Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pinus leiophylla, Pinus leiophylla var. chihuahuana (Pinus chihuahuana, Pinus leiophylla subsp. chihuahuana), Pinus leiophylla var. leiophylla (Pinus lumholtzii var. microphylla)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 14, records 1301-1400 of 1622

University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
UTEP:Herb:15308Collector(s): Thomas R. Van Devender   1981-04-05
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Gardner Canyon, ca. 0.75 miles above trailhead at end of road, Coronado National Forest, 31.69699 -110.823521, 1951 - 1951m

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
UVMVT206451Hill, S. R.   16171973-09-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Near rt. 175, Loma Grand, Dpto. Ixtlan, 17.267113 -96.417799, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT001197C.G. Pringle   1892-06-24
United States, Arizona, Santa Rita Mountains

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham.
v0184439WISWetter, Mark Allen; Kowal, Robert   12631989-11-01
Mexico, Jalisco, Along gravel road to Los Espinos, NE of Tapalpa, 2.49 km SE of church at Los Espinos, 0.6 km NW of jct. with paved hwy to Tapalpa, 19.970556 -103.735833, 2130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham.
v0265785WISA. L. Throne   s.n.1960-08-05
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Nat. Monument. Massai Point, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0265786WISA. G. Johnson   s.n.1948-10-20
United States, Arizona, Chiricahua Mts, Coronado Nat. Forest, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0265787WISMichael Baad   5691964-07-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Coronado National Forest, 35 miles north-northeast of Douglas, and 10 miles west of Portal. Headwaters of Cave Creek by way of Cima and Snowshed Trails., 1800 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
00012604MADLittle; Wadsworth   s.n.1940-01-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
00012895MADParra, A.   Tree 61952-09-13
Mexico, Chihuahua, Puerto Sehueriachi

US Forest Service - Tonto National Forest

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
TEUI0005303Andy Casillas   2006-08-05
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Pinal Mountains, SW of Signal Peak, along FS Road 651, 33.29357 -110.8505, 2040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
TEUI0005280Elizabeth Makings   31482008-11-19
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Coronado National Forest; Geronimo Trail off FS Road 63, 31.51922 -109.0058, 1680m

J. Hurja   2000-04-19
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest - Pinal Mountains, Signal Mountain, 33.2936 -110.85, 1980m

D. Z. Damrel   V-2062001-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Coronado National Forest - 2-3 milse west of the cascabel Ranch, off FR RD 63/ Geronimo Tr. In the Peloncillos, 1520m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
TEUI0005281D. Damrel   V2062001-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Ca. 2-3 miles west of the Cascabel Ranch, off FR RD 63/Geronimo Tr. in the Peloncillos

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEUI0005304J. Hurja   2000-04-19
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, Pinal Mountains, Signal Mountain, 1981m

Valdosta State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0007909Richard Carter   1984-12-28
United States, Arizona, Cochise County

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Arizona, Cochise

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Arizona, Cochise

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

248277A.R. Kruckeberg   46421959-07-12
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Heart of Rocks, Chiricahua Nat. Monument.

248040A.R. Kruckeberg   46401959-07-12
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 2 miles w. of Massai Point on Heart of Rocks trail, Chiricahua Nat. Mon.

Pinus leiophylla var. chihuahuna
316070E.S. Booth   1941940-07-00
Mexico, 75 miles west of Tamazunchale.

316071Vernon V. Poole   1952-02-11
Mexico, Chiapas, 10 mi. N. of road jct. to Arriaga.

316069Martin Nelson   1953-03-06
Mexico, 40 miles west of Toluca.

348421Joe T. Marshall, Jr   441952-07-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, 3 miles northwest of Gavilancito.

102142R.H. Peebles   129781936-05-09
United States, Arizona, Swift Trail, Mt. Graham.

316093Max Miracle   1951-02-19
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Patigonia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
405939Walter Fertig   155971995-04-13
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Pine Canyon, ca 1.5 miles south of Piney Canyon Road, ca 2 miles south of Chiricahua National Monument., 31.944359 -109.326225, 1829m

West Virginia Wesleyan College, George B. Rossbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
WVW021919George B. Rossbach   50091963-06-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Along road to Chiricahua National Monument, Chiricahua Mountains

Western Carolina University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
WCUH0004165   1957-08-09
United States, Arizona, Cochise

Western New Mexico University, Dale A. Zimmerman Herbarium

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
153D.A. Zimmerman   1962-02-04
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 5 mi NW Silver City on Bear Mtn

