UTC00245448 Leila M. Shultz 17804 2004-09-22
United States, California, Inyo, White Mountains, Reed Flats, 37.3858333 -118.1813889, 3060m
UTC00030216 L.F. Allen 1938-09-29
United States, Utah, Carbon, Upper Coal Creek., 39.5922222 -110.6711111, 2286m
UTC00140606 Arthur F Bruhn H-189 1955-08-14
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Breaks National Monument ; Hill Canorah [lat lon for the monument; cannot find 'Hill Canorah'], 37.6172222 -112.8463889, 3200m
UTC00017447 B.F. Harrison; E. Larsen 7935 1934-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Uinta, Evanston, 41.2761111 -110.9508333, 2042m
UTC00201694 Ronald L. Hartman; June Haines 20317 1985-06-02
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, 2.5 air miles Southeast of Independence Rock., 42.4819444 -107.0991667, 1890m
UTC00276063 D. Gentilcore 466 2015-08-01
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Lebo Spring. Sunrise Pass. Pine Nut Mountains., 39.055561 -119.569628, 1974m
UTC00125936 J. Beatley 9584 1969-09-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Near saddle into Cactus Flat 'D' Rd across so. Kawich Range., 37.8261111 -116.7097222, 2134m
UTC00256804 Alan T. Carpenter 81-416 1981-00-00
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Sorenson Mine-12UC, 41.7315 -110.6455
UTC00198562 Bob Meinke; Patrick Leary 2543 1978-06-05
United States, Oregon, Baker, SE of Unity Reservoir BLM Baker District., 44.4869444 -118.1952778, 1150m
UTC00034983 C.L. Hitchcock; J.S. Martin 5644 1939-08-04
United States, Nevada, White Pine, South side Sherman Ridge south end Ruby Range., 40.1161111 -115.5894444, 3048m
UTC00125941 J. Beatley 9652 1969-09-17
United States, Nevada, Nye, Columbine (So. Silent) Cyn no. of Area 19 camp and W of Jnct. of Pahute Mesa and 19-03 Rds., 1951m
UTC00177988 Monte E. Lewis 7328 1982-06-08
United States, Utah, Emery, Manti-La Sal National Forest ; Scad Valley, 39.496 -111.236, 2621m
UTC00120354 Calvin Lambourne 56 1961-07-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Lake Fork Stream., 2256m
UTC00205039 W. Padgett; M. Manning 2267 1987-07-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest ; Tonopah R.D. Monitor Range Barley Creek.;2.4 miles above U.S.F.S. boundary., 38.6358333 -116.6797222
UTC00159655 M.E. Peck 4093 1928-05-10
United States, Oregon, Baker, 5 miles east of Unity., 44.4238889 -118.1072222
UTC00236504 Betsy E. Neely; J Chambers; K Dwire 2494 1985-09-28
United States, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mtns. along Henry's Fork Creek at Phillips 66 campground., 40.9666667 -110.3033333
UTC00001591 Victor Duran 1930-07-20
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Chiatovitch Creek White Mountains, 37.8105556 -118.2588889, 2286m
UTC00282728 J. Beatley 9439 1969-08-09
United States, Nevada, Nye, Cedar Pass area near saddle, south Kawich Range., 37.7358 -116.3439, 2134m
UTC00020392 Bassett Maguire; B. L. Richards Jr. 13244 1934-08-11
United States, Utah, Sevier, In meadow near outlet of Fish Lake, 38.5202778 -111.7511111
UTC00195706 JC Johnson 30 1947-06-19
United States, California, Alpine, Toiyabe National Forest ; Toiyabe-Mono Division, 1981m
UTC00070807 C.L. Hitchcock; C.V. Muhlick 13686 1945-08-17
United States, Montana, Jefferson, 6 mi. N of Boulder along Helena-Butte highway., 46.3219444 -112.0627778
UTC00230868 Robert Moseley 2602 1992-08-05
United States, Idaho, Lemhi, Birch Creek Valley wetlands at head of Birch Creek ca 4 miles north of Lone Pine near Kaufman Guard Station., 44.2397222 -112.9636111, 1981m
UTC00291118 Diane Menuz Weber-208-13 2014-09-04
United States, Utah, SUMMIT, 40.978701 -111.020498, 2208m
UTC00201335 C.W. Morden 653 1982-10-07
United States, Utah, Garfield, Panguitch Lake, 37.7088889 -112.6338889
UTC00061945 August J. Breitung 352 1939-07-30
CANADA, Saskatchewan, McKague Saskatchewan, 52.6166667 -103.9333333
UTC00285931 Barbara L. Wilson 16988 2011-09-16
United States, Oregon, Harney, near campground and boat launch at Chickahominy Reservoir, north of Highway 20 between mile posts 99 and 100, west of the town of Riley, 43.54611 -119.61361, 1316m
