Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Maxillaria richii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-11 of 11

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0395191WISIltis, Hugh H.   2741981-12-31
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Botany Greenhouse

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0395192WISH.H. Iltis; Michael G. Iltis   E-2741977-07-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Finca La Carlita, 11 km W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados.on road to Chone. 2 km S. of Finca on hills. On tree in yeard behind main house at La Carlita, 12 km W of Sto. Domingo de Los Colorados., -0.253 -79.274421

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL053057Atwood, John Talmadge, Jr.   50771999-01-15
Ecuador, Hort. ex Micklow Orchids, Sarasota, FL. Probable collector: F. Micklow. No locality data

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL003416Iltis, Hugh H   E2741977-07-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Sto. Domingo-Chone, km 11 Finca La Carlita, 11 km W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados on road to Chone., -0.233333 -79.233333, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL052976Clark, John L   28011996-07-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Fundaciion Paraiso de Papagayos; Centro de Rescate de Aves y Mamiferos; Km 2 via Esmeraldas., 0.333333 -79.466667, 100 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL052978Clark, John L   28621996-07-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station; Mache Mountains, 35 km west of Quinindé, 5 km west of Santa Isabel., 0.35 -79.733333, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL052979Luer, Carlyle A.   5461975-08-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, 28 km east of Sto. Domingo-Quito, below Tandapi, Alluriquin., -0.298968 -79.06013, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL039804Hirtz, Alexander   80912002-02-20
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Collected at San Lorenzo., 1.270276 -78.843684, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL039805Dodson, Calaway H   s.n.1974-04-16
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Hacienda California. Km 40 Qyevado-Latacunga. Fl in cult., -0.932254 -79.035227

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL053011Whitten, Mark   19752003-02-17
Ecuador, Without locality; obtained from Micklow Orchids, Sarasota, FL.

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL052977Whitten, Mark   19812003-02-17
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Río Palenque Science Center; Flowered in cultivation at MSBG., -0.5866 -79.3647

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