154D.A. Zimmerman   1964-03-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Bear Mtn, 4 mi NW Silver City, 2134m

155D.A. Zimmerman   1964-03-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Bear Mtn, 4 mi NW Silver City, 2134m

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
156J.L. Carter and A.C. Chadwick   1991-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 1 mi W entrance to Gila Nat'l Forest, on Bear Mtn Rd, 2009m

157D. Villalba and D. Stevens   1995-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Adjacent to FR 853; Gila Nat'l Forest, 1951m

6507J.L. Carter and D. Stevens   2002-05-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Adjacent to Bear Mtn Rd, 1.1 mi inside Gila Nat'l Forest boundary, 32.82315 -108.331883, 2032m

6508J.L. Carter and D. Stevens   2002-05-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Adjacent to Bear Mtn Rd, 1.1 mi inside Gila Nat'l Forest boundary, 32.82315 -108.331883, 2032m

7371D.A. Zimmerman   1961-10-02
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Bear Mtn, NW Silver City, 2134m

152A. Campbell   
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, On divide of Claton Canyon

7369D.A. Zimmerman and P. Boucher   1992-03-12
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos altos Range, ridge above Cherry Creek Canyon

7447D.A. Zimmerman and P. Boucher   1992-03-21
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Mtns, Cherry Creek Canyon

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
174D. Durland and R. Wheaton   1989-04-20
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 2000 ft SE of Southwestern Research Station, 1676m

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
175D. Rolph   1986-04-15
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 4 mi S of Paradise, 1829m

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
176N. Plotkin and K. Bauer   1991-04-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Cave Creek Canyon between South Western Research Station & Sunny Flat campground, 1615m

17775D.A. Zimmerman   1962-07-10
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Bear Mtn

25203J.L. Carter and D. Stevens   2002-05-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 1.1 mi inside Gila Nat'l Forest boundary, adjacent to Bear Mtn Rd, 2032m

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
69040Bourdo, E A   s.n.1971-07-24
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Nat'l Mon.

General Research Observations

George M. Ferguson   34212013-04-27
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Coronado National Forest, Patagonia Mountains, upper Alum Gulch near Humboldt Mine, 31.467917 -110.733889, 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   17322016-05-01
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra Elenita, ~8 km WNW of Cananea, road to Pinalito Canyon E of Mina Puertecitos camp, 31.01413 -110.38045, 1917m

Stephen Hale   52532015-09-12
Mexico, Sonora, Cucurpe, High peak of Sierra la Madera at end of road via Rancho El Yeso, 12.25 miles east Magdalena-Cucurpe-Sinoquipe Hwy, 12.7 miles ENE Magdalena., 30.634542 -110.756639, 2024m

Walter Fertig   155971995-04-13
U.S.A., Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Pine Canyon, ca 1.5 miles south of Piney Canyon Road, ca 2 miles south of Chiricahua National Monument., 31.944359 -109.326225, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   20932016-10-17
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Drainage below Victor Spring and Victor Mine, Squaw Gulch area, Coronado National Forest, southern Santa Rita Mtns; 10 km NW of Patagonia., 31.5943 -110.83083, 1576m

Stephen Hale   53672004-09-04
Mexico, Sonora, Along Arroyo La Palma, approximately 1.2 east of Rancho La Palma, approximately 14 miles (Road) east of town of Baviacora in the Sierra Baviacora., 29.774208 -109.993633, 1186m

Image Associated With the Occurence
431030Frank Reichenbacher   30112016-08-16
Mexico, Sonora, 330m SW of El Asseradero Camp (30.72678, -109.82099), 24.0 km (by air) WSW of Fronteras, Sierra Buenos Aires, Ajos-Bavispe Reserva Forestal Nacional y Refugio de Fauna Silvestre., 30.72505 -109.82354, 1700 - 1800m

Stephen Hale   55352017-08-15
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho la Zulema, Sierra Juriquipa, 13.5 mi. east (By road) HWY 17, 10.24 mi 16.5 km (by air) SE of Nacozari de García. ., 30.28169 -109.5546, 1769m

Stephen Hale   55852017-09-16
Mexico, Sonora, Naco (municipio), 1 mile southwest of Rancho El Metate, 2 miles (Rd.) west Hwy 2. 4.7 miles (air) SSW Naco., 31.252128 -109.97311, 1918m

Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe
Betsy Vance   2010-10-27
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua National Monument, 32.022807 -109.34906, 1743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   35762018-12-17
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bear Spring, Big Casa Blanca Canyon, Santa Rita Mts, Coronado Natl Forest., 31.68317 -110.80404, 1715m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   35772018-12-17
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bear Spring, Big Casa Blanca Canyon, Santa Rita Mts, Coronado Natl Forest., 31.68208 -110.80385, 1710m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   46782021-03-20
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Victor Mine Canyon, southern Santa Rita Mts, Coronado National Forest., 31.59704 -110.82931, 1606m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sue Carnahan   47182021-05-22
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Flux Canyon, Patagonia Mts, Coronado National Forest., 31.50547 -110.77885, 1227m

Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment Observations

cab-trv-077A.L. Reina-Guerrero   2009-12132009-09-22
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Arroyo Las Cabañas, Rancho el Pinito, Cuenca los Ojos Foundation property, Sierra San Luis, 61.3 km (by air) ESE of Agua Prieta, 31.16889 -108.90306, 1769m

dia-trv-072T.R. Van Devender   2009-09-29
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Arroyo Cajón Bonito, Sierra San Luis, ca. 67.7 km (by air) E. of Ahua Prita, Cuenca Los Ojos Foundation property., 31.28861 -108.79694, 1772m

avi-fle-041Aaron Flesch   2009-06-19
México, Sonora, Magdalena de Kino, Sierra de la Madera, 19.2 km (by air) E of Magdalena de Kino, 30.63721 -110.75357, 1936m

avi-fle-048Aaron Flesch   2009-06-20
México, Sonora, Magdalena de Kino, Sierra de la Madera, 19.8 km (by air) ENE of Magdalena de Kino, 30.65449 -110.74891, 1821m

avi-fle-056Aaron Flesch   2009-06-21
México, Sonora, Magdalena de Kino, Sierra de la Madera, 18.3 km (by air) E of Magdalena de Kino, 30.61711 -110.76207, 1662m

avi-fle-089Aaron Flesch   2009-06-27
México, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra la Mariquita, 10.5 km (by air) NW of Cananea, 31.06094 -110.37836, 2288m

avi-fle-132Aaron Flesch   2009-07-08
México, Sonora, Cumpas, Sierra la Madera (Oposura), 26.7 km (by air) NNE of Moctezuma, 30.0307 -109.55055, 1972m

avi-fle-140Jeremy Russell   2009-07-09
México, Sonora, Cumpas, Sierra la Madera (Oposura), 25.7 km (by air) NNE of Moctezuma, 30.01037 -109.5363, 1896m

avi-fle-150Aaron Flesch   2009-07-09
México, Sonora, Cumpas, Sierra la Madera (Oposura), 20.8 km (by air) NNE of Moctezuma, 30.03091 -109.54259, 1726m

avi-fle-169Aaron Flesch   2009-07-11
México, Sonora, Cumpas, Sierra la Madera (Oposura), 20.6 km (by air) NNE of Moctezuma, 29.9517 -109.5337, 1965m

avi-fle-177Jeremy Russell   2009-07-11
México, Sonora, Cumpas, Sierra la Madera (Oposura), 21.1 km (by air) NNE of Moctezuma, 29.9519 -109.52668, 2053m

avi-fle-199Jeremy Russell   2009-05-21
México, Sonora, Nacozari de García, Sierra El Tigre, 27.7 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe, 30.58398 -109.20286, 2315m

ajo-alb-355C.R. Schwalbe   1998-08-03
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, SW facing slopes above Arroyo El Frijolito, N of Cerro las Flores, 34.8 km (by air) E of Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 30.95362 -109.93263, 2000m

ajo-alb-380C.R. Schwalbe   1998-08-04
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Los Ajos Nuevos, Cañón de Evans, 32.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 30.97298 -109.96088, 2041m

son-trv-349T.R. Van Devender   2010-03-16
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de García, Rancho La Joya, 31.3 km (by air) WNW Bavispe, 53.1 km (by air) ENE Nacozari de García, Sierra El Tigre, 30.55139 -109.17139, 2023m

son-trv-376T.R. Van Devender   2010-03-16
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de García, El Porvenir on road to Rancho La Joya, 34.2 km (by air) WNW Bavispe, 50.7 km (by air) ENE Nacozari de García, Sierra El Tigre, 30.56167 -109.20111, 1920m

son-trv-391A.L. Reina-Guerrero   2010-1812010-03-17
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de García, Puertocitos, Cerro El Tigre, 38.6 km (by air) WNW Bavispe, 51.1 km (by air) ENE of Nacozari de García, Sierra el Tigre, 30.60056 -109.22389, 2086m