UTC00173827 BF Harrison 12701 1957-08-05
United States, Utah, Sevier, Koosharem Reservoir, 38.6083333 -111.8416667
UTC00288872 Alan Carpenter 1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Bear River Divide, Elkol Sorenson Mine, approx. 1 km southwest of Elkol, 20 air miles southwest of Kemmerer, 2195m
UTC00151025 S.L. Hatch 2326 1976-09-03
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Ft. Stanton Exper. Range., 33.4280556 -105.6072222
UTC00288873 A.D. Smith 1937-07-14
United States, Utah, Heiners Canyon, near Echo
UTC00288874 G.P. Hallsten 2142 1985-08-23
United States, Nevada, Lander, Bob Scott's Summit, Toiyabe Range, 2225m
UTC00241714 Richard R. Halse 6551 2004-06-14
United States, Oregon, Harney, Chichahominy Reservoir, off of U.S. Hwy. 20 ca. 5.5 miles W of Riley., 43.7125 -119.6130556, 1312m
UTC00020417 Bassett Maguire; Ruth Maguire 13236 1934-08-08
United States, Utah, Iron, Spruce parks at junction three miles south of Cedar Breaks, 37.5730556 -112.8355556
UTC00139706 Larry C. Higgins 9142 1974-08-22
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, 15 miles east of Cimmaron on Hwy 58., 36.4586111 -104.6661111
UTC00070846 B. F. Harrison; Kent Harrison 10952 1945-09-03
United States, Utah, Summit, Junction of Blacks Fork with East Fork of Blacks Fork; North slope of Uinta Mts., 40.9522222 -110.5711111, 2743m
UTC00053517 Percy Train 2888 1939-05-27
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Antelope Flat 2 mi. NW of Cattle Trough Spring on Vya-Grass Valley road., 41.3744444 -119.6619444, 1615m
UTC00266100 Arnold Tiehm 16427 2012-06-07
United States, Nevada, Lander, Reese River Valley, .9 road mi S of old hwy 50 to Carroll Summit on a pole line road, about 6 air miles WSW of Austin, 39.453083 -117.170967, 1747m
UTC00164485 C.L. Hitchcock 15534 1947-06-18
United States, Idaho, Elmore, 6 miles west of Pine on road to Prairie P.O., 43.4794444 -115.3891667
UTC00030063 L.F. Allen 1938-09-29
United States, Utah, Carbon, Upper Coal Creek, 39.7997222 -110.6825, 2286m
UTC00151830 Mont E. Lewis 5186 1977-08-27
United States, Utah, Emery, Manti-La Sal National Forest ; South Horn drainage of Rock Canyon, 39.1336111 -111.2016667, 2530m
UTC00119080 Don Lyngholm; Blake Smith 50
United States, Arizona, Apache, Found in Lukachukai Mts., 36.4880556 -109.2147222, 2743m
UTC00096781 Thomas Howell 1885-06-05
United States, Oregon, Wheeler, Stein's Mountain
UTC00135418 Mont E. Lewis 1839 1969-07-15
United States, Nevada, Elko, Humboldt National Forest ; Lamoille Canyon west of upper crossing, 2652m
UTC00151092 Gary J. Pierce 1837 1972-05-27
United States, Nevada, Lander, Big Smoky Valley 6.3 miles S of US hwy 50 on Nev. Hwy 8A., 39.2508333 -116.9411111, 1737m
UTC00001653 Marcus E. Jones 438 1878-07-15
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Georgetown, 39.7036111 -105.6922222
UTC00284711 D. Gentilcore 254 2013-08-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, Within Elkhorn 1 burned area. Monitor Range., 38.570626 -116.706805, 2294m
UTC00272706 M. Warman 74 2013-08-22
UNITED STATES, NEVADA, ELKO, Foothills of Jarbidge Mountains, ~600 m southeast of Coyote Lake, 1978m
UTC00116730 Charlotte N. Smith 1296 1964-07-21
United States, California, Tulare, Lloyd Meadow near Freeman Creek below Soda Spring., 36.1444444 -118.4802778, 1692m
UTC00044826 Bassett Maguire 17497 1939-08-10
United States, Utah, Utah, Little Basin above falls along the trail from Timpooneke Station to Mt. Timpanogas, 40.4316667 -111.6386111, 2591m
UTC00265044 Walter Fertig 27785 2012-08-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau: Oquer Lake off FS Road 759A in Oquer Canyon, ca 15 air miles S of Jacob Lake, ca 5 air miles W of AZ Hwy 67, ca 11 air miles N of Grand Canyon NP. T36N R2E S19 NE4 of SW4 of SE4; 36.500445 -112.223146, 36.500445 -112.223146, 2588m
UTC00285683 Garrett G. Billings JM2016-153 2016-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest: Site 10
UTC00201468 Lowell Ahart 5126 1985-07-11
