Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriogonum thurberi (Eriogonum thurberi var. acutangulum), Eriogonum thurberi var. parishii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 791

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

3142259K. F. Parker   58061945-04-22
United States of America, Arizona, Pima Co., Menoza Canyon, Coyote Mountains, 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
283436A. Nelson   19311935-05-15
United States of America, Arizona, Between Roosevelt Dam and Tonto Basin Store

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323595G. Thurber   613
United States of America, California, San Pasquae

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3142305A. Eastwood   26671913-04-12
United States of America, California, San Diego Co., Yaqui Wells, Colorado Desert, 33.139444 -116.387817

Image Associated With the Occurence
323596G. Thurber   6131852-05-00
United States of America, California, San Pasquae

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

450337Elbert L. Little Jr.   40761935-09-01
U.S.A., Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest: Near Pocket Creek; 2 mi S of Parker Creek Branch Station., 33.77759 -110.96819, 1433m

172259Aven Nelson, Ruth A. Nelson   19311935-05-15
U.S.A., Arizona, Gila, Between Roosevelt Dam and Tonto Basin., 33.728 -111.21169, 701m

450333Jerry M. Johnson   J-1131935-04-09
U.S.A., Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Willow Wash. [Wash that contains population place Willow.], 33.71309 -110.97809, 823m

450336Richard S. Griffith   5101926-05-01
U.S.A., Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Range Reserve: 0.75 mi S of Northwest Station on road., 31.84384 -110.87897, 884m

General Research Observations

Stevens, L.E.   5312000-05-12
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Bureau of Land Management, Cove Spring South, 36.54961519 -114.0000347, 900 - 1090m

Ries Lindley   7482015-03-30
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tortolita Mountains, Rail X Ranch Rd. access, east, 32.5095 -111.0093, 1102m

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Sue Carnahan   37422019-04-29
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Josephine Canyon S of Camino Josefina., 31.59041 -110.93453, 1182m

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Sue Carnahan   37212019-04-23
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Unit 1, Bond Canyon Rd., 31.59714 -110.92722, 1224m

G. L. Clifton   436812005-05-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Alamo Road, 34.642579 -113.861655, 934m

G. L. Clifton   468232008-04-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Big Wash, 35.43223 -114.252886, 1187m

Ries Lindley   7892015-05-14
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tortolita Mountains, Rail X Ranch Rd. access, northeast side of Tortolita Mountain Park, 32.5108 -111.0047, 1123m

Museum of Northern Arizona

B.29061Phillips, A. & B.   78-3801978-04-05
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Sandario Rd; .5 mi. N of jct AZ-86. Red sandy soil, with Prosopis, Yucca elata, Gutierrezia. SW1/4, Sec.15, T15S, R11E., 32.125614 -111.209002

San Juan College Herbarium

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Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056686Heil, Kenneth D.   321482010-04-22
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, White Sands Missile Range. 1 mile west of Halcox Ranch. Southern end of Mineral Hill., 32.45135 -106.48635, 1408m

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Eriogonum thurberii microthecum var. simpsonii
SJNM-V-0057565Heil, Kenneth D.   301732008-09-23
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Ca 3 mi south of Tres Piedras on State Hwy 285. Big sage community with Chrysothamnus, purple owl-clover, pinyon pine, and blue grama grass., 36.59051667 -105.96011667, 2446m

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Eriogonum thurberii hieracifolium
SJNM-V-0057180Heil, Kenneth D.   328192010-09-08
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, San Andres National Wildlife Refuge within White Sands Missile Range. Upper Ash Spring Road. Head waters of Ash Canyon. Ca 1.5 miles south of Upper Ash Spring., 32.6215166667 -106.5447333333, 1760m

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Eriogonum thurberii corymbosum
SJNM-V-0057024O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   78602005-04-19
United States, Utah, San Juan, Castle Canyon. Two track road where road first enters into wash; ca 6.1 miles SW of highway to Halls Crossing., 37.3361166667 -110.48005, 1585m

Eriogonum thurberii microthecum var. simpsonii
Heil, Kenneth D.   282632006-09-26
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Navajo Nation. Ca 6 miles north of Kayenta towards Monument Valley. Just south of diatreme (volcanic neck). Ca 4 mi ENE of diatrme., 36.8447222222 -110.1988888889, 1780m

