L. R. Landrum 9371 1998-12-28
USA, California, Berkeley, University of California Botanical Garden. Collected by R. Ornduff, no. 9960, 13 Dec 1992, P. N. Puyehue, Osorno, Chile, 400 m
ASU0043435 L. R. Landrum 7961 1993-10-22
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Hill in Villa Anibal Pinto, ca. 1km NW of the central plaza of Concepcion., -36.809755 -73.061024
ASU0043445 Ernesto Bernath 531 1944-01-23
Chile, No specific.
ASU0043434 L. R. Landrum 5934 1988-01-24
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, N side of desembocadura of Rio Bio Bio, ca. 15km of Concepcion., -36.79452 -73.17085
ASU0043441 D. Burckhardt 38-a 1993-01-05
Chile, Los Lagos, Llanquihue, Laguna Triangulo., -41.6667 -72.5833
ASU0043433 L. R. Landrum 8471 1995-01-07
Chile, Biobio, Arauco., Ca. 10km W of Arauco, ca. 0.5km W of Caleta Tubul at rio Tubul., -37.25 -73.45
ASU0047136 L. R. Landrum 8051 1993-10-31
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Desembocadura of Rio Bio Bio, in forest N of river along stream., -36.7833 -73.1667
ASU0043442 L. R. Landrum 8103 1993-11-15
Chile, Aisen, Road to Coihaique to Puerto Aisen, Puente Cascadal, ca. 30km W of Coihaique., -45.4167 -72.3333
ASU0043444 Al Gentry 53461 1986-03-16
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Valley of Rio Chanleufu., -40.7167 -72.3
ASU0043436 L. R. Landrum 7583 1991-10-15
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Small hill behind Villa Anibal Pinto, ca. 1km NW of the central plaza of Concepcion., -36.809755 -73.061024
ASU0043440 L. R. Landrum 10093 2001-11-06
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Forest above desembocadura of Bio Bio., -36.802 -73.1752
ASU0043439 L. R. Landrum 7432 1991-09-03
Chile, Biobio, Chiloe, Coronel, Fundo Escuadron of the Milinka company., -43.25 -73.75
ASU0043438 L. R. Landrum 3106 1978-01-29
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Parque Hualpen and mouth of Biobio river about 15km west of Concepcion., -36.83333 -73.1667
ASU0043429 L. R. Landrum 3123 1978-02-07
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloe, Yaldad, about 10km west of Quellon., -43.25 -73.75
ASU0043437 Gail L. Sobel 2750 1981-01-15
Chile, Los Lagos, Isla Grande de Chiloe, West route 5 (main N-S road on Chiloe) ca. 5km just past Coipomo. Ca. 20km South of Ancud. Land of Bustamante., -42.029868 -73.82972, 50m
ASU0043443 Al Gentry 53449 1986-03-15
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Bosque de San Martin, 38km SW of San Jose de la Mariquina., -39.5 -73.1667
ASU0043431 L. R. Landrum 11107 2006-03-18
Chile, Biobio, Desembocadura of Rio Bio Bio. Hills and ravines above river and ocean., -36.8036 -73.1751, 30 - 30m
ASU0018802 Oscar F. Clarke 54--39 1990-12-18
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia, Valdivia, NW edge of town across the river, Jardín Botánico de la Universidad Austral, Av. Manuel Aguero, -39.805 -73.2519, 14m
ASU0059812 L. R. Landrum 11604 2011-11-04
Chile, Los Lagos, Road to La Picada, ca. 6 km from principal road around Lago Llanquihue., -41.0168 -72.607
O.F. Clarke 54--39 1990-12-18
Chile, X (Los Lagos), Valdivia, Valdivia, NW edge of town across the river, Jardín Botánico de la Universidad Austral, Av. Manuel Aguero, -39.805 -73.25194, 14m