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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Yucca brevifolia (Yucca brevifolia var. brevifolia, Yucca brevifolia var. herbertii, Clistoyucca brevifolia, Clistoyucca arborescens)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 667

San Diego State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SDSU25549R. G. Swinney   246792021-04-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Pinon Hills, Puma Canyon Ecological Reserve, c. 300 meters n.e. of Pine Tree Gazebo Preserve entrance, along trail to Roberta Dewey Discovery Center, Phelan Quad 7.5', 34.407778 -117.627778, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SDSU27099Dick Swinney   252372022-04-19
United States, California, Los Angeles, At n. boundary of Coyote Canyon Ranch (formerly Double GG Ranch), Coyote Canyon (this portion of Jesus Canyon named Coyote Canyon by owners), Justice Parcel in escrow with Transition Habitat Conservancy, 1.19 air mile due south of Ft. Tejon Rd, Quad: Mescal Creek 7.5', 34.4375 -117.696389, 1299m

SDSU27426Dick Swinney   254422022-05-09
United States, California, Los Angeles, Sims Peak (named by owner, not on most maps), between Mescal Creek on the west and Coyote Canyon Ranch (Double G Ranch) on the east, 0.3 air miles due east of Mescal Creek Rd. (E), 2.32 air miles due s. of Ft. Tejon Rd. and Mescal Creek Rd. jct, Quad: Mescal Creek 7.5', 34.431111 -117.705833, 1502m

San Juan College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0006093Atwood, D.   1991-04-09
United States, Utah, Washington, Along I-70 ca 7.5 miles north of St. George and .5 mi south of Harrisburg Jct to Hurricane. Roadside between freeway., 37.16068 -113.46779, 905m

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Clifton Smith Herbarium

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SBBG156335L. R. Abrams   138731941-04-18
United States, California, Los Angeles, 6 mi E of Neenach, St Hwy 138, 34.7739 -118.4729

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SBBG156778H. R. Mockel   1968-04-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, between Rock Springs and Elora, ca. 27 mi N of Essex on road to Chase, 35.16366 -115.436061

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SBBG156382H. R. Mockel   1968-04-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, between Rock Springs and Elora, ca. 27 mi N of Essex on road to Chase, 35.16366 -115.436061

Image Associated With the Occurence
SBBG156381L. R. Abrams   1927-05-01
United States, California, Kern, W of Walker Pass, 35.679 -118.044, 1128m

Southern Utah University

SUU001815Jim Bowns   s.n.1981-04-02
United States, Beaver Dam Slope., 1219m

SUU001816Jim Bowns   s.n.1981-04-02
United States, Beaver Dam slope., 1219m

SUU001819Jim Bowns   s.n.1981-04-02
United States, Beaver Dam slope., 1219m

Troy University Herbarium

TROY000052003England, J. Kevin   93332018-07-12
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 8.82 air. mi. NE of Littlefield. Mojave Desert. Along N side of I-15 approx. 0.16 mi. NE of jct. with Cedar Pocket Rd., 36.955594 -113.795209

UCSC Herbarium, Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History, University of California, Santa Cruz

UCSC001434D. J. Norman   3921969-03-31
United States, California, Kern, along State Hiway 178, 3mi. E. of Onyx Onyx, 35.70939636 -118.1764679, 853m

University of Arizona Herbarium

267411H. S. Gentry & L. McG   236621976-07-08
United States, California, San Bernardino County, ca. 3/4 mile NW of Pioneertown, San Bernardino Co.

