B.7133 Wetherill, M. A. 1956-04-23
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Clarksdale, 34.77111 -112.05722
B.9571 Gaines, Xerpha 884 1957-04-21
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; Glen Canyon, across from Hidden Passage
B.9716 Jones, David 64 1939-09-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Sunset Crater National Monument; Sunset Crater, 35.364368 -111.503702
B.9873 Haskell, H.S. 1958-04-25
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Montezuma Well, 34.649189 -111.752372
B.10491 wright, barton
USA, Arizona, Apache County, 0.25 mi. N of Witch Well on Hwy. 666, 34.918737 -109.244098
B.10604 Adams, Nettie
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Mile 10, San Juan River
B.10614 Hevly, R.H.
USA, New Mexico, San Juan County, BETWEEN Shiprock and Red Rock Trading Station, 36.664726 -108.943688
B.10688 Wetherill, Milton A. 1958-08-31
USA, Arizona, Mohave, NE of Pipe Springs National Monument, 36.867842 -112.734866
B.10916 wright, barton 1959-04-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Chloride, 35.400665 -114.184845
B.10935 wright, barton 1959-04-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Chloride, 35.400665 -114.184845
B.11505 Hevly, R. H. 1959-08-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Toroweap Valley, 36.308645 -113.072784
B.11820 Long, Paul
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Southwest of Kingman, 35.166993 -114.139523
B.12054 Gaines, Xerpha M. 1160 1960-07-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, State Route 64, 8 miles south of Grand Canyon Village, 35.934248 -112.13124
B.12586A Wetherill & Dailey 1961-05-21
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Haulapai Mtns., 35.074573 -113.897007
B.12678 McCormack, C.W.
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, 9 mi. SE of Kayenta on road to Rough Rock, 36.634883 -110.096856
B.12852 McCormack, C.W.
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Junction of Buffalo Range Road and US 89A, Houserock Valley, 36.705254 -111.946549
B.14295 McCormack, C.W. 1961-08-23
USA, Arizona, Apache County, Yale Point, 36.37583 -109.8375
B.16048 Korstian, C. F.
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Walnut Canyon, Coconino National Forest, 35.168228 -111.502424
B.17707 Applequist, Mark 737
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon; Cow Flat Area, 34.898844 -112.076237
B.17743 Applequist, Mark 952 1966-08-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Parker Dam area; 1/4 mile NE of Alamo Dam site, 34.23453 -113.598495
B.18731 Ressler, John
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, State Hwy 164 7 mi. W of Tuba City, 36.095821 -111.361792
B.19200 Staley, Gregory 8
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along Route I-40-2 in the Juniper Mtns., 35.291177 -113.098901
B.19221 Staley, Gregory 23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Lower Gorge of Virgin River, 36.811624 -114.009761
B.19336 Boles, David 1969-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Woodland, 17 miles south of Twin Arrows., 34.914524 -111.279037
B.20517 Everett Hall 410 1971-04-29
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Canyon in limestone hills, 2 mi W of Black Canyon Hwy on Middle Verde Rd, 34.618408 -111.87299
B.20551 Everett Hall 450 1971-05-14
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 7 mi S of Sedona near Dry Beaver Creek study plot, 34.764959 -111.715239
B.21435A Tomko, Dennis 66 1972-09-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 19 miles S. of Ash Fork, 34.949392 -112.48333
B.21550 Stewart Aitchison P1386 1973-03-03
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest; 5 mi. of Superior, Tonto Nat'l Forest (Gonzales Pass), 33.27611 -111.23056
B.21739 Theroux, M.E. 537
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; 4 mi below Hilltop,, Havasu Canyon, Grand Canyon NP, 36.217824 -112.690305
B.23482 E. Joyce Bynum 75
USA, Utah, Kane County, Four Mile Bench, Kapairowits Plateau, Disturbed area along airstrip, 37.50237 -111.579338
B.23669 Theroux, M. 1248 1975-04-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River, Grand Canyon mile 12.5, 36.727252 -111.697526
B.23822 Theroux, M. 1341 1975-08-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, study area between Flagstaff sewage tanks and Koch Field on the Rio de Flag, 35.233464 -111.542226
B.24051 Theroux, M. 1453 1975-09-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Grand Canyon research, Colorado River, Mile 71, Cardenas trapped dune, 36.087441 -111.86607
