James Henrickson 20107 1985-05-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ca. 10 air miles NE of Redlands, 3-6 miles NNE of Mentone, from the mouth of the Santa Ana canyon about 3.2 miles upstream., 34.13555 -117.07372, 610 - 793m
F. W. Peirson s.n. 1951-09-24
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Wash, bridge.
R. G. Swinney 3357 1994-11-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cajon Pass c. 1 mile north of Alray siding, 2.8 miles NE of Hwy 138 on FS road 3N53, c. 200 m W of 215 Fwy, c. 2 miles NNW of Cajon Junction.; Cajon 7.5', 34.3388889 -117.4841667, 1098m
Michael Wall 314 2003-05-11
United States, California, Riverside, PrivateVacant lot off Ramona Expressway between Donna Ave. and Seventh St. adajacent to Soboba Health Clinic. (currently for sale and development)., 33.7821667 -116.9381944, 506m
Justin M. Wood 1942 2010-06-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Valley: Mill Creek in the vicinity of Garnet Ave. bridge.; Yucaipa, 34.0772222 -117.0988889, 616m
T. W. Minthorn s.n. 1926-05-14
United States, California, Riverside, Near Banning., 33.9206 -116.7888
Scott D. White 8003 2000-06-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, Foothills near Cajon Pass: Northwest of the junction Interstate 15 / State Hwy 138. Along dirt road ca. 1 air mile west of I-15, from SH-138 to about 1 air mile north of SH-138.; Cajon, 34.3166667 -117.4916667, 991m
Steve Boyd 4616 1990-05-11
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, base of Agua Tibia Mtn, E of Dripping Springs campground of Cleveland National Forest, S of Hwy. 79., 33.461553 -116.971927, 549 - 671m
Louis C. Wheeler 1323 1932-09-04
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Ana River at Chino Creek., 33.90000153 -117.6500015, 152m
Scott D. White 5135 1997-05-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Tujunga Wash: Sunland-Tujunga area; alluvial fan below San Gabriel Mountains SW of I -210 freeway, E of Hansen Dam, and N of Wentworth St.; Sunland 7.5' Quad, 34.2666667 -118.3333333, 320 - 351m
J. T. Howell 52 1927-06-06
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River bottom, Rancho Santa Ana., 33.8726 -117.7073, 152m
Anstruther Davidson s.n. 1920-06-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, Acton.
Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1926-06-08
United States, California, Riverside, Whitewater. Colorado Desert., 33.9253 -116.6415
Scott D. White 91-117 1991-05-13
United States, California, Riverside, Hwy 79, immediately W of U.S. Forest Service Campground at Dripping Springs.; Vail, 33.45 -116.9666667, 549m
Scott D. White 9128 2003-04-25
United States, California, Riverside, PrivateSan Bernardino Mountains: Whitewater Canyon, about midway between Bonnie Bell and Whitewater Trout Farm.; White Water, 33.9666667 -116.65, 610 - 671m
Suzanne Bell 444 2003-05-12
United States, California, San Diego, Hollenbeck Wildlife Area: Southwest slope of hill, southwest of Hill 1275 of Section 18., 32.6898 -116.81802, 341m
E. L. Peterson 5653 1930-05-30
United States, California, Riverside, Warner's Ranch at Whitewater., 33.9276 -116.6332, 366m
Carl B. Wolf 4369 1932-10-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mountains, Lone Pine Canyon: about 2 miles below summit of grade to Wrightwood, 34.32713 -117.57208, 1616m
I. M. Johnston s.n. 1917-04-04
United States, California, Riverside, Near Palm Springs., 33.83300018 -116.5500031, 152m
RSA0075190 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1903-05-05
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenberg [Wickenburg]., 33.966375 -112.736529, 640m
I. M. Johnston 978 1917-05-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, In San Gabriel Wash., 152m
Steve Boyd 3561 1989-05-07
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, along Arroyo Seco drainage from jtn. with Kolb Creek, S to w/in 1/4 mi Hwy 79., 33.481 -116.989, 457m
Louis C. Wheeler s.n. 1931-05-17
United States, California, Los Angeles, Base of San Gabriel Mountains: San Dimas Wash. .
