M. French Gilman 2389 1937-05-11
United States, California, Inyo, Tin Mountain, Death Valley, 36.8761 -117.4511, 2134m
R. F. Thorne 55571 1983-05-06
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley Nat'l Monument, Funeral Mtns, upper end of Red Amphitheatre, at mouth of canyon, perhaps 1.5 miles up cyn, 36.42145 -116.65032, 1073 - 1159m
J. C. Roos 4402 1949-06-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, southeastern base of Clark Mts, eastern San Bernardino Co., 35.520634 -115.567481, 1951m
P. A. Munz 13936 1935-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cushenbury Grade, 34.32221 -116.818442, 1220m
Christopher Davidson 7296-b 1978-06-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mts. Hwy 18, 8.7 mi SE of Lucerne Valley, 0.1 mi inside San Bernardino Nat. Forest. Limestone talus up a small draw on NE side of the road., 34.35041 -116.84609, 1372m
J. C. Roos 4451 1949-06-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mtns, Keystone Canyon., 35.266293 -115.300665, 1829m
RSA0045816 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1906-05-19
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Muncy., 1981m
James Henrickson 8 1970-05-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Eastern side of upper Providence Mts. in canyon NW of Bonanza King Mine, 34.986882 -115.52327, 1799 - 1890m
R. F. Thorne 44426 1974-05-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains. Keystone Canyon, c. 1/4 mi below (N of ) Keystone Spring., 35.2684 -115.2922, 1707m
Mary DeDecker 4242 1977-05-10
United States, California, Inyo, Last Chance Range, Eureka Valley drainage: East of north end of Eureka Sand Dunes., 37.1109 -117.6187, 1341m
James Henrickson 5 1973-05-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Providence Mountains: 7.5 miles ESE of Kelso, on crest of mountains 1 mile NW of Bonanza King mine, 34.992261 -115.518034, 1774m
P. A. Munz 13936 1935-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cushenbury Grade, 34.32221 -116.818442, 1220m
Alan Romspert 1182 1983-07-02
United States, California, Inyo, Tetracoccus ridge, Panamint Range, Death Valley Nat. Mon., 36.3599 -117.038, 1951m
RSA0084891 J. M. André 29657 2014-05-05
United States, Nevada, Clark, USFSSpring Mountains: north side of Mt Potosi, along Potosi Rd, 3.0 mi. west of Hwy 160, approx. 4 mi. south of Mtn Springs, west of boy scout camp.; Cottonwood Pass 7.5', 35.9834167 -115.5284167, 1838m
Forrest Freund 109 2013-03-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, City of Claremont Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Bed Co4
RSA0045803 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1884-05-26
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Hackberry., 35.369161 -113.727164
Christopher Davidson 5810 1977-05-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Keystone Springs, toward head of Keystone Canyon, east side of New York Mts., 35.265076 -115.30161, 1829 - 1890m
James D. Morefield 3387 1986-04-11
United States, California, Inyo, Canyon, 1.55 mi. N22degreesE of Poleta Mine, 5 mi. ESE of Laws, 37.383827 -118.268605, 1860m
A. C. Sanders 20307 1997-04-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, Northern Mojave Desert, Avawatz Mtns, Fort Irwin Military Reservation, SE slopes of highest peak in range (1876m, BM Avawatz) and canyon to the E.; Sheep Creek Spring 7.5', 34.5166667 -116.3166667, 1550m
R. F. Thorne 44480 1974-05-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, New York Mtns.; above Keystone Spring., 35.263592 -115.290162, 1860m
RSA0045800 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1909-07-22
United States, Montana, Ravalli, Alta., 1372m
RSA0045810 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1894-10-06
United States, Utah, Sevier, Clear Creek Canyon., 38.591876 -112.371383, 2286m
V. Newsom s.n. 1927-04-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cushenberry Grade. San Bernardino Mts., 34.328478 -116.828039
J. C. Roos 4402 1979-06-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, SE foot of Clark Mtn, Eastern San Bernardino County, 35.520634 -115.567481, 1951m
