Elizabeth Painter HL--1516 1995-05-15
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett Cantonment, near road to campground, c. 0.8 air km due west of Jolon Creek, c. 0.8 to 1 air km due north of San Antonio River, 35.96139 -121.18361, 290m
UTC00102827 JP Tracy 18055 1948-06-13
United States, California, Humboldt, Ridge top near Harris, 914m
UTC00116738 R Bacigalupi; F Chisaki; L. Dempster et al. 7429 1960-05-12
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Bee Rock Canyon just E of Bee Rock 0.4 mi W of 'Bee Rock' on both Tierra Redonda Mtn and Bradley
UTC00188924 B Ertter; J Strachan 3377 1980-05-13
United States, California, Monterey, Los Padres National Forest ; Santa Lucia Mtns SW of Junipero Serra Peak Indian Mill rock near heliport on Santa Lucia Tr. Also in section 8., 701m
43214 Carl F. Baker 2957 1903-05-12
U.S.A., California, Lake, Near Lakeport.
281979 Rimo Bacigalupi, F. Chisaki, L. Dempster, C. Hardham 7429 1960-05-12
U.S.A., California, San Luis Obispo, Northern SLO County: Bee Rock Canyon: just E of Bee Rock (but 0.4 mi W of "Bee Rock" on both Tierra Redonda Mtn. – 1949 – and Bradley 15: – 1919 – USGS sheets).
AHUC102682 Beecher Crampton 5252 1959-05-21
United States, California, El Dorado, El Dorado County: About 2 miles NE of Clarksville, E slopes of Bass Lake.
DAV390208 G. F. Hrusa 5922 1989-04-15
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: North Table Mountain. On west side of Cherokee Mountain Road., 300m
Thomas J. Howell s.n. 1881-04-20
United States, Oregon, Unknown, southern Oregon.
Charlene J. Simpson; Charlene Simpson 4169 2000-05-17
United States, Oregon, Lane, Blue Mt. (aka Blue Rock) approx. 25' below forested summit on W facing., 43.7031541919 -122.929653564, 975m
Nancy A. Fredricks; Nancy Fredricks 236 1984-04-28
United States, Oregon, Douglas, 5 mi. se of Route 138 on County Road 17 (Little River Rd), se of Glide; above road., 43.2678996658 -123.03438739, 365m
Adolph D. Elmer; A.D.E. Elmer 4669 1903-05-00
United States, California, Alameda, 15 miles from Livermore; Cedar [Cypress] Mountain.
Thomas J. Howell; T. Howell 119 1881-04-00
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Umpqua Valley.
Gerald D. Carr; G.D.Carr 1564 2010-06-22
United States, Oregon, Lane, Camas Swale BLM parcel off Weiss Rd, ca. 10.3 mi. W of Cresswell via Camas Swale Rd., 43.89321 -123.12518, 311m
Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 12258 1930-05-11
United States, Oregon, Lane, Lorane Road., 43.991 -123.1544
Nancy A. Fredricks; Nancy Fredricks 263 1984-06-10
United States, Oregon, Douglas, 5 miles SE of Rt. 138 on Country Road 17 ( Little River Rd.) Se of Glide., 43.2678996658 -123.03438739, 366m
Peter F. Zika; P.F. Zika 12026 1993-06-07
United States, Oregon, Douglas, BLM land., 43.07695 -123.27549, 533m
Peter F. Zika; P.F. Zika 10201 1987-04-23
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Beatty Creek RNA, 10 air miles SW of town of Myrtle Creek, Roseberg BLM., 42.9313691881 -123.472546719, 533m
OBI161248 D. R. Miller 598.690 1998-05-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pine Mt Region. along trl on upper Almaden Flats area, Pico Crk drainage, 35.684703 -121.080572, 853m
OBI120267 David J. Keil 26801 1998-04-18
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Area around Shell Creek both N and S of Shell Creek Rd; 1/2 mile from Hwy 58., 35.4655 -120.32933
OBI120263 David J. Keil 26889 1998-04-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, North of Nacimiento Lake, 2.3 miles from Interlake Road on Lynch Canyon Road.
OBI120260 David J. Keil 27427 1998-05-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Los Padres National Forest, La Panza Mountains. Red Hill Rd, 3.3 miles from Hwy 58 (35°21.466' N x 120°16.570' W)., 35.35777 -120.27617, 640m
OBI120265 David J. Keil 27572 1998-06-01
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, E of San Miguel on Lowes Canyon Rd, just S. of Monterey Co. line.
