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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sparganium angustifolium (Sparganium acaule, Sparganium multipedunculatum, Sparganium chlorocarpum var. acaule, Sparganium emersum var. angustifolium, Sparganium emersum var. multipedunculatum, Sparganium simplex, Sparganium chlorocarpum, Sparganium emersum subsp. emersum, Sparganium simplex var. an... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 4301

Missouri Botanical Garden

1675060David B. Dunn   146171963-07-19
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, On slopes and down to the meanders about 2-3 miles s of gothic. Open meadow and Willow thickets by stream

1675023David B. Dunn   152311965-08-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 3rd kettle pond

1674988David B. Dunn   150241965-07-12
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 4 miles w of doyleville. Wet meadow and old ox bow basins. Aquatic., 2438m

1675164Albert N. Steward   71971956-08-04
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Erect herb, 3-5 dm. High; stigmas whitish, anthers yellow. Dense patches in Marshy lake between dunes; picea-salix-spiraea area, with glyceria, oenanthe & Carex, wet humus; ft. Stevens region

1675201James A. Calder   152471954-08-31
Canada, British Columbia, Kathlyn lake a couple of miles north of smithers. Common along shoreline in Water up to 2' deep; mucky bottom, leaves floating.

1675295Ethel C. Yuncker   122601946-07-24
United States, Wyoming, In pond near little laramie river, below centennial, 2408m

1675237LeRoy E. Detling   35181938-05-10
United States, Oregon, Lane, Willamette r, Near eugene, s33 t17s, r3w; douglas fir forest (lower montane); Assoc. Veg: typha latifolia, scirpus acutus, alisma plantago-aquatica; margin Of pond, saturated sand in full sun, 128m

1675274LeRoy E. Detling   47751941-06-02
United States, Oregon, Lane, Mckenzie r. Valley near hendricks bridge, s28 t17s r1w; douglas fir forest (Lower montane) assoc. Veg: typha latifolia, sparganium simplex; level roadside Ditch, saturated black clay loam in full sun, 183m

44314Mary Susan Taylor   4195A1981-08-16
United States, California, Butte, T25 N R5E SW 1/4 sec 29. Pulga NW quad. Jones Meadow, ca. 3 mi S of Philbrook Reservoir, ca. 6 mi NE of Stirling City. Montane Meadow. 6000 ft., 1829m

44311Mary Susan Taylor   49071982-07-22
United States, California, Plumas, T24N R9E sw/ne sec 6. Bucks Lake NE quad. Riparian Woodland; s edge of Snake Lake by dam, ca. 2 mi ne of Meadow Valley. 4000 ft., 1219m

1674074David B. Dunn   146521963-07-19
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Stream gravel bank in meadow below mexican cut where sheep herders' cabin and Start of trail are. Pond., 3353m

44309John K. Myers   1211990-09-16
United States, Alaska, Greater Anchorage, Ptarmigan terrace near home of Dr. Steve Talbot., 61.05972 -149.60277

100313970Patricia J. Heglund   4271985-07-23
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Koyukuk, Study Plot G: located near the south-central border of the Yukon Flats., 66.2325 -146.4925, 261m

1674949Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1898-00-00
United States, Massachusetts, Bogs

100784488Robert W. Little   
United States, Pennsylvania, Clarion, detailed locality information protected

100784553Richard P. Williams   40611978-07-11
United States, North Dakota, Oliver, Square Butte Creek on the southwest edge of Center. Section 15, T142N R84W.

University of Nevada Herbarium

101362S. Matson   581997-07-06
USA, California, Placer, Sierra Nevada, Tahoe Basin, north shore Tahoe Vista, north of Highway 28, Snow Creek, 39.240248 -120.039808, 1902m

110911A. Howald   51692020-07-31
USA, California, Mono, Eastern Sierra Nevada, Tioga Pass region, Shell Lake, west side, ca. 0.2 miles northwest of Bennetville., 37.939611 -119.264944, 3011m

116950M. Purdy   4932020-08-05
USA, California, Inyo, E slope of the S Sierra Nevada, Baker Creek watershed, first series of ponds and wetlands up Baker Creek after passing the John Muir Wilderness boundary, below and E of Hidden Lake, SE of Coyote Flat., 37.1627 -118.4863, 3222m

