Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus calycosus, Astragalus calycosus var. calycosus (Astragalus calycosus var. mancus), Astragalus calycosus var. scaposus, Astragalus calycosus var. monophyllidius, Astragalus calycosus calycosus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 2375

General Research Observations

WJH001891Bill Harms   18281982-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab, 6.9 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains, 39.916098 -112.290565, 1673m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
Kristian R. Valles   702015-08-17
United states, Utah, 39.11241 -111.464763

D. Gentilcore   2712014-05-23
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Near White Pine Hand Thinning. White Pine Range., 38.852757 -115.261561, 1905m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
Glenn Rink   180212024-06-02
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Along Highway 6 about 20 miles south of Ely, 39.108717 -115.062061, 1905m

Walter Fertig   312122016-05-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, West slope of Kaibab Plateau, southeast of US Hwy Alt 89 10.5 miles south of Utah state line, 15.5 miles ESE of Fredonia. T40N R1E S23 SE4SE4, 36.847639 -112.255972, 1954m

WJH002838Bill Harms   18391982-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab, 5.2 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains, 39.910733 -112.256823, 1673m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
4153005J. Leppert   58412010-05-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino, NAU ERI P-J Griffin Fire plot 3, 35.987877 -112.231591

068778J.S. Holland   2023-682023-05-22
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, 10 miles east of U.S. Highway 95 along the road to Beaver Dam State Park; just south of Miller Bench, 37.609375 -114.306404, 1831m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
WJH002860Bill Harms   16731982-06-25
United States, Utah, Juab, Tintic Junction, Tintic Valley, 39.927171 -112.16078, 1792 - 1804m

Rich Crawford   8712013-04-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Rim of the Little Colorado, Powell Point, Top of the Walter Powell Point. 1.5 River miles from the confluence. 35 K SW of Cedar Ridge., 36.217015 -111.785595, 1824m

UTC00283216Leila M. Shultz   206142008-06-20
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Grouse Creek Mountains, ca. 21 miles N of town of Grouse Creek and N of Pole Creek turnoff, 41.946556 -114.007647, 1582m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
Stevens, L.E.   s.n.2011-05-31
USA, Arizona, Coconino, North Kaibab National Forest, Table Spring Pt., 36.7117 -112.4638, 1607 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kirstin Olmon   872011-05-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Navajo Nation, 29 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 345 m S on Indian Route 6150 (Gray Mountain Truck Trail) on west side of road., 35.93017 -111.70865, 1940m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
Glenn Rink   181272024-06-19
USA, Nevada, Elko, along Highway 93 about 1 km south of Gray's Landing, 41.405538 -114.755295, 1759m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
UTC00281477Leila M. Shultz   1996-06-11
United States, Utah, Millard Co., Half-Way Hills Summit, study site #66, 38.633528 -113.832719, 1959m

D. Gentilcore   3422015-05-02
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Along Sweetwater Rd. about 2 mi. East of E. Walker River crossing, 38.427257 -119.064387, 1777m

Museum of Northern Arizona

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.29857Phillips, A.   88-921988-05-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 6 miles south of Hualapai hilltop and 1.5 miles north of Supai highway, open north-facing slope. SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec 15. T31N R4W, 36.0752 -112.70861

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.36811G. Rink   105302011-05-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest. Rim south of Snake Gulch west of Table Rock Spring., 36.706378 -112.464401, 1783m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.10555Wright, Frank   
USA, Utah, Kane County, Hite, Glen Canyon, 37.881169 -110.3897

B.7954Wetherill, M. A.   1957-04-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Two miles west of Clemenceau, 34.780116 -112.084751

B.34545Kirstin Olmon   3572012-04-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 33 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 950 m N., 35.92567 -111.74146, 1886m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.32122Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G.   85-701985-04-25
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Gravelly slopes on mesas north of Cholla Power Plant and Fly Ash Pond. SW¼, Sec.19, T18N, R20E, 34.939397 -110.2607

