CM265684 Hellquist, C.B. 13493 1979-07-16
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, St. Barbe South District, along Rt 430, ca 2 mi S of River of Ponds Provincial Park
CM283308 Crow, G.E. 13494 1979-07-16
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, St. Barbe South District, along Rt 430, 2 mi S of River of Ponds Provincial Park
CM283320 Crow, G.E. 13993 1979-08-27
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, Ladd Pond, Stewartstown
CM290237 Siplivinsky, V. 1821 1981-07-31
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa National Forest, Lily Lake, 3109m
CM295630 Thorne, R.F. 47221 1975-08-23
United States, California, El Dorado, just N of Luther Pass, Grass Lake, 2347m
CM304769 Hellquist, C.B. 82-529 1982-07-17
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, Fogo District, along Rt 330 at jct of road to Bulgers Quay
CM304772 Hellquist, C.B. 82-625 1982-07-23
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, Burin-Placentia West District, 0.2 mi N of jct of Rt 222 along Rt 210, Winterland, Burin Pen.
CM304835 Hellquist, C.B. 15256 1983-07-21
United States, Vermont, Windsor, Ludlow, northern end of Lake Rescue
CM345053 Thompson, S.A. 3494 1986-08-24
United States, Garrett-Preston, Cranesville Swamp, Maryland/West Virginia, 750m
CM348162 Brunton, D.F. 8172 1988-07-21
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, W shore Lower Narrows, Ottawa River, at 291814 (31 F/14), 4 km SE of Petawawa, 45.866667 -77.216667
CM351418 Isaac, B.L. 3205 1990-08-06
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, ca 5 mi NE of Purgatory Ski Area, along Old Lime Creek Rd off of US 550, 2835m
CM411162 Dutilly, A. 16101 1946-08-07
Canada, Ontario, Lac Ste-Anne, Albany, James Bay, 52.216667 -81.663
CM411163 Dutilly, A. 32832 1954-08-31
Canada, Nunavut, island S of Dead Duck Bay, E coast of James Bay, 53.55 -79.083333
CM525605 Koch, R.G. 13897 1982-08-18
United States, Wisconsin, Ashland, Michigan Island, AINL
CM542056 Boardman, C.M.
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, detailed locality information protected
CM540764 McPherson, J.
United States, Pennsylvania, Clearfield, detailed locality information protected
CM540778 McPherson, J.
United States, Pennsylvania, Clearfield, detailed locality information protected
CM544153 McPherson, J.
United States, Pennsylvania, Clearfield, detailed locality information protected
CM544145 McPherson, J.
United States, Pennsylvania, Clearfield, detailed locality information protected
CM544152 McPherson, J.
United States, Pennsylvania, Clearfield, detailed locality information protected
CM547915 Isaac, B.L. 29874 2022-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kenai Peninsula, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Kenai Peninsula, Skilak Lake Rd, 60.4552777778 -150.2533277778, 195 - 230m
CMC00004508 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1964-05-15
United States, Michigan, Isabella, South of M-20, Mill Pond.
CMC00004510 K. Peschel s.n. 1972-07-24
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Beaver Island, St James township.
CMC00004511 NSF Group s.n. 1964-06-30
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Northeastern Bay arm of Lake Geneserath, Beaver Island.
CMC00004512 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, South end of Font Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004513 B. Gryska s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004514 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004515 LaBeau s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004551 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004552 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004553 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1965-07-13
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Peaine township.
CMC00004554 M.H. Hohn s.n. 1964-07-21
United States, Michigan, Clare, Shore of Perch Lake, Garfield township.