Eriogonum thurberii lonchophyllum
SJNM-V-0057441Heil, Kenneth D.   253452005-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Rio Arriba County. Lumberton. Road 357 ca 4.5 mi north of US 64., 36.9813888889 -106.9019444444, 2202m

Eriogonum thurberii tenellum var. tenellum
SJNM-V-0057880Heil, Kenneth D.   309092009-05-23
United States, New Mexico, Guadalupe, Santa Rosa Lake State Park. Nature trail near dam., 35.02835 -104.6845333333, 1481m

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Eriogonum thurberii cernuum
SJNM-V-0056890Heil, Kenneth D.   301402008-09-23
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, State Hwy 503 north of Nambe. Near Mile Marker 4. Roadside. Sandy soils., 35.91476667 -106.9658, 1885m

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Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057787Heil, Kenneth D.   323422010-04-29
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Columbus. Corner of Roosevelt St. & Jesus Carreon Ave. SE corner vacant lot., 31.8315333333 -107.6492333333, 1251m

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Eriogonum thurberii flexum
SJNM-V-0058705Goodrich, S.   278342010-06-02
United States, Utah, Uintah, 9 miles and 251 degrees from Vernal., 40.4301111111 -109.6968888889, 1762m

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Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057788Heil, Kenneth D.   310002009-06-14
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, 9.3 miles ENE of Pueblito. Small drainage that crosses road., 34.1690333333 -106.7424, 1635m

Eriogonum thurberii tenellum var. tenellum
SJNM-V-0057879Heil, Kenneth D.   308632009-05-22
United States, New Mexico, De Baca, Hwy 294 6 miles south of US 60/84. Collections from gravel pit to sand dunes., 34.3532333333 -104.0013666667, 1305m

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Eriogonum thurberii hieracifolium
SJNM-V-0057179Heil, Kenneth D.   347032012-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mountains. Lincoln National Forest. State of New Mexico Road 137 at forest service boundary. Just north of ""The Pinnacle""., 32.2023667 -104.6314167, 1582m

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Eriogonum thurberii leptophyllum
SJNM-V-0057371Heil, Kenneth D.   335982011-08-22
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Navajo Nation. Navajo Road 148 ca .5 mile turning southeast across cattleguard ca 1.1 mi SE. Ca .75 mi north of Goat Hill., 34.94624 -108.31593, 2286m

Eriogonum thurberii leptocladon subsp. ramosissimum
Heil, Kenneth D.   254802005-06-29
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Navajo Nation. Ca 8.75 mi S on County Road 7900 from junction with US 550 to Escavada Wash. Two track leading east just into Sandoval County to well location., 36.1222222222 -107.6280555556, 2054m

Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057795Heil, Kenneth D.   308702009-05-22
United States, New Mexico, De Baca, Hwy 294. Ca 1.5 miles south of US 60/84. Sandstone outcrop on east side of highway., 34.4179 -104.0028333333, 1288m

Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056691Heil, Kenneth D.   304662009-04-26
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, San Antonio Park, ca, 33.9160666667 -106.8735666667

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Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056684O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   92892010-05-30
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Florida Mountains. Lover''s Leap Canyon. Collections from parking lot to spring., 32.1423 -107.6254333333, 1615m

Eriogonum thurberii alatum
Heil, Kenneth D.   317932009-09-08
United States, New Mexico, Valencia, Manzano Mountains. Foothills. Along ridge between Pipe Canyon and un-named canyon to the north and from access road to powerline road., 34.7146833333 -106.5334833333, 1669m

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Eriogonum thurberii racemosum
SJNM-V-0057754Rink, G.   98452010-07-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Chuska Mountain Chain. Beautiful Mountain. Eastern portion of the mountain top., 36.4801233 -108.9922533, 2637m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii cernuum
SJNM-V-0056864Heil, Kenneth D.   254762005-06-21
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. BHP Mine Lease Site # 5. Burnham Road ca 8 miles south of BHP Head Quarters. West past old cemetary (north). Just past escarpment., 36.4097222222 -108.5613888889, 1678m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056688Heil, Kenneth D.   324152010-05-23
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Percha Road. Ca 3.2 miles west of I-25. Roadside., 32.9034833333 -107.3658833333, 1340m

