BRYV0150859 Leigh A. Johnson 13-218 2013-05-30
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, El Dorado National Forest, off road to Ice House Reservoir, 6.4 miles from jct. with Hwy 50. Vicinity of a hairpin turn just north of Peavine Ridge Road., 38.79754 -120.40287, 1596m
BRYV0150858 Leigh A. Johnson 13-227 2013-06-26
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, El Dorado Natl. Forest. North side of Icehouse Road, about 1.7 miles north of jct with Peavine Ridge Road., 38.80666 -120.38564, 1629m
BRYV0190115 Leigh A. Johnson 13-230 2013-06-26
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Peavine Ridge Road (Along left fork, 11N55, 1.2 miles from jct with 11N60), about 4.7 miles from jct with Icehouse road., 38.79606 -120.47702, 1480m
BRYV0150857 Leigh A. Johnson 13-242 2013-06-26
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, El Dorado Natl. Forest. 0.2 miles along 11N60 (right fork from Peavine Ridge Road, this fork is 3.4Ð3.5 miles from Icehouse Road)., 38.80391 -120.46397, 1510m
BRYV0150856 Leigh A. Johnson 13-263 2013-06-26
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, El Dorado Natl. Forest; at an old quarry (?) accessible by hiking along a gated road from Icehouse road, 1.6 miles north of jct between Icehouse road and Weber Mill Road., 38.78973 -120.40053, 1449m
BRYV0156325 Leigh A. Johnson 15-030 2015-06-10
U.S.A., California, Plumas, Along Lumpkin Ridge-LaPorte Road, ca 6.9 miles northeast of jct with Golden Trout Crossing, ca. 0.1 mile northeast of Post Creek road., 39.69819 -121.0783, 1541m
BRYV0150855 David Gowen 1226 2013-06-21
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Northeast of Riverton and Hwy 50 on Peavine Ridge Road about 2 miles from its junction with Ice House Road., 38.7976 -120.43421, 1584m
BRYV0150854 David Gowen 1221 2013-06-21
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Northeast of Riverton and Hwy 50 just north of the junction of Peavine Ridge Road an Ice House Road., 38.79745 -120.40255, 1602m
BRYV0125949 Lewis S. Rose 67134 1967-06-14
U.S.A., California, Nevada, Hills northwest of Grass Valley, open flats., 823m
BRYV0147183 Beecher Crampton 1516 1953-07-21
U.S.A., California, Placer, 1.5 miles east of Emmigrant Gap, along U.S. Highway 40., 1646m
BRYV0190067 Leigh A. Johnson 04-076 2004-05-15
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Along Park Creek Road, 2.8 miles from jct with Mormon Emigrant Trail., 38.745 -120.4965
BRYV0190078 Leigh A. Johnson 14-017 2014-06-03
U.S.A., California, Nevada, Spur road off north side of Hwy 20, ca. 9Ð10 miles from I-80 at Yuba Pass., 39.31714 -120.75146, 1565m
BRYV0190068 Leigh A. Johnson 14-143 2014-07-08
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Sly Park Vicinity. Park Creek Road (NF-11N67/NF88), 0.4 miles from 6 road intersection, 3.7 miles from County Road E16 (Sly Park Road)., 38.74934 -120.49704, 1207m
BRYV0190079 Leigh A. Johnson 14-028 2014-06-03
U.S.A., California, Placer, South facing slope of pyroclastic flow overlooking the North Fork of the American River, just off Sawtooth Ridge Road ca. 1.1 mile west of Dawson Spring., 39.21787 -120.62265, 1670m
BRYV0190080 Leigh A. Johnson 15-013 2015-06-09
U.S.A., California, Placer, Off of Sugar Pine Road (NF10) en route to Sugar Pine Reservoir, ca. 3.6 miles from Forest Hills Road at cross roads with gated, FS access only spur heading NE., 39.12388 -120.75882, 1181m
BRYV0190081 Leigh A. Johnson 15-023 2015-06-10
U.S.A., California, Plumas, South of Cascade and Lava Top. Access up FS road 21N22YA., 39.68272 -121.16655, 1402m
BRYV0190082 Leigh A. Johnson 15-022 2015-06-10
