PH00027475 Daniel T. MacDougal 120 1898-06-16
United States, Arizona, Collected in the vicinity of Flagstaff, 35.198067 -111.651272
ALBC004935 2856
United States, Arizona, Grand Canyon
ASU0094756 R. K. Gierisch 4217 1978-05-26
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District; vicinity of Beaver Dam, 36.9394 -113.929, 579m
Butterwick 6646 1980-05-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Peeples Valley 7.5' Quad.; Arrastre Creek; southern Weaver Mountains, 34.2671 -112.72, 1433m
ASU0095327 Butterwick 6833 1980-06-12
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Peeples Valley 7.5' Quad.; mesa west of Highway 89; between Kirkland Junction and Peeples Valley, 34.325 -112.78
ASU0095329 John Taylor 29538 1980-08-03
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Base of Black Mesa along US Highway 160; ca. 30 miles southwest of Kayenta, 36.4195 -110.638
ASU0095325 Wendy C. Hodgson 10647 1997-09-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Along Forest Service Road 234; 0.4 miles west of Forest Service Road 427/447, 36.5899 -112.412, 2021m
ASU0095324 Wendy C. Hodgson 10634 1997-09-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Along Forest Service Road 236; south of Slide Canyon Trail No. 58 Trailhead and Horse Spring Canyon, at Jump Up Divide, 36.6274 -112.522, 1768m
Fred Briuer 115-a 1972-07-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Chevelon drainage above Woods Canyon Lake, 34.5932 -110.787, 1524 - 2134m
Wendy C. Hodgson 15814 2002-08-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest, Ca. 0.1 mile south of junction with FSRD 235 and 423, along FSRD 423., 36.6533 -112.381, 2033m
ASU0020330 Wendy C. Hodgson 15814 2002-08-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Flora of Bridger-Knolls; Coconino County: Kaibab National Forest, Ca. 0.1 mile south of junction with FSRD 235 and 423, along FSRD 423., 36.6533 -112.381, 2032m
ASU0095328 F. M. Irish 964 1911-07-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, N of Cosnino. Flagstaff., 35.205569 -111.474879
ASU0095326 J. Stone 3725 2003-05-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Globe City Limits outside Tonto National Forest. Ruderal areas near Motel 6., 33.2346 -110.4552, 1125m
ASU0080570 Frankie S. Coburn 740 2012-05-27
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Lower end of Sullivan's Canyon; 1.1km W of confluence with Granite Creek and Verde headwater springs; 3.25km SE of Paulden., 34.863983 -112.444016, 1310m
Frankie S. Coburn 147 2011-05-11
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Approx. 2mi upstream from Perkinsville bridge, 34.905899 -112.238167, 1180m
Frankie S. Coburn 740 2012-05-27
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Lower end of Sullivan's Canyon; 1.1km W of confluence with Granite Creek and Verde headwater springs; 3.25km SE of Paulden., 34.863983 -112.444016, 1310m
Frankie S. Coburn 769 2012-06-02
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River ca. 0.7km NW of Duff Spring and 14.8km E of Paulden., 34.876751 -112.309731, 1250m
Frankie S. Coburn 168 2011-05-15
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River headwaters area, ca. 0.5 mi upstream from confluence with Granite Creek; 2.7mi SE of Paulden, 34.865665 -112.440865, 1290m
ASU0081043 Frankie S. Coburn 108 2011-05-10
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, In mesquite bosque near confluence of Verde River and Sycamore Canyon, 34.861217 -112.074486, 1080m
ASU0081642 Wendy C. Hodgson 11065 1998-06-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest; along Forest Service Road 427, 36.591 -112.413, 2133m
ASU0088169 Frankie S. Coburn 1527 2012-10-09
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along Old-89A N of Chino Valley near bridge over Sullivan's Canyon., 34.863365 -112.459648, 1330m
ASU0088362 Walter Fertig 29531 2014-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip: Vermilion Cliffs, west base of point ca 0.5 miles N of confluence of Rosy and Parashont canyons, ca 5.5 miles E of Colorado City., 36.968593 -112.870417, 1600m
ASU0294138 Walter Fertig 30452 2015-05-14
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Big Water, dunes on south side of US Hwy 89, 0.25 miles W of the Grand Staircase-Escalanate NM visitor center, ca 7.5 miles NW of AZ state line. T43S R2E S11 SW4SW4, 37.079157 -111.667643, 1265m
ASU0094976 Cox 451 1968-06-22