165985R. J. Barr   67-691967-03-24
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Date Creek Ranch, 25 miles Northwest of Wickenburg, 34.2272 -113.0291

254406S. J. Bronson   85-261985-04-06
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, milepost 177 on State Highway 93, 102 miles south of Kingman; elevation 2700 feet., 34.25 -113.083, 822m

327093H. S. Gentry with E. C   99571950-11-14
United States, Arizona, Mohave/La Paz, Mohave/La Paz Co. 16 mi. N. of Alamo. ca. 2500 ft., 762m

216707RK Gierisch   41181978-03-00
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Cedar Wash, 36.9684 -113.7994, 853m

40322R. H. Forbes   s.n.1941-08-21
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Midway between Kingman and Boulder Dam., 36.1511 -113.75861

42107J. J. Thornber   11031935-03-00
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Congress Junction, 34.1802 -112.8592

92307G. J. Harrison   76331931-03-24
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Near head of Bill Williams River., 34.292734 -114.077094

18140Elzada U. Clover   60071941-04-19
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Forest 20 miles south of Pierce Ferry. Lake Mead., 35.725485 -114.73694

16545R. W. Hanna   s.n.1944-03-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Near Aguilla, Mohave Desert, 792m

Yucca brevifolia subsp. jaegeriana (McKelvey) Hochstätter
114392Carl B. Wolf   66021935-04-29
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Mohave Desert, Barstow- Cave Springs Road. Avawatz Mountains 1 mile south of Cave Springs, 1066m

190199Nash, McGill, Hensel   101771973-11-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Rte 93, 1.9 mi north of Chicken Spring Rd. jn in Wikieup., 34.730893 -113.61056

92308T. H. Kearney & R. H. Peebles   126381935-09-17
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Wickieup, about 60 miles southeast of Kingman, Mohave Co. Elev. 2100 ft., 34.6833 -113.5833, 640m

H. S. Gentry   99571950-11-14
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, 16 mi. north of Alamo., 762m

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
88600C.C. Chinnappa a. B.M. Smith, B.G. Purdy, S. Lee   CC30261987-06-17
United States, California

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Yucca brevifolia subsp. brevifolia Engelm.
L. Vann   MZ-132009-09-10
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Nevada. Esmeralda County: Northern Mojave Desert, outside of Goldfield., 37.62805 -117.214917

Yucca brevifolia subsp. brevifolia Engelm.
L. Vann   MZ-172009-09-10
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Nevada. Esmeralda County: Northern Mojave Desert, outside of Goldfield., 37.627233 -117.214867

Yucca brevifolia subsp. brevifolia Engelm.
L. Vann   MZ-232009-09-10
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Nevada. Esmeralda County: Northern Mojave Desert, outside of Goldfield., 37.6265 -117.215583

Yucca brevifolia subsp. brevifolia Engelm.
L. Vann   MZ-282009-09-10
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Nevada. Esmeralda County: Northern Mojave Desert, outside of Goldfield., 37.626183 -117.214683

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000579Diane L. Ill   301985-04-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, Hwy 2, c. 3.9 miles east of Los Angeles County line, c. 50 m from road, 34.38 -117.60194

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000592Bob Brownell   s.n.1964-04-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucca Valley; 1 mile north of Twentynine Palms Hwy and 0.25 mi west of Old Woman Springs Road, 34.13333 -116.41639, 1006m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000599John C. Roos   s.n.1966-04-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, 6 miles south of Victorville, 34.46861 -117.34194, 915m

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UCR0000591Steven Wickler   0191974-05-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucca Valley [Flamingo Heights], 0.5 mile north on Kickapoo Road, 34.235 -116.45639

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000577Scott D. White   s.n.1990-02-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, Vicinity of Glen Helen, c. 0.5 mile south of Institution Road, 1-2 miles west of Hwy I-215, 34.16667 -117.38333, 488m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000585Michael Theroux   4291982-06-26
United States, California, Kern, Los Padres National Forest, Frazier Park “Off-Road Corridor”, 1.5 miles west of Mt. Pinos Way, behind Sheriff’s Station; northwest edge of town of Frazier Park, 34.82917 -118.95639, 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000575R.G. Swinney   29401994-06-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Piñon Hills, near entrance to Jubilee Scout Ranch, 2 miles south of Hwy 138 and just west of the San Bernardino Co. line, c. 200 m west of Boneyard Canyon; San Gabriel Mountains, 34.4275 -117.65778, 1341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000588A.C. Sanders   203001997-04-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, Avawatz Mountains, Fort Irwin Military Reservation, SE slopes of highest peak in range (1876 m, BM “Avawatz”), and canyon to the east; Northern Mojave Desert, 35.51667 -116.31667, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000589A.C. Sanders   163221995-04-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3 mi east of Hwy 395 at a point 14.8 mi north of Adelanto (Air Base Road), on a dirt road to scattered residences, 34.77722 -117.42917, 810m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000614A.C. Sanders   208051997-06-21
United States, California, Inyo, Argus Range. China Lake Naval Weapons Center, at Bircham Spring Picnic Area; Mojave Desert, 35.93556 -117.47333, 1677m

