Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Annona
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 1650

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

74287Nuria Turrubiarte   1321984-03-25
Mexico, Guerrero, Benito Juárez, Playa San Jeronimo, a 4 km de Las Tunas, Laguna de Mitla, 10m

74357Ma. de L. Perez   131989-05-25
Mexico, Guerrero, Zihuatanejo de Azueta, 2.72 km al S de Pantla aprox., 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
33825E. Ventura V.   76241989-11-13
Mexico, Guanajuato, Atarjea, El Charco, 8 km al O de Atarjea, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
33819E. González   3421988-12-26
Mexico, Querétaro, Landa de Matamoros, El Salviar, 2 km al O de Acatitlán de Zaragoza, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
33820S. Zamudio   53191987-07-26
Mexico, Querétaro, Arroyo Seco, Adjuntas de Ayutla, 21.547222 -99.688333, 610m

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33823A. Herrera   2121988-05-27
Mexico, Querétaro, Jalpan de Serra, 3 km al SO de el Puerto de Ánimas, 21.216667 -99.472499, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
33824H. Rubio   7391989-05-31
Mexico, Querétaro, Landa de Matamoros, 1.5 km al E de Tangojo, 700m

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33826Eusebio Lugo L.   191989-01-16
Mexico, Querétaro, Landa de Matamoros, Aproximadamente 2 km al O de Neblinas, 730m

80787Kenia Velasco Gutiérrez   403362017-04-21
Mexico, Guerrero, San Luis Acatlán, Yoloxochitl, Col. La Parato, a 200 m en linea recta al S del centro de Yoloxochitl, a un lado del arroyo conocido como Arroyo Grande, junto a la casa del Sr Celedonio German, 16.814558 -98.685999, 609m

76989Miriam Jiménez Chimil, Mariano Gorostiza Salazar   313422016-05-18
Mexico, Puebla, Ayotoxco de Guerrero, Cuauhtemoc. Frente al panteon, cerca de la curva Tierra Colorada, carr. Cuauhtemoc-Copales, 20.061277 -97.432799, 230m

76991Miriam Jiménez Chimil, Anastasio Sotero Hernández   315512017-05-18
Mexico, Puebla, Hueyapan, Carr. Paso Real-La Aurora, en la localidad de las Cascadas, 19.983649 -97.380308, 590m

Image Associated With the Occurence
57566Guillermo Ibarra Manríquez   64652013-04-20
Mexico, Veracruz, San Andrés Tuxtla, Lote 67. Estacion de Biologia Tropical "Los Tuxtlas", 18.584722 -95.074999, 166m

74289M.F. Martinez   12014-04-26
Mexico, Guerrero, San Marcos, A la orilla de Chautengo, rumbo a la laguna, 16.641027 -99.091444, 60m

74350R. M. Fonseca   12141985-08-20
Mexico, Guerrero, Juan R. Escudero, Tierra Colorada, alrededores de El Zapote, al N de el poblado, entre el poblado y el arroyo, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
72935V. C. Aguilar J.   8611984-08-31
Mexico, Guerrero, La Unión de Isidoro Montes de Oca, Entre El Limno y La Estancia, 300m

77004Kenia Velasco Gutiérrez   401062016-05-17
Mexico, Guerrero, San Luis Acatlán, Between Yoloxochitl y San Luis Acatlan. Saliendo hacia S.L. Acatlan al paraje que se llama Loma de Clavellina, al lado del potrero de Don Luis Alejandrino, a 972 m en linea recta al surponiente de Yoloxochitl, 16.811738 -98.694388, 611m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona purpurea Mociño & Sesse ex Dunal
55452Lucio Caamaño Onofre   33052013-08-27
Mexico, Puebla, Tuzamapan de Galeana, Camino al río Zempoala, o río de la Canoa, 20.071916 -97.577499, 434m

Image Associated With the Occurence
24957Calónico Soto, Jorge   16791994-11-27
Mexico, Guerrero, Alpoyeca, 1.5 km al E de Tecoyo, cañada Tecuane, 17.588888 -98.474444, 1000m

75737R. Cerros T.   30852014-12-15
Mexico, Morelos, Jantetelco, Ladera sur del Cerro Delgado, 18.676361 -98.767305, 1430m

Image Associated With the Occurence
89398A. Espejo   25521986-07-19
Mexico, Morelos, Tepoztlan, Campos al noroeste de Amatlan de Quetzalcoatl, 18.983333 -99.041666, 1750m