30475L.C. Higgins   259552004-07-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Indian Lake and vicinity, along AZ Hwy 67, ca 23 miles S of Jacob Lake., 36.419498 -112.129648, 2700m

30483M. Manning   s.n.1988-08-09
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mtns, Favre Lake above Klechner Creek, Ruby Crest Train, 40.573333 -115.397778

101340S. Matson   9552003-09-06
USA, California, Placer, Truckee River Watershed, 10 miles SSW of Truckee, Bear Creek, Alpine Meadows ski area, Estelle Bowl [Sierra Nevada], 39.163764 -120.248981, 2402m

106031A. Tiehm   188102020-08-15
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, S end of S Hidden Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.74298 -115.28371, 2896m

106032A. Tiehm   188172020-08-16
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, Soldier Lakes Basin, small pond SE of Soldier Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.73265 -115.27358, 2777m

110595A. Tiehm   190212021-09-05
USA, Nevada, Elko, East Humboldt Range, ponds near the head of Weeks Creek, SW of Lizzies Basin, 40.930132 -115.10971, 2688m

112714G.L. Clifton   431892004-07-28
USA, California, Sierra, [Sierra Nevada, Lakes Basin,] The A Tree-Gold Lake Rim., 39.694639 -120.70541, 2152m

12324P. Train   45611940-08-20
USA, Nevada, Elko, Island Lake S of Upper Lamoille Canyon, Ruby Mts., 40.615545 -115.380473, 2987 - 2987m

Northern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DEK00102099L. Lipsey   s.n.1979-08-05
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Manitowish River, 1.5 miles east of Fishtrap Dam, 46.121256 -89.579278

Sagehen Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SCFS5119G. R. Ostrander   531965-07-05
United States, California, Sierra, Approximately 50 yards south of the road; Sattley-Calpine Road 1.5 miles north of Sattley, 39.655213 -120.431957, 1372m

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SCFS5118Laurie Hooker   961965-07-06
United States, California, Sierra, 1 mile from Sattley on Sattley-Beckworth Road., 39.641673 -120.418718, 1524m

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SCFS5080N. Rechen   921964-07-01
United States, California, Sierra, 1 mile from Sattley North on Sattley-Beckworth Road off of Highway 89, 39.641673 -120.418718

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SCFS5083Michael D. Fleschner   1965-901965-07-06
United States, California, Sierra, 1.2 miles from Sattley on the Sattley Calpine road, the drainage ditch in pasture 100 yards east of road, 39.641673 -120.418718, 1524m

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SCFS5079P. L. Billings   231965-06-06
United States, California, Sierra, Located near garbage dump 1.2 miles from Sattley on Sattley-Beckworth Road [Sattley located on Highway 89 and Sattley-Beckworth Road], 39.641673 -120.418718, 1524m

Austin Peay State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
APSC0055156   1937-09-21
Norway, Oslo

Image Associated With the Occurence
APSC0055161   1937-07-15
Norway, Oslo

Howard Payne University Herbarium

HPC00013051Hunt, D.M.   20971991-08-04
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Fort Devens

Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

KSP044692Steven B. Rolfsmeier   149611999-07-28
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine, 11 mi S, 1 mi SW, 42.373512 -99.714445, 789m

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
0039051MORSchennum, W | Koehring, D   s.n.1991-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Found at DuPage/Kane County line approximately 1/4 mile south of Cook/DuPage County line in mucky margins of hemi-marsh.

Image Associated With the Occurence
0072823MOREvert, EF   74691984-08-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Mountains. Lily Lake ca. 1.5 mi n. of the Beartooth Hwy. Submerged along nw shore of lake., 2329m

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0072793MORLadd, D   30981977-08-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Woodbury: 0.25 miles north of Mud Pond.

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0058579MORKobal, S   FPD 11-502011-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, James 'Pate' Philip State Park near Bartlett, north of Stearns Road near the Dupage-Kane County Line.

Image Associated With the Occurence
0072824MOREvert, EF   56111983-07-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Park, Along south side of N. Fk. Shoshone River, ca. 1/4 mi. w. of Moss Cr., 1859m

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0038194MORSchennum, W   21992-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry, Lange Road Marsh, Hebron Twp; in pothole marsh (mudflat) drained by drought.

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0072797MORLadd, D   19981976-07-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Calais: On road between Curtis Pond and Smith Pond.

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0038191MORStorm, B   21982-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, Lake, Miller Woods, Pond 58; in water less than 4 dm.

