MWI00040891 Waterman, Mark Eugene 17 1992-09-27
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Colchester, Argyle Lake State Park
MWI00040915 Hildenbrand, Joel D. 17 1992-09-00
USA, Illinois, Fulton, Sunspot Mine
MWI00044940 Henry, Ron D. 1793 1967-07-22
USA, Illinois, Lake, Illinois Beach State Park, 3 miles north of Waukegan
MWI00044941 Henry, Ron D. J515 1967-01-19
Jamaica, Saint Catherine, Charlton
MWI00044942 Henry, Ron D. 2661 1968-08-19
USA, Illinois, Adams, North of Lima, Camp Saukenauk
MWI00044943 Hartman, Ronald L. 1280 1967-07-22
USA, Illinois, Lake, Illinois Beach State Park, 3 miles north of Waukegan
MWI00044944 Henry, Ron D. 1232 1967-06-28
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Warsaw
MWI00044945 Henry, Ron D. 3741 1970-06-24
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station
MWI00044948 Henry, Ron D. 3740 1970-07-02
USA, Illinois, Hancock, Warsaw
MWI00044949 Henry, Ron D. 3083 1968-08-15
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Niota, Mississippi River
MWI00044950 Henry, Ron D. 2990 1968-06-30
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Plymouth
MWI00045197 Drowns, Glenn G. 1989-07-26
USA, Iowa, Clinton, Sherman Park
MWI00056338 Werth, Charles R. MI 12d 8 1980-08-21
USA, Ohio, Butler, Greenbriar Lake, west State Road, north junction Oxford-Middletown Road, label has map, Milford Township
MWI00062682 Taylor, David D. 7296 1984-06-02
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Monroe; At corner of Lamy Lane and Louisville Avenue (U.S. 80)
WMU005441 Clarence R. Hanes s.n. 1934-08-06
United States, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Near Andrews Creek, Schoolcraft Township.
WMU005443 Clarence R. Hanes s.n. 1940-06-27
United States, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Mudhole, east Divine's Service Station, Brady Township.
6825 D.A. Zimmerman 1992-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Mtn, Bear Creek, S Ben Lilley Memorial
1804 D.L. Hunt, Sr. 1972-09-20
United States, New Mexico, Grant, None
12875 C. Bluett 2005-09-17
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Mangas Creek, north end of access road, 1747m
13750 S.M. Kline 2004-07-03
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Gila Bird Habitat, Billings Vista turnoff, Gila Nat'l Forest, ~ 5 mi from Riverside, ~ 2-3 mi from Gila River, 1300m
17284 D.K. Walkup 2007-10-19
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Mangus Springs, adjacent to McMillen Rd, NW of Silver City, just off Hwy 180, 32.839852 -108.508827, 1452m
17367 J.L. Carter and D. Gustafson 2008-10-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, In protected cove along the N shore of Bill Evans Lake, 1425m
20520 S. M. Anderson 2009-10-02
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Mangus Springs, 32.839134 -108.508131, 1473m
20983 J.L. Carter and D. Gustafson 2008-10-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Bill Evans Lake, N shore, 1425m
WEWO0000614 Carter, J. H., III 684 1973-06-23
United States, North Carolina, Moore, 3 mi. WNW. of Whispering Pines... (NC 22), 35.272355 -79.417193
79996 Crouch, Virginia E 457 1989-07-20
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods. College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565
71322 Weldy, Troy R; Ackerman, Lara 747 1994-07-07
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, head of East Branch of Corrotoman River, south of Norris Pond east of Laurel Point, 37.727166 -76.38084
7301 Salle, Emily D; Hall, G W 282 1971-06-10
United States, Virginia, York, ca 1/4 mi W of Ringfield picnic area and 1/10 mi N of Yorktown Colonial Parkway on N side of Parkway, 37.275467 -76.589345
7302 Salle, Emily D 543 1971-08-20
United States, Virginia, York, Marsh E of Indian Field Creek, on S side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.261139 -76.561216
9121 Salle, Emily D 360 1971-06-25
United States, Virginia, York, marsh Ca. 1/4 mi. E of Indian Field Creek, on N side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.261139 -76.561216
80006 Crouch, Virginia E; Ware, Donna M 630 1989-10-10
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, mouth of Ravine #3, the westernmost of the 3 southward-flowing streams E. of S. Henry St. & W. of the Colonial Parkway, 37.25336 -76.708163
9173 Ware, Donna M 4042 1972-01-24
United States, Florida, Monroe, -
44416 North, Gretchen 1097 1983-06-04
United States, Virginia, James City, Pitch and Tar Swamp, Jamestown Island, 37.206915 -76.764597
63102 Stoetzer, Mark D 51 1992-10-04
United States, Virginia, Charles City, N of N terminus of Eagle's Nest Road in Chickahominy Wildlife Management Area.