B.24429 Jordan, Bill 1 1976-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Cedar Basin, Cerbat Mountains, 14 miles north of Kingman, 35.44028 -114.10333
B.26198 Jordan, Bill 1978-08-07
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Polacca Valley, 11 mi. E of Oraiba, near Hwy 264, 35.817185 -110.396623
B.31019 Phillips, A.M. III & Phillips, B.G. 79-287 1979-05-02
USA, Arizona, Arizona. Coconino Co. Grand Canyon National Park. Colorado River mile 122L. In sand dunes at Forester Canyon., 36.245544 -112.519436
B.33319 K. Olmon 7 2009-04-19
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Tent Rocks, Campe Verde. Upper end of drainage to Cottonwood Spring below FR 500., 34.516806 -111.87142, 1010m
B.34021 R. Rand CP1-014 2010-07-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest. Interstate 40 W from Flagstaff, exit at Twin Arrows Trading Post and go S on FR 126 about 6 mi to Yellow Jacket Canyon.., 35.061528 -111.319722, 1926m
B.34024 R. Rand CP1-017 2010-08-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest. Highway 89 n from Flagstaff, right onto Townsend-Winona Road, left onto Leupp Road, left onto FR 244 and go 1 mi., 35.270639 -111.411667, 1925m
B.33720 M. Licher 3298 2011-09-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, East Mingus Ave, just W of Hwy 89A, E of the Verde River, on N side of road, near Cottonwood, 34.734861 -111.9825, 1040m
WUPA 5463 Whiting, Alfred F. 3 1935-04-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument, 35.557401 -111.39572
WUPA 2821 JONES, COURTNEY R. 6/1/1939 1939-05-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument, Wupatki Ruin, 35.521115 -111.372372, 1494m
WUPA 2818 ROMINGER, J. M. 1513 1976-05-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, ROAD FROM WUKOKI RUIN, TURNOFF TO LITTLE COLORADO RIVER, 35.547396 -111.309351, 1341m
WUPA 2820 JONES, DAVID J. 31 1940-05-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, HAWK FLAT, 1433m
WUPA 2815 MACK, JIM 84 1966-06-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, DOVE TANK TURNOFF, 35.469801 -111.547128, 1524m
WACA 7536 Reichenbacher, Frank W. 2566 1989-05-09
United States, Arizona, COCONINO COUNTY, Walnut Canyon National Monument, 35.163753 -111.499357
WUPA 2814 JONES, DAVID J. 611/1939 1939-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, 9 MILES FROM WUPATKI-SUNSET ROAD, 35.521115 -111.372372, 1829m
WUPA 2816 GREEN, L. T. III G222 1976-06-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument, NORTH ENTRANCE TO MONUMENT, NEAR VISITOR BOARD ON NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY; IMMEDIATE ROADSIDE., 35.575894 -111.527839, 1524m
WUPA 2817 ROMINGER, J. M. 1555 1976-03-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, NORTHWEST EXIT, ALONG ROADSIDE, 2 MILES FROM HIGHWAY 89., 1676m
WUPA 3034 MC DOUGALL, W. B. 1959-04-22
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument, 35.55739 -111.395727
WUPA 27743 C.D. Schelz 3030 2008-06-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Near Peshlakai Spring, 35.498874 -111.356559, 1624m
B.34571 Kirstin Olmon 383 2012-05-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 29.5 km NW of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 2.6 km SE on Indian Route 6150 (Gray Mountain Truck Trail), 16 km SW on Forest Road 310 (Coconino Rim Road) at Old Hibben Tank., 35.88981 -111.81548, 2170m
B.34593 Kirstin Olmon 405 2012-05-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 33km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 1.3 km W on Forest Road 307., 35.92274 -111.76191, 1893m
B.34803 Kirstin Olmon 467 2012-07-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 33km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 11.7 km W on Forest Road 307, N side of road, W of Wagoner Tank., 35.934439 -111.865701, 1974m
B.34905 Kirstin Olmon 581 2012-08-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 19 km E of Grand Canyon National Park South Entrance Station on Highway 64, 11 km SE from Highway 64 on Forest Road 310 (Coconino Rim Road), 1 km NE on Forest Road 309., 35.905637 -111.887473, 2208m
B.35018 Kirstin Olmon 702 2012-10-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 39 km NW of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 4.2 km NE on Forest Road 2814, 4.2 km E on Forest Road 6140 at intersection with Forest Road 2820A., 35.96577 -111.72675, 1922m
B.36487 Jordan, Bill 228 1976-07-10
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Coon Basin, Cerbat Mountains, 12 miles north of Kingman, 35.43111 -114.16694, 1372m