U.S.A., California, Butte, About 2 road miles west of Camp Eighteen along La Porte Rd (94), plus another 0.2 miles north along a dirt road (Frey Ranch Road?; Lumpkin Rd, 22N27, goes to the south at this intersection)., 39.62913 -121.19703, 1266m
BRYV0159020 Leigh A. Johnson 15-028 2015-06-10
U.S.A., California, Butte, South side of Lumpkin Ridge Rd about 1.2 miles east of Camp Eighteen., 39.62771 -121.14734, 1290m
BRYV0190077 Leigh A. Johnson 14-048 2014-06-03
U.S.A., California, Placer, Forest Hill Road, ca. 0.2 miles northeast of NF-66 (Humbug Canyon Rd)., 39.16045 -120.66179, 1578m
BRYV0190076 Leigh A. Johnson 14-050 2014-06-03
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, About 0.3 miles north of Forest Hill Road, along a road leading to a trail head, down slope and along a trail 100 ft or so from road., 39.1622 -120.66677, 1534m
BRYV0190124 Leigh A. Johnson 16-008 2016-07-11
U.S.A., California, Nevada, North of Hwy 20, about 1 mile west of I-80, up slope in clearing of power line corridor., 39.32089 -120.62375, 1667m
BRYV0190125 Leigh A. Johnson 16-015 2016-07-11
U.S.A., California, Nevada, North of Hwy 20, about 8.2 mile west of I-80 ramp, at intersection with road 20-16 (last chance mine road)., 39.31709 -120.7239, 1617m
BRYV0190126 Leigh A. Johnson 16-023 2016-07-11
U.S.A., California, Placer, Cisco vicinity; east of Magonigal Rd, about 0.2 miles from jct with Hampshire Rocks rd, north of I-80., 39.3142 -120.5446, 1737m
BRYV0190211 Leigh A. Johnson 17-042 2017-06-26
U.S.A., California, Tehama, Across fence on southwest side of Hwy 36 about 5.1 miles west of jct with Hwy 32., 40.32777 -121.47353, 1459m
RSA0473852 Leigh A. Johnson 15-030 2015-06-10
United States, California, Plumas, Along Lumpkin Ridge-LaPorte Road, ca 6.9 miles northeast of jct with Golden Trout Crossing, ca. 0.1 mile northeast of Post Creek Road., 39.69819 -121.0783, 1541m
RSA0473851 Leigh A. Johnson 15-023 2015-06-10
United States, California, Plumas, South of Cascade and Lava Top. Access up FS road 21N22YA., 39.68272 -121.16655, 1402m
RSA0473850 Leigh A. Johnson 14-050 2015-06-03
United States, California, El Dorado, About 0.3 miles north of Forest Hill Road, along a road leading to a trail head, down slop and along a trail 100 ft or so from road., 39.1622 -120.66677, 1534m
RSA0473849 Leigh A. Johnson 16-008 2016-07-11
United States, California, Nevada, North of Hwy 20, about 1 mile west of I-80, up slope in clearing of power line corridor., 39.32089 -120.62375, 1667m
RSA0472650 Leigh A. Johnson 15-028 2015-06-10
United States, California, Butte, South side of Lumpkin Ridge Road about 1.2 miles east of Camp Eighteen., 39.62771 -121.14734, 1290m
RSA0466988 Leigh A. Johnson 13-230 2013-06-26
United States, California, El Dorado, Peavine Ridge Road (Along left fork, 11N55, 1.2 miles from junction with 11N60), about 4.7 miles from junction Icehouse Road., 38.79606 -120.47702, 1480m
DAV301628 Alva Day 65-146a 1965-06-26
United States, California, Nevada, Indian Springs Campground, near Cisco, Nevada County, California.
DAV240613 Shane Hanofee HAN-327 2022-05-22
United States, California, Nevada, Lava cap 1000' SW of intersection of Hwy 20 and Lowell Hill Rd above Steep Hollow Creek., 39.30265 -120.726471, 1533m
DAV239822 Shane Hanofee HAN-370 2022-05-27
United States, California, Nevada, Wildflower Ridge. South of Ridge Rd. 1200' E of intersection of Ridge Rd and Rough and Ready Hwy., 39.227944 -121.080174, 800m
Hannah Kang 1175 2024-06-03
United States, California, El Dorado, Northeast Volcanoville. El Dorado National Forest. Northeast of Missouri Canyon. ±0.22 walking miles northeast of Volcanoville Road and Kentucky Flat Road intersection., 38.988331 -120.737108, 1077m