153891 collectors: G N Jones 33494 1962-08-05
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, shallow lake shore Rainbow Lakes NW of Nederland, 40.01 -105.57, 3108m
153889 collectors: D Bathke 566 1967-07-24
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Robinson Basin 30 mi N of Gunnison 8 mi W of Crested Butte 2 mi N of Kebler Pass, 38.86 -107.13, 3169m
153893 collectors: J Barrell 230-60 1960-08-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, one of the smaller of the lower Mexican Cut ponds above Schofield Park, 39.01 -107.04, 3352m
153882 collectors: N H Russell 10382 1959-07-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, shallow stagnant pond 1.6 mi SE of Crested Butte where Colo 135 crosses Slate Ck, 38.85 -106.95, 2667m
153892 collectors: J Barrell 209-60 1960-08-11
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, small pool in meadow E of Lily Lake 3 mi E of Ohio Pass, 38.84 -107.11
102703 collectors: D Wilken 13764 1981-08-27
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Flat Lake along Bundy Park Rd, 40.4 -106.36, 2830m
153896 collectors: G A Loughridge 389 1934-08-07
United States, Colorado, La Plata County, San Juan For Lake on E Silver Mesa, 37.57 -107.6, 3627m
153887 collectors: H Harrington 4589 1949-10-16
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Bear Lake, 40.31 -105.64, 2926m
153894 collectors: H Harrington 957 1944-09-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, near inlet of tunnel along Laramie River, 40.67 -105.85, 2613m
153895 collectors: R K Gierisch 2970 1964-08-14
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, White River FOr Castle Ck, 40.02 -107.58, 2438m
153886 collectors: P Douglas 2080 1988-07-07
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, 0.5 mi SSE of Burro Lake SW of Hourglass Lake, 37.17 -106.51, 3500m
153884 collectors: P Douglas 2073 1988-07-07
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, 1 mi NE of Laguna Venado 0.5 mi SW of Victoria Lake, 37.17 -106.55, 3500m
153883 collectors: C Crandall 1801 1894-08-14
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Trappers Lake, 39.98 -107.22
153881 collectors: W R Erickson & K DeMott 862 1979-08-19
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale County, Beaver ponds 2.4 mi N of summit of Slumgullion Pass, 38 -107.21, 3110m
153885 collectors: W Erickson 333 1977-08-12
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Lake Martha, 40.55 -106.68, 3170m
153880 collectors: D Wilken 14672 1986-07-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, meadows E of State Fish Hatchery Poudre Canyon 4 mi S of N Bald Mtn, 40.7 -105.71, 2346m
153879 collectors: M. Smith MS 1994-06-05
United States, Colorado, Archuleta County, Lower Fosset Gulch., 37.17 -107.34, 2018m
153898 collectors: J Leininger 8 2000-09-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, 12 mi. S of I-25 at the intersection of Black Squirrel Rd. and Walker Rd., 39.1 -104.62, 2271m
153897 collectors: J Leininger 15 2000-09-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, 12 mi. S of I-25 at the intersection of Black Squirrel Rd. and Walker Rd., 39.1 -104.62, 2271m
153888 collectors: G Doyle GD04-09 2004-06-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Meadow Spring Rnach. Unnamed tributary to Lone Pine Creek. Approximately 1 miles S of WY border and 4 miles W of I-25., 40.98 -104.98, 1905m
153890 collectors: G Doyle GD04-05 2004-06-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Meadow Springs Ranch. Jack Springs on Sand Creek, approximately 1 mile NE of Round Butte., 40.93 -105.03, 1823m