RSA0045813 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1897-06-08
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Reno., 1372m
RSA0002557 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1897-05-25
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Hawthorne. Lepantha Mine., 1677m
B. A. Prigge 3076 1978-05-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, E Mojave Desert, Clark Mtn, Forsellesia Canyon, above Juniper claims, 35.55 -115.5666667, 1768m
RSA0045811 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1908-05-22
United States, Utah, Uintah, Fort Duchesne. Duchesne Valley., 40.28854 -109.854043, 1524m
Mary DeDecker 3200 1973-05-20
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains: Loretta Mine Road, 3/4 mi. sw. of Lime Hill, 37.2309 -117.9568, 1737m
Victor Duran s.n. 1930-05-19
United States, California, Inyo, Black Canyon, White Mountains., 37.2833333 -118.2333333, 1737m
RSA0010532 Frankie S. Coburn 632 2012-05-02
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, At base of limestone hill near rim of canyon above Verde River headwaters, ca. 1 mi NW of headwater springs, 2 mi SE of Paulden., 34.86945 -112.44285, 1380m
P. A. Munz 16461 1940-04-10
United States, California, Inyo, Titus Canyon, Grapevine Mountains., 36.8486111 -117.0727778, 1098m
RSA0045839 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1896-05-07
United States, Utah, Carbon, Spring Glen. [Formerly Emery Co.], 39.658681 -110.849889, 1676m
R. F. Thorne 55599 1983-05-06
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley Nat'l Monument, Funeral Mtns, upper end of Red Amphitheatre, 1006m
RSA0045837 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1884-04-18
United States, Texas, El Paso, El Paso., 31.792576 -106.447792
RSA0045801 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1884-04-23
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Rocky wash below Black Rock Spring., 1067m
Mary DeDecker 5291 1982-04-26
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains: Owens Valley drainage; canyon with flowing stream, east from lower French Spring, north of Owens Lake., 1677m
J. R. Shevock 8250 1981-04-17
United States, California, Kern, On the divide between Erskine and Bodfish Creeks, 1113m
J. R. Shevock 10424 1983-05-22
United States, California, Kern, Piute Mountains. Along Erskine Creek road between the 8th and 9th creek crossing., 35.575 -118.4166667, 1220m
RSA0045815 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-02
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Muncy.
C. A. Purpus 8879 1898-00-00
United States, California, Inyo, White Mts.
James Henrickson 10899 1973-06-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, 12 (air) miles ENE of Cima, in Sagemore Canyon in SE New York Mts, in canyon W of Sagemore mines., 35.2158333 -115.4683333, 1829m
R. F. Thorne 49234 1977-05-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains; Keystone Canyon above Keystone Spring, 35.264376 -115.302854, 1890m
Alice Eastwood s.n. 1940-03-28
United States, California, Inyo, Titus Canyon., 36.8296 -117.1095
R. F. Thorne 56130-2 1983-07-02
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Mts: Death Valley National Monument, along limestone ridge (Tetracoccus Ridge) blocking Aguereberry Point from Death Valley., 36.3599 -117.038, 1829 - 1982m
B. A. Prigge 3437 1979-06-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, E Mojave Desert, New York Mtns. Keystone Canyon., 35.2666667 -115.3, 1799m
R. F. Thorne 51346 1978-05-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains- Keystone Canyon., 35.2723 -115.2925, 1707m
Valerie L. Soza 368 1998-07-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Blackhawk Mountain, off road 3N36, northeast of peak '6309'.; Big Bear City, 34.3441667 -116.8230556, 1829m
Christopher Davidson 4238 1976-06-05
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mts, Waucoba-Death Valley Rd, 20.9 mi W of junction to Eureka Dune., 1616m
R. F. Thorne s.n. 1973-06-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains: Narrow canyon above Sagamore Mine., 35.256932 -115.286258, 1738m