OBI120261 D. H. Wilken 16239 2005-05-06
United States, California, Monterey, E side of "The Indians", ca 1.5 km N of confluence of N Fk San Antonio River and Carrizo Crk, 36.10536 -121.43229, 600m
OBI120259 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2610 1996-04-25
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett (Training Area 17, 18, 23), near jctn of Burro and Middle Ridge Rds, ca 1.4 km WNW of Burro Mtn, ca 4.4 km NE of Lion Peak. UTMs zone 10S, 654600 to 654700E, 3971000 to 3971400N, 35.8745 -121.2868
OBI120264 Robert F. Hoover 6990 1947-04-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Yaro Crk district N of Pozo, 35.374305 -120.389534
OBI120262 Walter F. Chesebro 99 1978-05-06
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Avenales Reserve, hwy 58
OBI120266 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1986-03-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Flora of Shell Crk. W of Cammatti Cyn Rd. T28S, R15E, Sect 26 BM: M
OBI170994 Jason Dart 415-H35 2010-05-19
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Hind River Ranch, east side of Salinas River, approximately 1.7 miles southeast of the intersection of Highway 58 and Pozo Road, 35.37829 -120.548271, 323m
David Keil 34513 2017-04-13
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Sinton Ranch south of intersection of Shell Creek Road with Highway 58. Upper Shell Creek, 35.439055 -120.351442
David Keil 36458 2020-04-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Camatta Ranch. Camatta Creek Road at cattle guard, 35.45604 -120.29007, 440 - 500m
D.R. Miller 419.2018 2019-04-17
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, On Warren side of fence at chimney rock saddle. San Simeon Creek drainage, Egeberg Ranch., 823m
UCSC011334 Dylan M. Neubauer 938 2017-04-15
United States, California, Monterey, (SCoRI) Santa Lucia Mountains, The Indians, s of Indians Rd, e of Rd 7, 36.09754 -121.432497, 522m
109842 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2558 1996-04-23
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: ca. 0.5 km SW of Milpitas Reservoir dam, ca. 0.3 km NE of San Antonio River; Ft Hunter Liggett, 36.065 -121.308, 360m
1975 Clare B. Hardham 3055 1958-04-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, North Traffic Way, Atascadero, 35.4953 -120.6671
108531 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2558 1996-04-23
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: ca. 0.5 km SW of Milpitas Reservoir dam, ca. 0.3 km NE of San Antonio River; Ft Hunter Liggett, 36.065 -121.308, 360m
118651 D. Wilken w/ E. Painter 16239 2005-05-06
United States, California, Monterey, Los Padres National Forest; E side of "The Indians", ca. 1.5 km N of confluence of N Fk San Antonio River and Carrizo Crk, 36.10536 -121.43229, 600m
113753 E. Painter, E. Neese HL1516 1995-05-15
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: near rd to cmpgrd, ca. 0.8 km W of Jolon Crk, ca. 0.8 km N of San Antonio River; Ft Hunter Liggett, 35.964 -121.182, 290m
18289 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2610 1996-04-25
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: near jct of Burro and Middle Ridge Rds; ca. 1.4 km WNW of Burro Mtn, ca. 4.4 km NE of Lion Peak; Ft Hunter Liggett, 35.8745 -121.2868, 500m
Clare B. Hardham 3136 1958-04-28
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Hills between San Juan River and Carissa Plains.
M. S. Jussel s.n. 1932-05-01
United States, California, Lake, Jordan Park.
C. F. Baker 2957 1903-05-12
United States, California, Lake, Near Lakeport.
Roxana S. Ferris 12836 1955-05-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Road between El Dorado School & Pozo at Yaro Creek bridge ca. 7 miles N of Pozo.
Robert F. Hoover 6990 1947-04-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Yaro Creek district N of Pozo.
Barbara Ertter 3377 1980-05-13
United States, California, Monterey, Indian mill rock near heliport on Santa Lucia Trail (5E03) near the Indians Forest Station, near Memorial Park Campground, Los Padres National Forest, Santa Lucia Mountains southwest of Junipero Serra Peak., 701m
T. M. Hendrix 98 1937-04-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 3.2 miles NNE of Highland School.; Pozo, 35.491448 -120.364555, 457m
E. Neese HL-2558 1996-04-23
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett (Training Area 2), ca. 0.5 air km SW of Milpitas Reservoir dam, ca. 0.3 air km NE of San Antonio River., 36.06335 -121.307786, 360m
H. E. Parks 0866 1930-05-25
United States, California, Humboldt, Laribee Valley.
Joseph P. Tracy 5479 1921-05-30
United States, California, Humboldt, Kneeland Prairie., 762m