63670 Ackley, Meredith 1970-06-24
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, N. Farwell Ave (just s. of E. North Ave.)
60245 Crouch, Virginia E 689 1989-10-30
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, E. of S. Henry St. & W. of Colonial Parkway
77478 Johnstone, Chris 497 2006-08-08
United States, Virginia, Richmond, Totuskey Creek Watershed, 37.8861111 -76.7658333
61278 Stoetzer, Mark D; Silberhorn, Gene ; Class, VIMS Coastal Botany 112 1994-09-01
United States, Virginia, King William, Sweethall Marsh. Near boathouse.
63583 Bourdo, Eric A 1950-07-14
United States, Michigan, Muskegon, east end of Muskegon Lake, Muskegon Co
70784 Weldy, Troy R 644 1994-06-25
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, along upper marsh edge below spillway of Iberis Pond off Rt. 613, Iberis., 37.721381 -76.45273
77514 Johnstone, Chris 533 2006-08-11
United States, Virginia, Richmond, Totuskey Creek Watershed, 37.8938889 -76.7394444
65076 Eddy, Katherine 37 1993-09-24
United States, Virginia, James City, NE side of Branscomb Blvd.;SW side of manmade marsh adjacent to Powhatan Creek; 5 miles SW of Williamsburg, 37.22901 -76.763086
74443 Dodge, J 526 1998-06-02
United States, Virginia, Westmoreland, Small marsh at Shark's Tooth Beach . Stratford Harbour, 38.167235 -76.778733
2731 Loetterle, Lynn E 34 1969-06-13
United States, Virginia, James City, 1.85 mi. along Long Loop Road, Jamestown Island - Colonial National Historical Park, 37.20247 -76.746918
10010 Harvill, A M 12373 1965-06-01
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Marsh on S end of Gloucester pt, 37.250383 -76.498232
10425 Harley, W J 2391 1962-07-11
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, Monaskon. next to Rappahannock Rd, 37.73764 -76.565509
15060 Mikula, Bernard 938 1949-06-12
United States, Virginia, James City, 1 mile S of Williamsburg, 37.256201 -76.707457
15049 Mikula, Bernard 1032 1949-06-12
United States, Virginia, James City, 1 mi S of Williamsburg, 37.256201 -76.707457
15895 Appler, Phyllis K 949 1973-10-12
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, along dirt road to heliport just south of Condon Road, Fort Eustis, 37.138635 -76.608422
18160 Soltis, Douglas 620 1974-09-13
United States, Virginia, New Kent, Marsh along York River; beside boat dock, 0.5 mi W of Philobates Creek, 37.485776 -76.784858
19172 Ware, D. M. E. 5999b 1974-09-18
United States, Virginia, Surry, E of the end of the bluff on N side of outflow canal; VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station; P.O. Surry, 37.168291 -76.698585
19641 Ware, Donna M E 5709 1974-08-08
United States, Virginia, James City, Kingsmill on the James in vicinity of proposed marina on the James River; P.O. Williamsburg, 37.223646 -76.661878
21473 Ware, D. M. E. 4240 1972-06-17
United States, Virginia, Accomack, just W of Bridge over Queen Sound on causeway to Chincoteague (Va. Rt. 175), 37.939829 -75.309475
22090 Ware, D. M. E. 5934 1974-08-31
United States, Virginia, Surry, S side of intake canal and very near transformer installation; VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station; P.O. Surry, 37.168291 -76.698585
2563 Harrison, Dale E 542 1967-06-20
United States, North Carolina, New Hanover, Wrightsville Ave, 3 mi E of jct with South College Rd. (NC 132), Wilmington, 34.219256 -77.831783
27994 Train, E L 154 1977-05-16
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, immediately below Meggs Bay along Dragon Run, 37.56283 -76.572274
29511 Kirkman, K. 174 1975-06-07
United States, Virginia, York, Cheatham Annex Naval Supply Center, PO Williamsburg, 37.289581 -76.640909
32897 Ware, Donna M E 6845 1977-08-26
United States, North Carolina, Dare, located on N side of roadway leading from Hatteras Road to Bodie Island Lighthouse.