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UCR0000581A.C. Sanders   205881997-04-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLM land on north side of peak 5524 near Round Mountain, NW of the Partin Bros. (Lester) Mine at Terrace Springs, NE end of San Bernardino Mtns.; San Bernardino Mtns., 34.35 -116.78333, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000572Steve Boyd   92531997-03-25
United States, California, Los Angeles, Extreme NW corner of the range in Peace Valley, small side canyon just east of I-5 off Copco Road, 34.75053 -118.79642, 951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000590Mitch Provance   19052000-04-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Baldy Mesa, west side of the road at Phelan Rd. and Coleridge Rd.; Mojave Desert, 34.43333 -117.43333, 1140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000571Steven R. Hill   333642001-04-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, N foothills of San Gabriel Mountains, Elizabeth Lake Road, 3.3 mi west of California Route 14, 0.9 mi west of Highland Street (25th Street West), west of Palmdale. Vicinity of Armagosa Creek, 34.58167 -118.18167, 854m

Steve Boyd   74-IPP1983-05-01
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Halfway Wash, south base East Mormon Mtns, c. 10 air miles NE Glendale, 7 miles north I-15, 36.86361 -114.31083, 856m

Wendy C. Hodgson   35561985-03-26
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 14.6 miles southeast of Yucca along Alamo Road, 34.72778 -113.958, 793m

I.W. Clokey   74751937-04-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, 36.27028 -115.54528, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000574Orlando Mistretta   17491995-06-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, near mouth of Carr Canyon, 34.50419 -118.01931, 945m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000578Mark A. Elvin   3267G2004-04-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, UC Burns Pinyon Ridge Reserve, c. 1.5 mi east of Pioneertown, NW portion near camping area, 34.14722 -116.45694, 1256m

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UCR0000617Andraya Gough   352005-04-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, west edge of town of Joshua Tree, corner of Hwy 62 and Sunny Vista Rd., 34.13543 -116.33502, 884m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000573R.G. Swinney   0971967-03-25
United States, California, Los Angeles, Pearblossom, 34.50472 -117.89528, 915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000580A.C. Sanders   33323A2007-03-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Baldy Mesa, proposed new route for Hwy 395, NW of Oro Grande Wash, c. 1 mile NW of the intersection of existing Hwy 395 and Phelan Rd., 34.43722 -117.41222, 1082m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000615A.C. Sanders   333242007-03-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, SW edge of Adelanto, west of Bellflower Rd. and south of Air Base Rd, WNW of the end of Joshua Ave., 34.56944 -117.42861, 884m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000616Pesach Lubinsky   0881998-06-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, Oak Spring, c. 2.5 miles NW of Coxey Meadow, 34.36333 -117.10556, 1555m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000570Naomi Fraga   3492003-03-11
United States, California, Kern, The Owens Peak Eastern Watershed, Short Canyon, 35.71114 -117.72669, 1189m

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UCR0000569Naomi Fraga   6692003-05-02
United States, California, Kern, The Owens Peak eastern Watershed. Buena Vista Canyon, small canyon draining into the SW side of Indian Wells Canyon off drainage of Morris Peak, 35.69322 -117.95539, 1524m