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.9790Adams, Nettie   1958-03-29
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Mouth of Castle Creek, San Juan River at mile 47, 37.226506 -110.530613

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.25946Phillips, A. & B., Downs, J., & Peterson, E.   78-602b1978-06-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Top of second switchback on Winter Rd. at W escarpment of Buckskin Mtn., 36.971499 -112.106239

B.14734McCormack, C.W.   1962-06-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 6 miles south west of Seligman, 35.263995 -112.952099

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.17679Mark Applequist   701
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, in Sycamore Canyon; Cow Flat area; in the wilderness area, 34.929249 -112.050488

B.5603Cutler, Hugh   46561941-04-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 6 miles west of Sedona, Yavapai Co., 34.868499 -111.868143

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.27632Mazzoni, Jill and Green, L. T.   80-1011980-05-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Maricopa Point, Grand Canyon National Park, limestone outcrop, T31N, R2E, SW 1/4, 36.071266 -112.147268

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.38603Kirstin Olmon   21412016-05-03
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Bureau of Land Management, Joseph City, Near Cholla Power Plant on N side of I-40., 34.9434 -110.27708, 1561m

B.4060Wetherill, M. A.   1940-04-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, ca 3 miles south of Sedona on Rim Rock Road., 34.764468 -111.888769

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.37461B.Hevron   10781991-04-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Marble Canyon rim overlooking Red Wall Cavern between 29 mile canyon-Shinumo and Nantiloid Creek., 36.836102 -111.556482

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.14819White, Larry   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 4 mi. N of Big Spring, 36.62565 -112.275021

B.34977Kirstin Olmon   6582012-09-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, Lee Canyon, 33 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 11.6 km W on Forest Road 307, north side of the road near Wagoner tank., 35.936785 -111.862844, 1991m

B.7836Haskell, H.S.   22791957-04-11
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Marshall Ranch, Boynton Pass, 34.8975 -111.86056

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.41871Bartlett, Katharine   s.n.1950-03-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Grasshopper flat, Red Ledge, 34.86306 -111.79472

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.39646Stevens, L.E.   s.n.1979-04-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, South Bass Trail Esplanade, 36.203653 -112.371822, 950 - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.12563Hamilton, P.&H.   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; South Rim, Grand Canyon NP, 36.041676 -112.055082

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.32265Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G.   79-5061979-05-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Rim of Marble Canyon on north side of South Canyon. NW1/4, Sec.21, T36N, R5E, 36.50731 -111.872429

B.33161M. Licher   30282011-03-30
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, South end of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, in saddle between two mesas above the Verde River, east of Cottonwood, 34.746389 -111.992333, 1050m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.42218Milne, Jeanette   s.n.1987-04-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Bureau of Land Management, South Canyon rim, 36.514654 -111.863767, 1585m

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.42928Phillips, Barbara G.   86-691986-04-17
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Dead Horse Ranch State Park, <i>Eriogonum ripleyi</i> site, north of Verde River by Cottonwood, 34.752172 -112.019585

B.7892Haskell, H.S.   23151957-04-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Montezuma Castle National Monument; Montezuma Castle Nt. Mon, Campground, 34.611021 -111.836615

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.21073Tomko, Dennis S.   24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Cimmaron Springs, 13 mi SE of Camp Verde, 34.425775 -111.652708

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.5775Clokey, I.W.   1938-06-10
USA, Nevada, Clark County, Ridge along lower Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., 36.399963 -115.567516

Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
B.36828G. Rink   105502011-05-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest. Below the canyon rim west of Pigeon Spring, north of Snake Gulch, 36.726496 -112.513493, 1661m

San Juan College Herbarium

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Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
SJNM-V-0031580James A. Erdman   2651963-04-24
USA, Colorado, Montezuma, Mesa Verde National Park & Vicinity: gravel pits, south end of Chapin Mesa; 6600 ft. Alt, 37.11262 -108.4856