3945 Hoener, Fred K 354 1969-09-14
United States, Virginia, James City, James River at Kingsmill Neck, approx 0.9 mi downstream from the mouth of College Creek, 37.236913 -76.708799
40277 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 319 1979-06-29
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, Around edge of Lawnes Creek; Along Co. Rt. 628, 0.3 mile from junction with Co. Rt. 676. W of Bailey's Beach at Burnt Mill Bridge, 37.085564 -76.685971
40502 Hornberger, Kathleen L 589 1979-07-18
United States, Missouri, Barry, Flora of Roaring RIver St. Pk.;Old quarry ca. 0.6 mi W of eastern boundary along Hwy. F, 36.5761111 -93.8230556
41997 van Montfrans, Margaret ; Hall, G W 92 1979-08-04
United States, Virginia, Mathews, marsh on Rte 664, just east of Cherry Point, Gwynn Island, 37.512904 -76.293557
4377 Bradley, Ted 3404 1966-08-07
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, ca. 1 mi S of New Hanover County line off US 17, SE of Wilmington., 34.235772 -77.86667
44306 North, Gretchen 232 1981-06-04
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, marsh on E side of VA Rt. 628, ca. 0.2 mi. S of Rappahannock River, near Bushy, 37.576457 -76.409669
46016 Ware, Donna M E 8263 1983-06-18
United States, Virginia, King George, Caledon State Park; Chotank Marsh, 38.358212 -77.131875
48535 Train, ELizabeth L 477b 1977-08-01
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, at New Dragon Bridge, 37.63366 -76.69579
50521 Stevens, Charles E 13664 1976-09-04
United States, Virginia, Northumberland, Owens Pond near Reedville
53464 Vascott, Anna 339 1982-06-23
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, marsh by Melrose Landing on Rt. 602. South of Truhart, 37.636554 -76.853208
56939 Fleming, Gary P 5897 1991-08-17
United States, Virginia, Westmoreland, north shore of the Rappahannock River, at terminus of Rt. 678, 3.0 miles SE of Leedstown.