162389 collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield 2995 2007-07-22
United States, Colorado, Summit County, At Lily Pad Lake, W of Silverthorne., 39.6 -106.11, 3022m
173844 collectors: B. Koblitz 510 2000-07-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Colorado Division of Wildlife Parvin Lake, ca 20 mi W on Red Feather lakes Rd. from its intersection with US Hwy 287., 40.78 -105.55, 2469m
188029 collectors: Susan Spackman-Panjabi 1999-12-06
United States, Colorado, Costilla County, Forbes park. Along railroad near entrance., 37.46 -105.19
196746 P. VanCleave 1936-08-00
United States, Colorado, Jackson, North Park Hay Meadow
United States, Maine, Hancock
14141 Williams M J 77-55-5 1977-08-02
United States, California, Alpine, Mosquito Lake, on Hwy 4, 38.516091 -119.911817, 2454m
24479 P.J. Leary 2313 1977-08-20
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa, 1 mi up trail to Land's End from Mesa Lakes, on margin of filled pond, 2865m
47672 B.L. Wilson 9007 1997-08-20
United States, Oregon, Curry, Floras Lake, west side, Floras Lake State Park; in pool in bog at edge of lake, 3m
067860 Arnold Tiehm 18817 2020-08-16
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, Soldier Lakes Basin, small pond SE of Soldier Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.73265 -115.27358, 2777m
067859 A. Tiehm 18810 2020-08-15
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, S end of S Hidden Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.74298 -115.28371, 2896m
068101 A. Tiehm 19021 2021-09-05
USA, Nevada, Elko, East Humboldt Range, ponds near the head of Weeks Creek, SW of Lizzies Basin, 40.930132 -115.10971, 2688m
COCO-V-0009712 T. Kelso 96-58 1996-07-11
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest, Steele Ranch nr. intersection Evans and Meridian Rds. Moist edge of bank in E. Kiowa Cr., 39.1015388 -104.5939361, 2134m
COCO-V-0009716 C. Heacock 29 1988-08-10
United States, Colorado, Teller, Emergent from Catamount Lakes, 38.916195 -105.08581, 2890m
COCO-V-0009717 T. Kelso 94-275 1994-09-27
United States, Colorado, Teller, Broken Wagon (Haggedorn) Ranch; N of Woodland Park and just S of Divide; in old beaver ponds along Trout Creek, 38.957686 -105.10472, 2804m
COCO-V-0009720 T. Kelso 96-160 1996-08-29
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest; at jct Hodgen and Remington Rds; in wet soil at edge of pond, 39.063935 -104.653775, 2286m
TEMP8534 T. Kelso 01-117 2001-07-03
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest, Pineries Ranch off Vollmer Rd. pond margin, in Snipe Creek drainage. Pine-savannah ecosystem., 39.03716 -104.635, 2286m
COCO-V-0009721 G. Friedman 419 2004-09-09
United States, Colorado, Teller, Broken Wagon Ranch, fairly shallow water in stock pond in Trout Cr. drainage., 38.949554 -105.110978
COCO-V-0009718 T. Kelso 08-181 2008-12-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Rampart Range, Pike National Forest, headwaters N. Monument Cr drainage. Ca 0.6 mi N of Balanced Rock Rd (FS322), in wet mud around pond margins., 39.07851 -105.02188, 2774m
COCO-V-0009719 T Kelso 10-94 2010-08-24
United States, Colorado, Teller, Pikes Peak South Slope, CO Spgs Utilities watershed. Seven Lakes Region, small lake SW of McReynolds Res 5 (former "Isoetes Lake", j e of road. Floating in shallow water w/Potamogeton & Elodea
COCO-V-0009711 L. Fugere 11-178 2011-07-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, 4 Way Ranch, south of Latigo Blvd, in drainage running southerly of and parallel to the Black Squirrel Creek Drainage; aquatic plant with unisexual flowers, leaves and inflorescence above the surface of the water, in stream.
