596970 Jensen 252 1964-02-00
United Kingdom, New England, Kew, Plant received from Royal Botanic Gardens. Univ. of Minn. Botany Dept. greenhouse #61.306.
596971 Jensen 252 1964-02-00
United Kingdom, New England, Kew, Plant received from the Royal Botanic Gardens. Univ. of Minn. Botany Dpt. greenhouse #61.306.
275346 Stephen H. Brown 2021-02-07
United States of America, Florida, Lee County, Fort Myers: Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive.
275347 Stephen H. Brown 2021-02-07
United States of America, Florida, Lee County, Fort Myers: Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive.
275348 Stephen H. Brown 2021-02-07
United States of America, Florida, Lee County, Fort Myers: Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive.
7530 Erdman West 1939-12-27
United States of America, Florida, Alachua County, From U.S.D.A. grown at Gainesville.
15958 Stephen H. Brown 2021-02-07
United States, Florida, Lee, Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Dr. Cultivated in public park. Two patches planted in park, doesn't appear to be spreading to other areas of the park. Succulent herb to 2 ft tall. Petioles amplexicaul. Leaves glaucous grey-green with pink margins. Flowers angled outward to pendent. Calyces inflated, pink to red. Corollas pale greenish yellow with corolla lobes reflexed at anthesis.
GEO:Medical Botany
22474 Nick Richwagen 2018-02-21
United States of America, Georgia, DeKalb County, Emory University, Green House
TEX00542635 Antonio Molina R.|Albertina R. Molina 34701 1998-10-21
Honduras, Yoro, Morazan, In Paul C. Standley Herbarium garden.
01987825 Frat. M. Arnoldo 3735 1969-03-00
Netherlands Antilles, Soto, Curacao