United States, California, Plumas, Below the high water line of Little Grass Valley Reservoir where the South Fork of the Feather River flows into the lak, 39.7469444 -120.9691667, 1585m
UTC00279292 G. Gust 2725 2015-06-17
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, White Rock Range, approximately 100m from Sawmill Creek at unnamed spring just off of ATV trail., 38.255327 -114.062619, 2224m
UTC00037398 Holmgren; Cooper; Cain 196 1939-06-10
United States, Nevada, Elko, 15 mi. S. of O'Neil., 41.4666667 -115.1541667, 1981m
UTC00142603 Mont E. Lewis 3581 1975-07-16
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Humboldt National Forest ; Just above NF boundary Indain Creek Santa Rosa Mt., 41.5588889 -117.6838889, 1646m
UTC00187697 J. S. Tuhy; J. M. Simmons 2000 1984-08-11
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ca. 9 miles North Currant West slope White Pine Peak, 38.8741667 -115.475, 2713m
UTC00195127 A. Taye 2618 1984-07-10
United States, Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mtns. Beaver River Canyon., 38.153 -112.834, 2134m
UTC00197456 Arnold Tiehm; Gary Schoolcraft 10220 1985-08-20
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Calico Mountains west side of High Rock Lake east side of cabins., 41.2838889 -119.2925, 1524m
UTC00193144 Betsy Neely; Alan Carpenter 2310 1984-08-10
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest ; West face of Mt. Harvard Sawatch Range along Continental Divide SE of Pine Creek above Missouri Basin. 1.5 miles no, 38.9277778 -106.3136111, 4267m
UTC00231212 Arnold Tiehm 13010 1999-06-30
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Calico Mountains McCarty Springs on the west side of the range E of the Barley Road, 41.1175 -119.2741667, 1929m
UTC00065832 Annie M. Alexander; Louise Kellogg 3096 1942-07-13
United States, California, Inyo, Lower Spring one and one-half miles north of New York Butte., 36.6747222 -117.9386111, 2682m
UTC00256531 Arnold Tiehm 15356 2006-09-11
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Huntoon Mountains, SW end of Truman Meadows., 37.95275 -118.444833, 2190m
UTC00044895 R. K. Gierisch 229 1936-08-30
United States, Utah, Iron, Lauder Ranger Station, 37.6669444 -112.7844444, 3139m
UTC00020568 Bassett Maguire; Ruth Maguire 13236 1934-08-08
United States, Utah, Iron, Sruce parks at junction three miles south of Cedar Breaks, 37.5730556 -112.8363889
UTC00080905 John Thomas Howell 25949 1949-07-30
United States, California, Tulare, Ramshaw Meadows., 36.3502778 -118.255, 2682m
UTC00017514 Frank W. Peirson 11644 1935-08-02
United States, California, El Dorado, State Line Lake Tahoe., 38.9594444 -119.9488889, 1905m
UTC00271990 Ertter, Barbara 7609 1988-06-18
UNITED STATES, California, Modoc, West side of Hwy 139 just south of where it crosses railroad at junction to Clear Lake, NE of Dry Lake east of Lava Beds National Monument, 1250m
UTC00180859 L. Arnow 6167 1983-09-05
United States, Utah, Summit, Wasatch Range. 11.4 mi E of Guardsmans Pass Divide between Salt Lake and Wasatch Co., 40.602895 -111.553813, 2707m
UTC00263941 Nick Otting 2042 2008-07-22
United States, Oregon, Grant, Blue Mountains, North Fork John Day River at Sulphur Gulch, 11.75 air miles southwest of ukiah, 44.997157 -119.072984
UTC00210348 M Curto 991 1993-06-21
United States, California, San Diego, Laguna Mts Laguna Meadow, 32.8666667 -116.4541667, 1670m
UTC00284710 D. Gentilcore 254 2013-08-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, Within Elkhorn 1 burned area. Monitor Range., 38.570626 -116.706805, 2294m
UTC00067034 Bassett Maguire 26156 1945-08-08
United States, California, Mono, Basin between heads of Cottonwood and Crooked Creeks, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest., 37.498366 -118.19906, 3505m
UTC00044909 B. Leonard BL60 1937-07-06
United States, Nevada, Elko, Humboldt National Forest ; McKenzie meadow., 40.7041667 -115.0813889, 1829m
UTC00015794 Victor Duran 3522 1933-07-20
United States, California, Los Angeles, Buckhorn San Gabriel Mts., 1981m
UTC00017520 Frank W. Pierson 1935-08-02
United States, California, El Dorado, State Line Lake Tahoe., 38.9588889 -119.9491667, 1905m