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0072799MORHess, WJ   58711983-08-00
United States of America, New York, Sullivan, Wolf Lake area, 4 mi SW of Rock Hill off NY 17. Surrounding Bass Pond.

0072802MORHall, MT   s.n.1951-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Iron, At the edge of Mud Lake.

0038187MORKobal, S | Lampa, W   FPD 01-242001-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Pratt's Wayne Woods Forest Preserve near Wayne. Growing in the center of the channel of Brewster Creek that flows through a marsh, in approx. one foot of water.

0038190MORCochrane, T | Cochrane, B   70301975-08-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Walworth, E side of Nature Rd, 1.1 mi N of its jct with Co. Hwys N & J. Along edge of unnamed inlet stream feeding Lulu Lake; water cool, flowing, calcareous; bottom ? deep silt oversand.

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0072794MORLadd, D   34511977-10-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Plainfield: Along summit trail on west slope of Spruce Peak., 777m

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0038192MORDritz, K   1581980-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, In a ditch on the W side of St. Hwy 49, 1.6 mi S of Kouts.

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0072801MORKirt, S   s.n.1997-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Leelanau, Collected between the town of Cedar and Novack Rd. on 616 in Solon Township.

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0038195MORSchulenberg, RF | Ladd, D | Folden, C   s.n.1973-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry, In the city of McHenry, in Whispering Oaks subdivision, on the south side of Ill. 120, just south of Boone Creek, in quiet water behind a dam in a small tributary.

0062158MORRericha, L | Wilhelm, G   40392010-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, In Elgin, at Bluff Springs Fen, at the far south gravel linear pond, north of the railroad.

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0038189MORWilhelm, G | Kazama, Y   36261977-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, About 2 miles west of West Dundee, along the north side of Ill. 72, about 1/3 mile west of Sleepy Hollow Road.

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0038188MORDritz, K | Schulenberg, RF   13741994-07-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In the W branch of Squaw Creek, in the marshy area just to the NE of the New Buffalo Weigh Station, SE of New Buffalo.

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0036256MORRericha, L   112001-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Near Peterson Spring, along the Poplar Creek, on a silt bar of a southwest directed oxbow in <0.25 m of water.

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0072790MORLadd, D   27531977-07-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Marshfield: At northeast end of Laird Pond.

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0073131MOR?   s.n.1860-07-00
United States of America, Wisconsin

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0072800MORHall, MT   s.n.1954-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Chippewa, At edge of Ripson Creek.

0072791MORLadd, D   29331977-07-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Warren: Just east of Alpine Village.

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0038193MORBoard, K   911991-06-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, In North Liberty, at Potato Creek State Park, at N edge of Worster Lake.

0072796MORLadd, D   32141977-08-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Plainfield: On west flank of Spruce Peak., 670m

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0058532MORKobal, S   FPD 11-502011-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, James 'Pate' Philip State Park near Bartlett, north of Stearn Road near the DuPage-Kane County Line.

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0072795MORLadd, D | Bowen, D   31261977-08-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Roxbury: 1 mile south of Roxbury Village along east side of Central Vermont RR.

0072792MORLadd, D   26941977-06-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Middlesex: In Bear Swamp.

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0072803MORChase, V   166531961-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lee, South of Amboy

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0058347MORKobal, S   FPD 11-502011-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, James 'Pate' Philip State Park near Bartlett, north of Stearns Road near the DuPage-kane County Line.

0072798MORLadd, D   32211977-08-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington, Calais: At drainage of Little Pond.

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0038186MORRericha, L   1052001-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Jasper, Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Refuge. In <0.5 m of water in a ditch alongside a gravel road.

0038185MORRericha, L   1052001-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Jasper, Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Refuge, in an inundated ditch <0.5 m of water.

0039052MORCochrane, T | Cochrane, B   70301975-08-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Walworth, Aquatics along edge of unnamed inlet stream feeding Lulu Lake; water cool, flowing, calcareous; bottom +/- deep silt over sand. E side of Nature Rd, 1.1 mi N of its jct. witho. Hwys. N & J. Forming a zone along stream border.

