SJNM-V-0053988 Heil, Kenneth D. 17507 2001-08-22
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Naiton. Ca 7 air miles northwest of Sawmill. Navajo Road 7 between Sawmill & Spider Rock., 35.9588889 -109.2697222, 2383m
SJNM-V-0067463 Fowler, Jim 3257 2003-06-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Happy Jack Ranger Station. Buck Mountain Flats. Ca. 6 miles south., 34.6798 -111.3941, 2134m
Fowler, Jim 2003-08-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Happy Jack Ranger Station. Buck Mountain Flats. Ca. 6 miles south., 34.6798 -111.3941, 2134m
SJNM-V-0053989 ohcm 5467 2001-06-14
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Red Valley. North of Red Lake near New Mexico State Line., 36.0094444 -109.0519444, 2184m
SJNM-V-0054001 Heil, Kenneth D. 14662 2000-05-25
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. State Hwy. 537 to road J 18. Ca 1 mile from Highway 537. Conoco Well Jicarilla #9-C., 36.387974 -107.2546294547, 2144m
SJNM-V-0053993 Mann, J. 36 1963-09-00
United States, Colorado, Douglas, N/A, 39.36662 -104.96606
SJNM-V-0053999 Heil, Kenneth D. 15846 2000-09-23
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Navajo Nation. Chuska Lake, west shore., 35.8502778 -108.7386111, 1927m
SJNM-V-0054000 ohcm 5465 2001-06-14
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Red Valley. North of Red Lake near Arizona State Line., 36.0108333 -109.0444444, 2178m
SJNM-V-0054006 Heil, Kenneth D. 29690 2008-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Bluewater Lake State Park. Northeast shore-line of Bluewater Lake. Weedy site., 35.1711 -108.12803333, 2257m
SJNM-V-0053996 O'Kane, Jr., Steve L. 8750 2008-06-07
United States, New Mexico, Mora, North Charlette Lake., 36.18728333 -104.81001667, 2030m
SJNM-V-0053998 Heil, Kenneth D. 33459 2011-06-08
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Ca 1 mile west of Questa. Questa Mine (Chevron) Tailing site. Northern most area of the northwest site. Ca 1/3 mi north of northern most settling pond., 36.7163833 -105.6186, 2304m
SJNM-V-0053997 Heil, Kenneth D. 15980 2000-09-29
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Navajo Nation. Navajo 46 ca. 10 mi S of Councelor. Small lake ca. 1 mi E, 36.0841667 -107.4855556, 2103m
Heil, Kenneth D. 23076 2003-09-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Red Valley near Arizona state line. Just south of diversion dam and ca .1 mi east of Apache County Line., 36.0102778 -109.0452778, 2187m
SJNM-V-0053995 Heil, Kenneth D. 35103 2013-08-15
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest. Jicarilla District. F.S. Road 217 ca .5 mi south from the junction with F.S. Road 217C., 36.9804167 -107.21755, 2082m
SJNM-V-0054005 Heil, Kenneth D. 30132 2008-09-23
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, State Hwy 503 north of Nambe. Near Mile Marker 4. Roadside. Sandy soils., 35.91476667 -106.9658, 1885m
SJNM-V-0053990 ohcm 5617 2001-06-23
United States, Arizona, Apache, Red Valley N of Red Lake, 36.0561111 -109.0663889
SJNM-V-0054007 Fleming, Rich 119 1986-08-25
United States, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park, along main road side adjacent to campground., 38.2583 -111.3157
SJNM-V-0054004 Heil, Kenneth D. 30194 2008-09-23
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Ca 3 mi east of US 285 on State Hwy 567. Mondragon Tank. Collections from the margin of the pond., 36.36263333 -105.85043333, 2146m
SJNM-V-0053992 Heil, Kenneth D. 19761 2002-08-03
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Ca 1/4 mi W of Archuleta County Line on gas well road N of road 332, 37.0136111 -107.4919444
Clifford, Arnold 01-677 2001-06-14
United States, Arizona, Apache, Red Valley Meadows. Ca 6.5 mi W of Crystal and 6.5 mi SSE of Sonsela Buttes, 36.00488 -109.13009
SJNM-V-0054579 Marilyn Heil 463 1975-07-09
USA, Nebraska, Arthur, Arthur Co. Nebraska, 41.56104 -101.68229
SJNM-V-0053991 ohcm 5631 2001-06-23
