E. Perkins 200 1974-04-24
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 10 mi S of Ada, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
C. Pollock 30 1988-04-03
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 0.5 mi W & 0.5 mi N on Rosedale off Hwy 99, Ada, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
R. Brendle 45 1981-03-30
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Lawrence; Hwy 1 Lawrence, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
P. Rogers 23 1988-03-21
United States, Oklahoma, Pittsburg, Crowder; 2 mi S of Crowder, Hwy 69, 34.9239134625668 -95.7483989912818
L. P. Mays 49 1971-04-11
United States, Oklahoma, McClain, Newcastle; near Canadian River, 4.5 mi N of Newcastle, 35.0090600648624 -97.444205828386
B. Murphy 65 1968-04-27
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 3 mi SW of Ada, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
J. Edwards 67 1989-03-20
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 5 mi SW of Ada at Lawrence Community, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
J. Toney 15 1987-03-19
United States, Oklahoma, Hughes, Calvin; 3 mi E of Calvin, next to Salt Creek, 35.0483396558001 -96.2502421231436
G. Morgan 53 1968-04-27
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Madill; 12 mi S & 5 mi W of Madill, 34.3164922898777 -96.6606631417879
W. Goodner 44 1968-04-24
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 8 mi S of Ada on Hwy 12, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
D. L. Jones s.n. 1970-03-04
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 5 mi E of Ada, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
J. Castillo 97 1988-04-23
United States, Oklahoma, Pittsburg, Eufaula; Arrowhead Park, Eufaula, 34.9239134625668 -95.7483989912818
J. Watlers 47 1951-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Bromide; 4 mi W of Bromide, 34.3164922898777 -96.6606631417879
T. Beasley s.n. 1989-04-12
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Lawrence; 4.5 mi S Latta at Lawrence Quarry, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
H. S. Wood s.n. 1970-03-13
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 3 mi SE of Ada, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
Asendorf s.n. 1936-05-15
United States, Oklahoma, Unknown; Sheep Creek
K. Speer 83 1989-04-20
United States, Oklahoma, Seminole, Seminole; 3 mi W of Seminole, 35.167465564551 -96.6155415103622
D. O'Donnell 39 1976-06-21
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Fittstown; W of Fittstown, Byrds Mill Spring, 34.7279943288924 -96.684437936541
ETSU007879 L. K. Clarke s.n. 1952-07-13
United States, Tennessee, Campbell, Norris Lake near Lafollette, 36.311563 -84.010038, 332m
ETSU010541 F.H. Barclay s.n. 1948-06-30
United States, Virginia, Montgomery, Shale barren 1 mi. So. of Ironto
ETSU010550 Delzie Demaree 68189 1974-03-25
United States, Arkansas, Sevier, Marl Ridge. Common., 116m
ETSU010551 Delzie Demaree 68189 1974-03-04
United States, Arkansas, Sevier, Disturbed marl ridge., 116m
ETSU010553 Richard Davis s.n. 1978-06-00
United States, Virginia, Scott, Natural Tunnel State Park.
ETSU010563 Euel Elliott s.n. 1958-00-00
United States, Virginia, Scott, Midway Community.
ETSU010564 Margaret Manning s.n. 0000-04-23
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Devault's Bridge., 36.466049 -82.356815
ETSU010565 Emerson Roller s.n. 1953-07-25
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Bays Mtn. Edwards Place.
ETSU010566 G. Gonsoulin 2038 1973-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Davidson, Cedar glades and adjacent woods near NE side of Percy Priest lake.
ETSU010567 Jack Pearman s.n. 1956-07-24
United States, Tennessee, Carter, Sinking Creek.
ETSU010568 Ann C. Hut s.n. 1972-05-03
United States, Tennessee, Hamblen, Panther Creek.
ETSU010569 F.H. Barclay s.n. 1948-06-30
United States, Virginia, Montgomery, Shale Barren 1 mi. S of Iron.
ETSU010570 John C. Warden Warden 447 1976-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Washington, Watauga Flats, Holston R. Valley
ETSU010571 John C. Warden Warden 336 1976-10-13
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Smith Shoals. High bluff above Holston R. valley on thin, eroding red clay soil over limestone.
ETSU010572 John C. Warden Warden 955 1977-05-27
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Warrior's Path State Park. Holston river drainage.
ETSU010573 Ben Begley s.n. 1980-00-00
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Warrior's Path State Park.
ETSU010574 Barry Bentley s.n. 1983-04-06
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Church Hill
ETSU009349 Frosty Levy 18017 2018-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Carter, along Persinger Rd. N of quarry, loose shales,abundant in in woods upslope of road
ETSU031915 James T Donaldson
United States, Tennessee, Washington
Frosty Levy, Marty Silver 19051 2019-03-24
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant
ETSU025888 Frosty Levy, Marty Silver 19051 2019-03-24
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant
Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker, Sollie Walker 18017 2018-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Carter, along Persinger Rd. N of quarry
EIU079789 Phillippe, Loy R. 43148 2012-05-23
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Southeast side of Spring Lake. Just east of the Illinois River and a little north of Tazewell and Mason County line.
