MISSA032869 Thomas B. Croat 73740 1992-04-09
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, La Mana Canton, (Along road between Guayacan (13.1 km N of La Mana) and Montenuevo (N of Pucayacu), at end of road which branches to the right 23.6 km from Guayacan, in vicinity of Escuela Quindigua, 10.7 km beyond the junction in road to Escuela Quindigua., 1480 - 1530m
CM375085 Cerón, C.E. 8960 1990-03-08
Ecuador, Pichincha, Canton Quito, Chiriboga, carretera vieja a Santo Domingo, Reserva Forestal "La Favorita", -0.2 -78.7833333333333, 1600 - 1800m
CM380377 Cerón, C.E. 8884 1988-03-08
Ecuador, Pichincha, Canton Quito, Chiriboga, carretera vieja Quito-Sto. Domingo, Reserva Forestal "La Favorita", Río, -0.2 -78.7833333333333, 1600m
CM510451 Croat, T.B. 73740 1992-04-09
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, La Mana Canton, along road between Guayacan (13.1 km N of La Mana) & Montenuevo (N of Pucayacu) end of road, -0.65 -79.0833333333333, 1480 - 1530m
CM352865 Sodiro, A. s.n.
Ecuador, [photograph of type at B]
CM395793 Croat, T.B. 50727 1980-10-17
Ecuador, El Oro, along road between Machala and Loja, 25 km SE of jct in road to Piñas, -4.25 -79.75, 890m
CM395795 Croat, T.B. 50606 1980-10-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, from Quito to Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 27 km S of San Juan,12 km NE of Chiriboga, -0.283333333333333 -78.7, 2000m
CM388440 Croat, T.B. 72146 1992-02-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal La Favorita, 2.4 km from main Quito-Chiriboga-Santo-Domingo Rd, departing main, -0.2 -78.7833333333333, 1800 - 1830m
TEX00534962 Thomas B. Croat 73740 1992-04-09
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, La Mana, Between Guayacan (13.1 km N of La Mana) and Montenuevo (N of Pucayacu), at end of road which branches to the right of 23.6 km from Guayacan, in vicinity of Escuela Quindigua, 10.7 km beyond the junction to Escuela Quindigua., -0.65 -79.08333333
BRIT466077 Alan Gentry 69922 1990-05-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna, 5 km E of Nanegal, transect No. 1., 0.116667 -78.616667, 1630m