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. North end of Red Valley Northwest of Crystal. Ca 25.8 miles east/southeast of Chinle., 36.0683333 -109.1044444, 2192m
Heil, Kenneth D. 23112 2003-09-24
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, US 491 (666) S of Tohatehi to Hwy 9503. Ca. 2 mi. W of US491, 35.7844444 -108.7941667
1351 G. B. Cummins 57-43 1957-07-06
USA, Arizona, Cochise, US 80 1/2 mi. south of State Line
BRYV0081166 B. E. Nelson 80854 2010-08-01
U.S.A., Montana, Phillips, Along North Fors Road, ca 11 air mi NE of Whitewater; ca 36 air mi NNE of Malta., 48.8144 -107.5169, 823 - 847m
BRYV0306093 Keith H. Dueholm 3905 1978-07-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Ca 12 (air) miles nne of Recluse., 44.90961 -105.6648, 1189m
KHD00048866 Everett Runyon 320 1935-09-01
United States of America, Kansas, Ellis, Near Hays., 38.879445 -99.316814
KHD00062484 Janet L. Wingate 11214 2016-08-16
United States of America, Colorado, Phillips, Frenchman Creek State Wildlife Area, 5 miles W of Holyoke between County Roads 27 and 29, 0.5 mile S of Highway 6. Frenchman Creek SWA is approximately 71 acres and ranges from 3,804 to 3,847 ft in elevation., 40.59154 -102.40567, 1158m
KHD00068963 Janet L. Wingate 12033 2018-05-16
United States of America, Colorado, Prowers, May Valley Ranch, Fort Lyons Reservoir, NE shore, approx. 9 air miles NE of Lamar., 38.20697 -102.55214, 1175m
KHD00018502 Janet L. Wingate 6541 1999-07-15
United States of America, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee National Grasslands; Road 45, 1 mile S of Road 122., 40.864833 -104.648144
KHD00033189 Janet L. Wingate 8181 2003-06-23
United States of America, Colorado, Elbert, Plains Conservation Center; West Bijou Creek property, Plains Conservation Center, West Bijou Creek property; 5,760 acres in Denver Basin along West Bijou Creek, 38 miles SE of downtown Denver and 12 miles S of Strasburg, CO., 39.551752 -104.292562, 1665m
KHD00025862 Dina Clark 2674 2008-06-19
United States of America, Colorado, Bent, South side of road in Richards Canyon. T26S R53W, 37.732554 -103.355404, 1341m
KHD00045637 Ben Legler 7039 2007-08-03
United States of America, Colorado, Las Animas, Vermejo Park Ranch: in Long Canyon 0.65 air mi N of mouth of Joe Baker Canyon; 1.1 air mi N of New Mexico and 15 air mi SW of Raton., 37.01025 -104.6990556, 2118m
KHD00052516 Melissa Islam 12-127 2012-06-04
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Cherokee Ranch & Castle property, N of US 85 and Sedalia, and W of Daniels Park Rd. Off of main road to castle just northeast of Cherokee Mountain., 39.45195 -104.93368, 2010m
KHD00018503 Helen Marsh Zeiner 1943-07-23
United States of America, Colorado, Deserted ranch, Ute Pass., 38.9984 -105.500278
KHD00065631 Janet L. Wingate 11521 2017-06-30
United States of America, Colorado, Kiowa, Queens SWA, Nee Noshe Reservoir, unpaved access road on W side of reservoir., 38.33564 -102.71056, 1159m
KHD00018507 Loraine Yeatts 3015 1991-07-03
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Community College of Aurora & Delaney Farm Properties between Chambers Road and Centretech Pkwy. Site 10. On Delaney Farm north of West Toll Gate Creek., 39.71172 -104.804708, 1655 - 1664m
KHD00018513 Janet L. Wingate 3320 1984-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, 0.3 miles E of Belleview Avenue and Cherry CReek Drive, intersection, S of Cherry Creek Reservoir., 39.623875 -104.830972
KHD00041491 Ben Legler 4488 2007-06-17
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: in Dillon Canyon 0.2 mi downstream (SE of) mouth of Seeley Canyon and 2.5 air mi W of Raton., 36.89847222 -104.4844722, 2042m
KHD00041493 Ben Legler 3961 2007-06-07
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: along banks of Vermejo River immediately downstream from (SE of) I-25., 36.49541667 -104.5703611, 1786m
KHD00018514 Janet L. Wingate 3310 1984-08-13
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder, At intersection of Highway 287 and Miramonte Boulevard, Broomfield, 39.93211 -105.089825