A. Pigniolo 1065 2003-04-27
United States, California, San Diego, Boulevard- Garza Property near Shasta Lane - Location 1 - near graded area at southwestern edge of property., 32.6388889 -116.3456111, 1123m
F. W. Peirson 8901 1930-05-30
United States, California, Los Angeles, shade of oaks, Mint Canyon, 610m
Steve Boyd 3596 1989-06-04
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, sandy benches of Kolb Creek drainage, around N extension of Woodchuck Rd., 33.4694444 -117.0036111, 488m
E. R. Johnson 4999 1933-06-22
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River bottom. Rancho Santa Ana south of the Walnut Grove., 33.8726 -117.7073, 122m
R. G. Swinney 2612 1993-08-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, Eastern San Gabriel Mountains, Cajon Canyon: SW of junction with Highway 138 and I-15E, in Cajon wash.; Cajon, 34.303631 -117.476005, 945m
RSA0107211 Robert F. Thorne 55976 1983-05-30
Mexico, Baja California, Tecate, On road to Ojos Negros, Sierra de Juarez, about 15 miles south west of Laguna Hanson., 1200m
Charlotte M. Wilder 377 1904-04-26
United States, California, Riverside, Wilder's Canyon-Jurupa Hills.
P. A. Munz 11278 1928-09-06
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Ana River, Ontario-Corona Road [Hwy. 71]., 33.8859 -117.6443
Steve Boyd 6292 1991-05-22
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, base of Agua Tibia Mtn, E of Dorland Mtn, W of Kolb Crk., 33.46023 -117.006355, 549 - 793m
RSA0005147 S. B. Parish 2820 1894-05-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, Near San Bernardino., 34.113067 -117.291902
J. R. Bruff 160 1928-04-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, 10 miles south of 29 Palms., 34.002 -116.0227
Mary F. Spencer s.n. 1920-04-06
United States, California, Riverside, Palm Springs., 33.8276 -116.5409, 122m
Lester H. Cushman s.n. 1931-10-25
United States, California, Riverside, Near Riverside., 33.9824 -117.403
C. Epling s.n. 1931-05-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mountains: Cajon Pass., 34.32379 -117.48224
M. E. Fishbein 6455 2010-03-19
Mexico, Baja California, Northwestern Sierra San Pedro Martir, Arroyo Las Coches, along road from highway 1 to Colonia Lazaro Cardenas, about 10 air miles east-southeast of San Vicente. Mpio. de Ensenada., 31.2018889 -116.0898889, 153m
G. R. Johnstone s.n. 1926-04-15
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Francisquito Canyon.
R. G. Swinney 9716 2008-10-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clyde Ranch, Lone Pine Canyon.; Telegraph Peak 7.5' Q., 34.3233333 -117.5669444, 1512m
Anstruther Davidson s.n. 1889-08-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
Thos. Craig 465 1927-06-19
United States, California, Los Angeles, Soledad Canyon Road near west junction with Mint Canyon Road.
H. M. Hall 4950 1904-05-19
United States, California, Riverside, Fairmont Park., 33.9962 -117.38
RSA0075192 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1890-05-24
United States, Arizona, Gila, Mescal Mts., 33.178702 -110.720371
Steve Boyd 3513 1989-04-30
United States, California, Riverside, Gavilan Hills, Harford Springs County Park on the N edge of the Gavilan Plateau, E of Gavilan Creek, 33.8056944 -117.3493889, 610m
P. A. Munz 5168 1922-05-06
United States, California, Riverside, Colorado Desert, dry Morongo Wash., 34.0202 -116.5835
George B. Grant 1931
United States, California, Los Angeles, Covina.
RSA0027282 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1882-04-15
Mexico, Baja California, Valley of Palms.