UTC00044910 Basil K. Crane 239BC 1938-06-25
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest ; Mud Springs A.S., 36.9958333 -116.8616667, 2134m
UTC00044912 Andrews; Noble 1936-08-15
United States, Utah, Uintah, Diamond Valley N of Vernal., 40.6511111 -109.2688889, 2134m
UTC00044913 Bassett Maguire 16764 1939-06-09
United States, Nevada, Elko, Pole Creek 18 mi. N. Wells., 41.3755556 -114.9436111
UTC00044916 Bassett Maguire 19176 1940-06-28
United States, Utah, Garfield, Powell National Forest ; Frequent open places Blue Spruce Forest Camp Cow Puncher Creek Yellow Pine Belt Aquarius Plateau, 37.9733333 -111.6525
UTC00044917 Bassett Maguire 18973 1940-06-22
United States, Utah, Garfield, Abundant dry south shore of Panguitch Lake, 37.7080556 -112.6502778, 2469m
UTC00150756 Stanton 579 1931-07-03
United States, Utah, Utah, Diamond Fork Canyon, 40.0313 -111.4963, 2134m
UTC00202998 P.M. Peterson; C.R. Annable 4511 1986-09-17
United States, Colorado, Lake, 13 mi S of Leadville 4 mi N of Granite on Hwy 24 W side of Hwy in meadow., 39.1037 -106.2988
UTC00248050 C. w. Morden 623 1982-09-28
United States, California, El Dorado, Along Hwy 50 at South Lake Tahoe in meadow near Trout Creek., 38.9325 -119.9791, 1875m
UTC00167556 John Allan 723 1975-08-07
United States, Utah, Emery, Wasatch Plateau W of Castledale. S Horn Mountain at S branch of Olsen Hollow., 39.1363889 -111.2083333, 2438m
UTC00228571 AS Hitchcock 1371 1916-09-03
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Ute Park, 36.5580556 -105.1147222, 2350m
UTC00068792 C.L. Hitchcock; C.V. Muhlick 10995 1944-08-12
United States, Idaho, Custer, Mahogany Creek 2 miles from junction with Pahsimeroi River Lost River Mts. vicinity of Mt. Borah., 44.1575 -113.7147222
UTC00248060 C. W. Morden 582 1982-09-09
United States, Colorado, Saguache, 13 mi. N. of Villa Grove, 38.3894 -106.0187, 2713m
UTC00248061 C. W. Mordden 619 1982-09-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, 2.5 mi E. of E. Elko, 40.8223 -115.7278, 1524m
UTC00256549 Arnold Tiehm 15349 2006-09-10
United States, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, canyon just east of Morey Peak., 38.633861 -116.278444, 2770m
UTC00216708 M Curto; L Allen; M Hysell 1624 1995-08-18
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Utah Hwy 30 at mile 38.5 from the Nevada state line just S of the intersection with Muddy Ranch Road, 41.6763889 -113.5319444, 1576m
UTC00289032 A. Tiehm 18537 2019-08-18
USA, Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Range, just S of campground north of Highway 225 at N end of Wildhorse Reservoir, 41.68835 -115.82046, 1859m
UTC00278568 George K. Helmkamp 19475 2012-07-22
United States, California, Sierra, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: Little Truckee River valley along Hwy CA-89, 3.5 road miles north of the Nevada County line, 9.6 air miles SE (136°) of Sierraville, 39.48944 -120.24139, 1878m
UTC00190181 Barbara Ertter 4094 1981-06-02
United States, Idaho, Ada, SW side Indian Cr. Reservoir (Orchard Exit on I-84)., 43.3872222 -116.0152778, 1021m
UTC00269214 Paul W. Conrad 131 1961-09-23
United States, Utah, Uintah, Unit 7 Plot 2. T1S R22E Sec 23. Diamond Mtn., 2469m
UTC00039640 Phillip A. Munz 15347 1938-08-14
United States, California, Riverside, Virgin Spring Santa Rosa Peak., 33.5297222 -116.4294444, 2286m
UTC00145403 A. H. Holmgren; Gary Boyle 16 139 1976-08-16
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, unspecified, 42.3258333 -107.7658333, 2347m
UTC00095916 Malcolm A. Nobs; S. Galen Smith 1524 1949-08-21
United States, California, Sierra, Island School Sierra Valley.
UTC00137821 Sherel Goodrich 2020 1973-07-30
United States, Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest ; Flaming Gorge District. Half Moon Park meadow, 40.8786111 -109.8186111, 2560m
UTC00106234 W.G. Dore 12003 1950-07-24
CANADA, Alberta, 15 miles north of Wild Horse southeastern corner of Alberta, 49.1 -110.2166667
UTC00106235 W.G. Dore 12260 1950-08-02
Canada, Alberta, Blood Indian Reservation. 15 miles north of Cardston Alta, 49.2 -113.3