KHD00018504 Helen Marsh Zeiner 1974-07-08
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Plains Conservation Center, conservation easement property (Calhoun property); North and adjacent to the West Bijou Creek property. Located in the Denver Basin along West Bijou Creek, 38 miles SE of downtown Denver and 10 miles S of Strasburg., 39.651895 -104.73389
Janet L. Wingate 14287 2024-09-03
United States of America, Colorado, El Paso, Paint Mines Interpretive Park, approx 1 mile se of Calhan., 39.02103 -104.27832
KHD00018505 Helen Marsh Zeiner 1975-07-09
United States of America, Colorado, Arapahoe, Plains Conservation Center, conservation easement property (Calhoun property); North and adjacent to the West Bijou Creek property. Located in the Denver Basin along West Bijou Creek, 38 miles SE of downtown Denver and 10 miles S of Strasburg., 39.651895 -104.73389
KHD00014745 RHR Staff led group A204 2003-07-29
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Majestic View Nature Center; 7030 Garrison Street, Arvada, CO. Along concrete path, north of Nature Center., 39.823137 -105.097068, 1681m
KHD00018506 H.D. Harrington 2261 1946-07-15
United States of America, Colorado, Phillips, 1/2 mile W of Holyoke, 40.583064 -102.314285, 1139m
KHD00048864 Janet L. Wingate 2601 1983-08-04
United States of America, Kansas, Mitchell, Near North shore of Waconda Lake.
KHD00021876 Paul Weatherwax 1937-06-20
United States of America, Colorado, W. of Burlington, 39.301821 -102.300747
KHD00055441 Janet L. Wingate 10004 2014-06-17
United States of America, Colorado, Crowley, Colorado Canal Rd, earthen dam on E shore of lake Henry, NE of Ordway, N or Lake Meredith., 38.26165 -103.69696, 1341m
KHD00026498 Ellsworth Bethel 1924-06-24
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, Washington Park Heights, 39.692 -104.95
KHD00018512 John B. Hartwell 38 1932-08-27
United States of America, Colorado, El Paso, 2000 Wood Avenue, 38.863872 -104.825099, 1829m
KHD00077146 Janet L. Wingate 13847 2022-06-15
United States of America, Colorado, Cheyenne, CR Z east of CR 54, 7 miles W of Kansas state line, 25 miles S of I-70 and Burlington., 38.94421 -102.1766
KHD00018515 Janet L. Wingate 2821 1983-09-17
United States of America, Colorado, Teller, Area C. Near Monument Headquaters, 38.904393 -105.340175, 2560m
KHD00073364 Janet L. Wingate 13244 2019-07-08
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas, Sandstone Ranch. Douglas County Open Space. Front Range, West Plum Creek Drainage, Gove Creek tributary. 2038 acre property located approximately 3.25 air miles west-southwest of Larkspur, Colorado, and 3.25 air miles southeast of Perry Park, Colorado., 39.23039 -104.96008, 1968 - 1980m
KHD00069294 Janet L. Wingate 12105 2018-05-18
United States of America, Colorado, Prowers, May Valley Ranch, pitted playa 1200 ft W of CR 13, 2.5 air miles N of HW 196, 7 air miles NE of Lamar., 38.15071 -102.52597, 1117m
KHD00018500 Janet L. Wingate 5651 1993-06-10
United States of America, Colorado, Las Animas, Mesa de Maya Region of southeastern Colorado. Spool/Wittenberg Ranch, Gotera Canyon., 37.042441 -103.563767, 1643m
KHD00020870 Dina Clark 2448 2007-06-12
United States of America, Colorado, Baca, Shell Rock Canyon Natural Area. Approx 1 mi S of Deora at intersection of County Road 6 and RR Road, T28S R50W SE1/4 of SEC 36, 37.565465 -102.97687, 1442m
KHD00082237 Jennifer Ackerfield 9766 2024-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Las Animas, Comanche National Grassland: Off of Hwy 109 just south of County Rd 48., 37.33426483 -103.3555187, 1673m
KHD00018510 Janet L. Wingate 2434 1983-06-15
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, South Table Mountain, 39.747031 -105.200761, 1820m
KHD00018501 Linda Senser GGC 556 1998-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park. Junction of Colorado Highway 119 and Smith Hill Road.; Blackhawk 7.5' Quad, SW1/4, NW1/4, Sec. 21, 39.857016 -105.479498, 2140m
