UTC00289720 Noel H. Holmgren 16484 2013-06-24
United States, Oregon, Baker, Bottom of Hells Canyon, along the Snake River along the Brownlee-Oxbow Highway. 2.25 kilometers (1.4 miles) north of the bridge to Idaho., 44.85833 -116.88556, 570m
663152 F. W. Pennell 15373 1931-06-29
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Snake River Canyon, west of Bear, 914m
663125 K. A. Vincent 4581 1988-05-26
United States of America, Idaho, Washington Co., Snake River Canyon; along Forest Service Road 454 ca. 2.8 miles south of junction with the Kleinschmidt Grade and 3.3 miles north of Snake River bridge on east side of Copperfield, OR, 44.999185 -116.871028, 518 - 518m
663151 J. H. Christ 15136 1946-06-09
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., At Pete Wilson Ranch on Snake River 103 miles south of Lewiston. On cliffs along river at Sheep Creek., 45.468478 -116.552927
663130 A. H. Holmgren 10586 1954-06-22
United States of America, Idaho, Washington Co., Along the Kleinschmidt Grade, 3 miles above the Snake River Bridge, 5 miles below Cuprum.
663129 A. H. Holmgren 9608 1953-07-14
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., Along road between Cuprum and the Snake River
663133 N. D. Atwood 12893 1987-06-16
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Ca. 12.9 miles down Wildhorse River Canyon road from junction with Bear-Cuprum road, 44.85386 -116.8302, 792m
663123 R. D. Rosentreter 4273 1987-05-13
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., 40 miles northwest of Council, ID. Lower Wildhorse River., 44.85386 -116.8302, 1067m
663132 N. D. Atwood 12892 1987-06-16
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Ca. 12 miles down Whitehorse Canyon road from junction with Bear-Cuprum road, 44.86836 -116.8098, 800m
663139 R. J. Davis 2505 1940-07-02
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Hell's Canyon, Snake River
663162 M. Murley 1715 1943-07-10
United States of America, Oregon, Wallowa Co., Snake River Canyon
663160 Collector unspecified 866 1880-06-00
United States of America, Oregon, Union Co., Snake River
663169 F. W. Pennell 15374 1931-06-29
United States of America, Oregon, Baker Co., 6 miles up Pine Creek
663126 P. E. Blom 905 1981-07-14
United States of America, Oregon, Wallowa Co., One mile below (north) Hell's Canyon Dam. Collected along Snake River.
02912092 D. H. Mansfield 11-414 2011-06-25
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Payette National Forest, Hells Canyon Road (Nat. For. Dev. Rd. 454)., 45.081989 -116.77633, 732m
04204601 N. H. Holmgren 16484 2013-06-24
United States of America, Oregon, Baker Co., Bottom of Hells Canyon, along the Snake River along the Brownlee-Oxbow Highway. 2.25 km (1.4 mi) north of the bridge to Idaho., 44.85833 -116.88556, 570m
267835 J.H. Christ 15136 1946-06-09
United States, Idaho, Idaho, 101 miles south of Lewiston. Cliffs along Snake River at Sheep Creek., 45.34331 -116.3483
107000 H. St. John 8420 1927-07-18
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Squaw Creek, Snake River Canyon. T24N R2W., 45.5825 -116.48056, 427m
216239 Arthur H. Holmgren 9608 1953-07-14
United States, Idaho, Adams, Between Cuprum and the Snake River., 45.06624 -116.74992
107001 Jacqueline Packard 238 1938-05-00
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Near Granite Creek. Snake River Canyon. T23N R2W, 45.286246 -116.635487, 488m
107170 Jacqueline Packard 248 1937-06-12
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Snake River Canyon. Abundant along government trail between Sheep Creek and Granite Creek., 45.5825 -116.48056, 427m
109471 Ray J. Davis 2505 1940-07-02
United States, Idaho, Adams, Hells Canyon, Snake River. T21N R3W., 45.253759 -116.694786
216220 Arthur H. Holmgren 10594 1954-06-23
United States, Idaho, Washington, Eagle Bar 18 miles below Homestead, above the Snake River in Hell's Canyon.
24378 William C. Cusick 2220 1899-07-07
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Near Snake River., 45.50028 -117.16667