COCO-V-0009713 P Levin J Twersky 12 11 2012-04-09
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Pike National Forest. North Monument Creek Drainage. Growing in pond, collected at edge of pond but growing throughout, 39.07053398 -105.0170162
COCO-V-0009714 TKelso 1349 2013-08-04
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Shaw Ranch, Black Squirrel Cr drainage, ca 1.5 mi N of Judge Orr Rd, 0.5 mi W of Peyton Hghway. Wet muddy area with ephemeral pond in bend of creek drainage. With Sagittaria and Hippuris., 38.975997 -104.488013, 2012m
COCO-V-0009710 T. Crowe 1487 2014-09-18
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest Region, Timmerman/Audubon Ranch along W. Kiowa Cr. drainage, S side of Hodgen Rd.; Collected in pond, stems submerged at base., 39.063136 -104.6314241
MESA01878 W. A. Kelley 08121978-2 1978-08-12
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa near Cottonwood Lake No. 1, near campground, 39.075299 -107.966451, 2865m
2709 Powell, Jon W. 5 1990-09-27
United States, New York, Greene, Round Top, 42.267181 -74.024695
ASC00041545 J. Ricketson 2130 1984-09-23
United States, Arizona, Apache, Sheep Cienega, below A-1 Lake, 19 mi E of Eager, 33.71472 -109.56861, 2651m
ASC00076812 L.E. Stevens 1117 2000-06-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest, Deer Lake. Roadside, Highway 67. 21.76 mi S of Jacob Lake., 36.40194444 -112.130833, 2652m
ASC00076898 L.E. Stevens 1433 2000-08-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Greenland Lake. Grand Canyon National Park. 19.73 mi NE of Tusayan., 36.24194444 -111.991111, 2579m
ASC00013314 C.F. Deaver 5545 1959-07-18
United States, Arizona, Apache, Bog Creek near McNary, 34.062327 -109.726104, 2286m
ASC00078638 G. Rink 4046 2004-09-07
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, in small pond., 37.31084 -107.78164, 2250m
ASC00090726 G. Rink 8080 2008-08-08
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Lake at the northwest corner of Kaibab National Forest Road 22 and Highway 67, 36.39973 -112.13055, 2650m
ASC00088563 G. Rink 6621 2007-08-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Indian Lake, ca 2 miles north of Grand Canyon National Park boundary, 36.21389 -112.139935, 2690m
ASC00102936 G. Rink 10890 2011-09-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Frank's Lake, 36.511801 -112.18319, 2650m
ASC00103236 G. Rink 11554 2012-08-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, middle lake of the Three Lakes, 36.636902 -112.221367, 2520m
ASC00103190 G. Rink 11501 2012-08-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Oquer Lake, 36.502677 -112.222683, 2580m
ASC00109011 G. Rink 12800 2014-07-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Spillway of Lake of the Woods, 34.16153 -109.97825, 2042m
ASC00027177 J.M. Rominger 1168 1972-08-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Moraine Park, 40.353161 -105.601131, 2469m
ASC00081922 J. McGrath 443 2002-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Valle Vidal Unit, Carson National Forest. Small pond just north of the large pond adjacent to Shuree Lodge. East of Middle Ponil Creek and south of road from Amalia., 36.772048 -105.193383, 2850m
ASC00056027 B. Hevron 2022 1993-07-08
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Chuska Mountains Navajo Res. ca. 0.2 mi S of Whiskey Lake, 35.97056 -108.81861, 2732m
ASC00055486 F. Rolland-Germain 7648 1952-08-28
Canada, Quebec, St. Adolphe, 47.06915 -71.303421
ASC00061692 G. McReese s.n. 1966-06-30
United States, Montana, Lake, Kettle Pond 5 mi S of Ronan, 47.451516 -114.096952
ASC00004265 A. Nelson 1604 1911-08-04
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Montpelier, 42.32215 -111.297704, 1811m
ASC00084851 Leslie N. Goodding 251-48 1948-09-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Open exposure; on edge of water. V.T. Park; Jacob Lake Hwy., 36.4007 -112.1518, 2286m
ASC00121011 Walter Fertig 27773 2012-08-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau: Oquer Lake off FS Road 759A in Oquer Canyon, ca 15 air miles N of Grand Canyon NP., 36.500445 -112.223146, 2588m
ASC00122159 Rink, G. 16127 2019-07-24
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation, small pond in the Tunicha Mountains, 36.38397 -109.12739, 2774m
ASC00124098 A. Tiehm 18810 2020-08-15
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, S end of S Hidden Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.74298 -115.28371, 2896m
ASC00128289 A. Tiehm 19021 2021-09-05
United States, Nevada, Elko, East Humboldt Range, ponds near the head of Weeks Creek, SW of Lizzies Basin, 40.930132 -115.10971, 2688m