina Clark   27862009-05-27
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, E of the intersection between CR 54.0 and CR111.0 and S of the Pinyon Canyon Maneuver site, 37.347319 -104.044426, 1635m

397788Craig C Freeman   265292017-05-06
United States, Kansas, Gove, Quinter, 24.4 air km SE; Castle Rock, 38.85305 -100.16806, 762m

281416Steve Stephens   897371978-07-20
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Pringle, 14 mi S, 43.40581 -103.59381

281417Steve Stephens   657881973-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Goshen, Lingle, 0.5 mi N, 42.1436 -104.34551

281418Steve Stephens   58651966-06-26
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Pringle, 14 mi S, 43.40581 -103.59381

424969Susan J Rolfsmeier; Steven B Rolfsmeier; Julie M Lancaster   170402003-07-13
United States, Montana, Fallon, Baker, 10 mi S, 3.5 mi W, W side of MT Hwy 7, 46.2255556 -104.3483333, 1018m

425021Susan J Rolfsmeier; Steven B Rolfsmeier; Ronald R Weedon   3062003-05-28
United States, Wyoming, Niobrara, Manville, 9.5 mi S, 1 mi W; W side of WY Hwy 270, 10.3 hwy mi S of jct with US Hwy 20, 42.6361111 -104.6369444, 1701m

442422Dina Clark   47382019-06-21
United States, Colorado, Bent, 16 mi WNW of the intersection between CR B.5 and Hwy 287 (ca 30 mi S of Lamar), 37.73083 -102.93833, 1332m

University of Lethbridge Herbarium

Canada, Alberta, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
7229Klaus H. Lackschewitz   35291972-06-08
United States of America, Montana, Foothills of E. Front Mtns, along road to Ear Mtn. Ranger sta., 1463 - 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
7230A.W. Dugal   2901976-06-19
Canada, Manitoba, C.F.B. Shilo, ca 15 miles E.S.E. of Brandon, 49.7833333 -99.6333333

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299576Chester M. Rowell, Jr.   151911972-03-25
United States, Texas, Reagan, Ted Harris Ranch 5 1/2 mi. south and 13 1/2 mi. west of Big Lake.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299578R. D. Worthington   230091994-03-24
United States, Texas, Presidio, The Solitario, NW side of The Solitario along access road (near 29 DEG 30'05"N, 103 DEG 48'15"W)(area in South Crawford Pasture)., 29.501389 -103.804167, 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299579R. D. Worthington   104101983-05-14
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Hueco Mts, along hwy. US 62-180 2 mi. E of the Hueco Inn and crest of the mts. (31°50'N-106°52'W)., 31.833333 -105.933333, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299580N. D. Atwood   21151970-03-24
United States, Texas, Maverick, 26 mi north of Eagle Pass on Hwy 90

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299586John Taylor   287751980-04-25
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, Collected in a canyon area about 13 miles north of Mooreland, Okla. This is the location of Benke #5017 the typpe collection of Phlox Oklahomensis Wherry.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299587Susan Barber   12861976-05-22
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, 6.3 miles N jct. US 283 & OK 33 then 6.8 miles E on Sectional road. Antelope Hills.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0299588John Taylor   101751971-04-22
United States, Oklahoma, Greer, hills in the area of the Reed Bat Cave, about 4 miles southwest of Reed.

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 2120


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