B.35729 Elizabeth P. Johnson 32 2013-06-18
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northeast onto Valley City Road. Turn southeast on Salt Valley Road (Road 145) and keep right as road forks. Population on both sides of road., 38.856972 -109.756111, 1443m
B.35731 Elizabeth P. Johnson 34 2013-06-19
USA, Utah, Grand, From Green River, UT go east on 1-70 to Exit 187. Turn south on Salt Valley Gorge Road to where it ends at Little Valley Road (Road 146). Population occurs throughout this valley as it runs east (Road 146)., 38.879917 -109.74075, 1438m
B.35733 Elizabeth P. Johnson 36 2013-07-14
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northwest (left) on Blue Hills Rd. ? miles from Highway 191., 38.755972 -109.819944, 1406m
B.35736 Elizabeth P. Johnson 39 2013-07-16
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northeast onto Valley City Road. Along 3-4 mile stretch of Valley City Road nearest to Thompson Spring on I-70., 38.919806 -109.777306, 1453m
B.36066 G. Goodwin 4797 2014-09-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Drainage channel east of Gann Tank and about 8 miles NW of Anita, 35.966267 -112.3353, 1798m
B.36608 Stevens, L.E. 2005 2003-07-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Havasupai Indian Reservation, Havasu Creek, 2 km downstream from Supai, 36.244645 -112.700705, 930m
B.36626 Stevens, L.E. 2026 2003-07-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Havasupai Indian Reservation, R4, T1, 36.23333 -112.7
B.38632 G. Kluwin 677 2014-10-07
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, West end of Blye Canyon, circa 8 miles east of Truxton, 35.462436 -113.441056, 1484m
B.39628 Stevens, L.E. s.n. 2008-08-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Flagstaff, Buffalo Park, 35.220876 -111.634735
B.42029 Ruffner, George A. UNK7a 1979-05-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest, Azo Allotment, prairie dog town 10, 35.40346 -112.516216
B.42042 Benson, J.M. 1 1975-07-12
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park, Jensen Tank, 36.404395 -112.859653, 1768m
A. Young AY13 2014-09-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Granite Basin Lake Area; Prescott National Forest, 34.61838 -112.54772, 1707m
S.Timpson ST17 2014-09-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Found beside lower Butte Creek, Prescott College Campus, 34.54669 -112.47691, 1631m
NHI005341 Marc A. Baker 12451 1997-05-13
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Cameron North Quadrangle; 12km NNW of Cameron; ca. 2 km SE of the top of Shadow Mt., 35.975024 -111.44567, 1387m
UT0000243 Walter Fertig 27480 2012-06-05
USA, Utah, Washington, Mojave Desert: Beaver Dam Mountains, ca 1.2 miles W of Apex Mine, ca 2.2 miles E of Castle Cliff and 1.8 miles S of old Santa Clara- Las Vegas highway, 4.3 miles N of AZ state line., 37.070152 -113.829292, 1490m
UT0000940 R. Koll 15 2010-09-11
USA, Utah, Grand, Rio Mesa Center (Entrada Ranch), at Utah Bottoms along Dolores River ca. 40 mi NE of Moab., 38.797861 -109.207111, 1280m
UT0001997 D. W. Woodruff 1042 1971-05-08
USA, Utah, Garfield, West of Eggnog and near Butt Canyon., 37.782767 -110.852929, 1463m
UT0001780 D. W. Woodruff 1755 1973-05-26
USA, Utah, Wayne, Cainevilole Wash, amphitheater under small cliff. Across wash and NW of Willow Seep., 1554m
UT0002859 Elizabeth P. Johnson 39 2013-07-16
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northeast onto Valley City Road. Along 3-4 mile stretch of Valley City Road nearest to Thompson Spring on I-70., 38.919806 -109.777306, 1453 - 1453m
UT0002861 Elizabeth P. Johnson 36 2013-07-14
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northwest (left) on Blue Hills Rd. Population is along the road., 38.755972 -109.819944, 1406 - 1406m
UT0002863 Elizabeth P. Johnson 34 2013-06-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Green River, UT go east on I-70 to Exit 187. Turn south on Salt Valley Gorge Road to where it ends at Little Valley Road (Road 146). Population occurs throughout this valley as it runs east (Road 146)., 38.879917 -109.74075, 1438 - 1438m
UT0002865 Elizabeth P. Johnson 32 2013-06-18
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, UT go north on Highway 191. Turn northeast onto Valley City Road. Turn southeast on Salt Valley Road (Road 145) and keep right as road forks. Population on both sides of road., 38.856972 -109.756111, 1443 - 1443m