United States, California, Inyo, At Westgard Pass, 12.5 mi. SE of jct. State 168 (state 3) and US 395 and 15.8 mi. SW of Deep Springs (24 .2 mi. SW of Mono-Inyo Co. line), Inyo Nat. Forest., 37.300207 -118.153987, 2172m
ASU0094977 Noel and Patricia Holmgren 13834 2000-06-06
United States, Nevada, Nye, Garden Valley, along the Cherry Creek-Sunnyside Road, 34.1 km (21.2 mi) southwest of Sunnyside Store turnoff, 38.278333 -115.350833, 1660m
ASU0094785 Delzie Demaree 43846 1961-04-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Wupatki National Monument; Flagstaff, 35.5583 -111.353, 1524m
ASU0094788 Delzie Demaree 44131 1961-05-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Cameron P.O.; east of Black Point, 35.687444 -111.326427, 1158m
ASU0094869 Elinor Lehto 8210 1967-05-08
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 1.1 miles east of Skull Valley (road to Copper Basin), 34.5053 -112.665
ASU0094901 Elaine Joyal 2168 1993-04-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Navajo Reservation; Little Colorado River; Lower Basin draining east into gorge; Cedar Canyon, 36.05 -111.7, 1615 - 1646m
ASU0094902 Robert E. Coombs 2557 1978-06-29
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District; Seegmiller Mountain, 36.8389 -113.518
ASU0094903 E. Neese 12478 1982-10-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Base of the Kaibab Plateau; along Highway 89; at House Rock Ranch, 36.7314 -112.046, 1829m
ASU0094904 E. L. Smith 675 1973-07-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 8.8. miles north of House Rock (US Highway 89) in House Rock Valley, 36.8534 -112.063, 1829m
ASU0094905 A. F. Whiting 1940-10-17
USA, Arizona, Havasu Canyon, 36.3078 -112.761, 945m
ASU0094906 L. N. Goodding 40
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon, 36.0544 -112.139
ASU0094921 Mont A. Cazier 74 1967-06-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Tonalea, 36.3225 -110.963
ASU0094925 Marc A. Baker 10842 1993-05-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, NW of Prescott; ca. 3.7k southwest of summit of Connell Mountain; just south of Forest Road 665, 34.7315 -112.972, 1731m
ASU0094926 Cazier 1966-06-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 9 miles north of Jacobs Lake, 36.82 -112.26, 2107 - 2107m
ASU0094927 Mike Hinkes 159 1973-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest; Tusayan District; South Rim of Grand Canyon, 35.8978 -112.218
ASU0094928 Mont A. Cazier 90 1967-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 25 miles west of Cameron; Highway 64, 35.875 -111.86
ASU0094929 S. White 5970 1997-10-04
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Mohave Desert. Old Rt. 66 ca. 3.6mi wets of Coconino Co. boundary. (Peach Springs), 35.55 -113.392, 1616m
ASU0094941 Elinor Lehto 7097 1966-08-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 33.7 miles north of Cameron-Flagstaff junction, 36.35905 -111.5023
ASU0095330 Butterwick 5310 1979-07-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Mountain County Park, 35.1019 -113.889, 2073m
ASU0095331 M. Butterwick 9053 1986-08-13
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, N side of Hualapai Mountains; along D-W Ranch Road; ca. 0.6 miles west of ranch; Rattlesnake Hill 7.5' Quad., 35.1455 -113.907, 1548m
ASU0095332 Royal D. Suttkus 76-12-7 1976-04-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado River; Lees Ferry; River mile 0, 36.87 -111.59, 939 - 939m
ASU0095333 Charles E. Bundy 2935 1979-07-31
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Arizona Strip District; Red Knolls; Paria Plateau, 36.8968 -111.829
ASU0095334 C. E. Bundy 168 1980-08-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District, 36.4625 -113.244
ASU0095335 S. Holiday 70 1994-06-18
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Tsegi Canyon; 10 miles southwest of Kayenta, 36.6756 -110.496, 1951m
ASU0095336 Elinor Lehto 6033 1966-04-26
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 2.1 miles north of Junction 71-89, 34.16 -112.84, 920 - 920m
ASU0095337 R. Spellenberg 1973-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 19 miles south of St. George, Utah, 36.56 -113.5, 1341m
ASU0095338 J. M. Davidson 1967-05-29
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Yarnell, 34.217 -112.752
ASU0095339 Delzie Demaree 43942 1961-05-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Paulden; Perkinsville; Prescott National Forest, 34.5833 -112.6, 1341m