59908 Berg, Mary Hyde 568 1993-07-27
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, at bridge of Caffee Creek, state, route 610, near Pinetta, 37.415455 -76.638684
72876 Baldwin, Patrick 4372 2002-06-01
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, along Liana's End Road in Severn, 37.327897 -76.47236
USA, Oregon, Marion
3337 P.L. Fall 3337
3338 P.L. Fall 3338
1266 J. Schoenwetter 1266
USA, Wisconsin
NEON03U90 Danielle Farkas (ORCID 0000-0002-1892-7221) 2020-07-14
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Prairie Lake NEON (PRLA), 47.15909 -99.11388, 565m
NEON05LYC T. Carter 202 2021-07-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Domain 09, Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON, NEON Plot WOOD_024, 47.151171 -99.262648, 586m
Rothrock, Paul 2022-06-09
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Bloomington, N Dunn Street near Griffy Creek, 39.206292 -86.528919
Marc A. Baker 13226 1998-09-30
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino County, Begashibito Canyon, ca. 25km ENE of Tuba City, 36.22 -110.98, 1590m
Michael D Lewis 9 2014-07-26
United States, Utah, San Juan, BLM land. Take U-95 west from Blanding through the highway cut through Comb Ridge and down into Comb Wash. In middle of Comb Wash, turn north onto San Juan Country Road 205 and travel north for approximately 4 km, to junction with Arch Canyon Road (a 4x4 trail). At junction of SJCR 205 and Arch Canyon Road (50m NW of boundary of Ute Lands) is a parking area with an informal campsite to NE. Sample site is 10m NE of parking area in seasonal stream channel separating parking area and campsite., 37.54604 -109.66716, 1483m
Thomas S. McFadden 180 2015-09-15
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Surrounding wetland 6, 37.714722 -84.296944
R.C. Clark 23962 1998-08-16
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Roadside ditch along Ky 715, between Wolfpen and Gladie Creek, Red River Gorge
Walter Fertig 17327 1996-09-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Laramie, Southeastern Plains: bank of Crow Creek, ca 0.5 mi N of confluence with Diamond Creek, Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne., 41.1531 -104.8775, 1875m
Marc A. Baker 18953 2017-06-05
United States, NEVADA, Churchill County, Dixie Valley, 140m NE of the intersection of Ellis Lane and Settlement Road, 64km ENE of Fallon, 17km NE of the summit of Job Peak, wetland in valley bottom, 39.6954 -118.0794, 1042m
C.M. Roll CR0186 2020-05-27
United States, Arizona, Cochise, HYL Ranch headquarters, ca. 20 km South of Bowie, Arizona, 32.170533 -109.439567, 1344m
A. Hazelton 2020-10-28
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Plummer Springs A (SSI #181248), 36.71003 -114.7124, 555m
Tsinigine, Adriano 363 2020-06-12
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Navajo Mine. Burnham. Upper Chinde Pond., 36.632697 -108.453847, 1623m
Spears, Tara TS067 2023-10-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Chester, Willisbrook Preserve, yellow trail, in pond, W edge, 40.00731 -75.52358
Stalter, Richard 29 2008-05-17
United States, South Carolina, Charleston, Fort Moultrie
Glen Kalisz none 2015-05-20
United States, Kentucky, Lincoln, Along restored stream at Dix River Wildlife Management Area ~100 m upstream from Dix River, 37.4644444444 -84.4777777778
Kari Dupler 1 2015-09-09
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Wetland drainage ditch located in field near intersection of big hill ave and altamont, richmond ky, 37.740764 -84.285159
Lameace E. Hussain 6 2015-09-09
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Wetland between the EKU Center of the Arts building and the EKU Business & Technology Center., 37.7321 -84.304506
Jordan Kenniston 3 2015-09-10
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Off the scenic Ky-52 route. Behind Bybee pottery at the pond., 37.732576 -84.124408
Logan Phelps 7 2015-09-14
United States, Kentucky, Madison, From exit 87 on I-75, go East approximately 3 miles. Turn left onto Big Hill Ave (Across from Kroger). Take Big Hill Ave. approximately 1 miles to Altamont St. on right. Wetland area on left., 37.74089 -84.285114
CFQ24-5 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK9 2012-08-23
United States, Michigan, Livingston, Chilson Fen, 42.53379 -83.86919, 251m
CHL15-1 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK9 2012-06-27
United States, Michigan, Oakland, Chamberlain Lakes Fen, 42.7833 -83.19804, 256m
FLQ13-8 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK9 2012-05-29
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Fay Lake Fen, 42.1228 -84.1698, 251m
BVF1-2 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK9 2012-06-26
United States, Michigan, Oakland, Bridge Valley Fen, 42.74693 -83.45055, 265m
BVF12-1 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK9 2012-08-31
United States, Michigan, Oakland, Bridge Valley Fen, 42.74696 -83.45037, 261m