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Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057790Heil, Kenneth D.   322692010-04-27
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, BLM. Peloncillo Mountains. Ca 12 miles south of I-10 and ca .5 mi northwest. Granite Gap. ACEC, 32.095 -108.9693333333, 1369m

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Eriogonum thurberii trichopes
SJNM-V-0057893Heil, Kenneth D.   323102010-04-28
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, State Highway 92 ca 2 mi north of junction with US 70. Rocky hills west of highway., 32.64305 -108.9678166667, 1251m

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Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056749Heil, Kenneth D.   311572009-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Melrose Bombing Range. Northeast firebreak. Luce Lease., 34.34685 -103.7583166667, 1289m

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Eriogonum thurberii hookeri
SJNM-V-0057182Heil, Kenneth D.   254712005-06-21
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. BHP Mine Lease Site # 5. Burnham Road ca 8 miles south of BHP Head Quarters. West past old cemetary (north). Just past escarpment., 36.4097222222 -108.5613888889, 1678m

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Eriogonum thurberii racemosum
SJNM-V-0057756Heil, Kenneth D.   349292013-07-09
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest. Jicarilla District. Just north of Turkey Canyon., 36.97104 -107.21479, 2079m

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Eriogonum thurberii leptocladon subsp. ramosissimum
SJNM-V-0057313Heil, Kenneth D.   257852005-08-31
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, County Road 7900 leading south of US 550 ca 8.3 miles to Escavada Wash. Ca 8 miles leading east on dirt road just into Sandoval County. Well Location., 36.1222222222 -107.6177777778, 2054m

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Eriogonum thurberii cernuum
SJNM-V-0056863Holmes, Cyndie   8131995-09-03
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Largo Canyon. 5.5 mi south of County Road 7007 on the Largo Canyon Road. In pronounced dip and up small wash north of road., 36.55897 -107.63472

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Eriogonum thurberii microthecum var. simpsonii
SJNM-V-0057566Heil, Kenneth D.   299362008-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Chain of Craters Road. BLM. .8 mi north of State Hwy 117 on County Road 42. Grassland community., 34.71363333 -108.03198333, 2163m

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Eriogonum thurberii tenellum var. tenellum
SJNM-V-0057878Heil, Kenneth D.   286982007-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Harding, 3.0 miles northeast of Mills Canyon Campground. Collections just above the cattleguard towards the highway. Slickrock Community with ponderosa pine, oak, and juniper., 36.0717 -104.35128333, 1747m

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Eriogonum thurberii hieracifolium
SJNM-V-0057178Heil, Kenneth D.   327092010-08-03
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila National Forest. State Road 59. Ca 2.9 miles west of turnoff to F.s. Road 150 (road to Wall Lake)., 33.4202 -108.1533833, 2286m

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Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056685Heil, Kenneth D.   329912010-09-14
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Alamo Hueco Mountains (BLM). Ca 1.2 miles north of Alamo Hueco Ranch Headquarters., 31.45955 -108.4236833333, 1451m

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Eriogonum thurberii wrightii
SJNM-V-0058013Heil, Kenneth D.   317432009-09-06
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Cibola National Forest. San Mateo Mountains. West Red Canyon. F.S. 478 ca 5.6 mi east of State Road 52., 33.6723833333 -107.5876166667, 2065m

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Eriogonum thurberii lachnogynum var. lachnogynum
SJNM-V-0057291Heil, Kenneth D.   319822009-09-18
United States, New Mexico, De Baca, House Cap Road, ca 12 miles north of US 60/84. The Caprock. Collections around windmill farm., 34.5938166667 -104.0355333333, 1480m

Eriogonum thurberii corymbosum subsp. hylophilum
SJNM-V-0056970Goodrich, S.   279172010-09-17
United States, Utah, Uintah, East Tavaputs Plateau. Willow Creek drainage. Junction of Black Canyon and Seep Ridge Road., 39.7376333333 -109.5016722222, 1908m