Steve Boyd 3681 1989-06-10
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, benches of Arroyo Seco and slopes of adjacent hills to E., 33.461553 -116.971927, 488m
J. T. Howell 462 1927-07-24
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River bottom near Rancho Santa Ana., 33.8726 -117.7073, 152m
Mary F. Spencer s.n. 1920-04-05
United States, California, Riverside, Palm Springs, Colorado Desert., 33.8276 -116.5409, 122m
Joseph A. Ewan 356 1924-08-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Tujunga Wash in San Fernando Valley., 206m
Tim S. Ross 2849 1990-06-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Green Valley Pasture (in San Francisquito Canyon): Saugus District, Angeles National Forest.; Lake Hughes 7.5', 34.6263889 -118.4063889, 927 - 1037m
P. A. Munz 4662 1921-06-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, Lone Pine Canyon: East Slope of San Antonio Mountains, 34.32598 -117.56924, 1524m
Joseph A. Ewan s.n. 1932-04-08
United States, California, Riverside, Seven Palms near Garnet., 33.90090179 -116.4806976
RSA0081128 R. G. Swinney 13386 2010-06-29
United States, California, Los Angeles, Hansen Dam Flood Control Basin, north margin of Hansen Lake, Hansen Dam Recreation Center.; San Fernando 7.5' Q., 34.2697222 -118.3816667, 305m
Scott D. White 9330 2003-05-21
United States, California, Ventura, Private, proposed for develeopmentMoorpark Area: Foothills of 'Big Mountain' northeast of Moorpark College.; Simi Valley West, 34.3153 -118.8223, 274 - 488m
RSA0075189 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1884-05-17
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Yucca., 34.872229 -114.149396
R. G. Swinney 1730 1992-06-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mountains, East, Cajon Wash: west of 395.; Devore, 34.23194444 -117.4288889, 677m
Robert F. Thorne 38946 1969-07-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mountains, Cajon Canyon: south of Hogbacks., 34.332248 -117.519868, 1098m
L. R. Abrams 3421 1903-05-06
United States, California, San Diego, San Diego (City) near the mission.
RSA0167446 Duncan S. Bell 11236 2017-07-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest; post-fire surveys on the Blue Cut Fire of 2016; collecting in Horse Canyon, approximately 1.5 air miles east northeast of Wrightwood.; Telegraph Peak, 34.3576 -117.58978, 1738m
RSA0156028 Sarah J. De Groot 9028 2017-06-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMSanta Ana River channel ca. 0.5 mile upstream from Waterman Avenue, just upstream from BNSF railroad bridge.; San Bernardino South 7.5'. San Bernardino meridian, 34.07564 -117.27164, 309m
RSA0534791 Edmund Jaeger s.n. 1939-05-27
United States, California, Inyo, Darwin Mesa., 1158m
RSA0453664 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1991-04-18
Mexico, Baja California, [No location information provided.]
RSA0453665 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1991-04-18
Mexico, Baja California, [No location information provided.]
OBI150306 D. A. Hoover & G. Helmkamp 550 1985-06-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Morongo Cyn. SE of Morongo Valley. NW end of the Desert Wash Trl, 34.0516 -116.5666, 777m
OBI150305 David J. Keil 12983 1979-03-19
United States, California, San Diego, Just off Calif 78 along San Felipe Rd, 33.10148 -116.48134
OBI150304 Elinor Lehto 17236 1971-06-06
United States, California, San Diego, I-8 at Guatay Picnic Area, Cleveland Natl Forest, 32.84963 -116.55265, 610m
OBI150307 Elinor Lehto 12877a 1968-05-12
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Signal Road, near Burro Creek
CM434696 Pringle, C.G. 1884-04-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, sandy plains near Tucson
CM434697 Herbarium, L. 1879-05-00
United States, California, Oakland Hills
CM434699 Herbarium, L. 1879-04-00
United States, California, San Bernardino Plains
CM434700 Parish, S.B. 599 1880-04-00
United States, California, No further locality given
CM434701 Purer, E.A. 6272 1935-04-19
United States, California, San Diego, near Banner
CM434702 Purer, E.A. 6319 1935-04-19
United States, California, San Diego, near Carrizo
CM464856 Spencer, M.F. 335 1922-04-28
United States, California, Mohave Desert, Barstow
168570 collectors: Elinor Lehto Lyle McGill 22906 1978-05-30
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Along powerline access Rd, 6.4 mi E of Us 93, 8.2 mi SE of Jct US 93 & Chicken Springs Rd. in Wickieup (bettween Wickenburg and Kingman).