KHD00043094 Ben Legler 5256 2007-06-29
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: along Canadian River 0.13 mi S of (donwstream from) mouth of Jones Canyon; 9 air mi W of Raton., 36.90927778 -104.6061389
April Goebl 4 2021-06-29
United States of America, Colorado, Fremont, West of Oil Well Flats Trail System. 30 meters south of FS Rd 5940, 75 meters west of FS Rd 5941., 38.539168 -105.212088, 1870m
KHD00018511 Janet L. Wingate 3968 1985-07-02
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum Site, located at junction of Highway75 and Deer Creek Canyon Road. W of school house., 39.547801 -105.096378, 1680 - 1690m
KHD00033837 Janet L. Wingate 8517 2004-07-20
United States of America, Colorado, Denver, Denver, Bluff Lake Nature Center, Sable, Bluff Lake Nature Center, 39.756699 -104.86079, 1618m
KHD00056066 Janet L. Wingate 8181 2003-06-06
United States of America, Colorado, Elbert, Plains Conservation Center, West Bijou Creek Property. 12 miles S of Strasburg. 7.5' Strasburg SE., 39.655896 -104.737087
KHD00056065 Helen Marsh Zeiner 117 1943-07-23
United States of America, Colorado, Teller, Deserted road to ranch, Ute Pass, Colorado, 38.941658 -105.157487
KHD00056064 RHR Staff A147 2003-06-27
United States of America, Colorado, Jefferson, Majestic View Nature Center., 39.823724 -105.100509
KHD00046105 Ben Legler 6077 2007-07-16
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: small rise on north side of Van Bremmer Creek 0.3 air mi SW of junction with Vermejo River; 3.7 air mi SE of Colfax., 36.55358333 -104.697
KHD00075467 Janet L. Wingate 13646 2021-05-13
United States of America, Colorado, Bent, Southern Plains Land Trust property, "Heartland", approx. 30 miles SW of Lamar, E of County Road 28, near intersection of County Road 27 5/10 and County Road D., 37.694991 -102.920467, 1332m
KHD00068174 Janet L. Wingate 12265 2018-06-21
United States of America, Colorado, Prowers, May Valley Ranch, canal road and entrance road to Stony Point, approx. 10 air miles NE of Lamar, 4 air miles N of HW 196., 38.174579 -102.484397, 1128m
KHD00062717 Janet L. Wingate 10790 2016-07-05
United States of America, Colorado, Phillips, Frenchman Creek State Wildlife Area, 5 miles W of Holyoke between County Roads 27 and 29, 0.5 mile S of Highway 6. Frenchman Creek SWA is approximately 71 acres and ranges from 3,804 to 3,847 ft in elevation., 40.59274 -102.39851, 1159m
KHD00048865 Helen Marsh Zeiner 112 1945-08-01
United States of America, Nebraska, Dundy, Roadside west of Benkleman., 40.049999 -101.573282
KHD00068196 Janet L. Wingate 12228 2018-06-09
United States of America, Colorado, Elbert, 2184 Red Maple Circle, near intersection of Singing Hills Road and CR 13, approximately 8 air miles SE of Parker proper., 39.4671 -104.61323, 1960m
KHD00076027 Janet L. Wingate 13646 2021-05-13
United States of America, Colorado, Bent, Southern Plains Land Trust property, "Heartland", approx. 30 miles SW of Lamar, E of County Road 28, near intersection of County Road 27 5/10 and County Road D., 37.694991 -102.920467, 1332m
FLD0010060 Sears 443 1977-09-01
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Chaco Canyon National Monument; South Gap., 36.050189 -107.971366, 1920m
FLD0010061 Rich Fleming 119 1986-08-25
United States, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park; along main road side adjacent to campground., 38.281809 -111.24647
FLD0010062 J.N. Mann JNM--36 1963-09-00
United States, Colorado, Douglas, North of Castle Rock., 39.395596 -104.852828, 1890m
FLD0010063 James N. Mann JNM--37 1964-09-00
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Bondad; 15 mi S of Durango., 37.045836 -107.876177, 1951m
WSC0008666 D. Kanter 138 1994-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Shallow arroyo, dry sand soil, hi % bare; P-J <5%, Artr 40%, mature cholla <5%, Chna & Atriplex <5%. Infl not digitate; spklts erect, spreading,; infl not brushy, very long, slender, in recurved arc; spklts minute; to 50 cm H; common-occasional.