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

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UT0002440B. Wellard   4002013-09-01
USA, Utah, Duchesne, Larvae Lake., 40.6749986 -110.039076, 3060m

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UT0015136B. Albee   52981982-07-26
United States of America, Utah, Emery Co., Wasatch Plateau, Trail Mtn, 26 mi by road NW of Orangeville, 39.3298 -111.2355, 2835m

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UT0015137S. Clark   31001977-08-09
United States, Utah, Grand, Cc Book Mt. 30 miles North of Thompson., 39.332004 -109.884316, 2499m

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UT0015138A.O. Garrett   16291905-08-21
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Silver Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, 40.61258 -111.646562, 2621m

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UT0015139Peter J. Mehringer   31970-08-18
USA, Utah, Wayne, Boulder Mountain, Utah. An unnamed lake ca. 1/4 mile north of Cook Lake (Loa, Utah 4 N.E. 15 min. Quad.); 38.180426 -111.54004, 38.180426 -111.54004, 3200 - 3200m

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UT0015140W.P. Cottam   1930-07-07
USA, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mts., 40.645883 -110.399218, 3048m

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UT0015141A.O. Garrett   16291905-08-21
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Silver Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, 40.61258 -111.646562, 2621m

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UT0015142Flowers, W. Seville   1959-08-09
United States, Utah, Davis, Farmington Canyon

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UT0015143Heber Hall   1968-07-01
USA, Utah, Garfield, Aquarius Plateau, Boulder Swale, 6 miles E of Jacob's Lake., 38.0333 -111.5667, 3048 - 3658m

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UT0015144Flowers, W. Seville   1924-08-01
United States of America, Utah, Utah County, Salamander Lake, Timpanogos

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UT0015145B. Albee   22631974-10-13
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mts. Mill B south. Growing in water of Lake Blanche., 40.605613 -111.69254, 2713m

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UT0015146Louis Nielsen   1371950-08-26
USA, Utah, Summit, Butterfly Lake, 40.72211 -110.867314, 3048m

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UT0015147Flowers, W. Seville   1940-07-20
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake County, Lake Martha, Wasatch Mts.

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UT0015148S. Goodrich   219771985-09-03
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest. Uinta Mts, near Larrae Lake., 40.673752 -110.0395, 3069m

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UT0015149S. Goodrich   199281983-09-01
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 17 mi 354 deg N of Neola, Ashley NF, Uinta Mtns, Pole Lake., 40.675532 -110.059271, 3094m

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UT0015150S. Goodrich   196001983-08-10
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, 12.6 km 196 deg S of Manila, Ashley NF, Uinta Mtns, near summit springs., 40.879124 -109.744872, 2515m

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UT0015151B. Albee   56541983-08-25
USA, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mtns, E of Kamas. In Standing water of Clegg Lake., 40.698111 -110.925871, 3139m

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UT0015152L, Nielsen T   1952-08-20
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Silver Lake

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UT0015153W.P. Cottam   144891956-08-04
U.S.A., Utah, Utah, Wasatch Range, Mt. Timpanogos., 40.390838 -111.645926, 2134m

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UT0015154A.O. Garrett   1943-09-19
USA, Utah, Morgan, East Canyon, east across road from "big springs", 40.958206 -111.649201

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UT0015155B. Albee   52981982-07-31
United States of America, Utah, Emery Co., Wasatch Plateau, Trail Mtn, 26 mi by road NW of Orangeville, 39.3298 -111.2355, 2835m

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UT0015156S. Goodrich   218891985-08-06
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest. Uinta Mountains, east McKee Draw. 20 miles ESE of Manila., 40.77736 -109.461256, 2487m

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UT0015157B. Albee   22631974-10-13
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mts. Mill B south. Growing in water of Lake Blanche., 40.605613 -111.69254, 2713m

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UT0015158A.O. Garrett   33731925-07-22
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., Salamander Lake, 39.863012 -111.736041, 2438m

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UT0015159S. Goodrich   279112010-09-03
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Ashley National Forest. Uinta Mountains,Brush Cr. drainage, Big Lake., 40.6995 -109.54527, 2664m

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UT0015160L. Arnow   23811968-08-07
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Red Butte Canyon, Wasatch Range, East of Salt Lake City., 40.776503 -111.805839, 1631m

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UT0015161Sharon Winburn   1967-08-26
USA, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mts. in Lilly Lake., 40.681998 -110.93762, 3033m

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UT0015162Wiens, Del   1956-08-12
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mts. Fall Creek cirque of the upper Rock Creek area. Ponds near Phinney Lake.

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 4301


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