UTC00283915 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the south Steens Loop road, south of the head of the gorge., 42.668666 -118.587915, 2731m
UTC00283914 Nick Otting 3437 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Greata Basin, Steens Mountain, ridge northwest of Wildhourse Lake, 21 airmiles southeast of Frenchglen, 42.63625 -118.59835, 2743m
UTC00283916 Barbara L. Wilson 17240 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; below junction of Steens Mountain Loop and road to trail to White Horse Lake, 42.67017 -118.57805
04249141 B. L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the south Steens Loop road, south of the head of the Gorge, 42.668665626672 -118.587915132, 2731m
101367609 Barbara L. Wilson 18271 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the south Steens Loop road, south of the head of the Gorge; UTM zone 11T, 369859 east, 4725473 north +/- 36 feet (WGS84)., 2729m
101367608 N. Otting 3432 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Great Basin, Steens Mountain, ridge northwest of Wildhorse Lake, 21 air miles southeast of Frenchglen., 42.63602 -118.59826, 2751m
103125911 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125912 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125913 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125914 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125915 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125916 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125917 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
103125918 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
101171545 Barbara L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the Steens Loop Road, S of the head of the Gorge, 42.66865 -118.58791, 2725m
104029 B.L. Wilson 18293 2014-08-07
USA, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; near headwaters of Big Indian Creek, West of Three Gorges Trail near trailhead., 42.665855 -118.587355, 2739m
104030 B.L. Wilson 18270 2014-08-06
USA, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; between Little Blitzen Gorge and the south Steens Loop road, south of the head of the gorge., 42.668666 -118.587915
OSC-V-270504 Don Mansfield 07-524 2007-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Little Blitzen Cirque at western edge, 42.674067 -118.596333, 174m
OSC-V-260310 Barbara L. Wilson; Nich Otting 17239 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steen's Mountainl below junction of Steen's Mountain Loop road and road to trail to White Horse Lake., 42.670017 -118.57805, 2796m
OSC-V-260311 Barbara L. Wilson 17241 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; below junction of Steens Mountain Loop road and road to trail to White Horse Lake., 42.67028 -118.57808, 2801m
Richard E. Brainerd; R.E. Brainerd, B. Newhouse 679 2005-08-03
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain, south side of Little Blitzen Gorge near the road between Little Blitzen and Big Indian Gorge., 42.66932 -118.58681, 2728m
RSA0535652 Nick Otting 3434 2012-07-21
United States, Oregon, Harney, Great Basin, Steens Mountain, ridge northwest of Wildhorse Lake. 21 air miles southeast of Frenchglen., 42.63625 -118.59835, 2743m
396652 Barbara L. Wilson 17237 2012-00-00
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain; below junction of Steens Mountain Loop Road and road to trail to White Horse Lake., 42.67007 -118.57727