Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Macropsychanthus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-13 of 13

University of Michigan Herbarium

Dioclea pulchra Moldenke
1165442B. Jacobs   21311984-06-05
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 31663

Image Associated With the Occurence
1755162M. Ramos   770781929-05-00
Philippines, Cagayan Valley, Cagayan, Bauan - Mt. Tabuan - Cagayan Province, Luzon

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT153136Elmer, A.D.E.   90131907-05-00
philippines, Tayabas, Lucban, Tayabas, Luzon, 14.118795 121.56088

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus grandiflorus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
PH00184295M. O. S. Rodrigues   202001-00-28
Brazil, Bahia, Muritiba: Serra de Sao Jose

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus grandiflorus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
PH00776558M.J.S. Lemos   1492001-12-04
Brazil, Bahia, Joao Dourado

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus coriaceus (Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
PH00776559L. P. de Queiroz   84541987-01-11
Brazil, Bahia, Barreiras: 33 km W de cidade de Barrelras ao longo da Br 242, -12.166667 -46.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus violaceus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
PH00776560E. Woodgyer   22171996-10-03
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Lencois, BR 242, a 3 km da entrada para Utinga, -12.560556 -41.391389, 1000m

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Macropsychanthus comosus (G. Mey.) L.P. Queiroz & Snak
67965Miriam Jiménez Chimil, Mariano Gorostiza Salazar   310232015-10-18
Mexico, Puebla, Ayotoxco de Guerrero, Cuauhtémoc; LOCALIDAD EXACTA: Rancho La Esperanza, en el parteaguas, a 2 km de la presa, 20.067429 -97.428599, 278m

Southern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus violaceus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
SIU046125Duarte, A. P.   67071962-06-04
Brazil, Bahia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus comosus (G.Mey.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
SIU046132Dwyer, J. D.   54351966-01-29
Panama, Col¢n

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus violaceus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
SIU046127Duarte, A. P.   88591965-02-22
Brazil, Espirito Santo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus violaceus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
SIU046128Kuhlmann, J. G.   s.n.1961-12-26
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macropsychanthus violaceus (Mart. ex Benth.) L.P.Queiroz & Snak
SIU046126Duarte, A. P.   55061961-03-14
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Page 1, records 1-13 of 13


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