Lomandra hystrix cv. Katie Belles (R.Br.) L.R.Fraser & Vickery
264804 Marc S. Frank 1405 2017-06-26
United States of America, Florida, Gadsden County, Quincy: Gardens of the Big Bend, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), 155 Research Road.
Lomandra hystrix cv. Katie Belles (R.Br.) L.R.Fraser & Vickery
264805 Marc S. Frank 1405 2017-06-26
United States of America, Florida, Gadsden County, Quincy: Gardens of the Big Bend, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), 155 Research Road.
264311 Marc S. Frank 1288 2016-04-21
United States of America, Florida, Baker County, Glen St. Mary: Garden of Kyle Brown, 1818 N CR 125.
Lomandra hystrix 'Katie Belles'
13869 Marc S. Frank 1405 2017-06-26
United States, Florida, Gadsden, UF/IFAS NFREC, 155 Research Rd. Cultivated clumping, grass-like herb to 2 ft. tall. Leaves fibrous, channeled at the base.
12961 Marc S. Frank w/ Patti J. Anderson, T. Estok, C. Jones, Kyle Brown. 1288 2016-04-21
United States, Florida, Baker, Garden of Kyle Brown, 1818 N CR 125. Clumping grass-like perennial herb, 3 ft tall. Foliage erect, fibrous. Flowers fragrant, corolla pale yellow. Cultivated in residential garden. This may be the patented cultivar Tropicbelle. mat rush
13008 Marc S. Frank w/ Patti J. Anderson, T. Estok, C. Jones, Kyle Brown 1288 2016-04-21
United States, Florida, Baker, Garden of Kyle Brown, 1818 N CR 125. Herb, clumping grasslike perennial, 3 ft tall.Foliage erect, fibrous, flowers fragrant. Corolla pale yellow. Cultivated in residential garden. May be the patented cultivar tripicbelle
13671 1288 2016-04-21
United States, Florida, Baker, Garden of Kyle Brown, 1818 N CR 125. Clumping grasslike perennial herb 3 ft tall. Foliage erect, fibrous. Flowers fragrant; corolla pale yellow. Cultivated in residential garden. This may be cv. 'Tropicbelle'.