168571 collectors: E. Bethel 1920-06-16
United States, California, Los Angeles County, Monrovia.
180181 collectors: V. Siplivinsky, W.A. Weber & R.C. Wittmann 2906 1982-04-08
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Date Creek W of crossing of US HWY 93 (Joshua Forest Parkway)., 700m
United States, California, San Bernardino
United States, California, San Bernardino
02524 W.E. Niles 566 1965-04-05
United States, Arizona, Pima, Coyote Mts, mouth of Mendoza Cyn, in open sites in a Mimosa-Prosopis thicket, 915m
28108 Prigge B A 7543 1987-05-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Santa Ana Wash, below Greenspot Rd, 1.8 to 2.7 mi NNE of Mentone, wash bed, 512m
ASC00082229 G. Rink 4738b 2006-04-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave, West fork of Divide Canyon, a tributary on the north side of Trout Creek, 34.98363 -113.55072, 950m
ASC00126983 G.L. Clifton 46823 2008-04-24
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Grasshopper Junction Quad: Big Wash, 35.43223 -114.252886, 1187m
ASC00126984 G. L. Clifton 43681 2005-05-03
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Alamo Road, 34.642579 -113.861655, 934m
DES00059263 Glenn Rink 4740 2006-04-18
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, West fork of Divide Canyon, a tributary of the north side of Trout Creek., 34.98624 -113.54948, 954m
DES00058496 Glenn Rink 4738b 2006-04-18
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, West fork of Divide Canyon, a tributary on the north side of Trout Creek., 34.98624 -113.54948, 954m
DES00049173 Wendy C. Hodgson 13653 2001-03-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, Along Arizona Trail and Cottonwood Canyon Trail no. 120, ca 1/4 mile northwest of FR 83 junction., 33.60705 -111.1147, 1151m
DES00011392 Barbara Angell 79 1975-05-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Wickenburg Inn, 6m. N.W. of Wickenburg, 34.044368 -112.809806, 686m
DES00013308 Reid Moran 20387 1973-04-09
México, Baja California, El Portezuelo, SE of Chapala, 29.35 -114.35, 740m
DES00014731 Jack Whitehead 224 1969-00-00
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Walnut Creek., 34.970715 -114.132028, 650m
DES00014865 Jack Whitehead 510 1973-03-00
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Cerbat Mountains, 35.43111 -114.16694, 381 - 640m
DES00019622 M. Butterwick 4873 1979-05-15
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Along Alamo Road. Beecher Canyon 7.5' Quad., 34.6551 -113.8701, 914m
DES00024937 Reid Moran 28620 1980-05-18
Mexico, Baja California, SW base of Cerro Blanco, south of San Vicente., 31.275 -116.241667, 200m
DES00029593 D. A. Hoover 544 1985-06-05
USA, California, San Bernardino, Sandy flat at the northwest end of the Desert Wash Trail., 34.046735 -116.555088, 777m
DES00030374 David Charlton 58 1986-04-01
Mexico, Baja California, Old HWY 1, 0.5 mi South and 0.5 mi East of northern most wash at Catavina., 29.732045 -114.720661, 1219m
DES00032314 Howard Scott Gentry 6079 1941-04-01
USA, Arizona, Between Oracle and Mammoth, 32.665292 -110.705918, 762 - 975m
DES00040646 H. D. Hammond 10853 1995-08-05
Mexico, Baja California, San Pedro Martin Mts. National Park along dirt road to UNAM Observatory., 31.043967 -115.46368