NAVA00001888 P. Ryan
United States, Arizona, Navajo, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00001889 E. Neese
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00001885 Vorsila L. Bohrer
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00001886 J. Davey
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00001887 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00009225 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00001884 M.I. Jenness
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00010421 Daniela Roth
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00013019 Rich Crawford 346 2012-04-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Moenkopi Wash, near the Little Colorado River Gorge, 3 miles North of Cameron, 35.928593 -111.417696, 1287m
NAVA00013459 K. Jensen 11 2019-07-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Along Sandsprings dirtroad between Coalmine Chapter and Tolani Lake. (Indian Route 6720)., 35.748598 -110.983365, 1661m
NAVA00013515 Rink, G. 16470 2020-05-12
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo land, near Road 5082 southeast of the Hogback, 36.56974 -108.4999, 1710m
NAVA00013758 Rich Crawford 479 2012-05-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Hopi Trail Canyon- Eastern fork of the upper canyon, 2 miles up canyon from the confluence with the Little Colorado river., 35.96133 -111.477943, 1346m
NAVA00013814 Rich Crawford 495 2012-05-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Hopi Trail Canyon- Eastern fork of the upper canyon, 1 mile up canyon from the confluence with the Little Colorado river., 35.92403 -111.500552
NAVA00014016 Rich Crawford 1001 2013-05-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Little Colorado River Gorge, main channel of the lower Horse Trail, 36.088027 -111.654152, 1077m
NAVA00014174 Glenn Rink 17436 2023-06-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino, About 4 miles north of Cameron, 35.94283 -111.39189, 1292m
NAVA00014187 Nora Talkington 106 2022-05-05
United States, Utah, San Juan, Copper Canyon, 37.217059 -110.526232, 1433m
00306 Shields L M 1959-10-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, 5-7mi N of Gate 120 lower Frenchman Flat. Drainage area: Frenchman Flat, 1052m
02686 Beatley J C; Carl E A 1964-06-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, Playa margin. Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 945m
03397 Beatley J C 1976-06-18
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 35 (voucher). Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 1006m
03403 Beatley J C 1965-06-19
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 38 (vouchers). Drainage area: S Frenchman, 945m
03419 Beatley J C 1965-06-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 30 (voucher) N of playa. Drainage area: N Frenchman, 945m
03433 Carl E A 1965-06-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 31 (voucher) N of playa. Drainage area: N Frenchman, 945m
03435 Beatley J C 1964-05-13
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 34 (voucher) playa margin. Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 945m
03495 Beatley J C 1965-06-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 31 (voucher) N of playa. Drainage area: N Frenchman, 945m
03526 Beatley J C 1962-05-01
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 37 (voucher) S of playa margin. Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 945m
03527 Beatley J C 1962-05-01
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 36 (voucher) S of playa margin. Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 945m
03528 Beatley J C 1962-05-02
United States, Nevada, Nye, Plot 35 (voucher) base of Ranger Mtns (limestone). Drainage area: SE Frenchman, 1006m
45051 L.C. Higgins 7734 1973-07-17
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, East of Datil on hwy 60
47880 R.W. Spellenberg, H. McKinney, and J. Reitzel 4097 1976-07-08
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, 4.5 mi N of Bisti, 15 mi from hardtop, 1829m
52024 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, and L. Collyer 6522
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Ca 5 mi N of Waterflow on San Juan Coal Mine lease, S 1/2 of Sec 15, T30N, R15W
56751 Neely, BC 4901 1987-09-21
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Ca 1 mi SE of Fourmile Reservoir, 0.5 mi SW of The Narrows. Ute Mt. Tribal Lands T31N R14W S34, 1707m
18193 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Near Ojo Caliente, Zuni Reservation.
35703 B.S. Klinger sn 1934-09-17
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Nakai Bito Region [24 miles N of Gallup]
48485 R.W. Spellenberg 4895 1977-09-12
United States, Arizona, Navajo, 1.5 mi N of Fort Defiance, along road
39047 Weber, WA 3864 1948-05-21
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument, 3 mi S of Fruita, W of hwy approach to monument, 1530m
18291 D.T. McDougal sn 1891-06-00
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff
35702 Love, LD 62 1934-00-00
United States, Arizona, Apache, Pinyon Trading Post, Upper Oraibi Wash
18373 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-06-26
United States, Arizona, Apache/Navajo, Rio Colorado Chiquito [= Little Colorado River].