S. Castagnoli 186 1980-05-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Noonday Dolomite rdge N of Beck Springs, 35.806 -115.9308, 1707m
RSA0045838 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1899-11-00
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Pollock., 610m
RSA0117090 Jim M. André 33520 2015-04-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, NPSNew York Mountains: Mojave National Preserve; base of granitic spires, west fork of west fork of Keystone Canyon, near Keystone Spring and historic mine site.; Ivanpah 7.5', 35.2651333 -115.30185, 1877m
J. R. Shevock 8047 1981-02-28
United States, California, Kern, Goat Ranch Canyon, north base of the Piute Mountains, southern Sierra Nevada., 35.62324 -118.352649, 1128m
J. C. Roos 6321 1955-04-11
United States, California, Inyo, E side of Inyo Mts. near Loretoo Mine
Christopher Davidson 7876 1979-05-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, St Highway 18 up Cushenbury Canyon, ca. 1.7 miles inside San Bernardino Nat'l Forest boundary; Dirt rd NE., 34.33438 -116.83225, 1676m
RSA0045842 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1894-06-19
United States, Utah, Emery, Orangeville., 39.244262 -111.078184, 1829m
Mary DeDecker 2908 1972-05-29
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains: Lime Hill, Eureka Valley Road., 37.233627 -117.948164, 1676m
Mary DeDecker 3769 1975-04-28
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Mountains: Johnson Canyon, limestone area., 36.099896 -117.042687, 1676m
P. A. Munz 12982 1933-05-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountain., 35.525241 -115.588929, 1524m
Victor Duran s.n. 1930-05-19
United States, California, Inyo, Black Canyon, White Mountains., 37.2833333 -118.2333333, 1737m
W. E. Niles 683 1983-05-07
United States, California, Inyo, Canyon NE of Red Amphitheater., 1098m
Mary DeDecker 3100 1973-04-18
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains: Lime Hill on road to Eureka Valley., 37.2332669 -117.9496908, 1676m
RSA0121197 Duncan S. Bell 9530 2016-05-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMMescal Range; collecting in the interior of the range, approximately 2 air miles south southwest of Mountain Pass.; Mescal Range, 35.44482 -115.54501, 1675m
RSA0148016 Dean William Taylor 15769 1996-07-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Head of Facey Gulch on Hayden Ridge; easterly watershed divide of Scott Valley (about 10 air miles E of Etna); Klamath National Forest.; Callahan 7.5', 1986 edition, 41.3727778 -122.7888889, 1173m
RSA0162559 Arnold Tiehm 17805 2017-05-26
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Candelaria Hills, Miller Mountain, 2.6 road miles N then E of highway 6 on main road into mountain from the south., 38.027233 -118.177717, 2088m
RSA0363159 Maria Jesus 974 2020-08-08
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains, ridge ~1.3 air miles SW of Conglomerate Mesa summit., 36.50549 -117.77571, 2479m
RSA0588565 Sarah J. De Groot 10815 2019-04-14
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Park: East slope of Last Chance Range; ca. 2.4 road miles southeast of Crankshaft Junction, then ca. 1.05 km southwest up slope of hill. North end of Death Valley., 37.21125 -117.60665, 1162m
RSA0600437 Sarah J. De Groot 10877 2019-05-05
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Park, Last Chance Range: Rocky chute along canyon on east side of range, ca. 5.1 air miles southwest of Little Sand Spring, ca. 3.8 air miles east-northeast of summit of Eureka Dunes., 37.124 -117.60883, 1756m
RSA0603030 Sarah J. De Groot 11581 2020-07-25
United States, California, Inyo, Last Chance Range, S of Death Valley Road, 3.3 air miles N of Sandy 7062, 3.3 air miles ESE of Crater, 3.2 air miles S of Crankshaft Junction., 37.19779 -117.63207, 1621m
RSA0541583 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1976-05-13
United States, California, Inyo, Eureka Valley, Last Chance Mountains and west of Bishop.
OBI113551 John Anderson s.n. 1984-04-09
United States, Arizona, Graham, San Carlos Basin, Gila Valley. Approx 10 miles west of Bylas on Hwy 70 near milepost 280. Arizona Upland Division of the Sonoran Desert.