ENLC03971 Curt Leet S.N. 1978-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Goshen, Waggnor Herford ranch 17 mile N of Fort Laramie, WY, 42.459047 -104.517179, 1341m
SUU005335 Thad Box 400 1961-07-13
United States, Texas, Deaf Smith, Hereford, Texas
SUU005336 Henry S. W. 7 1961-10-19
United States, New Mexico, Union, North of Clayton
SUU005338 Wayne Cook 1937-06-01
United States, Kansas, Ellis, Banks of Big Creek
MESA07231 Beard 1962-06-30
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, in Portales, 34.186192 -103.334398
FLFO 5359 WINGATE, J. 2821 1983-09-17
USA, Colorado, TELLER, open dry area near monument headquarters, 2620m
FLFO 2150 WINGATE, J. 691 1986-08-28
USA, Colorado, TELLER, very common in dry grassland along access road to cusack potato barn; with bouteloua gracilis, 2620m
P. Boucher 869 1990-08-26
USA, New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; Silver City, 32.78934028 -108.2434388, 1829m
Dale A. Zimmerman 4126 1992-09-11
USA, New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; Willos Springs Canyon near Georgetown site, 32.85165678 -108.0121709, 1951m
Jack L. Carter 1923 1994-09-15
USA, New Mexico, Grant County, Private property; Hwy 15, 0.2 miles north from the junction with Hwy 180, 32.79194382 -108.2445647, 1829m
MWI00049825 Hartman, Ronald L. 2053 1968-06-22
USA, New Mexico, Colfax, Near Cimarron, Philmont Scout Ranch, 2 miles northeast of Training Center, highway 21, 2010m
MWI00018438 Mann, James N. 310 1967-10-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Happy Jack, 6 miles northeast, 1.5 miles southeast of Stoneman Lake, Beaver Creek Watershed #7, 2130m
MWI00032780 Hartman, Ronald L. 2053 1968-06-22
USA, New Mexico, Colfax, Near Cimarron, Philmont Scout Ranch, 2 miles north of Ponil, Horse Canyon, 2010m
MWI00062612 Thomas, Robert Dale 99513 1987-04-26
United States, Louisiana, Caddo, Oil City; Parish Park south of Oil City. La. 1 at entrance to Earl . Williams Parish Park
BHSC0046450 Charboneau, Joseph L.M. 7278 2011-07-09
United States, Montana, Valley, Bitter Creek Wilderness Study Area: ridge south of Cow Coulee ca. 7.5 air miles SSW of Last Chance Reservoir, ca. 21 air miles WSW of Opheim, 48.7652 -106.8305
ISC0409680 A. Duxbury 974 1982-06-30
USA, Iowa, Plymouth Co., The Loess Hills Nature Preserve; T91N, R48W, S. 1/2 of Sec. 20; along a abandoned dirt trail.
IA00147281 M. L. Grant 12206 1954-06-26
USA, Iowa, Lyon Co., Gitchie Manitou State Preserve, quartzite sand.
ISC0141423 J. L. Fults 2934 1934-09-13
USA, Iowa, Lyon Co., Gitchie Manitou State Preserve; grows in small usually isolated patches 4-10 inches across in very shallow soil. found on the outcrops near the entrance to the park.