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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Mirabilis longiflora, Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (Mirabilis wrightiana), Mirabilis longiflora var. longiflora
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 861

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095572Thomas F. Patterson|Alan Prather   74061993-10-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Sa Gomas, arroyo going up the Sa Gomas side of Canyon Bustamante, 26.55 -100.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00282451L. C. Hinckley|Barton H. Warnock   468211946-11-10
United States, Texas, Presidio, Cibolo Creek near Cieniguita ten miles northwest of Shafter.

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095573José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza   17341982-08-28
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de Zapalinamé, Cañón de San Lorenzo, 14 Km al SE de Saltillo. Camino a los Aguajes, 25.33333 -100.98333

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095575Fred A. Barkley   160241946-09-13
Mexico, Coahuila, About 5 mi S of Saltillo

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095576Albert Michael Powell|James F. Scudday|Samuel W. Sikes   14541966-08-22
Mexico, Coahuila, E side of Sa Carmen Madera, in Madera Canyon above old sawmill

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095578   204911990-08-22
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sa Zapaliname

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095579Ricardo López A.|José A. Villareal Q.   9021980-10-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, Terrenos de la UAAAN, Buenavista

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095580J. A. Soule|Thomas F. Patterson|A. Le Duc   2581992-09-05
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Rd to Potrero Redondo from Los Adjuntas; 2.7 mi SW of Los Adjuntas toward Potrero Redondo and 2.6 mi from Potrero Redondo

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095581Robert Ford Smith Nulo   M-5631961-10-01
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, El Diente Monterrey

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095583A. Le Duc   1801991-07-30
Mexico, Durango, Hwy 40 at the crossing of Arroyo de Los Mimbres; 5.0 mi W of Guadalupe Victoria and 8 mi E of Frnc. I. Madero (43 mi E-NE of Durango by rd)

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095584U. T. Waterfall|Charles S. Wallis   134801957-08-10
Mexico, Durango, 19 mi SW of Durango

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095585E. Ventura V.|E. López   61421988-10-12
Mexico, Guanajuato, Hacienda El Kijay, 10 Km al E de San Luis de la Paz

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095586Rzedowski   228911966-08-07
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Tepotzotlan, Cerca de la Presa de la Concepción

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
TEX00095587A. Le Duc|Marcia Sydor|Alice L. Hempel|Lindsay Woodruff   2341992-08-02
Mexico, Morelos, Tepoztlan near Cuernavaca, 0.6 mi W of Cuota off ramp on old Cuernavaca to Cuatutla rd

TEX00202448James S. Henrickson   133211973-09-22
Mexico, Zacatecas, Concepcion del Oro, Ca 15 (air) mi E of Concepción del Oro, 2.5 mi NE of Gadalupe Garceron, in Sa del Astillero, 24.61667 -101.13333

TEX00419467Diana Xochitl Munn-Estrada|F. Mendoza   14392001-10-01
Mexico, Oaxaca, Brecha de San Antonio Eloxochitlán a San José Buenavista. Adelante del segundo puente ELOXOCHITLAN DE FLORES MAGON, 18.17806 -96.85822

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
02269355Alice Jack   1851991-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Near the former town of Santa Rita, off hwy 152, north on dirt rd called Miner's Legend. 4.6 miles east of Hanover, in Valley of Lampbright Creek, north of 152., 1768m

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02269371R. D. Worthington   146121986-08-09
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Tank Mountain, S end, ca. 10 air miles SSW of Animas, 1516 - 1532m

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02269389A. C. Sanders   
United States, Texas, Presidio

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02269413R. D. Worthington   63971980-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 3.3 mi. W. Kingston by hwy. NM 180, roadside., 2134m

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02269421Holler; Mittleman, W. Hodgson   H10241980-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Ca. 1.5 mi W of Turkey Creek Ranger Sta, along Turkey Creek Road. Chiricahua Peak Quad. 15" series., 1737m

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02269439William A. Weber   128531965-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Inner Loop Drive, Pinos Altos Mountains, 2 miles north of Pinos Altos

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02269447Susan W. Hutchinson   47491931-09-18
United States, Arizona, Pima, Baboquivari.

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02269454Susan W. Hutchinson   72551936-08-19
United States, Arizona, Gila, W of the Black River., 33.702223 -110.206275, 1524m

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02269462Susan W. Hutchinson   78101938-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Blaus Range in N Transition zone.