ASU0095340 N. D. Atwood 27561 2001-05-25
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon Parashant NM; Andrus Spring, 36.2433 -113.602
ASU0095341 Larry C. Higgins 6649 1973-04-21
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 5 miles south of the Utah border along [Interstate] hwy 15, 36.98092 -113.67228, 893m
ASU0095342 Don LaVenture s.n. 1965-06-00
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Desert View on East Rim Drive of Grand Canyon, 36.03811 -111.82709, 2286m
ASU0095343 Charles E. Bundy 2910 1979-07-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District; near Sandridge Wash, 36.8823 -113.033
ASU0095344 C. W. McLellan 1569 1940-05-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 2 miles S of Ashfork, 35.1833 -112.467, 1567m
ASU0294593 Walter Fertig 29558 2014-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip: north of County Road 30 ca 0.5 miles E of Clayhole Wash, ca 12 air miles SW of Colorado City. T40S R8W S33 SW4 of NW4 of SW4SW4, 36.820355 -113.168929, 1436m
ASU0294597 Walter Fertig 29545 2014-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip: west side of County Road 5 ca 0.75 miles N of powerline and Black Knolls, 1.5 miles N of junction with county road 30, ca 10 miles S of Colorado City. T40N R7W S16 NW4 of SE4, 36.866048 -113.051835, 1509m
ASU0298744 Walter Fertig 29581a 2014-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip: Shivwits Plateau, N of County Road 30 (Navajo Trail) above west end of Dutchman Wash, ca 0.5 miles E of Main Street Valley Road, ca 21 miles S of Utah state line. T38N R11W S14 SW4 of SW4, 36.692734 -113.451515, 1579m
ASU0106346 Frankie S. Coburn 1946 2013-10-10
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Duff Flat near rims of the Verde River canyon ca. 3.6 mi NE of Clarkdale; 1mi NW of Sycamore Canyon Road., 34.830789 -112.041325, 1090m
ASU0108514 Frankie S. Coburn 2000 2014-05-25
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Ca. 7.5km E of Paulden; 1.25km W of where FR638 meets the Verde River., 34.882508 -112.387255, 1280m
ASU0305351 Frankie S. Coburn 168 2011-05-15
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River headwaters area, ca. 0.5 mi upstream from confluence with Granite Creek; 2.7mi SE of Paulden, 34.865665 -112.440865, 1290m
ASU0305353 Frankie S. Coburn 712 2012-05-23
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Bottom of Verde River canyon at Mormon Pocket; ca. 5km NW of Sycamore Canyon coinfluence and 14km N of Clarkdale., 34.889118 -112.129486, 1120m
ASU0305325 Frankie S. Coburn 769 2012-06-02
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River ca. 0.7km NW of Duff Spring and 14.8km E of Paulden., 34.876751 -112.309731, 1250m
ASU0106891 Liz Makings 5213 2017-06-20
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Colorado Plateau/Arizona Strip: Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument; BLM Road 1032, .13 miles south of intersection with BLM Road 101, 36.67507 -113.62672, 1550m
ASU0304834 Liz Makings 5687 2018-04-29
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument; just above Grapevine Springs, 36.32458 -113.97085, 530m
ASU0309750 Liz Makings 5742 2018-04-30
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument; Grand Gulch Canyon adjacent BLM Road 1050., 36.36339 -113.8177, 1030m
ASU0113615 J.T. Wynhoff X-7 1970-05-23
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, Manzanares Canyon, 1792m
ASU0113616 B. Kramp 51 1979-05-23
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, 36.708422 -108.479665
ASU0113617 L.C. Higgins 7734 1973-07-17
USA, New Mexico, Socorro Co., plains east of Datil on highway 60
ASU0113618 J.T. Wynhoff 1970-09-15
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, Monzanares Canyon
ASU0113619 Cox, Dunn, Harmon 451 1968-06-22
United States, California, Inyo, At Westgard Pass, 12.5 mi. SE of jct. State 168 (state 3) and US 395 and 15.8 mi. SW of Deep Springs (24 .2 mi. SW of Mono-Inyo Co. line), Inyo Nat. Forest., 37.300207 -118.153987, 2172m
ASU0113620 N.H. Holmgren 8012 1975-08-15
United States, Nevada, Elko, Independence Mountains, ridge north of Waterpipe Canyon 34.5 airline miles north-northwest of Elko., 2347m
ASU0113621 D. LeDoux 696 1973-05-18
United States, Colorado, Mesa, 1.6 mi W of jct of Hwy. #141 and #50.
ASU0113622 B. Kramp 111 1979-06-07
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, Kirtland SE Map.