Gordon C. Tucker 15676 2011-04-15
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: Route 16, W of Persimmon Road. Elevation ca. 200 m., 39.484641 -88.22857, 200m
EIU009357 McClain, William E. 3079 2014-08-19
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Miles Cemetary Hill Prarie Nature Preserve. Located on a steep west-facing slope overlooking the valley of the Mississippi River. Alt. 211 m.; 38.36293 -90.26023, 38.36293 -90.26023
EIU038897 McClain, W. 3187 2016-05-03
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve, on a bluff of the Mississippi River, about 2 miles south of Fults., 38.15871 -90.18913, 216m
31234100184892 James B. Beck 26 1997-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Lincoln, 0.2 mi. N on Cedar Ridge Rd. from jct. With KY 150- N into woods ca. 75 yds.
31234100184645 Danny Husband 98
United States, Kentucky, Fayette, Floracliff Nature Sanctuary.
31234100195732 Judith E. Rozeman 91
United States, Kentucky, Woodford
31234100184918 Mary Didlake 1911-06-11
United States, Kentucky, High Bridge- KY.
31234100184397 William S. Bryant 339 1979-04-14
United States, Kentucky, Anderson, KY River Cliffs- Lover's Leap off Lane's Mill Road near Ninevah.
31234100184405 Richard H. Hannan 6281 1981-05-08
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Elev. @ 620 ft. N of slat River. W of Mt. Washington on Rt. 44. S on Automobile Road near the S end of this- before it goes down to the Salt River.
31234100184512 Timothy J. Weckman 1925 1995-08-13
United States, Kentucky, Clinton, At 76 Falls; 76 Falls Road- ca. 1.9 mi. from jct with hwy 90; ca. 5.0 mi. N of Albany- KY.
31234100184504 Timothy J. Weckman 2248 1995-10-09
United States, Kentucky, Clinton, Along Spring Creek tributary of Dale Hollow Lake- Spring Creek Road- off hwy 1576- near TN state line.
31234100184579 Richard G. Guetig 751 1988-07-01
United States, Kentucky, Estill, Along Mississippian limestone cliffs near Upper White Oak School.
31234100184587 Richard G. Guetig 156 1987-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Estill, KY 89- 3 mi. SE of KY 52- near grocery store.
31234100184629 William H. Martin 1978-05-27
United States, Kentucky, Estill, 2 km E of state hwy 89 and 10 km N of Irvine- KY. SW corner of Clay City- KY.
31234100184686 Mary E. Wharton 10293 1956-07-16
United States, Kentucky, Estill, Above Elkhorn Creek; Steadmantown Lane.
31234100184751 Steven Rice 618 1983-05-17
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Shadrick Ferry Road.
31234100184736 S. P. Price 436 1981-05-23
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Long Branch.
31234100184710 Timothy J. Weckman 2833 1996-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Above Steele Branch Road- ca. 0.8 mi. W of jct on hwy 127- N of Frankfort.
31234100184702 D. L. White 1995-05-26
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Boone National Guard Center.
31234100184819 Joe Abner 91-109 1991-09-01
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Resevoir; on the hill above the old loggin road behind the lake.
31234100184843 Timothy J. Weckman 1439 1995-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Jessamine, Jim Beam Nature Preserve- off US 27 on Hall Road- near Camp Nelson.
31234100184850 Johnnie B. Varner 11-603 1978-08-01
United States, Kentucky, Jessamine, Handy Bend on the KY River- 12 km S of Wilmore- KY-Shakertown property.
31234100184884 Timothy J. Weckman 379 1993-05-28
United States, Kentucky, Lee, Along KY hwy 1746- 0.1-0.6 mi. N of jct of hwys 1746 and 52.
31234100184900 Ronald L. Jones 7362 1991-05-29
United States, Kentucky, Lincoln, On N side of Cedar Creek near jct Boone Road- Ford.
31234100184694 Timothy J. Weckman 4408 1998-09-27
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, above Stony Creek; US 421- justr north of jct Hwys 421/1665; ca. 8.0 mi north of Frankfort- Ky.
31234100195831 Richard H. Hannan 5124 1980-08-20
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, along Interstate 40. N side of I-40 going W 0.75 miles from Exit 231.
31234100184728 Timothy J. Weckman 4989 1999-05-26
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, above Benson Creek; high narrow forested ridge SW of railroad crossing of Hwy 1005 (Devil's Hollow Road); ca. 2.6 miles W of jct. 1005 and US 127- due W of Frankfort- KY.
31234100184785 Ross C. Clark 24613 1999-06-07
United States, Kentucky, Harrison, above South Fork of Licking River; on Keller Waits Road- ca. 1 mi. west of elementary school.
31234100517091 J. Stuart Lassetter 2778 1978-05-05
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Kentucky River bluffs on Bull's Hell Farm- just West of I-75 off old road to Clay's Ferry Bridge.