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02269470Susan W. Hutchinson   72891936-09-18
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Ramsey Canyon, Huachuca Mts., 1524m

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Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

[filed under North America]

[filed under North America]

[filed under North America]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT375373Barton H. Warnock   80341948-07-29
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Along highway 2 miles north of Ft. Davis; Davis Mts., 1524m

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BRIT375372John Rodgers   48021984-07-20
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Little Ajuga Canyon, Buffalo Trails Boy Scout Ranch approx. 32 miles n.n.e. of Fort Davis., 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britt. & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
BRIT375374C. A. Hanson   5021964-08-22
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Two miles E of junction with US 90, along Texas Highway 505.

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
111017E. Lehto   139521968-09-14
United States, Arizona, Navajo Co., "Geronimo Cave", 5.9 mi. E of White River; along E fork of river., 35.85 -110.517

Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC017102Harry Tate   11966-07-18
United States, Arizona, Pima, .6 miles below molino basin; santa catalina mountains, 32.326923 -110.696476

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

33762Parker, K.   s.n1940-08-02
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest, Santa Rita Mts, far south side of Tucson

33769Wilkinson, E.   s.n.1885-08-06
Mexico, Estada Chihuahua, Santa Eulalia Plains

Herbario del Jardín Botánico Culiacán

802Rito Vega, Fco. Delgado V., Gabriela López A. y Sandra Olivas Q.   121822015-00-00
Mexico, Sinaloa, Concordia, Carretera Mazatlán- Durango, entronque a Panuco., 23.403333 -105.936667

Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Mrs. Dan Williamson   1935-00-00
USA, Arizona, Pinal Mountains., 2134m

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Clifton Smith Herbarium

56091O. F. Clarke   1979-08-18
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Mule Mtns, Banning Crk Cyn, ca. 2.5 mi NW of Bisbee on Hwy 80, O. F. Clarke property; T22S, R23E, S1/2 sec 26 and NE 1/4 sec 35, 31.4699 -109.9674

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
19861M. A. Piehl   594121959-07-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Southwestern Research Station

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
19959E. R. Blakley   62621963-09-24
United States, Arizona, Cochise, mouth of Cave Cyn, 1 mi S of Portal, Chiricahua Mtns, 31.906 -109.1538, 1524m

Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
1898H. and M. Dearing   51611942-09-24
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Prescott, 34.5401 -112.4685

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0064857Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-08-24
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Mts. [Pima or Santa Cruz Co.], 1372m

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RSA0064858Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-09-03
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Huachuca Mts., 31.47149 -110.352431, 1676m

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RSA0064856Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-08-25
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Mts. [Pima or Santa Cruz Co.], 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
United States, Texas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
RSA0323407H.A. Pilsbry   s.n.1915-08-17
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Black Range, western foothills; Gallina's Canyon, at Pryor's Upper Cabin.

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Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
RSA0323406I.E. Diehl   771903-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos.

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Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
RSA0323405T.H. Kearney   101001934-09-15
United States, Arizona, Patagonia Mts.

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Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
RSA0323404Keith C. Hughes   2461960-08-21
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Hillsides and streambeds along Sonoita Creek, near Patagonia. Drainage Area: Arizona Desert., 1219m

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RSA0322934O.B. Metcalfe   4321903-08-09
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains, on the Middle Fork of the Gila River. [States Socorro County on label, county boundaries have since been adjusted.], 33.411706 -108.515588, 2286m

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RSA0322933Robert Gustafson   24311982-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila Nat. Forest, Black Mt. Range, about 1 mile south of Wall Lake off Hwy. 61., 33.343919 -108.06163, 1951m

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RSA0322932I.E. Diehl   5791903-09-01
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Box Canon above Hillsboro.

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Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
RSA0322931O.B. Metcalfe   11871904-07-27
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, In and around the south end of the Black Range; Kingston., 32.925447 -107.705544, 2012m

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RSA0322930Richard Spellenberg   82421985-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Catron, 5 mi. S of Wall Lake on NM Hwy. 61., 2134m

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RSA0322929Thornber   901903-10-24
United States, Arizona, Pima, Ft. Lowell., 32.260076 -110.873978, 732m

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RSA0322928Thornber   901903-09-20
United States, Arizona, Pima, Ft. Lowell., 32.260076 -110.873978, 732m

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RSA0322927T. Elias   90601984-09-08
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ca 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch just South of Elgin; Vaughn Canyon., 1463m

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Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
RSA0322926Lyman Benson   110401941-10-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Southwest angle or rincon of the Rincon Mountains. Rincon Mt. Range. Santa Cruz River Drainage Area., 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
RSA0322924J. A. Comstock   s.n.1946-08-30
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mts.

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RSA0322923Christopher Davidson   6436b1977-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Triangle Tee Rd. -Dragoon Turnoff (exit 318) from I10, ca. 13 mi. E of Benson., 32.041952 -110.086136, 1402m

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RSA0322922V. Grant   61-R1961-08-19
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Southwestern Research Station, Cave Creek Canyon, Chiricahua Mts., 1676m

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RSA0322921T.S. Elias   120971988-09-01
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, The Research Ranch just south of Elgin; Upper part of Post Canyon, just south of Guest House and Headquarters., 1433m

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RSA0322920Meredith A. Lane   32161988-09-17
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, The Research Ranch, 61 miles SE of Tucson; Lower Post Canyon.

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RSA0322919Bruce D. Parfitt   38991988-08-28
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, NW side of Prescott. Behind 1920 Holly Drive.

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RSA0322918R. F. Thorne   590481977-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 15 mi. due E of Benson, Exit 318 (Triangle Tee Rd), 32.04304 -110.092658, 1360m

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RSA0322917R. F. Thorne   595251977-09-05
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon. Edge of Ruby Mountains, WNW of Nogales near Ruby, S Santa Cruz Co. Off Hwy 289 (Ruby Road)., 31.409076 -111.195317, 1159 - 1220m

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RSA0322916unknown   s.n.1884-09-00
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Bowie., 32.326465 -109.487009

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RSA0064859Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-08-28
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Oracle., 32.620014 -110.785698, 1524m

Brown University Herbarium

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United States of America, Arizona

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

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4131George Montgomery   s.n.1988-09-21
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sonoita vicinity; Davidson Wash at Hilton Ranch Road, along AZ highway 83., 31.876944 -110.673611, 1271m

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4767Tim Thibault   17532018-08-15
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Mule Mountains; Juniper Flats; Highest peak with radio towers., 31.48231 -109.95985, 2149m

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2493Mark A. Dimmitt   1980-08-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains; El Coronado Ranch.

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

360143Hillary Loring   30772007-09-19
United States, New Mexico, Catron, County Line, Plot 85M, Gila River Biodiversity Study, 33.20317 -108.21024, 1705m

338444W W Holland   102252002-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Silver City, ca 35 mi N [ca 19.3 air mi NNE of Silver City]; NM 35 by forest near Spirit Canyon Lodge & Cafe, 33.027071 -108.148227

College of Southern Nevada; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium

24871Holler N   H10241980-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, ca 1.5 mi W of Turkey Creek Ranger Station along Turkey Creek Rd, Chiricahua Peak Quad. 15" series, 1737m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

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Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846206J. G. Lemmon   1882-08-00
United States of America, Arizona, Farmmer's Cañon; S. Arizona, near Fort Huachuca

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846207J. T. Rothrock   1874-07-00
United States of America, Arizona, Cottonwood, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846208[no data available]   212
United States of America, New Mexico, Cobre

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846209O. B. Metcalfe   1903-08-09
United States of America, New Mexico, Socorro County, In the Mogollon Mountains, on the middle fork of the Gila River, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846210J. C. Blumer   2311905-09-17
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, Fort Bayard Watershed

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846211C. Wright   1851-06-11
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis County, valley of the Limpia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846212O. B. Metcalfe   1904-07-27
United States of America, New Mexico, Sierra County, In and around the south end of the Black Hills, 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846213G. Thurber   2121851-05-00
United States of America, New Mexico, Cobre & c

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846214C. Wright   1849-08-30
United States of America, Texas, Culberson County, Mts. towards the Rio Grande, near Van Horn

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846215L. C. Hinckley   1936-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Mt. Livermore, Davis Mts., 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846216V. L. Cory   1934-08-12
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis County, 21 1/4 miles NW. of Ft. Davis; Upper Madera

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846217D. S. Correll   336721966-09-19
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis County, along Limpia Creek at Davis Mts. State Park, west of Ft. Davis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846218C. Wright   1849-00-00
United States of America, Texas, near Van Horn

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846220B. H. Warnock   1938-08-24
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis County, in Fern Canyon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
00001017C. Wright   17021851-08-04
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, Valley of Coppermine Creek, near Santa Rita

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis wrightiana A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney
00001018C. Wright   17021851-08-04
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, [Valley of Coppermine Creek, near Santa Rita]

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01846196[data not captured]   
United States of America, California, Santa Barbara County, [data not captured]

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01846197V. Harvard   1881-07-00
United States of America, Texas, Fort Concho, W. Texas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846198W. W. Jones   1922-09-25
United States of America, Arizona, Ferqueow Valley

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis longiflora var. wrightiana (A. Gray ex Britton & Kearney) Kearney & Peebles
01846199W. W. Jones   1920-07-28
United States of America, Arizona, McNeal

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