UT0002939 T McDonough 2014-05-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Colorado Plateau. Sand Desert. 0.5 miles N of the Arizona/Utah State line, along "The Divide" S of Hurricane, UT., 37.008733 -113.274411, 1371 - 1371m
UT0002984 R. Reisor 04 2014-05-21
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Arid Canyonlands. Approx 40 miles NW of Moab. From UT highway 128 turn east on dirt road at the site of historic Dewey Bridge, go 8.2 miles to the Rio Mesa Center (UofU). Road enters Rio Mesa Center through Cottonwood Canyon. Collection site is in flood plain of Dolores River between Dalton House and River., 38.79925 -109.20536, 1279 - 1279m
UT0003000 D. Conocchioli 396 2014-06-11
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau- Semiarid Benchlands and Canyonlands. W of Arches Nat. Park, just N of Dubinky Well. From Moab, take US-191 N for 17.1 miles. Turn left (W) on Blue Hills Rd and continue for 7.1 miles. Turn left (S) on BLM Rd 137 and continue 4 miles. Slight right to stay on this road, and continue about 4 miles to collection site., 38.68993 -109.88163, 1611 - 1611m
UT0002997 D. Conocchioli 391 2014-06-11
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau- Semiarid Benchlands and Canyonlands. W of Arches Nat. Park, N of Canyonlands Nat. Park. From Moab, take US-191 N for 11 miles. Turn left (W) on UT-313W, continue for 5.8 miles up Seven Mile Canyon to collection site on south side of road., 38.63723 -109.7564, 1541 - 1541m
UT0003330 R. Rand CP1-014 2010-07-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Interstate 40 E from Flagstaff, exit at Twin Arrows Trading Post and go S on FR 126 about 6 mi to Yellow Jacket Canyon.., 35.061528 -111.319722, 1926m
UT0003329 R. Rand CP1-017 2010-08-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Highway 89 N from Flagstaff, right onto Townsend-Winona Road, left onto Leupp Road, left onto FR 244 and go 1 mi., 35.270639 -111.411667, 1925m
UT0003336 D. Conocchioli 405 2014-06-12
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. NE of Arches National Park. From Cisco take UT-128 W for 5.4 miles, turn left onto BLM 163 and continue for 4.5 miles starting parallel I-70, eventually heading S., 38.89907 -109.42777, 1345m
UT0003730 D. Conocchioli 377 2014-05-30
USA, Utah, Emery, Colorado Plateau- Sand Deserts. E of San Rafael Reef. From Hanksville, head NE on UT-24E for 19.6 miles. Turn left (W) on Temple Mtn Rd/ Goblin Valley Rd. Travel 0.8 miles to collection site., 38.63168 -110.58061, 1523m
UT0003828 Christenson, T. CP2-115 2015-05-27
USA, Utah, Iron, Population located about 5.5 miles NE of Enterprise on Old Modena Rd on hill slope about 1/4 km SW of roadside. Population is concentrated in old burn area., 37.624697 -113.780344, 1753 - 1753m
UT0004178 D. Conocchioli 329 2014-05-21
United States, Utah, Emery, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. Buckhorn Draw. From Price, UT, take US-191 S for 40.7 miles. Turn right (W) on Green River Cutoff Road, continue for 1.5 miles to a sharp right turn to stay on this road, and continue for 27.1 miles. Turn L (S) onto Buckhorn Draw Rd, continue for 3.5 miles to collection site in canyon wash.; 0, 39.191833 -110.711672, 1664m
UT0004171 D. Conocchioli 317 2014-05-21
USA, Utah, Emery, Colorado Plateau: semiarid, benchlands and Canyonlands E of The Wedge from Price UT: take US-191 S for 40.7 mile, turn right(W) on Green River cutoff Rd (unpaved). Continue for 1.5 miles, turn right to stay on this road, and continue for another 7.4 miles to collection sight., 39.170269 -110.435336, 1637m
UT0004409 Daniel Cloward s.n. 2010-07-17
USA, Utah, Emery, Lawrence to Tan Seeps road in San Rafael Recreation area. Starting from turn off from Green River Cut Off road down through Buckhorn Wash to San Rafael River., 39.1475 -110.715556, 1660 - 1660m
UT0004302 Leigh Moorhead s.n. 2010-05-29
USA, Utah, Emery, Roughly 3.3 miles on the Woodside Lower Price River Rd. from State Road 6, 39.251111 -110.294444, 1402 - 1402m
UT0134237 Christina Kilbane 69 2017-05-12
USA, Utah, Grand
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, go south on Hwy 191 and turn west on Hwy 95. Travel approximately 19 miles. Turn right on Mule Canyon Road and park at Mule Canyon trailhead.; 37.541606 -109.729949
USA, Utah, Millard
NAVA00006604 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00005567 Daniela Roth
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00006295 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00003551 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00004552 M.A. Baker
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected