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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Muhlenbergia squarrosa, Vilfa depauperata, Sporobolus depauperatus, Muhlenbergia aspericaulis, Sporobolus aspericaulis, Sporobolus richardsonis, Vilfa richardsonis, Vilfa squarrosa, Muhlenbergia brevifolia var. richardsonis)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 3103

Iowa State University, Ada Hayden Herbarium

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Jemez Mountain Herbarium

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G0506.1hC.F. Keller   2006-09-11
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Los Alamos Co. Perimeter Trail west of Rt. 501 ~1/4 mile north of Valle Canyon, 35.861111 -106.358889, 2452m

Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium

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KHD00018152Janet L. Wingate   28231983-09-17
United States of America, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Twin Rocks Valley, 1.4 mile W of Monument Boundary., 38.918864 -105.247593, 2620m

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KHD00018150Janet L. Wingate   26571983-08-11
United States of America, Colorado, Clear Creek, Walter S. Reed Botanic Gardens; 6 miles west of Evergreen; Upper Bear Creek Canyon., 39.6281 -105.43206, 2300m

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KHD00018153Janet L. Wingate   40661985-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Hinsdale, Near hidden Valley Campground and Cebella Creek, approximately 6 miles NE of Colorado Highway 149., 2957m

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KHD00018154Janet L. Wingate   45741986-08-15
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest, junction of Elkhorn Creek and Forest Route 162, 40.763172 -105.619452, 2591m

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KHD00018151Janet L. Wingate   48291987-06-18
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Mill Creek Trail ca 1/2 mile above Hallowell Park, 40.335691 -105.61808, 2682m

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KHD00018155Loraine Yeatts   19261988-07-09
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Moraine Park, 40.352943 -105.59233, 2438m

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KHD00018149William A. Weber   192601997-08-23
United States of America, Colorado, Park, W side of South Park 5 mi s and 3 mi W of Fairplay; 12 Mile Club, SW of Round Hill, off Weston Pass Road, jct. of Sheep, Cave, and 12 Mile Creeks, 39.103911 -106.077094, 3018m

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KHD00018148Linda Senser   GGC 5181997-08-24
United States of America, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park. Just off jeep road on Green Ranch west of Smith Hill Road., 39.806422 -105.435559, 2658m

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KHD00020110Pamela Regensberg   1192006-06-10
United States of America, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley, ca 5.5 air miles SW of Crestone, at jct of Lexam Rd and Landing Strip, ca 1 mile S of County Road T. WGS84. T43N R11E, 37.957744 -105.788723, 2324m

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KHD00043056Pam Regensberg   7812012-06-18
United States of America, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley; ca. 2.3 miles SW of Crestone. 7.5' Crestone quad. 7.5' Crestone quad., 37.96623 -105.72208, 2350m

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KHD00023548Linda Senser   GGC#5081997-08-24
United States of America, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park. Green ranch section of the Park: Access is by jeep road west from the north portion of Smith Hill Road. Collection site lies in wet meadow paralleling Smith Hill Road., 39.80731 -105.43701, 2658m

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KHD00060323Melissa Islam   11572013-08-19
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; ca. 12 air miles south, southeast from Creede, ca. 6 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap (CO HWY 149). Private property (Humphreys Ranch) surrounding Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake., 37.68551 -106.85195, 2775m

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KHD00058357Pam Regensberg   17702014-07-21
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; private property (Humphreys Ranch) that includes Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake, ca. 6 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap and confluence with Rio Grande., 37.68241 -106.85806, 2785m

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KHD00058475Pam Regensberg   18102014-07-22
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; private property (Humphreys Ranch) that includes Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake, ca. 6 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap and confluence with Rio Grande., 37.67301 -106.8587, 2769m

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KHD00062243Pam Regensberg   24102015-07-26
United States of America, Colorado, Conejos, San Juan Mountains on western side of San Luis Valley. Rajadero Canyon ACEC managed by BLM, ca. 27 miles SW of Alamosa., 37.21027 -106.24156, 2629m

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KHD00062244Pam Regensberg   25122015-07-28
United States of America, Colorado, Conejos, San Juan Mountains on western side of San Luis Valley. Rajadero Canyon ACEC managed by BLM, ca. 27.5 miles SW of Alamosa., 37.23005 -106.27963, 2869m

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KHD00061938Pam Regensberg   22012015-07-13
United States of America, Colorado, Park, Pike National Forest, near Buffalo Springs Campground, ca. 14 miles S of Fairplay along County Road 76., 39.034924 -105.983421, 2787m

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KHD00061935Pam Regensberg   22432015-07-14
United States of America, Colorado, Park, Colorado State Land Board Land property, Magic Forest Fen; ca. 7 miles SSE of Fairplay and ca. 1 mile W of Colorado Highway 9., 39.133884 -105.940984, 2853m

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KHD00061797Pam Regensberg   23752015-07-18
United States of America, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest, Pineries Open Space, ca. 16 miles NE of Colorado Springs; ca. 0.5 miles N of Shoup Road., 39.01504 -104.64548, 2268m

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KHD00061969Janet L. Wingate   106072015-08-10
United States of America, Colorado, Park, Pike National Forest, Long Gulch, ca. 9.5 air miles E of Jefferson. Lost Park Road and Rock Creek., 39.34861 -105.6392, 2994m

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KHD00064132Janet L. Wingate   109552016-07-20
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest, Browns Canyon National Monument, Cottenwood Creek, W of CR 185., 38.73738 -105.98058, 2822m

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KHD00063720Janet L. Wingate   113752016-08-24
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, Bureau of Land Management, Brown Canyon National Monument, Wetland W of Hecla Junction Campground., 38.6536 -106.05505, 2286m

Loraine Yeatts   65002016-07-19
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest, Browns Canyon National Monument, along county road CR 185 just S of Bassam Spring ca. 0.5 mi. s of Little Cotton Wood Cr. and CR 185d, 38.75805 -105.96702, 2885m

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KHD00062153Loraine Yeatts   65012016-07-19
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest, Browns Canyon National Monument, along county road CR 185 just S of Bassam Spring ca. 0.5 mi. S of Little Cottonwood Cr. and CR 185d; 38.75805 -105.96702, 38.75805 -105.96702, 2885m

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KHD00068231Janet L. Wingate   125672018-07-29
United States of America, Colorado, Jackson, North Park, Fischer Lake, W shore, N of road 12E, NE of Walden., 40.73798 -106.25912, 2438m

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KHD00068976Christina Alba   5592017-07-27
United States of America, Colorado, Lake, 0.3 mile east of the intersection of Highway 24 and County Rd 10 along the Arkansas River, Colorado, 39.16356 -106.31911, 2773m

Kent State University Herbarium

66407Looman, J.   1970-08-20

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00116734Tom Cramer   74401995-07-07
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: ca 11.5 air mi SW of Boulder., 2309m

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00116733Tom Cramer   82871995-07-15
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: Green River, ca 13 air mi N of Daniel Junction., 2309m

LSU:Vascular Plants
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LSU00075527D. Henderson   63961982-07-29
United States, Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest; E slope of Boulder Mountains, North Fork Big Lost River drainage. Dry, gravelly meadow (periodically flooded by Spring runoff) along S side of river ca 200 m upstream from the mouth of Corral Creek., 2283m

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030128C. L. Hitchcock   40821938-07-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Iola [S of]

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030129Joseph Andorfer Ewan   84391934-08-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, Mount Waterman, San Gabriel Mountains

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030130Joseph Andorfer Ewan   100611936-08-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Lilly Spring, Mount Hawkins, San Gabriel Mountains

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030131Frank W. Peirson   95271931-08-07
United States, California, El Dorado, Glen Alpine Creek, Grass Lake

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030132Victor Duran   35221933-07-20
United States, California, Los Angeles, Buckhorn, San Gabriel Mountains

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030133George W. Gillett   8711957-07-22
United States, California, Lassen, Snag Lake, Lassen Volcanic National Park

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
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NO0030185M. L. Fernald   1251893-08-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Saint Francis

Mesa Verde National Park

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MEVE 69852COLYER, MARILYN   1985-09-28
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, LITTLE LONG HOUSE

Michigan State University

MSC0230147Don Henson   
United States, Michigan, Delta, detailed locality information protected

MSC0241023Anna K. Fiedler   
United States, Michigan, Jackson, detailed locality information protected

MSC0230145E. G. Voss   
United States, Michigan, Delta, detailed locality information protected

MSC0230146O. A. Farwell   
United States, Michigan, detailed locality information protected

MSC0228951Michael Penskar   
United States, Michigan, Oakland, detailed locality information protected

Milwaukee Public Museum

B109568Merritt Lyndon Fernald   1893-08-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook

Muhlenbergia squarrosa (Trin.) Rydb.
B110619Richard W. Pohl   20871940-06-18
United States, California, San Bernardino

B154463Lawrence Leitner | L. M. Gawin   4650-4221992-07-10
United States, Wisconsin, Walworth, 42.60348736 -88.64856782

Minot State University

0-2028Hegstad   1969-08-11
United States, North Dakota, Burke, 5 miles north of Powers Lake, 48.6353 -102.6478

0-2029Hegstad   1970-07-26
United States, North Dakota, Mountrail, NA, 48.217 -102.3264

0-2030Hegstad   1971-08-02
United States, North Dakota, Williams, NA, 48.326 -103.42

0-2031Hegstad   1970-08-25
United States, North Dakota, Mountrail, NA, 48.217 -102.3264

0-2032Lautenschlager   1963-08-13
United States, North Dakota, Ward, West, northwest of Minot, 48.2325 -101.2963

52-25Alexey Shipunov, Liudmila Abramova   2012-07-13
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Slopes of hills and pothole, 48.46138452 -101.5469067

61-30Alexey Shipunov, Liudmila Abramova, Jared Schumaier, Raymond Krueger   2012-07-22
United States, North Dakota, Cavalier, Forests, slopes and wetlands on the east of big fork of Pembina Gorge, 48.96303354 -98.12474734