OBI158645 Robert F. Thorne 1977-05-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, E. Mojave Desert, New York Mts: up Caruthers Cyn. near Giant Ledge Mine., 35.2526 -115.298, 1890m
OBI148416 Arnold Tiehm 17805 2017-05-26
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Candelaria Hills, Miller Mountain, 2.6 road miles N then E of highway 6 on main road into mountain from the south., 38.027233 -118.177717, 2088m
CM132262 Ownbey, M. 3092 1947-04-08
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Salmon River Canyon, 11 mi below Riggins
CM157532 Lemmon, J.G. s.n. 1875-06-00
United States, Nevada, Washoe, W shore of Pyramid Lake
CM188391 Ownbey, M. 2002 1940-03-10
United States, Washington, Asotin, Along Snake River, 4 mi above Asotin, 46.397238 -117.048212
CM188392 Graham, E.H. 8782 1935-05-07
United States, Utah, Uintah, N. side of White River, 4 mi N.E. of mouth of Evacuation Creek, 1615m
CM188394 Parry, C.C. 24 1874-00-00
United States, Utah
CM503135 Isaac, B.L. s.n. 1988-04-05
United States, California, Trinity, Shasta National Forest, Eagle Creek Loop Campground, along Trinity River, 41.142857 -122.681762
CM188393 Meyer, F.G. 277 1936-05-17
United States, Idaho, Idaho, near Sheep Creek in the Snake River Canyon
CM280467 Thorne, R.F. 49326 1977-05-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, E. Mojave Desert, New York Mts.: Up Caruthers Cyn, 1890m
CM288909 Weber, W.A. 16103 1982-05-31
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument, White Canyon, between mouths of Ute & Monument Canyons
CSCN-V-0042956 Ronald R. Weedon 53 1959-03-27
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, E slope of Jump Creek just below and around falls and Devil's ladder, 5 mi SW of Marsing.
CSCN-V-0042957 Carolyn Simineo s.n. 1960-03-25
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, South rim of Jump Creek Canyon.
CSCN-V-0042958 J. Anderson 20 2000-03-30
United States, Oregon, Malheur, From Hwy 201 turn S on Succor Creek Road. Follow this road exactly 13.3 mi to mine entrance near road., 835m
123384 collectors: E Neese 13217 1983-05-10
United States, Colorado, Delta County, 10 mi due E of Delta, 38.73 -107.88, 1828m
123376 collectors: W Weber 3754 1948-05-21
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, beneath NW escarpment, CO Natl Mon, 3 mi S of Fruita, W of hwy approach to Monument, 1530m
123379 collectors: J Peterson & C Dokken 219 1978-05-11
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, between paved rd & Debeque City dump, 39.25 -108.25, 1585m
123382 collectors: E Neese 13322 1983-05-15
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, near NE boundary of CO Natl Mon, ca 2 mi SSW of Redland, 39.05 -108.65, 1505m
123383 collectors: J Parks 421 1982-06-22
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Brown's Park, near St Hwy 318, 40.82 -108.92, 1706m
123374 collectors: H Harrington 8881 1959-07-02
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, S bench of Yampa Canyon above Hardings Hole, Dinasour Natl Mon, 40.8 -108.94, 1767m
123380 collectors: B Neely 4012 1987-05-17
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, ca 1/3 mi NW of The Steps, 0.5 mi NW of Deerlodge Campgnd, S of Yampa River, 40.45 -108.54, 1752m
123377 collectors: H Harrington 3173 1947-05-29
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, SW part of county, 37.02 -109, 1676m
123378 collectors: L Frary 514 1962-05-17
United States, Colorado, Montrose County, Uncompahgre Forest, jct of Fall Cabin & Dry Mesa game access rds, 38.58 -108.32, 1828m
123375 collectors: G & S Kelly K53 1968-06-02
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, near state line E of Aneth, UT, 37.21 -109.04, 1828m
101159 collectors: W Erickson & D Bartmann 523 1979-06-06
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, .6 mi NW of jct of Ridio Tower Jeep Trail & Greasewood Ck Rd, 40.14 -108.41, 1926m
123381 collectors: S O'Kane & S Sigstedt 82-291 1982-06-10
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, 1.8 mi SW of jct of Yellow Ck & St Hwy 64, 40.14 -108.37, 2140m
123385 collectors: G. Doyle R. Rondeau 1 2006-06-16
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Pinion Cyn. Maneuver Site. Gilligans Island., 37.43 -104.07
159618 collectors: Noel H. Holmgren Patricia K. Holmgren 10351 1984-06-01
United States, Nevada, Elko County, Foothills on east side of Goshute Mountains, 19 km airline distance southwest of Wendover., 40.61 -114.19, 1680m