70776Feliciano López   322000-04-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Miguel del Puerto, Rancho San Agustin, 500 m al E camino a la cascada, 15.990833 -96.098611, 760m

Image Associated With the Occurence
52739Vega-Flores K.   24682010-06-08
Mexico, Puebla, San Jerónimo Xayacatlán, Cañada al S de Santo Domingo Tonahuixtla, 18.174444 -97.885833, 1331m

Image Associated With the Occurence
68846Cecilia Rojas-Martínez   5162014-06-12
Mexico, Puebla, Acatlán, Barranca La Angostura, llegando por San Cristobal, 18.1749 -97.998999, 1297m

76988Miriam Jiménez Chimil, Mariano Gorostiza Salazar   313762016-06-29
Mexico, Puebla, Ayotoxco de Guerrero, En Takokowtah, en un sitio llamado Las Palmas, 20.065358 -97.40249, 322m

74178Ernesto Velazquez M.   6721985-08-22
Mexico, Guerrero, Ayutla de los Libres, Costa Chica, 22 km rumbo a Placeres del oro, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
74275M.F. Martinez   92014-06-14
Mexico, Guerrero, San Marcos, Por la desv. a San Juan del Reparo, 3.5 km pasando el Gran Plan, 17.026083 -99.507

74276B. Ludlow   2441998-08-24
Mexico, Guerrero, Tixtla de Guerrero, Cerro a la orilla de la Laguna de Tixtla., 17.633333 -99.491666, 1600m

74354T. Gomez   11993-11-06
Mexico, Guerrero, Ahuacuotzingo, Oxtoyahualco (La Pila)

74355N. Diego   93582000-10-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Poblado de Soyatepec, 17.311111 -99.565833, 700m

74356R. M. Fonseca   11481985-08-18
Mexico, Guerrero, Juan R. Escudero, 3 km adelante de Tierra Colorado, rumbo a Villa Guerrero, 510m

Image Associated With the Occurence
35991R. Cerros T.   8341994-12-12
Mexico, Morelos, Tlaquiltenango, 5 km al NW de Ajuchitlán, 18.488333 -99.008055, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
70715Misael Elorsa C.   4091998-07-16
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Pedro Huamelula, Mascalco, E de la laguna, por el arroyo, 15.870833 -95.868055, 30m

70775Misael Elorsa C.   30742000-06-10
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santiago Astata, Barra de la Cruz, 2 km al W sobre la vereda hacia Zimatan, 15.861944 -95.978333, 60m

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70809J. Rivera H.   7891998-07-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Pedro Huamelula, Ayuta, 1 km N de la desviacion en la carretera costera, cam. a Guadalupe Victoria, 15.914166 -95.856944, 55m

70810J. Rivera H.   8701998-08-29
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Miguel del Puerto, Zimatan, 3 km LR N del puente, 0.5 km W de la entrada al Chorro, 15.874722 -96.008888, 170m

Image Associated With the Occurence
54318Contreras-Jiménez, Jose Luis   83992005-12-19
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Torre 259, 21.731683 -98.703516, 140m

Annona purpurea Mociño & Sesse ex Dunal
87954Ceferino Salgado Castañeda   27952017-05-30
Mexico, Puebla, Cuetzalan Del Progreso, Partiendo de la casa de Amelia Domínguez y caminando unos 120 m sobre la carretera que conduce a Xaltipan., 20.075169 -97.530577

91023Jerzy Rzedowski   496231990-07-31
Mexico, Querétaro, Cadereyta de Montes, 15 km al N de Cadereyta, alrededores de Corral Blanco, 2000m

84522F. G. Lorea H.   63612016-05-25
Mexico, Veracruz, Xalapa, Santuario del Bosque de Niebla, km 2.5 carretera antigua Xalapa - Coatepec., 19.513333 -96.940833, 1322m

84046F. Lorea   50721990-05-01
Mexico, Guerrero, Técpan de Galeana, Aprox. 1 km al Oeste de La Zraza, extremo (brazo SO de la Laguna El P..., 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
88849Lucio Caamaño Onofre   122482018-06-27
Mexico, Veracruz, San Andrés Tuxtla, 17.2 km al N de San Andrés Tuxtla, 18.524833 -95.15575, 1086m

Herbario de la Unidad Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas

2079Humberto Yeé Hernández   sn2002-04-30
Mexico, Nayarit, Santiago Ixcuintla, 21.812952 -105.208437

Saint Edward's University Herbarium

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SEU00002813Bro. Daniel Lynch   90281976-07-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Ahuacatlán.