66-26Alexey Shipunov, Joshua Beaudoin   2012-07-25
United States, North Dakota, Steele, Wetlands and low prairie lands, 47.33700315 -97.65109312

81-8Alexey Shipunov, Liudmila Abramova   2012-08-05
United States, North Dakota, Burleigh, Stone outcroppings near highway 83, 46.96286976 -100.7853367

91-39Liudmila Abramova, Dallas Fry   2012-08-16
United States, North Dakota, Benson, Grassy Sheyenne river valley and coulees, 47.90084728 -99.59462815

91-53Liudmila Abramova, Dallas Fry   2012-08-16
United States, North Dakota, Benson, Grassy Sheyenne river valley and coulees, 47.90084728 -99.59462815

7k-16dKrueger   2015-06-10
United States, North Dakota, Adams, North Lemmon Lake WMA, North Lemmon Township, East Half of Section 10 and West Half of Section 11, 46.012 -102.164

Missouri Botanical Garden

1601752June Haines   56881985-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Sage Hen Creek, ca 9,5 air mi NE of Jeffrey City. Edge of water., 1890m

1601787Aven Nelson   37451897-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Point of Rocks., 2042m

1601795A.K. Evans   51321976-04-13
United States, California, Riverside, Desert canyons of Santa Rosa Mountains.

1601770David B. Dunn   27571946-08-18
United States, California, Riverside, Found Jolly Springs ravine on trail up Devil's Slide. San Jacinto Mts. Wellman Sieniga, damp soil.

1605144N. Duane Atwood   58941973-08-18
United States, Utah, Washington, Foothills S of Pinto on the N slope of the Pine Valley Mountains. Pinyon-juniper-mountain brush Community.

2566883Elihu Hall   6601862-00-00
United States, Rocky Mountains. Lat.: 39º-41º

2596098A.S. Hitchcock   13711916-09-03
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Ute Park. In moist sandy meadow along creek., 2350m

2596005Edward Palmer   s.n.1876-00-00
United States, Nevada, Camp Halleck.

2596644Patrick B. Kennedy   30991913-07-23
United States, Nevada, Lander, Battle Mountain, (in sod.)

2596627George W. Letterman   s.n.1885-08-00
United States, Wyoming, Sherman.

2596580Joseph Leidy   91941872-08-00
United States, Wyoming, Near Ft. Bridger.

2596457Edward Palmer   4811877-00-00
United States, Southern Utah, Northern Arizona.

2596532Aven Nelson   74341900-07-04
United States, Wyoming, Albany, On the sandy creek banks. Halleck Canon.

2596841Henry N. Bolander   18661866-00-00
United States, California, Yosrmite.

2596742Arnold J. Tiehm   74041982-07-24
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Pine Nuts Mts, along road from Dayton to Como, T15N, R22E, sec. 16., 1890m

2597342Cedric L. Porter   37521945-08-12
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Moist gravelly soil near Red Buttes, 10 miles south of Laramie.

2597309Aven Nelson   60121899-07-20
United States, Wyoming, In the open meadows, Mammoth Hot Springs.

2597259P.A. Rydberg   17411893-09-09
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Thedford, near spring.

2597161Bassett Maguire   261561945-08-08
United States, California, Mono, Locally common; sagebrush basin between heads of Cottonwood and Crooked Creeks, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest., 3505m

2597176Clifford W. Morden   6171982-09-27
United States, Nevada, Elko, 8 miles s of Wells toward Angel Lake in meadow of Artemisia tridentata community. Common in patches. Humboldt Range.

2597227J.M. Bates   s.n.1891-09-03
United States, Nebraska, Valentine, Separated from MO 928197.

2597011Howell*   s.n.1883-09-00
United States, Oregon, Goldendale.

2594907J. Francis Macbride   33771916-07-23
United States, Idaho, Custer, Dry flats creek bottom. Squaw Creek, near Clayton, 1676m

2594874John B. Leiberg   3391894-06-27
United States, Oregon, Crook, Camp at Dry Creek.

2594788John B. Leiberg   4141894-07-10
United States, Oregon, Crook, Sand Springs., 1625m

2594789Lester F. Ward   6111875-08-18
United States, Utah, Rabbit Valley., 2134m

2594754J. William Thompson   121211935-07-15
United States, Oregon, Harney, Alpine meadow near Fish Lake, Steens Mts., 2134m

2594723Morton E. Peck   70721914-07-22
United States, Oregon, Crook, Dry ground, Sisters.

2594631Stewardson Brown   14921908-08-12
Canada, Kootamy Plains, North Branch Saskatchewan River.

2594560Richard P. Williams   13401972-08-11
United States, North Dakota, Kidder, Low prairie with a high water table on W side of road near large slough, 4 mi N, 1 mi W of Tappen. Clayey soils. Ungrazed area.

2595056George Vasey   s.n.1885-00-00
United States, Colorado

2595104Anonymous   s.n.1894-08-06
United States, Utah, Fish Lake, In grouel, 8-6-94 P.L.R. From sheet 5746 of Marcus E. Jones., 2743m

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