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SJNM-V-0031573Rink, G.   2632001-05-05
United States, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument; On Shinarump Conglomerate at edge of canyon just west of White House Overlook.; 36.12923 -109.47792, 36.129231 -109.477923, 1899m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0031604O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   54502001-06-14
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. 4 mi SW of Crystal and N of Red Lake. Upper Chinle Fma; 36.0130556 -109.0313889, 36.013056 -109.031389, 2222m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0031591Heil, Kenneth D.   162272001-05-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Navajo Nation. Chilchinbito Canyon mouth.; 36.502778 -110.058889; 36.502778 -110.058889, 36.502778 -110.058889, 1859m

SJNM-V-0031597Porter, J. Mark   17621985-04-23
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. Ca 2miles east of the Utah State Line. The north edge of Marble Canyon.; 37.181 -109.01, 37.166 -108.785, 1763m

Clifford, Arnold   00-2822000-05-19
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Mexican Cry Mesa top., 36.557 -109.292, 2256m

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SJNM-V-0031583Heil, Kenneth D.   340292012-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Cibola National Forest. Forest Service Road 49 ca 3 miles southwest of I40. Zuni Canyon, northwest of road.; 33.1482833 -107.9228333, 33.1482833 -107.9228333, 2025m

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SJNM-V-0031574O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   50692001-05-29
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Round Rock Road east of Hwy. 191. North of Sitting Coyote Mesa., 36.531111 -109.441111, 1639m

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SJNM-V-0031607Heil & Melton   75061993-05-27
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Navajo Nation. Ca. 6.5 miles southwest of Standing Rock along pipeline road. Just east of pipeline and west of Pinetree Canyon., 35.7319 -108.4354, 2091m

SJNM-V-0031605Clifford, Arnold   
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, detailed locality information protected

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SJNM-V-0031638Heil, Kenneth D.   186342002-05-09
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. Pinon Hills Blvd. near jct. with College Blvd. In median, 36.7768 -108.1707, 1742m

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SJNM-V-0031600Reeves, Tim   87761995-04-19
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington Lake. Northeast side of Lake.; 36.7991666667 -108.0983333333, 36.996 -107.909, 1902m

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SJNM-V-0031636Heil, Kenneth D.   234442004-04-28
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Southern Ute Indian Reservation. State Hwy 140 1.5 mi. N of New Mexico border to La Plata County Rd 136. 4.8 mi to intersection. S on unmarkerd road fro 2.5 mi and well site.; 37.0375 -108.0911111, 37.0375 -108.091111, 1871m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex S. Wats.
SJNM-V-0031946Rich Fleming   6111988-05-08
USA, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park. Pleasant Creek area. Hilltop near the creek.; 38.18533 -111.18912, 38.183171 -111.179507, 1829m

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SJNM-V-0031588Heil, Kenneth D.   31621987-05-18
United States, Utah, Beaver, BLM, Just W of mile marker 47; rocky hills S of STate Hwy. 21.; 38.681 -113.89266, 38.681 -113.89266

SJNM-V-0031606Clifford, Arnold   
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, detailed locality information protected

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SJNM-V-0031610Anderson, John   91-121991-05-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Ca. 3 miles north of Aztec on US Highway 550. .5 mile east of Hart Canyon along pipeline route. Ca. .25 mi south of Hart Canyon Road., 36.8645 -107.939, 1707m

SJNM-V-0031631Clifford, Arnold   03-1262003-04-14
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Nazlini area, 2.0 miles south of Nazlini Chapter House;; 35.86739 -109.450937, 35.86739 -109.450937, 1853m

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SJNM-V-0031586Franklin, Ben   48301987-05-24
United States, Utah, Beaver, Hamlin Valley. Bare gravel slopes east of Valley; 38.16 -113.97, 38.16 -113.97, 1951 - 1951m