18029 Whiting, A, D Jones 1060/4899 1941-04-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Wupatki Nat. Monument, NE of Pueblo, 1676m
18292 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-07-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, 12 miles S of Grand Canyon.
82821 D.E. Ward and R.W. Spellenberg 81-486
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, US-666 rdsd, 28 mi S of Shiprock, 1 mi S of Little Water @ the intersection of the rd to Sanostee ( NE corner T25N R18W), 1615m
77249 S. L. Welsh 6840 1968-04-06
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Red-sandy flat, ca. 4 miles E of Harrisburg, and S of the Virgin River, 37.201778 -113.317487
176724 B. K. Crane 193 1938-05-30
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe National Forest, 2 miles E of Potts Ranger Station, 2134m
176709 F. S. Goodner 556 1937-07-05
United States of America, Nevada, Eureka Co., 20-28 miles W of Eureka, along U.S. no. 50
176710 F. S. Goodner 1257 1937-08-27
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., 17 miles N of Potts, 39.332477 -116.64091
176726 A. Henning
United States of America, Nevada, Near Reno, 39.550566 -119.851537
176728 P. Train 2436 1938-08-31
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., WHite Sage Valley, W of Delamar road on highway from Calienteto Crystal Springs, 1524m
77171 M. J. Williams W9 1972-11-05
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., W side of Walker lake near Highway alt. 95, 38.695543 -118.771028, 1280 - 1280m
176714 P. Train 2731 1939-05-11
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., East foothill slopes of Toiyabe Range, 5 miles S of Darrough Hot Springs, Smoky Valley, 1585m
77153 V. Duran 3142 1931-07-22
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Roberts Ranch, Wyman Creek, 2438m
176717 A. Henning
United States of America, Nevada, Near Reno, 39.550566 -119.851537
176738 B. J. Cox 451 1968-06-22
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., At Westgard Pass, 12.5 miles SE of jct. State 168 (state 3) and US 395 and 15.8 miles SW of Deep Springs (24.2 miles Sw of Mono-Inyo Co. line), INyo National Forest, 2172m
77158 L. S. Rose 40053 1940-03-09
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Townes Pass, 1524m
176793 R. McVaugh 14577 1953-06-15
United States of America, Utah, Wayne Co., Edge of Green River Desert about 5 miles NE of Hanksville, 38.424278 -110.648658, 1500 - 1500m
176737 H. N. Moldenke 7022 1932-06-21
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Grand Canyon, 36.054427 -112.139336
222077 D. T. MacDougal 120 1898-06-16
United States of America, Arizona, Vicinity of Flagstaff, 35.52 -111.3711, 2134 - 2134m
222079 D. T. MacDougal 120 1898-06-16
United States of America, Arizona, Vicinity of Flagstaff, 35.52 -111.3711, 2134 - 2134m
176733 N. D. Atwood 6404 1974-08-31
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Paria Plateau, ca 18 miles S of U.S. 89 between Glen Canyon City and Kanab, 36.859824 -111.856336
176736 J. T. Howell 26475 1950-05-23
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Grand Canyon National Park, Havasu Canyon
176773 F. W. Gould 1613 1942-04-21
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Volcanic cliff 1 mile E of Saint George, 37.104146 -113.565941, 914 - 914m
176734 E. J. Neese 12478 1982-10-18
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Base of the Kaibab Plateau along Hsy 89, at House Rock Ranch, 1829m
176791 R. C. Rollins 1731 1937-06-16
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 8 miles S of Ouray, Uintah Basin, 39.973181 -109.677361, 1524 - 1524m
24973 C. Parry s.n. 1941-06-06
United States of America, Utah, Wayne Co., Southeast of Hanksville, 38.260883 -110.664056
77244 K. Moor Z589 1970-07-08
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., E fork of the Virgin River at park boundary, Zion National Park, 1173m
177421 L. Williams 616 1932-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Desert W of Vernal
177422 D. Swinney 759 1970-06-15
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Monitor Valley, 25.5 miles NE of Belmont on Hwy 82, 38.9417 -116.7417, 2195m
77245 S. L. Welsh 12396 1974-05-18
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Four-Mile Bench, 37.32116 -111.670205, 1890 - 1890m
77178 L. M. Shultz 7679a 1984-04-28
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., Road between rule Spring Hills, Toquop Wash, 914m
176756 L. C. Higgins 11982 1978-05-29
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., About 50 miles E of Kanab near the junction of Hwy 89 and the Paria River