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UCR0000593Meryl B. Dunkle   39421934-03-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, Morongo Valley, 34.07028 -116.55028

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UCR0000594Jim André   133982010-05-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mescal Range, Mojave National Preserve, on south side of Striped Mountain, 35.37903 -115.53248, 1537m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000595Jim André   129112010-04-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mesquite Mountains, at wilderness boundary at end of dirt road 1.1 mi north of Kingston Road, c. 3 mi northeast of Winters Pass, 35.70933 -115.72143, 1199m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000596Jim André   145442010-05-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountain Range, c. 5.5 miles NE of I-15 jct with Excelsior Mine Road, along road to Pachalka Spring, at base of SW end of range; Clark Mountain Range, 35.49607 -115.6512, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000549R.G. Swinney   106872009-05-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Carr Canyon at confluence with Little Rock Creek, 34.5075 -118.02333, 909m

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UCR0000597Jim André   233472012-06-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, along Smarts Ranch Road in Lone Valley, 1.7 miles southeast of the junction with Hwy 18, c. 3 air miles east of Baldwin Lake, 34.30028 -116.78887, 1875m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000568Mitch Provance   104982009-04-21
United States, California, Kern, Tejon Ranch, c. 4 miles NNW of Neenach, 0.25 miles north of the corner of 270th St. West and Holiday Ave., 34.85108 -118.60817, 1011m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000613Jim André   277882014-04-22
United States, California, Inyo, along Death Valley Road, 21.8 miles east of Big Pine, 3.5 miles east of Little Cowhorn Meadow, 37.21112 -117.99008, 1945m

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UCR0000598April Garbat   0732013-05-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, upper reaches of Rattlesnake Canyon, near Vaughn Springs, 34.26315 -116.65962, 1628m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000583R.G. Swinney   161442014-04-18
United States, California, Los Angeles, north end of Alimony Ridge, c. 50 m east of Little Rock Wash, south of Mt. Emma Rd., 34.50417 -118.02694, 957m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000584R.G. Swinney   161722014-04-23
United States, California, Los Angeles, east of Valyermo, 3.1 miles south of Hwy. 138 on Bobs Gap Rd. (165th St. E), 100-400 m. west of 165th St, north slopes of Holcomb Ridge, extreme north foot of mountains, 34.45694 -117.81556, 1232m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000582Cheryl Sevilla   0082015-02-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, just north of Hwy I-15 on BLM Road NN389 between Halloran Summit and Halloran Spring, 0.9 mile west of the Halloran Summit hwy exit, 35.40172 -115.80822, 1226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0000576Cheryl Sevilla   0072015-02-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, off Kingston Road 2.7 miles south of Winters Pass in the Mesquite Mountains, 35.64875 -115.71481, 1059m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0113421Mitch Provance   419--202019-04-03
United States, California, Los Angeles, Fairmont, north of Highway 138, east side of 155th St. W, between Ave. C-8 and W Ave. C, 34.78639 -118.40389, 793m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UCR0113998Sarah J. De Groot   109252019-05-15
United States, California, Inyo, Little Cactus Flats c. 8.7 air miles SE of Olancha, c. 3.6 air miles east of North Haiwee Reservoir. Cactus Flats Road SE 750 to SE 756, 8.7 road miles SE of US Hwy 395. 0.1 road mile north of junction with SE762, 36.17842 -117.89253, 1383m

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Nevada, Clark

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, California, Inyo

Image Associated With the Occurence
01841386V. Siplivinsky; W. A. Weber, R. C. Wittmann   29021982-04-08
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Date Creek W of crossing of US Hwy #93 (Joshua Forest Pkwy). Date Creek Ranch NW Quadrangle; 700-800 msm., 34.200659 -113.14714

Image Associated With the Occurence
01841378Wendy Hodgson et al.   35561985-03-26
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 14.6 miles southeast of Yucca along Alamo Road, 34.72933 -113.953738, 792m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01841360M. D. Windham; M. K. Windham, T. Stoutner   95-311995-03-25
United States, Utah, Washington, Pediment slopes on SW side of Beaver Dam Mts. ca. 4.10 km WSW of Welcome Spring. B.L.M Castle Cliff Quad (7 1/2 min.), 37.084737 -113.951746, 1097m

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
154930James Henrickson   95081973-04-28
United States of America, California, San Bernardino County, 2 miles S of Cima towards Kelso, in Joshua Tree Woodland.

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71389I.W. Clokey   74751937-04-21
United States of America, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, Charleston (Spring) Mountains.

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71559I.W. Clokey   74751937-04-21
United States of America, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, Charleston (Spring) Mountains.

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
GA129043Ira W. Clokey   74751937-04-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, Charleston (Spring) Mountains, 36.273318 -115.532473, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
GA129045W. Hess   88862000-04-11
United States, Nevada, Clark, 10 mi SE of Pahrump and St. Hwy 160, towards Carperter Canyon, Charleston Mts., 36.163333 -115.847333

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0380543Erik Hamerlynck   1321987-03-12
United States, Utah, Washington, In lane divider on Interstate 15, 2.5 miles north of St. George., 884m

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NLU0380544W. Hess   88862000-04-11
United States, Nevada, Clark, 10 mi. SE of Pahrump and St. Hwy. 160, towards Carperter Canyon, Charleston Mts. 115 50.84W, 36 09.80N., 36.163333 -115.847333

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0429734Larry C. Higgins   130761983-03-16
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Littlefield, on the north side of town near the Interstate Hwy.

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
499151Went, F.   s.n.1951-05-00
United States, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree Nat'l Monument, Riverside Co.;Joshua Tree National Monument

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
949208Schneider, Heather E.   8-20130418-1V2013-04-18
United States, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree National Park, near county line, approx. 10 miles SE of Yucca Valley, CA, 34.00975 -116.30564, 1467m

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
949209Schneider, Heather E.   9-20130418-1V2013-04-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Joshua Tree National Park, approx. 11 miles SE of Yucca Valley, CA, 34.05142 -116.23959, 1146m

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
949210Schneider, Heather E.   7-20130418-1V2013-04-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Joshua Tree National Park, approx. 4.5 miles SE of Yucca Valley, CA, 34.07978 -116.35631, 1239m

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
949213Schneider, Heather E.   11-20130419-1V2013-04-19
United States, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree National Park, approx. 23 miles SE of Yucca Valley, CA, 34.00958 -116.02309, 1166m

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
United States

Yucca brevifolia Engelmann
United States

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

57943Percy Train   s.n.1937-05-01
United States, California, Inyo, Open mountain sides, warm sandy basins; Darwin Mesa, road to Coso Mts. W. of Darwin, Inyo Co. Cal.; Alt. Ft.: 4000, Belt: Covillea

University of Nevada Herbarium

70704R. Bertrand   s.n.1978-04-02
USA, California, Inyo, Hwy 168, 8 miles E of Hwy 395, off road., 37.153069 -118.168355, 1433m

70708W.C. Hodgson   250532010-05-20
USA, Nevada, Esmeralda, W side of Hwy 95, 2 miles N of Goldfield, S of Tonapah., 37.721514 -117.243156, 1693m

70709G. Gust   14332008-03-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Western slope of Mormon Mountain Range, next to Mormon Mountain Wilderness Area., 37.06747 -114.37134, 1054m

70710I.W. Clokey   74751937-04-21
USA, Nevada, Clark, [Spring Mountains] Charleston (Spring) Moutains, Kyle Canyon., 36.270333 -115.535926, 1800m

70711J.C. Beatley   122551971-04-26
USA, Nevada, Nye, Goldfield, SE of Myers Mountain, along road S of town, Stonewall Flat drainage basin., 37.691495 -117.215891, 1798m

70715I.W. Clokey   65491935-04-24
USA, California, San Bernardino, N of Barstow., 34.983 -117.0004, 800m

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