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SJNM-V-0031571O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   50922001-05-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Above Rough Rock on road to Black Mesa; 36.4058333 -109.9055556, 36.405833 -109.905556, 1953m

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SJNM-V-0031948Taye, A   19741984-05-25
United States, Utah, Sevier, Clear Creek Canyon and Marysvale Canyon junction; 38.6 -112.26, 38.6 -112.26, 1839m

SJNM-V-0031618George, R.D.   s.n.1984-04-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. San Juan College., 36.7734 -108.1707, 1728m

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SJNM-V-0031602Porter, J. Mark   84-0581984-04-25
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. San Juan College., 36.7734 -108.1707, 1728m

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SJNM-V-0031947Fleming, Rich   6371988-06-01
United States, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park. Pleasant Creek on a hilltop., 38.1854 -111.1892, 1839m

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SJNM-V-0031611Denetclaw, Pete   241984-04-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. 1 mile north of San Juan College. Hood Mesa area.; 36.786 -108.1698, 36.786 -108.1698, 1768m

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SJNM-V-0031595Clifford, Arnold   95-2281995-05-22
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Carrizo Mountains. Ca 4 miles northeast of Oak Springs.; 34.268213 -109.618243, 36.77 -109.054, 1833m

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SJNM-V-0031956Heil, Kenneth D.   16631983-05-17
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Cathedral Gorge State Park., 37.8241 -114.4155, 1469m

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SJNM-V-0031614Porter, J. Mark   84-2931984-05-16
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, 1 mile south of the Colorado State Line along the La Plata River., 36.9836 -108.1898

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SJNM-V-0031949Porter, J. Mark   49721987-05-20
United States, Utah, Kane, BLM. Buckskin Mountain. Ca 5 miles southwest of Dee Springs Wash on Highway 89. SE of highway.; 37.06 -112.18, 37.06 -112.18, 1714m

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SJNM-V-0031635Moore, Lynn   48721995-06-03
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Upper Dolores River Drainage and Adjacent Areas: San Juan National Forest: Forest Road 556 and Forest Road 393, ca 7 air mi E of Dolores on Haycamp Mesa.; 37.4791 -108.3498, 37.4791 -108.3498, 2469m

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SJNM-V-0031632D. Atwood   254682000-05-04
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Ca 4 miles north of of Carrizo along Hwy 77., 34.0138 -110.243, 1548m

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SJNM-V-0031603Reeves, Tim   93591997-06-13
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Coalbank Canyon. CR 1330 ca 3.6 miles west of NM 170. Upper portion of canyon west of curve of hill and well.; 36.9333333 -108.25; 36.938136 -108.253691; 36.996 -107.909; 36.996 -107.909, 36.996 -107.909, 1902m

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SJNM-V-0031944Heil, Kenneth D.   16421983-05-15
United States, Utah, Beaver, Ca. 4.5 miles west/southwest of Milford., 38.3566 -113.0921, 1634m

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SJNM-V-0031585Clifford, Arnold   01-5732001-06-04
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Navajo Nation. Todilto Park area. Ca 4.0 mi southwest of Tsaya Lake-Bowl canyon recreation area.1.25 miles northeast of Beelzebub Point., 35.922 -108.954, 2256m

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SJNM-V-0031942Heil, Kenneth D.   23791986-05-14
United States, Utah, Beaver, BLM. Just W. of mile marker 47; rocky hills S. of Highway 21, 38.5046 -113.5106

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SJNM-V-0031579Heil, Kenneth D.   127731999-04-24
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Ute Indain Reservation, State of NM highway 17 (La Plata Hwy) to CO border Ca 2-3 mi N to dirt road heading east .25 mi east; 37.022 -108.1783, 37.022 -108.1783, 1981m

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SJNM-V-0031601Heil, Kenneth D.   146282000-05-23
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Chaco Mesa ca. 1 mi SW on Pueblo Pintada, 35.951389 -107.678889, 2038m