176770 S. L. Welsh 3909 1965-05-03
United States of America, Utah, Emery Co., Ca 4 miles S of junction of utah highway 24 and US 50-6
177424 C. F. Deaver 6235 1963-06-28
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Hwy 89A, about 10 miles N of Jacob Lake, 36.852228 -112.230846, 1981 - 1981m
55325 M. J. Williams 80-167-1 1980-06-30
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Road from Duckwater to Eureka. Pancake Range, 1829m
77181 T. W. Nelson 6537 1981-06-26
United States of America, Nevada, Eureka Co., Along State Route 50 at junction with State Route 51
77247 N. D. Atwood 10698 1984-09-19
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., East Clark Bench ca a mile S of Highway 89 at Cottonwood Wash road, 1433m
77185 J. C. Johnson 10 1947-06-14
United States of America, Nevada, 21 miles W of Utah on U.S. 40., 1707m
176797 R. D. Stone 1637 1993-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Right fork Walker Hollow drainage, Duchesne river formation, 1579m
177425 C. F. Deaver 6317 1963-07-02
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Hwy 89A, 7 miles south of Fredonia, 36.844031 -112.526589, 1494 - 1494m
176772 C. L. Porter 10406 1967-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Hills 5 miles W of Vernal, on US 40, 40.398922 -109.592023, 1737 - 1737m
176716 N. D. Atwood 10232 1984-06-22
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., 1.5 miles due W of Ely on mine tailings
176784 L. C. Higgins 10410 1977-08-01
United States of America, Utah, Sevier Co., Junction of highways 24 and 62, 1 mile W along hwy 62, 38.560591 -111.855751
77200 C. L. Hitchcock 5570 1939-07-31
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., Ca 35 miles SW of Austin, 39.133603 -117.534401, 2134 - 2134m
54668 M. J. Williams 76-48-5 1976-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Eureka-Duckwater road, 1890m
77250 A. Cronquist 10099 1965-05-17
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., 7 miles SE of Hurricane, 37.087836 -113.220325, 1372m
176774 M. E. Barkworth 2662 1980-06-05
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., 13 miles E of intersection of U.S. 6 and U.S. 70, 38.93263 -110.018733
176799 L. Griner 62 1936-07-05
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., 15 miles N or Monticello in moist, sandy wash, 38.088871 -109.342895, 1219 - 1219m
24905 B. Ertter 2802 1979-06-15
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Dry swales near gas tank west of large alkalai flat, 1280m
176790 Mrs. F. M. Stone 294 1934-05-14
United States of America, Utah, 2 miles NE of Kanab to Red Canyon, 37.067991 -112.50062, 1585 - 1585m
77162 L. C. Pack Jr. 33 1968-05-12
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., 9 miles S of St. George, 36.973638 -113.584123
24901 M. E. Jones s.n. 1915-06-02
United States of America, Utah, Grand River near Moab
222092 L. N. Goodding 916 1902-05-22
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., 37.643339 -114.87754
77223 M. J. Williams 821652 1982-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., 4.5 miles N of Hwy 6 on Hot Creek road, 1737m
176721 P. Train 3791 1940-05-23
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Deserted ranch, 4 miles S of Utah Construction Co. Ranch, S end Pilot Range, E Elko Co., 1372m
24967 J. T. Howell 7973 1931-08-25
United States of America, Nevada, 30 miles west of Eureks
222093 L. N. Goodding 916 1902-05-22
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., 37.643339 -114.87754
77164 L. C. Higgins 526 1966-04-29
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Ca 10 miles E of Halls Crossing, 37.456795 -110.530254
54681 M. J. Williams 72-W-11 1972-11-05
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Near Thorne, 38.601871 -118.59152, 1280 - 1280m
54670 V. Duran 3326 1932-06-21
United States of America, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., Fish Lake Valley, near Dyer, 1494m
77197 A. H. Holmgren 10557 1954-06-15
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., 2 miles W of San Antone and 6 miles E of the Tonopah-Cloverdale Road, Smoky Valley
176766 L. C. Higgins 11154 1977-08-19
United States of America, Utah, Garfield Co., Just N of Escalante on Bicknell Road, 38.67 -111.58, 1768m
24933 N. H. Holmgren 9376 1979-06-20
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., North White Pine Range, 3.9 km (2.4mi.) north of U.S. highway 50, on road to Long Valley, 45km (28mi.) airline distance east-southeast of Eureka, 39.43 -115.47, 2160m