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Eriogonum thurberii racemosum
SJNM-V-0057755Heil, Kenneth D.   351472013-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest. Jicarilla District. F.S. Road 314 ca. 2.5 miles from the junction with US 64., 36.68216 -107.32609, 2283m

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Eriogonum thurberii racemosum
SJNM-V-0057757O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   85392007-07-25
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Chama Land & Cattle Company. Canones Creek. Ca 0.5 mi west of cliffs. Stream bottom with Acer, Salix, and Abies., 36.8241 -106.52283333, 2444m

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Eriogonum thurberii jamesii var. jamesii
SJNM-V-0057241Heil, Kenneth D.   312702009-07-22
United States, New Mexico, De Baca, The Caprock. NM 252 ca 12 miles north of US 60/84. House Cap Road along rim., 34.5938166667 -104.0355333333, 1480m

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Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056744Heil, Kenneth D.   290312007-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Ca 15 miles north of Espanola on US 84. 11.5 mi southeast of juntion with State Hwy 96. Sandy soils., 36.20128333 -106.24411667, 1676m

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Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056742Heil, Kenneth D.   297552008-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Ca 2 mi north of Ojo Caliente on US 285. Collections up small drainage. Sandy soils., 36.32738333 -106.0165, 1908m

Eriogonum thurberii wrightii
Heil, Kenneth D.   34744B2012-09-12
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, White Sands Missile Range. Southern foothills of Black Mountain. Along Pole Line Road between SMR and Emre Site., 32.4743167 -106.4673, 1378m

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Eriogonum thurberii cernuum
SJNM-V-0056881Heil, Kenneth D.   314502009-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge. Ca 2 mi southeast of Black Butte on McKenzie N. Road. Roadside., 34.3692 -106.6378333333, 1626m

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Eriogonum thurberii havardii
SJNM-V-0057167Heil, Kenneth D.   306752009-05-18
United States, New Mexico, Torrance, Hwy 60, ca 3 mi west of Encino., 34.6672166667 -105.5229666667, 1899m

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Eriogonum thurberii microthecum var. simpsonii
SJNM-V-0057564Heil, Kenneth D.   298952008-08-06
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Blue Water State Park. Northeast bank of Bluewater Lake and surrounding hillsides. Pinyon-Juniper Woodland. Hillside above the lake., 35.30443333 -108.12803333, 2257m

Eriogonum thurberii jamesii var. jamesii
Heil, Kenneth D.   249852004-10-20
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Middle Mesa. San Juan County Road 4020 into Negro Andy Canyon and ca 2 mi SE to slopes above navajo Lake & Spruce Canyon., 36.8794444444 -107.5291666667, 1964m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii havardii
SJNM-V-0057164O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   92212010-05-25
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, White Sands Missile Range. Northern edge of Gyp Hills., 33.3693333333 -106.6731666667, 1640m

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Eriogonum thurberii lachnogynum
SJNM-V-0057282Heil, Kenneth D.   286662007-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Harding, Kiowa National Grassland. North 3.5 mi on the Chosa Lake Road to Shaw Ranch Road. West on Shaw Ranch Road .7 mi to Leonard Draw. Limey knolls. Short Grass Prairie with Ratibida, Engelmannia, and Dalea., 36.07315 -104.1663, 1821m

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Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057784Heil, Kenneth D.   340182012-04-25
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila National Forest. Sheridan Corral Road (County Road C054). Just off main highway., 33.2212833 -108.848, 1532m

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Eriogonum thurberii palmerianum
SJNM-V-0057685Heil, Kenneth D.   324752010-05-29
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, County Road A027, BLM Road into the Lower Gila Box. Ca 4.6 miles northwest of Fuller Road. Gila Lower Box National Recreation Area. Collections from parking area to the Gila River and a dry canyon to the north., 32.63215 -108.8544, 1158m

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Eriogonum thurberii hookeri
SJNM-V-0057185Heil, Kenneth D.   177732001-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, Hwy. 95 ca. 1 mi W of Comb Ridge. Roadside, 37.5152778 -109.6658333, 1623m

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Eriogonum thurberii wrightii subsp. subscaposum
SJNM-V-0058015Heil, Kenneth D.   327442010-08-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernanardino National Forest. Highway 18 between Running Springs and Big Bear.Ca. 13 miles below Big Bear. Just below Mile Marker 48., 34.2234833 -117.0569, 2007m

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Eriogonum thurberii lachnogynum var. lachnogynum
SJNM-V-0057285O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   82412007-06-14
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, North of juction with Road A-8; southeast of Tinaja Mountain., 36.61995 -104.31265, 2044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii lachnogynum
SJNM-V-0057283Heil, Kenneth D.   314262009-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, NM 52, ca 12 south of US 60., 33.9477 -107.6758833333, 2195m

Eriogonum thurberii tenellum var. tenellum
SJNM-V-0057870Heil, Kenneth D.   314512009-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge. Los Pinos Mountains. Bootleg Canyon., 34.36905 -106.6097333333, 1783m

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Eriogonum thurberii jamesii var. jamesii
SJNM-V-0057234Heil, Kenneth D.   286722007-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Harding, Kiowa National Grassland. North 3.5 mi on the Chosa Lake Road to Shaw Ranch Road. West on Shaw Ranch Road .7 mi to Leonard Draw. Limey knolls. Short Grass Prairie with Ratibida, Engelmannia, and Dalea., 36.07315 -104.1663, 1821m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii wrightii
SJNM-V-0058014Heil, Kenneth D.   303812008-10-04
United States, New Mexico, Mora, Kiowa National Grasslands. Mills Canyon. Slickrock Community along rim in Mora County., 36.03438333 -104.37625, 1811m

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Eriogonum thurberii gordoni
SJNM-V-0057112Heil, Kenneth D.   253512005-06-05
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Southern Ute Indian Reservation. La Plata County Road 136 ca 1 mile from County Road 140 to two-track leading south. Ca 2.5 ca to pond., 37.0213888889 -108.1461111111, 1839m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii abertianum
SJNM-V-0056687Heil, Kenneth D.   328032010-09-07
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Percha Creek box ca 2.5 miles west of Hillsboro on State Highway 152., 32.9178666667 -107.61265, 1672m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii inflatum
SJNM-V-0057195Heil, Kenneth D.   283142006-10-12
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. Just east of the San Juan River along two-track. Ca 1 mi north of US 160., 37.0158333333 -109.0366666667, 1423m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii tenellum
SJNM-V-0057872O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   82082007-06-14
United States, New Mexico, Harding, Kiowa National Grassland. Mills Canyon of the Canadian River.Where road to Mills Campground drops off plateau into the canyon. Sandstone slickrock with scattered pinyon & juniper., 36.07173333 -104.35135, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii wrightii var. wrightii
SJNM-V-0058012Bleakley, David   57422007-09-24
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Kirtland AFB. Coyote Springs, between Wetlands #2 and #3., 34.9987667 -106.4696333, 1786m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii lachnogynum var. lachnogynum
SJNM-V-0057284Heil, Kenneth D.   306742009-05-18
United States, New Mexico, Torrance, Hwy 60, ca 3 mi west of Encino., 34.6672166667 -105.5229666667, 1899m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056747Heil, Kenneth D.   338562011-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Mescalero Dunes. Ca .3 mi south of US 380. Extremely sandy soils, no dunes., 33.4076833 -103.8666167, 1263m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056737Heil, Kenneth D.   290862007-09-07
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Bell Ranch Road north of Conchas Dam. Ca 8.0 mi north of cattleguard. Ca 1.2 mi west of the junction to the headquarters towards Casa Colorado. Roadside. Helianthus, mesquite, broom snakeweed, and blue grama grass., 35.54371667 -104.12483333, 1349m

Eriogonum thurberii annuum
Heil, Kenneth D.   301202008-09-18
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Espanola. Santa Clara Indian Reservation. Ca .25 mi southwest of Big Rock. Collections near ponds and along the Rio Grande River., 35.9938 -106.07083333, 1707m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii inflatum
SJNM-V-0057216Rink, G.   93592010-05-23
United States, Utah, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Next to Piute Canyon Road on Chinle Shale flat., 37.0918983 -110.6608483, 1372m

Eriogonum thurberii tenellum
SJNM-V-0057868Heil, Kenneth D.   290662007-09-07
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Ca 14 miles west/northwest of Tucumcari on State Hwy 104. Roadside. Red slickrock with sandy pockets. Mesquitee, pinyon pine, Juniperus monosperma, Opuntia, and Eriogonum., 35.31611667 -103.97416667, 1231m

Eriogonum thurberii tenellum
O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   85572008-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Quay, Mesa Quemado south of Tucumcari. Briscoe Ranch. P-J & short grass community on a mixture of sandstone & limestone., 35.04268333 -103.8574, 1425m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii annuum
SJNM-V-0056738Heil, Kenneth D.   314302009-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, NM 52. Ca 39.2 mi south of US 60. Ca 1.5 mi north of Monticello Box. Roadside., 33.5879333333 -107.62665, 1923m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057786Heil, Kenneth D.   322412010-04-26
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Ca 12 miles south of Hachita. Dirt road leading east ca .5 mi., 31.7523611111 -108.3611944444, 1338m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii pharnaceoides
SJNM-V-0057705O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   94742010-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Forest Service Road 216 ca 3.4 miles northeast of Centerfire Bog., 33.9426666667 -108.7936666667, 2292m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
SJNM-V-0057785Heil, Kenneth D.   340532012-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Valencia, Laguna Indian Reservation near the Cibola County Line. Ca 8 miles south of Ranch House on Laguna Road 550., 34.8011167 -107.2018833, 1894m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii inflatum
SJNM-V-0057200Heil, Kenneth D.   252412005-05-24
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Farm Road N364 ca 20miles west of US 491 & Shiprock. Steep sandy hillside., 36.9372222222 -108.9344444444, 1512m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii alatum
SJNM-V-0056713O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   83382007-06-28
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Chama Land & Cattle Company. Lower Poso Road., 36.87605 -106.56923333, 2414m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii gordoni
SJNM-V-0057113Moore, Lynn   58321995-06-21
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Upper Dolores River Drainage. Wedding Bell Mountain. 14 air miles southwest of Nucla on County Road U29., 38.1532 -108.8422, 2042m

Eriogonum thurberii rotundifolium
Heil, Kenneth D.   290652007-09-07
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Ca 10 mi west/northwest of Tucumcari on State Road 104. Roadside. Badlands topography. Silty soils. Broom snakeweed, mesquite, and Sporobolus., 35.2654 -103.84493333, 1216m

Eriogonum thurberii divaricatum
SJNM-V-0057066Heil, Kenneth D.   252842005-05-25
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Navajo Nation. US 491 ca .5 miles north of Mile Marker 30. Two track leading west into the foothills of the Chuska Mountains. 2 miles up road to stock pond., 35.9202777778 -108.6841666667, 2030m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii aliquantum
SJNM-V-0056736Heil, Kenneth D.   297972008-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, 2.3 mi east of US 64 at Cimarron on Hwy 58. Eroded area on south side of highway near stock tank., 36.48921667 -104.87415, 1974m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii lonchophyllum
SJNM-V-0057442Heil, Kenneth D.   348082013-06-04
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest. Jicarilla District, north of US 64. Northeast forest near Colorado State Line. Collections ca .3 mi north of end of road., 36.95922 -107.21728, 1993m

Eriogonum thurberii hieracifolium
O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   94672010-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Town of Animas. Weedy lot., 31.946 -108.8008333333, 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii lonchophyllum
SJNM-V-0057443Heil, Kenneth D.   288242007-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Chama Land & Cattle Company. Hill south of Lodge of Chama. Site with radio tower and picnic table. Mancos Fma. Gambel oak, Indian rice-grass, ponderosa pine, & Rocky Mountain juniper., 36.86633333 -106.56383333, 2507m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriogonum thurberii pharnaceoides
SJNM-V-0057706Heil, Kenneth D.   327282010-08-03
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila National Forest. State Road 59 at Snow Lake Inlet., 33.4307 -108.4963333, 2242m

Page 3, records 201-300 of 791


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