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SJNM-V-0031619Scroggins, David   s.n.1984-04-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. San Juan College.; 36.77 -108.17; 36.77 -108.17, 36.77 -108.17, 1727m

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SJNM-V-0031954Heil, Kenneth D.   32131987-05-20
United States, Nevada, Clark, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Charleston Mountains; State Hwy 156, just within the forest boundary.; 36.392 -115.59, 36.392 -115.59, 1841m

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SJNM-V-0028527Erdman, James   4631964-06-09
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mesa Verde National Park. Pine Canyon area, south end of Moccasin Mesa.; 37.14 -108.441, 37.14 -108.441, 2012m

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SJNM-V-0031596Porter, J. Mark   17201985-04-16
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. Ca 4 miles southwest of Towoac on the Aneth Road. Southeast of Sleeping Ute Mountain.; 37.166 -108.785, 37.166 -108.785, 1763m

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SJNM-V-0031943Heil, Kenneth D.   16491985-05-15
United States, Utah, Millard, Desert Experimental Station. North of Highway 21. Ca 5 miles north of Beaver County Line., 38.4741 -113.6949, 1628m

Porter, J. Mark   45801987-04-27
United States, Utah, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Ca 16 miles north of Montezuma Creek. Between McCracken Spring and Horse Canyon.; 37.43 -109.37; 37.43 -109.37, 37.43 -109.37, 1605m

SJNM-V-0031634Porter, J. Mark   70691990-04-08
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Ca. 2 miles north/northeast of Camp Verde. Verde River Valley., 34.6023 -111.8572, 991m

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SJNM-V-0031608Holmes, Cyndie   31995-01-12
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. San Juan College. Fitness Center, west wall., 36.7705 -108.1743, 1719m

SJNM-V-0031945Welsh, Stanley L.   243941990-05-03
United States, Utah, Millard, Ca 18 m WSW of Kanosh, W side S Twin Peak.; 38.73954 -112.7763, 38.73954 -112.7763, 1600m

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SJNM-V-0031613Porter, J. Mark   10431985-05-04
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Ca. 4.75 miles north of Waterflow along "The Hogback"., 36.8286 -108.4942, 1661m

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SJNM-V-0031633Atwood, N.D.   250442000-04-18
United States, NM, NM, 1 mile northwest of Mollies Nipple; 36.1 -113.37; 36.093024 -113.373983; 36.093024 -113.373983, 36.093024 -113.373983, 1219m

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SJNM-V-0031584O'Kane, Jr., Steve L.   43531998-05-25
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Navajo Nation. North rim of Pine Tree Canyon.; 35.7102777778 -108.3916666667, 35.7102777778 -108.3916666667, 2256m

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SJNM-V-0031637B. Hevron   11911991-05-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Overlooking tha badlands to the N toward Farmington; mi 38.7; drive S, hit dirt road, turn E at mi 40.3. Gas well in sand to the N of the road., 36.75 -108.385, 1585m

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SJNM-V-0031617Porter, J. Mark   15571985-06-28
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. North of Cottonwood Canyon.; 36.9309 -108.4431, 36.9299 -108.4586

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SJNM-V-0031598Fleming, Rich   BC-541986-05-10
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. Seismograph line MCE-20., 37.177823 -108.81692

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SJNM-V-0031593Heil, Kenneth D.   17061983-06-03
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Ca 1 mile south of Nazlini on road 27-86.; 35.882 -109.446, 35.882 -109.446, 1987m

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SJNM-V-0031621Clifford, Arnold   01-2252001-05-05
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Ca 1.75 miles northeast of Blue Hill. First major terrace mesa.; 36.966013 -108.67881, 36.966013 -108.67881, 1820m

SJNM-V-0031581Turner, Valarie   82019-06-04
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington. San Juan College walking trail, near trail head next to bridge by first frisbee golf hole; 36.770919 -108.168425, 36.770919 -108.168425, 1684m

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 2375


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