31234100195757 Timothy J. Weckman 5122 1999-07-06
United States, Arkansas, Saline, above Alum Fork Saline River; Narrows Rd.- ca. 3.0 mi SE of Crows- Arkansas
31234100195815 Timothy J. Weckman 4880 1999-05-08
United States, Tennessee, Smith, above Caney Fork; Upchurch Road- ca. 4.9 mi west of junction with Horseshoe Bend Road; due east of Carthage- TN.
31234100431848 Timothy J. Weckman 5703 2000-05-30
United States, Kentucky, Boyle, (impoundment of Dix River); accessed by boat; ca 4.5 miles NE of Danville- Kentucky.
31234100184801 Richard H. Hannan 3192 1979-07-19
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Along Hwy. 89 near Russel Road.
31234100184496 Mark A. Gorton 99-115 1999-04-24
United States, Kentucky, Clinton, 0.7 km S of Russell Co. border on US 127 up old wood rd.
31234100184439 Ronald L. Jones 8406 1998-04-27
United States, Kentucky, Carter, Charles Bryant Tract- Carter Caves State Park.
31234100195690 Ronald L. Jones 7884 1996-07-12
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Along Back Lane (Higgenbottom Rd.)- 0.4 mi. off Hwy. 1546; W side of road below field.
31234100184389 Timothy J. Weckman 10400 2006-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Along William Juff Rd; ca 0.1 mi N of jct with Hwy 80; ca 0.5 mi E of Adair/Metcalf Co line; Nell- KY.
31234100184421 Elizabeth M. Browne 10081 1965-05-22
United States, Kentucky, Carter, KY 209- 1 mi. S of junct this rte and KY 182. On edge of Cascade Caverns Park.
31234100184447 Elizabeth M. Browne 10619.5 1965-07-01
United States, Kentucky, Carter, Carter Cave State Park. Woods above Smoky Lake.
31234100184462 Elizabeth M. Browne 3060 1961-04-30
United States, Kentucky, Clark, Above Boone's Creek at Grimes Mill.
31234100184520 Carrie L. Tilton 156 1997-09-21
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Along KY 61- 3.9 miles N of Cumberland River.
31234100184538 Ross C. Clark 24183 1999-04-15
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, On knob along KY 704- above jct. with Chowning Rd.
31234100184546 James B. Beck 150 1997-09-13
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Along KY 1424- 1.1 mile northwest of junction with KY 953.
31234100184553 Joe Bruna 1966-05-05
United States, Kentucky, Edmonson, Mammoth Cave National Park.
31234100184637 Elizabeth M. Browne 4153 1961-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Fayette, Raven Run- 10 mi. SE of Lexington.
31234100184652 Elizabeth M. Browne 2988 1961-04-23
United States, Kentucky, Fayette, Crawley Lane- 0.6 mi. E of Tates Creek Pike.
31234100184660 Elizabeth M. Browne 2708 1960-10-15
United States, Kentucky, Fayette, Near geological fault on Kentucky River at Clay's Ferry.
31234100184769 Elizabeth M. Browne 2677 1960-10-09
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, US 421 across Kentucky River from Frankfort and between junct US 60 and 421 and limestone quarry.
31234100184793 Elizabeth M. Browne 6803 1963-04-27
United States, Kentucky, Hart, US 31E- near N end of Green R. bridge and to W of highway.
31234100184827 Elizabeth M. Browne T-9468 1964-09-25
United States, Kentucky, Jessamine, On Jessamine Creek- near Chrisman's Cave and 1.25 mi. SSE of Wilmore.
31234100184868 Elizabeth M. Browne 2814.5 1961-03-26
United States, Kentucky, Jessamine, Fencerow- Handy's Bend Road- near junct. Of KY 29 S of Wilmore
31234100184934 Elizabeth M. Browne 2948 1961-04-15
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Dirt road to Private club to S of US 68- 8.8 mi. E of Logan-Todd Co. line.
31234100184942 Raymond Athey 3727 1977-05-22
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Russellville. On Sprotsman Club Lane and KY 178.
31234100195492 D. Collinsworth 57 1993-06-19
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Beside Turner's grocery- along KY 584 approx. 0.25 mile west of Floyd Branch Rd.
31234100195518 J. Stuart Lassetter 1935 1973-05-09
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Hills and bluffs adjacent to Kentucky river- at College Hill water pumping station.
31234100195526 J. Stuart Lassetter 1898 1973-04-07
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Hills adacent to kY. River at College Hill water pumping station.
31234100195534 J. Stuart Lassetter 2950 1978-06-23
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Kentucky River bluffs on Bull's Hell Farm- just west of I-75 off ofd road to Clay's Ferry Bridge.
31234100195542 Richard H. Hannan 6847 1981-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Madison, USGS TOPO. Fork 374-83. Calloway Creek Leading into the Kentucky River. W facing creek. NE of I-75 near the Clays Ferry Campground.
31234100195559 B. S. Blankenship 1965-06-30
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Lock 11.