Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Callisia hintoniorum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8

Herbario Mtra. Graciela Calderón Díaz-Barriga y Dr. Jerzy Rzedowski

Image Associated With the Occurence
CIIDIR22492G.B. Hinton   231121993-07-28
MÉXICO, Nuevo León, General Zaragoza, Zaragoza, cerca, 23.966667 -99.75

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00495663Michael J. Moore|Hilda Flores Olvera|Helga Ochoterena Booth|Nidia Mendoza Díaz|Norm Douglas   19202012-08-20
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Along road to Zaragoza, S of Aramberri., 24 -99.796944

TEX00110013Hinton   257251993-11-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, La Escondida, Aramberri

TEX00110014Hinton   238481993-11-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, (La Escondida->Aramberri) ->Dolores

TEX00110015Hinton   225681993-10-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Zaragoza-->El Salitre

TEX00110016Hinton   237481993-10-26
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, Aramberri --> El Salitre

TEX00503187Michael J. Moore|Hilda Flores Olvera|Helga Ochoterena Booth|Norm Douglas   13852011-08-10
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Along gravel road leading NE of road from La Escondida to Aramberri., 24.14247 -99.85217

Herbario "Luz María Villarreal de Puga" de la Universidad de Guadalajara

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callisia hintoniorum B. L. Turner
213396J. P. Ortiz-Brunel   9732020-10-12
México, Nuevo Leon, Zaragoza, Colinas yesosas junto a la carretera Aramberri-Zaragoza, 23.998889 -99.795278, 1346m

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8


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