William Darlington Herbarium - West Chester University, Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
DWC3172700740300Constantine Rafinesque   
United States

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
DWC3172700716158Jacob Wolle   
United States, Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
DWC3172700716159Jacob Wolle   
United States, Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
DWC3172700716160Jacob Wolle   
United States, Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona Juss.
DWC3172700716161Jacob Wolle   
United States, Pennsylvania

San Diego Natural History Museum

Guadalupe Martinez Calderon   14961967-08-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Chiltepec, Plan de Aguila, 20m

C. I. Jerabek   s.n.1945-04-01
United States, California, San Diego, Ex Hort. Balboa Park, San Diego

E. Norland   s.n.1966-06-11
United States, California, San Diego, Ex hort, Casa de Oro, Spring Valley

H. H. Schmidt   7531992-12-13
United States, California, San Diego, Ex hort. Balboa Park: San Diego Zoo. Zoo accession #Z-77-5-200, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00008539Sula Vanderplank   60562017-02-15
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Isla Socorro. Southen end of island, along dirt road to ocean and cliffs alongside., 18.72963 -110.94164, 15m

Helen V. Witham   10691970-08-26
United States, California, Ventura, Ex Hort. Garden of W. J. Mason, 2 miles north of Camarillo

R. Cox   s.n.1992-06-23
United States, California, San Diego, Encinitas, Quail Botanical Gardens

E. Loomis   s.n.1993-06-28
United States, California, San Diego, Encinitas, Quail Botanical Gardens

R. Cox   s.n.1992-06-23
United States, California, San Diego, Encinitas, Quail Botanical Gardens

Warren Douglas Stevens   13761971-08-04
Mexico, Morelos, Unknown, About 4.5 miles east of Ocotepec on road from Cuernavaca to Tepoztlan

Warren Douglas Stevens   12341971-07-09
Mexico, Oaxaca, Unknown, About 2.7 miles north west of El Camaron on Highway 190, north west of turnoff to Nejapa

J. A. Comstock   71957-08-16
Mexico, Jalisco, Unknown, In hills above Puerto Vallarta, 20.61667 -105.25

William Lopez Forment   111601980-07-18
Mexico, Guerrero, Unknown, Viveros El Huayacan, La Poza, Terreno al NW del vivero, Acapulco

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, A.G. Shields Herbarium

Saby Cruz   s.n.2015-03-07
Honduras, Olancho, El Barro, 627743, 1685119, 500-700 msnm

Columbia-Greene Community College Natural History Museum Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
3415Cook, William E.   2081980-01-07
Virgin Islands Of The United States, Saint John, Reef Bay Quarter, Lameshur Bay, Virgin Islands Ecological Research Station, 18.322301 -64.722792

Image Associated With the Occurence
3416Cook, William E.   2141980-08-28
Virgin Islands Of The United States, Saint John, Reef Bay Quarter, Lameshur Bay, Virgin Islands Ecological Research Station, 18.322301 -64.722792

Kennedy Space Center Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
P.A. Schmalzer   05-932005-08-25
United States, Florida, Brevard, Site: Hog Point; Dike road around Hog Point impoundment, southern barrier island

Image Associated With the Occurence
P.A. Schmalzer   06-562006-06-10
United States, Florida, Brevard, Site: Coconut Point; Coconut Point Sanctuary, W of A1A, wet area near lagoon

Southern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona primigenia Standl. & Steyerm.
SIU035475Spellman, D. L.   19731970-08-06
Belize, Cayo

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SIU035472Lao, E. A.   5251972-11-28
Panama, Veraguas

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Annona primigenia Standl. & Steyerm.
SIU035474Spellman, D. L.   18541970-07-25
Belize, Cayo

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SIU035468Hendricks, A. J.   6411958-07-16
Mexico, Durango

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SIU035477Croat, T. B.   67501968-11-06
Panama, Panam  Oeste

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SIU035471Lot, A.   22301973-11-27
Mexico, Veracruz

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SIU035479Brussell, D. E.   3491977-08-08
United Kingdom, Montserrat

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SIU035467Menendez L., F   2001973-04-15
Mexico, Veracruz

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SIU035469Brussell, D. E.   1751977-08-07
United Kingdom, Montserrat

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SIU035473Rubio, D.   3761989-11-03
Ecuador, Orellana

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SIU035481D'Arcy, W. G.   47341970-07-23
United States, Virgin Islands

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SIU035478Brussell, D. E.   421977-06-22
United Kingdom, Montserrat

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SIU035480Brussell, D. E.   1971977-07-11
United Kingdom, Montserrat

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SIU035470Ventura, E.   2961984-09-10
Mexico, Chiapas

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SIU035476Dwyer, J. D.   69061965-09-00
Panama, Col¢n

West Texas A&M University Herbarium

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WTS0001783John A. Churchill, M. D.   75428131975-04-27
United States, Florida, Dade, Low hammocks at the end of Context Road in Everglades.

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WTS0001784Neil A. Harriman   107071975-03-31
Mexico, Tamaulipas, on route B-5, 3 miles east of Gomez Farias in Municipio Gomez Farias, at a gravel pit, 183m

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WTS0001785Larry C. Higgins   25591969-12-29
Mexico, Veracruz, Ca. 1 mile east of Zempoala along hwy 180

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

74090Albert Spear Hitchcock   11900-00-00
United States, Florida, Lee, River Banks. [Fort] Myers.

74089Albert Spear Hitchcock   11900-00-00
United States, Florida, Lee, River Banks. [Fort Myers]

74091Samuel Mills Tracy   91731904-05-09
United States, Florida, Dade, Miami, Fla.

Herbario PV del Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara

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29E.E. Acosta-Pérez   1352018-12-18
México, Jalisco, Talpa de Allende, Balneario El Palmar, 1 km al SO de La Cuesta., 20.173611 -104.820833, 550m

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Herbarium

Annona Juss.
NMMNH:Herb:793Collector(s): Robyn J. Burnham   1991-05-31
Belize, Stann Creek, 6 miles up Sittee River, N of Dangriga, 17 -88.2333333333

Annona Juss.
NMMNH:Herb:794Collector(s): Robyn J. Burnham   1991-05-31
Belize, Stann Creek, 6 miles up Sittee River, N of Dangriga, 17 -88.2333333333

Herbario CHAP

36250B. Pérez García   123001986-01-13
Mexico, CHIAPAS, TUXTLA CHICO, Mpio. Cacahoatán., 14.976111 -92.155833

36250Adolfo Espejo   123001986-01-13
Mexico, CHIAPAS, TUXTLA CHICO, Mpio. Cacahoatán., 14.976111 -92.155833

36250Ramón Riba   123001986-01-13
Mexico, CHIAPAS, TUXTLA CHICO, Mpio. Cacahoatán., 14.976111 -92.155833

14021J.M. Ponce H.   124761978-12-22
Mexico, CHIAPAS, TUZANTAN, Cerro de Oro, cerca del río y junto al puente colgante, mpio. Tuzantán., 15.188611 -92.421944

Annona purpurea Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal
14024J.M. Ponce H.   124611978-09-03
Mexico, VERACRUZ, EMILIANO ZAPATA, Cerro Gordo, mpio. Emiliano Zapata., 19.410833 -98.698056

14036J.M. Ponce H.   124551978-12-23
Mexico, CHIAPAS, ACAPETAHUA, Jiquilpan, estación Bonanza, junto al río Cacaluta cerca del puente, mpio. Acapetahua., 15.338611 -92.75

21133María Angélica Navarro Martínez   124651989-03-30
Mexico, CHIAPAS, VILLA CORZO, km 31 de Villaflores, camino al Ejido La Fraylesca, Finca La Suiza, mpio. Villa Corzo., 16.066667 -93.363056

21133Olivia Juárez Morales   124651989-03-30
Mexico, CHIAPAS, VILLA CORZO, km 31 de Villaflores, camino al Ejido La Fraylesca, Finca La Suiza, mpio. Villa Corzo., 16.066667 -93.363056

21133Ubaldo Paz F.   124651989-03-30
Mexico, CHIAPAS, VILLA CORZO, km 31 de Villaflores, camino al Ejido La Fraylesca, Finca La Suiza, mpio. Villa Corzo., 16.066667 -93.363056

48585Arturo Castañeda Mendoza   124501999-09-19
Mexico, PUEBLA, PETLALCINGO, Carr. Acatlán-Petlalcingo, frente a el cerro Yucuchicui, mpio. Petlalcingo., 18.113611 -97.957222

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 1650


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