fer-trv-043A.L. Reina-G.   2010-8012010-08-04
Mexico, Sonora, Moctezuma, N of Rancho San Fernando, E side of Sierra de la Madera, 17.6 km (by air) W of Huásabas, 23.1 km (by air) ENE of Moctezuma, 29.94149 -109.48668, 1350m

son-trv-6320J.J. Sánchez-E.   2011-05-02
Mexico, Sonora, Arizpe, Rancho El Valle, Potereo El Peñascal, 19.3 km (by air) W of Arizpe, Sierra San Antonio., 30.32694 -110.36889, 1255m

Image Associated With the Occurence
son-trv-6321G.M. Ferguson   3138-39; 31472011-05-03
Mexico, Sonora, Arizpe, Sierra San Antonio, Arroyo La Palmilla (=upper Arroyo El Valle drainage), 1.3 km W and 0.5 km S Rancho El Valle, 30.33611 -110.37917, 1320m

son-trv-7010A.L. Reina-G.   2011-06-18
Mexico, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Rincón de Guadalupe, 14.9 km (by air) ENE of Bacadéhuachi, Arroyo Campo los Padres (Río Riito drainage), Sierra de Bacadéhuachi., 29.84806 -108.99417, 1814m

son-trv-7116T.R. Van Devender   2011-06-19
Mexico, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, 13.5 km (by air) ENE of Bacadéhuachi, Sierra de Bacadéhuachi., 29.82917 -109.00361, 1650m

bac-gf-42G. M. Ferguson   1995-12-12
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadehuachi, upper Arroyo La Rinconada, 3.5 km (air) SE Cerro La Placa, 3.6 mi N (on road to Rincon de Guadalupe) from jct. of Nacori Chico road (at 13 km E and 1 km N Bacadehuachi), 29.81667 -109.00833, 1480m

bac-gf-46G. M. Ferguson   1995-12-12
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadehuachi, Arroyo La Matancita (= upper A. El Cajon) at Aerradero Matancitas, 2.6km (air) WNW Rincon de Guadalupe (at 13.5 km E and 3.5 km N Bacadehuachi), 29.8375 -109, 1640m

bac-gf-69G. M. Ferguson   8171995-12-12
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadehuachi, Cerro Chuchupate, 2.5 km (air) NW Rincon de Guadalupe (at 13.5 km E and 6 km N Bacadehuachi), 29.85556 -109, 2060m

G. M. Ferguson   30632011-07-31
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadéhuachi, upper Arroyo La Rinconada, 0.9 km S Puerto La Matancita, 7.8 km (on road to Rincon de Guadalupe) N from jct. of Nacori Chico road (at 13 km E and 3 km N Bacadéhuachi), 29.82972 -109.00361, 1620m

G. M. Ferguson   30782011-08-01
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Arroyo Campo Los Padres at Rincon de Guadalupe (16 km E and 4.25 km N Bacadéhuachi), 29.84444 -108.97833, 1700m

G. M. Ferguson   31002011-08-03
México, Sonora, Bacadéhuachi, Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Arroyo El Cajon, 0.7 km (air) ENE Aserradero Matancitas, along mule trail to Rincon de Guadalupe (14.5 km E and 4 km N Bacadéhuachi), 29.84444 -108.97833, 1770m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-27
Mexico, Sonora, Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 19.5 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe., 30.51237812 -109.1397318, 2128m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-26
Mexico, Sonora, Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 22.7 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe., 30.54471639 -109.1667574, 2022m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-29
Mexico, Sonora, Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 23.5 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe., 30.56164583 -109.1671063, 2068m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-29
Mexico, Sonora, Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 24.0 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe., 30.55001952 -109.1781968, 1920m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-24
Mexico, Sonora, Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 26.8 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe., 30.5665934 -109.2022515, 2013m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-15
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 35.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, 30.94222503 -109.9519513, 2248m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-16
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 35.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, 30.94222503 -109.9519513, 2040m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-13
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 35.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, 30.94222503 -109.9519513, 1915m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-10
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 35.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, 30.94222503 -109.9519513, 1812m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-11
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, 35.2 km (by air) E of Cananea, 30.94222503 -109.9519513, 1722m

A.D. Flesch   2010-06-02
Mexico, Sonora, Ímuris, Sierra Azul 27.9km (by air) E of Ímuris, 30.7575384 -110.5634706, 1760m

Page 14, records 1301-1400 of 1622


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