Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Petrosedum orientale (Sedum thartii, Sedum montanum subsp. orientale)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-38 of 38

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika   28930B2017-08-02
United States, Washington, King, 1 air km north-northwest of Snoqualmie Falls, above east side of Route 202, 47.55039 -121.83989, 105m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika   263012013-07-04
United States, Washington, King, Issaquah, 0.1 road miles east of Issaquah Creek Bridge, Hwy I-90, 47.542 -122.039, 25m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika   293362018-07-21
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, north of Route 12, 2.1 air km northwest of Higgins Island, 46.97181 -123.71939, 30m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P.Hebert
3097724P. F. Zika   281472016-07-21
United States of America, Washington, San Juan Co., By Beaverton Valley Road at S end of Egg Lake Road, 4.7 air km NE of Mt. Dallas, San Juan Island., 48.547 -123.0885, 55m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P.Hebert
3674787P. F. Zika   263012013-07-04
United States of America, Washington, King Co., Interstate 90, 0.1 road miles east of Issaquah Creek bridge, Issaquah., 47.542 -122.039, 25m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P.Hebert
3883288P. F. Zika   280942016-07-16
United States of America, Washington, Thurston Co., S shore of Clear Lake, near Bald Hill Road, 4 air km WSW of Fossil Rock., 46.818 -122.4763, 160m

Missouri Botanical Garden

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
103356431Peter F. Zika   281472016-07-21
United States, Washington, San Juan, Beaverton Valley Road at S end of Egg Lake Road, 4.7 air km NE of Mt. Dallas, San Juan Island., 48.547 -123.0885, 55m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
103352484Peter F. Zika   28930B2017-08-02
United States, Washington, King, Route 202, 1 air km NNW of Snoqualmie Falls., 47.5504 -121.8399, 105m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
103356269Peter F. Zika   293362018-07-21
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, Adventive in roadside ditch, partial shade. N side of Route 12, 2.1 air km NW of Higgins Island., 46.9718 -123.7194, 30m

Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

Petrosedum orientale (t'Hart) V. Grulich
KSP033648Ralph W. Kelting   88-221988-07-11
United Kingdom, 1 mi. SW of Bickleigh

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
1307090R.S.W. Bobbette   41001974-07-27
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, Conc. xii lot 15, Tay tp.; 2.5 miles north north-east of Waubaushene

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665156Not evident   s.n1890-09-00
United Kingdom, England, Devon, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1665156

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665157Not evident   s.n1853-06-00
United Kingdom, England, Northamptonshire, Temple near Armston

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665158C. Joseph Mayer   s.n1898-06-11
Austria, Tyrol, Sudtirol. : Mill. Om steinigen Stellen

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665159Ulla Bärlund   s.n1930-03-07
Finland, Uusimaa, Helsinki, Univ. Helsingiensis. Alandia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665160Georg Rydman   s.n1935-07-28
Finland, Uusimaa, Helsinki, Univ. Helsingiensis. Alandia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665161S. S. Garrigues   s.n
Germany, Bremen, Breman

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665154M. J. Oldham   206491998-06-03
Canada, Ontario, Prince Edward, Ameliasburgh township, small quarry on alvar, 5.5km SE of Trenton Post Office, UTM 967816, map 31C/4, square 18TD98

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petrosedum orientale ('t Hart) Grulich
1665155M. J. Oldham, D. McLeod, R. Vanderjeugd, & S. Bright   157421993-09-17
Canada, Ontario, Lambton, Bosanquet Township, Ipperwash Beach wetland, 0.8 km SE of Ipperwash Beach Post Office, UTM 212837, map 40p/4, square 17MT28

Oregon State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-260337Peter F. Zika   281472016-07-21
United States, Washington, San Juan, By Beaverton Valley Road at S end of Egg Lake Road, 4.7 air km NE of Mt. Dallas, San Juan Island., 48.547 -123.0885, 55m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-268802Peter F. Zika   305932021-07-01
United States, Oregon, Columbia, W side of Route 30, 0.7 air km NW of Sandy Island, 46.0185 -122.8762, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-258363Richard E. Brainerd; R.E. Brainerd   23992015-07-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, Northwest Corvallis; Woodland Meadow Park along Witham Hill Drive , between Hayes Avenue and Circle Drive., 44.5811 -123.29462, 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-260388Peter F. Zika   28930B2017-08-02
United States, Washington, King, above E side of Route 202, 1 air km NNW of Snoqualmie Falls., 47.5504 -121.8399, 105m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika; Peter F. Zika, Frank Lang   259662012-07-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, near aqueduct and Guthrie Street, above Ashland Street, Ashland., 42.1848333333333 -122.711, 695m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-262382Nick Otting   46712016-05-14
United States, Oregon, Tillamook, Estuarine Coast, Manzanita. Necarny City Road, opposite graveyard., 45.714645 -123.9206, 15m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika   253012013-07-04
United States, Washington, King, Interstate 90, 0.1 road miles east of Issaquah Creek bridge, Issaquah., 47.542 -122.039

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-263001Peter F. Zika   280942016-07-16
United States, Washington, Thurston, south shore of Clear Lake, near Bald Hill Road, 4 air km. WSW of Fossil Rock, 46.818 -122.4763, 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
OSC-V-270270Peter F. Zika   293362018-07-21
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, N side of Route 12, 2.1 air km NW of Higgins Island, 46.9718 -123.7194, 30m

Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
Peter F. Zika; P.F. Zika, E.R. Alverson, B. N. Newhouse.   255942011-07-13
United States, Oregon, Lane, W 31st Avenue, at Lincoln Street, Eugene., 44.0233333333333 -123.096666666667, 160m

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
RSA0542692Peter F. Zika   293362018-07-21
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, N side of Route 12, 2.1 air km NW of Higgins Island., 46.9718 -123.7194, 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
RSA0079941Peter F. Zika   263012013-07-04
United States, Washington, King, Interstate 90, 0.1 road miles east of Issaquah Creek bridge, Issaquah., 47.542 -122.039, 25m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L.P. Hébert
RSA0542706Peter F. Zika   28930B2017-08-02
United States, Washington, King, Above E side of Route 202, 1 air km NNW of Snoqualmie Falls., 47.5504 -121.8399, 105m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L. P. Hebert
01784952P. F. Zika   28930B2017-08-02
United States of America, Washington, King County, [data not captured]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L. P. Hebert
01784953P. F. Zika   293362018-07-21
United States of America, Washington, Grays Harbor County, [data not captured]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L. P. Hebert
02236512P. F. Zika   280942016-07-16
United States of America, Washington, Thurston County, [data not captured]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L. P. Hebert
02236513P. F. Zika   281472016-07-21
United States of America, Washington, San Juan County, [data not captured]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum thartii L. P. Hebert
01990442P. F. Zika   263012013-07-04
United States of America, Washington, King County, Interstate 90, 0.1 road miles east of Issaquah Creek bridge, Issaquah, 47.542 -122.039, 25m

San Diego Natural History Museum

unknown   s.n.1880-07-10
NULL, Unknown, Dupla ex Herb. Musei Hist. Natur. Vindob. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.

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