ASU0113623 J. Harris 401 1979-06-12
United States, Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell. 1 mi E of San Rafael Reef, .1 mi N of I-70., 1311m
ASU0113449 Hillyard 6646 1980-05-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Arrastre Creek, southern Weaver Mountains Peeples Valley 7.5' Quad., 34.2651 -112.644, 1433m
ASU0300906 J. M. André 33193 2015-05-05
United States, Nevada, Clark, Virgin River Valley: along road to Gold Butte, about 5 mi. WSW of Bunkerville, 15 mi. WSW of Mesquite, 36.686167 -114.265317, 422m
AUA000040054 Clokey, Ira W. 8020 1938-06-20
United States, Nevada, Clark, KYLE CANYON (1670M)., 1670m
BAYLU025310 L. Arnow 86 1966-07-16
United States of America, Utah, Kane County, 4 mi. northeast of Alton, 37.478762 -112.431055, 2286m
BAYLU025309 Katherine Lewis 1968-04-09
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 1/2 mi. N.W. Rimrock, 34.640417 -111.783352, 1067m
BRYV0126756 Mark Madsen 5089 2010-06-15
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Dixie National Forest. Jorgenson Flat, East Slope Boulder Top. Teasdale RD., 38.1249 -111.1217, 2195m
BRYV0126757 Mark Madsen 5111 2010-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Found ca 2.5 miles SSW of Cannonville near Georgetown., 37.6167 -111.9805, 1981m
BRYV0283389 Leigh Moorhead UT931-187 2010-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Roughly 3.3 miles on the Woodside Lower Price River Rd. from state road 6., 39.25111 -110.29444, 1402m
BRYV0281810 Daniel Cloward UT931-234 2010-07-17
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Lawrence to Tan Seeps road in San Rafael Recreation area. Starting from turn off from Green River Cut Off road down through Buckhorn Wash to San Rafael River., 39.1475 -110.71555, 1660m
BRYV0126755 Mark Madsen 5440 2010-09-02
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Found in upper Wide Hollow ca. Griffin Ranch approx. 5 air mi NW of Escalante. GSENM., 37.8219 -111.6864, 1890m
BRYV0068839 Mark Madsen 5125 2010-06-23
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Found in Citation Oil Field ca 15 air miles SW of Esalante., 37.62 -111.7229, 1951m
BRYV0004220 Larry C. Higgins 24895 2003-09-15
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, House Rock Valley; Vermillion Cliffs Natl. Monument., 1608m
BRYV0004219 Larry C. Higgins 23695 2002-05-16
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Paria Plateau, Big Sink, BLM Road 1087., 2000m
BRYV0004218 Elizabeth Neese 16755 1985-05-07
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, 3 mi N of Gray Mtn ( town ), 45 mi N of Flagstaff W side of Hwy 89., 1402m
BRYV0004217 Melinda Hurst 53 1974-06-10
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, South rim village, Grand Canyon., 2164m
BRYV0004215 N. Duane Atwood 03054 1971-08-03
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, About 20 miles south of Highway 89 on the west side of the Cockscomb, thence 14 miles east along side road.
BRYV0004214 N. Duane Atwood 4038 1972-05-22
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Colorado River, between Lake Powell Dam and Lees Ferry.
BRYV0004213 Stanley L. Welsh 9762 1970-05-05
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, About 3 mi south Wahweap marina.
BRYV0004212 E. Neese 12478 1982-10-18
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Bade of Kaibab Plateau along Hwy 89, at House Rock Ranch., 1829m
BRYV0031037 Robert L. Johnson 2782 2014-04-09
U.S.A., Nevada, Lincoln, 3.6 road mi N of Elgin on hwy 317 and 17.2 road mi S of Caliente. Toeslope on E side of canyon in Meadow Valley Wash., 37.39587 -114.55712, 1106m
BRYV0104230 D. Conocchioli 405 2014-06-12
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. NE of Arches National Park. From Cisco take UT-128 W for 5.4 miles, turn left onto BLM 163 and continue for 4.5 miles starting parallel I-70, eventually heading S., 38.89907 -109.42777, 1345m
BRYV0107048 D. Conocchioli 396 2014-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau- Semiarid Benchlands and Canyonlands. W of Arches Nat. Park, just N of Dubinky Well. From Moab, take US-191 N for 17.1 miles. Turn left (W) on Blue Hills Rd and continue for 7.1 miles. Turn left (S) on BLM Rd 137 and continue 4 miles. Slight right to stay on this road, and continue about 4 miles to collection site., 38.68993 -109.88163, 1611m
BRYV0107041 D. Conocchioli 391 2014-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau- Semiarid Benchlands and Canyonlands. W of Arches Nat. Park, N of Canyonlands Nat. Park. From Moab, take US-191 N for 11 miles. Turn left (W) on UT-313W, continue for 5.8 miles up Seven Mile Canyon to collection site on south side of road., 38.63723 -109.7564, 1541m
BRYV0107957 R. Reisor 04 2014-05-21
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Arid Canyonlands. Approx 40 miles NW of Moab. From UT highway 128 turn east on dirt road at the site of historic Dewey Bridge, go 8.2 miles to the Rio Mesa Center (UofU). Road enters Rio Mesa Center through Cottonwood Canyon. Collection site is in flood plain of Dolores River between Dalton House and River., 38.96591 -109.20536, 1279m